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  • iiirc

    21:09 onigra: http://www.47news.jp/CN/201510/CN2015103001001184.html ★0 コンビニエンスストア大手のセブン―イレブン・ジャパンは30日、鳥取県に初出店した。県西部の米子市に3店舗を開店。同社によると、都道府県で46番目の出店で、空白県は沖 ★0 21:17 ausuited: 鳥取市じゃなくて米子市なあたり分かってる、とかいいそう。 ★2 21:17 youkaiantena: その通りですよ ★0 kiha [2:19 PM] ひさいちくんが飛んできてくれた ★0 hsbt [2:19 PM] さすが ★0 hsbt [2:19 PM] 後は頼む ★0 hsbt [2:19 PM] ダメなら呼んで ★0 hisaichi5518 [2:20 PM] ごっちゃんに任せた ★2 hsbt [2:20 PM] 丸投げだ ★0

  • BotBot.me + Startup Resources | Startup Resources

    We are super excited to announce that BotBot.me has been acquired by Startup Resources. BotBot.me was founded with the unique goal of making “IRC logs awesome”. We look forward to serving long time BotBot patrons with similarly engaging content related to Internal Relay Chat (IRC). To learn more you can read our IRC guide or our post on how to setup an IRC channel. In addition, we will also be pro

    BotBot.me + Startup Resources | Startup Resources
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