JERUSALEM — In a highly unusual response to criticism from European nations on the Security Council, the Israeli Foreign Ministry bluntly accused the countries of “interfering with Israel’s domestic affairs” and warned that they risked making themselves “irrelevant.” The heated diplomatic exchange reflected growing tension and frustration over the impasse in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
“外務省 日中国交正常化に慎重” 12月22日 10時3分 日中国交正常化交渉を巡る外交文書が公開され、国連の中国の代表権が台湾の国民党政権から北京の共産党政権に移る1971年、当時の外務省は、国連総会の選挙で「台湾が勝つチャンスは相当多い」と分析し、正常化に慎重だったことが分かりました。専門家は「外務省は世界の潮流を捉え損ねていた」と指摘しています。 1970年12月1日付けの外務省の文書によりますと、当時、北京の共産党政権を中国の唯一の合法政府と承認していた国は31か国、台湾の国民党政権を支持していたのは日本やアメリカを含め10か国となっています。こうしたなか、翌71年2月20日付けの、当時の法眼外務審議官による「中国問題処理上の感想」という文書によりますと、法眼氏は、国連総会の中国の代表権を巡る選挙について「国民党政府が僅少の差をもって勝つチャンスは、相当多いと思われる」と分析してい
Some time in the late 1990s, the music video director Mark Romanek approached his friend Trent Reznor to compose the score for his feature debut One Hour Photo, a thriller in which lab technician Robin Williams becomes obsessed with a suburban family. It was not the happiest time for Reznor, who was straining to complete the third Nine Inch Nails album and, he says, was about to "slip off a cliff
Lately I have been hard to reach, even when I am surrounded by friends and loved ones. I don’t want to talk or think, my brain is a merry-go-round of ideas and knowledge that I wish were not there. 2 weeks ago I was noticing how everyone around me is falling apart: physically, psychologically, and emotionally. And the worst part is the helplessness you feel, knowing that you can’t offer them any r