
ブックマーク / microformats.org (2)

  • abbr design pattern - Microformats Wiki

    Purpose Use the abbr-design-pattern when you have localized, language, or design-specific human readable information that you want to markup and also provide a more globally human and machine readable alternative. Authors MUST NOT use the abbr-design-pattern to hide data. The contents of the <abbr> tag's title attribute MUST be both human-readable and human-listenable (e.g. for screenreaders), and

    amachang 2010/01/26
    microformat の仕様に厳密だと title 属性使いたかったら abbr じゃないといけないのか。でも、みんな便宜的に span を使ってるってこと?
  • figure-examples - Microformats Wiki

    Figure examples This page documents examples of mark up for figures like images, captions and data tables in webpages and the class-names that they've used - Chris Messina The Problem There are no HTML tags for identifying or marking up supporting content like illustrative images (as in encyclopaedic references), photographs and their captions, credits or licenses (as in news articles) or data tab

    amachang 2007/10/01
    HTML で、図や写真にキャプションやクレジットやライセンスの情報を記述するときのデザインパターン。実例を紹介。HTML5 の figure 要素についても言及。
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