2018年5月28日開催 『Container SIG 2018 Summer』のスライド資料です。Read less
2018年5月28日開催 『Container SIG 2018 Summer』のスライド資料です。Read less
This document summarizes Amazon Web Services Japan speaker Tsukagoshi Keisuke's presentation on AWS AppSync. It introduces AppSync as a fully managed GraphQL service that allows building GraphQL APIs integrated with various data sources like Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and Elasticsearch. AppSync provides a GraphQL schema definition language to define types and queries, uses Apache Velocity Templa
This document summarizes a conference presentation about Go tools and libraries. It discusses swaggo for generating Swagger documentation from Go code comments, scaneo for scanning Go code to find database queries, and go-openapi/spec for generating OpenAPI/Swagger specifications from Go code. It also provides an overview of using the Go AST and code generation tools.Read less
2. 自己紹介 山口能迪(やまぐちよしふみ) id : ymotongpoo 「とんぷー」と呼んでください OSSのドキュメント翻訳をしています Tornado (軽量Webフレームワーク) Redis (高機能KVS) Jinja2 (テンプレートエンジン) など 3. 自己紹介:渋川よしき 仕事 大手製造業の社内SE 社外で技術習得して社内で楽をする 参加コミュニティ SphinxUsers.jp会長 翻訳ハッカソンとかを継続開催予定 日本XPユーザグループ代表 とちぎRuby Python温泉(系) 11/14にPython Hack-‐a-‐thon 今年出した本 IT業界を楽しく生き抜くための つまみぐい勉強法(技術評論社) エキスパートPythonプログラミ
日本語が消えてしまっています。。。完全版はSpeakerDeckの方に上げました↓ https://speakerdeck.com/marcyterui/reliability-engineering-for-enterprise-serverlessRead less
2018-02-28 wed. 第 3 回 Google Cloud INSIDE Games & Apps Fringe81株式会社 豊島 正規 氏の登壇スライドです。Read less
The document discusses property-based testing and its advantages over example-based testing. It describes how property-based testing uses generators to generate random inputs from the set of all possible inputs for a function. This allows tests to cover a wide range of cases rather than just specific examples. It also discusses how property-based testing frameworks like Testcheck use techniques li
2017/10/20(金) アイレット様主催の「雲勉」で発表させていただいた「Kubernetes」の資料です!Read less
1) Mercari has transitioned some services to microservices architecture running on Kubernetes in the US region to improve development velocity. 2) Key challenges in operating microservices include deployment automation using Spinnaker, and observability of distributed systems through request tracing, logging, and metrics. 3) The architecture is still evolving with discussions on service mesh and c
This document contains the transcript from a presentation titled "So You Wanna Go Fast?" by Tyler Treat. Some of the key topics discussed include measuring performance using tools like pprof, how different language features in Go like channels, interfaces, and memory management can impact performance, and techniques for writing concurrent and multi-core friendly code in Go like using read-write mu
機械学習とif文が地続きであることを解説しました。 ver.2 質問への回答を追加し、顧客価値の小問に図を追加してわかりやすくかみ砕きました。Read less