What readers have to say: “Spent the afternoon reading @raganwald's JavaScript Allongé, the Six Edition. Highly recommended. Let the refactoring begin!”—Marcus Vorwaller “I think it’s one of the best tech books I’ve read since Sedgewick’s Algorithms in C.”—Andrey Sidorov “Your explanation of closures in JavaScript Allongé is the best I've read.”—Emehrkay “It's a different approach to JavaScript th
100% Flux A true flux compliant library in a very small size. Actions are fire and forget, stores have no setters, you get constants, and Flux's single dispatcher. Server Side Rendering Alt comes with support for building Isomorphic JavaScript applications right out of the box. Snapshots At any point in time you can take a snapshot of the entire application state and then reload it later. This ope
The speed of innovation in JavaScript Land is so high, that some people even think it is counter-productive. A library can go from early-adopter toy, to state-of-art, to obsolescence in the course of a few months. Being able to identify a tool that is going to stay relevant for at least another year is becoming an art itself. When React.js was released two years ago, I was just learning Angular, a
React.js is a fantastic library. Sometimes it seems like the best thing since sliced Python. React is only one part of a front-end application stack, however. It doesn’t have much to offer when it comes to managing data and state. Facebook, the makers of React, have offered some guidance there in the form of Flux. Flux is an “Application Architecture” (not a framework) built around one-way data fl
さて、RequireJS、Browserify、webpackなど様々なクライアントサイドの依存管理ツールが出ていますが今日はjspmについて紹介します。 jspmとは jspmとはSystemJSを利用したクライアントサイドのモジュールローダーのためのパッケージ管理システムです。不明な言葉が連続しますね、そもそものSystemJSとは何なのでしょうか? jspm SystemJSとは SystemJSとはES6 modules,AMD,CommonJS,global scriptなどこれまでに登場してきた様々なJavaScriptのモジュール管理方法を普遍的な形で利用できるモジュールローダーです。また、Traceur CompilerとBabelなどのtranspilerを利用して使うことが前提とされています。 SystemJSは、Browserifyとは異なりビルドを必要とせず開発中は