先週の土曜にビズアイユさん、坂井さんともに、慶應大学日吉キャンパスへ出かけてきました。目的は、遠山元道準教授の研究室へお邪魔してSuperSQL という新言語のお話を聞くこと。6時間超にわたって遠山先生自らプレゼンとQA までしていただくという非常に贅沢な時間でした。 SuperSQL は、名前から連想するような SQL の拡張言語ではありません。これは遠山先生も強調していたのですが、私の理解した範囲で表現すると、これは HTML、LATEX、Ajax など「表示」をつかさどるプレゼンテーション・レイヤーと SQL というミドル・レイヤーをラップする言語です。 もともと、歴史的には SQL はプレゼンテーションを意識しない言語として開発されました。その目的はあくまで欲しいデータを検索することであって、見せ方は上位レイヤーの仕事なので自分は関知しない、という分業の方針に基づいています。これは
MonetDB is a high performance relational database system for analytics RobustMonetDB offers a robust SQL compliant database interface, enabling applications ranging from pure analytics to hybrid transactional/analytical processing. It supports common features including keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures, along with full-ACID properties for concurrent transactions. Additionally, Mo
This is possibly the lowest-hanging fruit ever. After WebKit folks released their implementation of the HTML5 SQL storage specification, Gears immediately became the odd man out, the non-standards-compliant implementation. Never you mind that this part of the spec is still basically a twinkle in Hixie‘s eye. By adding the SQL bit into the latest WebKit nightlies (Windows users are still blissfully
Dưới đây là một số bài viết SQL cơ bản chúng tôi đã tổng hợp để bạn đọc.
OverviewCLSQL is a SQL database for Common Lisp interface maintained by Kevin M. Rosenberg. CLSQL uses the Universal Foreign Function Interface (UFFI) library for broad compatibility.CLSQL is compatible with AllegroCL, Lispworks, SBCL, CMUCL, and OpenMCL. It has been tested with Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD on a number of different CPU architectures.
Gladius DB is a fast and efficient PHP flatfile database engine written in pure PHP; its SQL syntax is compatible with a subset of intermediate SQL92. You will not need any specific extension to have it work, and it is bundled with an adoDB lite driver. See also the Gladius DB sourceforge.net project Donations You can actively support this Free Software making a donation Using Gladius in your soft