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Environmental groups are claiming a major victory after the online retailer Amazon removed whale meat products from its site in Japan. Amazon was accused of hypocrisy by the UK-based environmental investigation agency (EIA) after investigators found 147 whale products for sale on the site, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Seattle-based company. The products contravened the firm's policy of refusin
Japan's whaling fleet has left port under heavy guard as it prepares to kill almost 1,000 whales in the Antarctic, where more clashes are expected with members of the Sea Shepherd marine conservation group. Three ships, led by the 720-tonne Yushin Maru and accompanied by a fisheries agency guard vessel, left Shimonoseki port in south-western Japan amid accusations that the fleet was taking cash in
Japan and the US proposed to investigate and act against international anti-whaling activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as part of a political deal to reduce whaling in Antarctic waters. Four confidential cables from the US embassy in Tokyo and the state department in Washington, released by WikiLeaks, show US and Japanese diplomats secretly negotiating a compromise agreement ahea
An estranged former member of direct action anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd alleges it ordered its own boat to be scuttled to win public sympathy. Peter Bethune was captain of the hi-tech Ady Gil when its bow was shorn off in a collision with a Japanese whaler it was shadowing in January. It sank two days later, but Mr Bethune now alleges he was ordered to scuttle it by Sea Shepherd head Paul Wats
Plans to overturn the 25-year old global ban on commercial whaling in return for reducing the numbers of whales killed each year were in confusion today with governments and groups divided. The 88 countries who are members of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) today agreed to meet in closed session for two days in Agadir, Morocco, to decide whether to adopt a draft plan which would allow N
Members of a Japanese nationalist group in Yokohama recently demanded that a local theater not show the film “The Cove.”Credit...Ko Sasaki for The New York Times YOKOHAMA, Japan � “The Cove,” an Oscar-winning documentary about dolphin hunting in Japan, would seem to be a natural fit for movie theaters here, but so far the distributor has yet to find a single one that will screen the film. And if S
【ロンドン時事】13日付英紙サンデー・タイムズは、「捕鯨をめぐる日本のわいろの実態を暴露」との見出しで、今月21〜25日にモロッコで開かれる国際捕鯨委員会(IWC)年次総会に向け、日本が商業捕鯨再開への支持獲得を狙って加盟国を「買収」していると報じた。 同紙記者らがロビイストなどを装い、「捕鯨賛成派」のグレナダやコートジボワール、ギニア、キリバスなど6カ国の政府高官に接触。高官らは(1)日本からの援助金目当てに捕鯨支持に回った(2)自国代表団の総会関係の旅費や滞在費を日本から支給された―などと認めたとしている。 【関連ニュース】 ・ 〔写真特集〕調査捕鯨 ・ 元船長に懲役2年求刑=シー・シェパード捕鯨妨害−東京地裁 ・ 〔用語解説〕シー・シェパードとは ・ 【動画】シー・シェパード妨害船と衝突=日本船、けが人なし ・ 〔写真特集〕世界の豪華客船
【法廷ライブ SS元船長求刑】(4)完 《懲役2年の求刑を受けた後、裁判長に促され証言台の前に立ったピーター・ジェームス・ベスーン被告(45)。ゆっくりと日本語で、手にした書面を読み上げ始めた。英語なまりが強く残った片言の日本語だが、声は高く、はっきりと聞き取れる》 被告「私が日本の皆さんに理解していただきたいことを2つ述べたいと思います。私が抗議活動に参加した理由ですが、日本の違法な捕鯨活動を抗議しようとしたのであり、乗組員にけがをさせようとする意図はありませんでした」 《ベスーン被告はまず初めに反捕鯨論に簡単に触れ、そのうえで、捕鯨妨害で日本船の乗組員を傷つける意図がなかったことを強調した。そして改めて反捕鯨論を展開していく》 被告「私は、日本には日本の、ニュージーランドにはニュージーランドの法律があり、捕鯨に対する考えが違うのも理解しています」 「しかし、日本の調査捕鯨は実