You can now take advantage of a simpler method of authentication by using tokens instead of certificates when sending push notifications. A token is easy to generate, doesn’t expire, and can be used to send notifications to all of your apps. Learn more about push notifications.
Xcode 8 Release Notes Technical Support and Learning Resources Apple provides the following web resources to support your development with Xcode: Apple Developer Forums . Participate in discussions about developing for Apple platforms and using developer tools. Bug Reporter . Report issues, enhancement requests, and feedback to Apple. Provide detailed information, including the system and develope
Just tried to upload our app and got the following errors: This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSCalendarsUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data. This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPh
App Store Improvements To make it easier for customers to find great apps that fit their needs, we want to ensure that apps available on the App Store are functional and up to date. We are implementing an ongoing process of evaluating apps, removing apps that no longer function as intended, don’t follow current review guidelines, or are outdated. What to expect What types of apps will be affected?
We love helping customers discover innovative, useful, and exciting apps on the App Store. With more than 2 million apps available and around 100,000 new and updated apps submitted each week, there’s something for everyone. To make it easier for customers to find great apps that fit their needs, we’re implementing two suggestions from the developer community starting September 7, 2016. Quality App
Techniques for Customizing Synthesized SpeechThis chapter describes how to fine-tune the speech your application generates. It provides guidelines for using speech synthesis APIs and embedded speech commands and it includes a number of examples of specific tasks. This chapter also describes several ways you can improve your application’s spoken output. If you need fine-grained control over the gen
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iOS OpenGL ES プログラミングガイド 目次 OpenGL ESについて 10 はじめに 10 OpenGL ESはiOSにおけるプラットフォームに依存しないAPI 11 GLKitによる描画サーフェスとアニメーションサポートの提供 11 iOSでの代替レンダリング対象のサポート 12 アプリケーションに必要な追加のパフォーマンスチューニング 12 バックグラウンドアプリケーションでOpenGL ESを使用できない可能性について 13 OpenGL ESによるマルチスレッドアプリケーションへのその他の制約事項 13 この文書の使い方 13 必要事項 14 関連項目 14 OpenGL ESを組み込んでiOSアプリケーションを構築するためのチェックリスト 15 サポートするOpenGL ESバージョンの選択 15 OpenGL ESの機能の検証 16 レンダリング先の選択 17
iMessage Apps and Stickers Help users express themselves in richer ways, create and share content, play games, make payments, and more — without ever leaving their conversations. Learn how to prepare, build, and submit apps for the App Store for iMessage. And businesses can connect with customers directly within Messages for customer support and commerce. Your iMessage apps will be available on th
Promote your app where it matters most. Apple Search Ads helps people discover your app on the App Store, matching customers with your app at the right moments. Be Discovered. The App Store is a global platform that connects businesses of all sizes with over 650 million people each week. For over a decade, it’s proven to be a safe and trusted place for people to discover and download apps like you
iOS 10.0This article summarizes the key developer-related features introduced in iOS 10, which runs on currently shipping iOS devices. The article also lists the documents that describe new features in more detail. For late-breaking news and information about known issues, see Release Notes at For the complete list of new APIs added in iOS 10, see iOS 10.
Collections App Services Audio & Video Design Developer Tools Maps & Location Photos & Camera Swift SwiftUI & UI Frameworks System Services Platforms iOS iPadOS macOS tvOS visionOS watchOS App Services 26:13 Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 2 iOS, iPadOS Learn how CarPlay integrates with your car's infotainment system. Understand how CarPlay is designed to work with your car's resources including
新機能 イベント参加者限定の懇親会やミニイベント開催に対応した「サブイベント機能」をリリースしました。 イベント運営を簡素化し、参加者の登録漏れや確認漏れを防ぐのにご活用ください。 主催の方はサブイベントを作成するから、参加者の方はサブイベントが設定されているイベントに参加するから詳細をご確認いただけます。 新機能 connpass APIに新しい機能を追加しました。「イベント一覧API」に都道府県での絞り込み機能を追加しました。また「イベント一覧API」および「参加イベントAPI」で画像URLをレスポンスで返却ように拡充しました。詳細な仕様や利用方法は、APIリファレンスをご確認ください。API利用を希望される方は、connpassのAPI利用についてをご覧ください。
はじめに Appleから提供されている WWDC 2016 に関する公式情報をまとめてみました。 What's New in XXX 新バージョンの OS の開発者向けの新機能を解説している資料です。 What's New in iOS What’s New in Xcode What's New in watchOS What's New in OS X What's New in tvOS API Differences API の差分を解説している資料です。 iOS 9.3 to iOS 10.0 API Differences watchOS 2.2 to watchOS 3.0 API Differences OS X v10.12 API Diffs tvOS 9.2 to 10.0 API Differences API Reference 各「API Reference」へ
Learn to code with Swift Playgrounds Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary app for iPad and Mac that helps you learn to code and build apps using Swift, the same powerful language used to create world-class apps for the App Store. Engaging lessons and walkthroughs demonstrate the core concepts of coding and building apps as you write real Swift code in an interactive environment. Learn and explore
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