I love raytracers; in fact I’ve written half a book about them. Probably less known is my love for the ZX Spectrum, the 1982 home computer I grew up with, and which started my interest in graphics and programming. This machine is so ridiculously underpowered for today’s standards (and even for 1980s standards), the inevitable question is, to what extent could I port the Computer Graphics from Scra
This ray tracer is based on and inspired by Matt Taylor's cmake-raytracer. In addition to not supporting floating point values like CMake, Meson does not allow user defined functions, and all objects are immutable. It also does not have while loops, only python-style for loops. There are a few ways to implement a ray tracer given these constraints. One way would be to take the algorithm, inline al
MoonRay is DreamWorks’ open-source, multi-award-winning, state-of-the-art production MCRT renderer, which has been used on feature films such as How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, The Bad Guys, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, the newest release, Kung Fu Panda 4, as well as future titles. MoonRay was developed at DreamWorks and is in continuous active development and includes an extensive li
git repository One of the defining features of meson is its lack of turing-completeness. An oft-cited example of why this is bad to have in your build system is a ray tracer implemented in pure cmake, with the argument being that this proves the build language is too general. For some reason I took this as a challenge, and felt the need to see just how difficult it would be to implement a ray trac
Okay I ended up making this write-up waaaaaay too long, so before I get into any of the jargon, let’s take a look at the finished product: Orbiting around the equator of a supermassive black hole, with an off-axis accretion disk. Orbiting laterally from the equator to the north pole of a slightly less supermassive black hole. Sitting near the accretion disk of a really, really supermassive black h
最近よく聞く「レイトレーシング」 一体ナニモノ?:レイトレーシングが変えるゲームグラフィックス(第1回)(1/3 ページ) 2018年、NVIDIAがリアルタイムレイトレーシング(RT)に対応するGPU「GeForce RTX 20シリーズ」を発表した。このことは、2000年に誕生した「プログラマブルシェーダー」以来となるグラフィックスパイプラインにおける大きな“変革”をもたらした。 →NVIDIAが新アーキテクチャの「GeForce RTX」シリーズを発表 価格は499ドルから そして2020年、ついに家庭用ゲーム機にもRT機能が搭載された。そう、「PlayStation 5(PS5)」と「Xbox Series X」「Xbox Series S」のことである。これらのゲーム機にAPU(GPU統合型CPU)を提供しているAMDも同年、RTに対応するGPU「Radeon RX 6000シリ
My first Haskell program and how easily I optimized it from 33m to 17s. 1800x1012 scene generated containing 533 objects rendered with 500 samples and 50,000 rays per pixel.BackgroundFew weeks back, my colleague at work, Eyal Kalerdon, shared his implementation of ray-tracing-in-one-weekend in Rust, which inspired me to try this as well. I, however, chose Haskell for this, thinking I’ll not only l
I do graphics and engine programming for games. I'm the author of Practical Shader Development, which is all about learning to write shaders. Check out some other stuff I've written A few months back, there was a post on Reddit (link), which described a game that used an open source clone of Notepad to handle all its input and rendering. While reading about it, I had the thought that it would be r
This scene consists of three spheres and three boxes. The scene is illuminated by three point light sources. One light source is shining from the top right corner of the scene. This light source is behind the camera. This casts the shadow of the green box on the blue ball and that of the blue ball on the yellow one. Another one is shining from the left side of the scene. This light source is also
This repository is an embryonic collection of ray tracers written with parallel functional programming techniques. The intent is to investigate, on a rather small and simple problem, to which degree functional programming lives up to the frequent promise of easy parallelism, and whether the resulting code is actually fast in an objective sense. The benchmarking technique is mostly crude, so assume
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