This document discusses machine learning concepts including algorithms, data inputs/outputs, runtimes, and trends in academia vs industry. It notes that while academia focuses on algorithm complexity, industry prioritizes data-driven approaches using large datasets. Ensemble methods combining many simple models generally perform better than single complex models. Specific ML techniques discussed i
By Ilya Grigorik on January 06, 2010 Working with large streams of data is becoming increasingly widespread, be it for log, user behavior, or raw firehose analysis of user generated content. There is some very interesting academic literature on this type of data crunching, although much of it is focused on query or network packet analysis and is often not directly applicable to the type of data we
最近プラグインを作ったりしてTermtterが便利になってきたので,ご紹介です. Gemにはまだ入っていません 最近作ったプラグインなので,gem termtterには,まだ入っていません.GithubのTermtterをcloneしてbin/termtterを使うと,今回紹介するプラグインが使えます. UserStream受信する Termtterはデフォルトでは定期的にタイムラインを取得しに行くが,user_streamプラグインを利用すると,UserStreamを受信できます. favoriteされた,followされた,statusをdeleteした,listに追加されたり外されたりした,といったイベントも流れてきて便利です. Termtterはデフォルトでは定期的にタイムラインを取得しに行くので,1分くらいは何か
There are many guides for setting up Rails development environments on various platforms including Mac OS and Ubuntu. I thought I'd mix it up a little with my complete guide on setting up a production Mac OS server. Update 2011-02-12: Added a note to the backups section on excluding large changing files (such as databases) from Time Machine backups. Update 2011-03-26 All launchd configuration file
MongoDB Ruby Driver Tutorial This tutorial gives many common examples of using MongoDB with the Ruby driver. If you're looking for information on data modeling, see MongoDB Data Modeling and Rails. Links to the various object mappers are listed on our object mappers page. Interested in GridFS? See GridFS in Ruby. As always, the latest source for the Ruby driver can be found on github. Installation
みなさま、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。以前人のことをオサーンオサーン云いまくっていたけどその当時のオサーン年齢のもうすぐ三十路になります secondlife ですこんばんわ。言葉のしっぺ返しが痛い今日この頃です。 さて、若かりし頃には合わなかったけど今使ってみるとしっくり来る物もありますね。その一つが AutoTest(ZenTest) です。ファイルが更新したらこける / SyntaxError になると解っていてもテストが走りFFF、自分のテストサイクルでテストが実行できないのが我慢できませんでしたが、久しぶりに使ってみるとそんなのは気にならず、いちいちテスト実行しなくてよくなってとても気持ちがよい感じです。 しかしながら ZenTest に含まれる AutoTest はレールが敷かれているテスト環境では利用しやすいけど、ちょっと道を踏み外すと結構テストを実行するのがめんどくさいです。
require 'parslet' include Parslet # Constructs a parser using a Parser Expression Grammar parser = str('"') >> ( str('\\').ignore >> any | str('"').absent? >> any ) >> str('"') result = parser.parse %Q("this is a valid \\"string\\"") result # => {:string=>"this is a valid \"string\""@1} A small Ruby library for constructing parsers in the PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) fashion
Ruby Weekly is a weekly newsletter covering the latest Ruby and Rails news. The JRuby team has announced the release of JRuby 1.6.0 Release Candidate 1. The final release is still a little way off but the bulk of the work is in place. It's billed as the "largest release of JRuby to date" which, given how awesome 1.5 was, is a big deal, especially as it adds initial Ruby 1.9.2 language and standard