An SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL. Allows Postgres queries to be written within Haskell in a typesafe and composable fashion. [Skip to Readme] OpaleyeOpaleye.AdaptorsOpaleye.AggregateOpaleye.BinaryOpaleye.ColumnOpaleye.DistinctOpaleye.ExistsExperimentalOpaleye.Experimental.EnumOpaleye.FieldOpaleye.FunctionalJoinInternalOpaleye.Internal.AggregateOpaleye.Internal.BinaryOpaleye.Internal.Colu
I’m not big on custom templating languages, for reasons I’ll write about another time. I prefer EDSLs. I preferred the xhtml package back when that was what everybody used. It looked like this: header << thetitle << "Page title" thediv noHtml ! [theclass "logo"] << "…" thediv noHtml ! [identifier "login"] Pretty line-noisy to read, write and hard to edit in a reasonable manner. Later, blaze-html b
Summary: I've written a continuous integration system, in Haskell, designed for large projects. It works, but probably won't scale yet. I've just released bake, a continuous integration system - an alternative to Jenkins, Travis, Buildbot etc. Bake eliminates the problem of "broken builds", a patch is never merged into the repo before it has passed all the tests. Bake is designed for large, produc
By: Silk Engineering BlogJune 30th 2014We are excited to officially announce the open source release of our REST framework rest! rest is a set of packages used to write, document, and use RESTful applications. You write your API in Haskell using rest’s DSL. This API can then be run in different web frameworks like happstack, snap, or wai. Additionally, you can automatically generate documentation
Cryptol is a mathematically-focused programming language for creating, analyzing, and verifying complex cryptographic algorithms. Intuitive, expressive, and precise, Cryptol and its associated software tools allow you to describe algorithms in the language of mathematics and prove key security and other properties. View on GitHub Download Expressive Syntax: Cryptol’s high-level abstraction and int
Over the past few months, Duncan and I have been working with Chris Dornan and Alfredo Di Napoli on api-tools, a DSL for specifying data schemas for REST-like APIs in Haskell. If you’re interested in the real-world use of Haskell, static types and DSLs, why not come along to hear Chris talk about it? Wednesday 9th April, 6:30pm, London Find out more and register for free over at Skills Matter: Typ
前のポストでGADTを使って型付きの抽象構文木(AST)を表現する方法について書いたが、ここではそのASTから他の言語のコード生成する方法について調査・検討した結果を記す。@keigoiさんの記事(に触発され、一部借用したものである。なお、今回のコード生成の方法論はASTの型付き・型なしの区別にかかわらず使える。 MatlabのDSL in Haskell 今回例として扱うのは、Matlab(行列計算言語・統合環境)の行列計算を表現するようなDSL。最小構成として、2次元行列の加減乗算と要素の取り出しを表現したい。(Matlabの文法の簡単な説明はこれなどを参照。
Haskell ベースで内部 DSL として実装された HDL である Lava に関するメモです。 バージョン等は 2011 年 11 月現在 Lava とは Lava はハードウェア記述言語で、Haskell ベースの内部 DSL として実装されています。Chalmers (ちゃーまーず、ないし、しゃるめる、などと日本では読んでいるようです) 大学 (関数型言語の研究が盛んで HBC と HBI という Haskell 処理系などを作ったりしています) 版が本家? らしく、他に機能の追加と削除などがされている派生版がいくつかあります。 Lava のバリエーション Chalmers -- chalmers-lava2000 という Hackage があるのでそれを使えばよいでしょう Xilinx -- xilinx-lava / FoP の Lava の章の執筆者のひとりである Satn
Two weeks ago, I briefly introduced a way of representing Assembly Language in Haskell code, in order to illustrate the programming paradigm to which it belongs. In a move that is sure to scare off both high-level and low-level programmers, I shall now explain how a Monad implementing 6502 Assembly can be created. In real code, this would use more abstract or efficient types, but in this article I