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"JavaScript Library"に関するエントリは31件あります。 libraryjavascriptJavaScript などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Notyf: A minimalist JavaScript library for toast notifications.』などがあります。
  • Notyf: A minimalist JavaScript library for toast notifications.

    A minimalistic JavaScript library for toast notifications. Responsive, A11Y, dependency-free. Tiny (~3KB). Easy integration with React, Angular and Vue.

      Notyf: A minimalist JavaScript library for toast notifications.
    • GitHub - solidjs/solid: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

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        GitHub - solidjs/solid: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
      • GitHub - jwilber/roughViz: Reusable JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn styled charts in the browser.

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          GitHub - jwilber/roughViz: Reusable JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn styled charts in the browser.
        • GitHub - sql-js/sql.js: A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.

          const initSqlJs = require('sql.js'); // or if you are in a browser: // const initSqlJs = window.initSqlJs; const SQL = await initSqlJs({ // Required to load the wasm binary asynchronously. Of course, you can host it wherever you want // You can omit locateFile completely when running in node locateFile: file => `https://sql.js.org/dist/${file}` }); // Create a database const db = new SQL.Database(

            GitHub - sql-js/sql.js: A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
          • The Powerful Conversational AI JavaScript Library | NLUX

            NLUX with ReactGenerative UI With Next.jsChatGPT-Inspired UI import { AiChat, useAsStreamAdapter } from '@nlux/react'; import '@nlux/themes/nova.css'; import { send } from './send'; import { user, assistantAvatar } from './personas'; export default () => { const adapter = useAsStreamAdapter(send, []); return ( <AiChat adapter={ adapter } personaOptions={{ assistant: { name: "EinAssistant", tagline

              The Powerful Conversational AI JavaScript Library | NLUX
            • GitHub - frehner/modern-guide-to-packaging-js-library: A guide to help ensure your JavaScript library is the most compatible, fast, and efficient library you can make.

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                GitHub - frehner/modern-guide-to-packaging-js-library: A guide to help ensure your JavaScript library is the most compatible, fast, and efficient library you can make.
              • GitHub - alyssaxuu/flowy: The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨

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                  GitHub - alyssaxuu/flowy: The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨
                • GitHub - unadlib/mutability: A JavaScript library for transactional mutable updates

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                    GitHub - unadlib/mutability: A JavaScript library for transactional mutable updates
                  • GitHub - eduardoleao052/js-torch: A JavaScript library like PyTorch, built from scratch.

                    import { torch } from "js-pytorch"; const nn = torch.nn; class Transformer extends nn.Module { constructor(vocab_size, hidden_size, n_timesteps, n_heads, p) { super(); // Instantiate Transformer's Layers: this.embed = new nn.Embedding(vocab_size, hidden_size); this.pos_embed = new nn.PositionalEmbedding(n_timesteps, hidden_size); this.b1 = new nn.Block( hidden_size, hidden_size, n_heads, n_timeste

                      GitHub - eduardoleao052/js-torch: A JavaScript library like PyTorch, built from scratch.
                    • GitHub - anephenix/sarus: A WebSocket JavaScript library

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                        GitHub - anephenix/sarus: A WebSocket JavaScript library
                      • GitHub - javascriptdata/danfojs: Danfo.js is an open source, JavaScript library providing high performance, intuitive, and easy to use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data.

                        Danfo.js is fast and supports Tensorflow.js tensors out of the box. This means you can convert Danfo data structure to Tensors. Easy handling of missing-data (represented as NaN) in floating point as well as non-floating point data Size mutability: columns can be inserted/deleted from DataFrame Automatic and explicit alignment: objects can be explicitly aligned to a set of labels, or the user can

                          GitHub - javascriptdata/danfojs: Danfo.js is an open source, JavaScript library providing high performance, intuitive, and easy to use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data.
                        • GitHub - MTG/essentia.js: JavaScript library for music/audio analysis and processing powered by Essentia WebAssembly

                          Essentia.js is a JavaScript (JS) library for music/audio signal analysis and processing developed at the Music Technology Group, UPF, Barcelona. The core of library is powered by Essentia C++ library back-end using WebAssembly built via Emscripten along with a high-level JS and TypeScript API and add-on utility modules. ie, You can run an extensive collection of music/audio processing and analysis

                            GitHub - MTG/essentia.js: JavaScript library for music/audio analysis and processing powered by Essentia WebAssembly
                          • GitHub - caroso1222/notyf: 👻 A minimalistic, responsive, vanilla JavaScript library to show toast notifications.

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                              GitHub - caroso1222/notyf: 👻 A minimalistic, responsive, vanilla JavaScript library to show toast notifications.
                            • React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

                              React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. Declarative views make your code more predictable and easier to debug. Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs. Since component logic is writ

                                React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
                              • GitHub - Agamnentzar/ag-psd: Javascript library for reading and writing PSD files

                                Does not support reading Indexed, CMYK, Multichannel, Duotone and LAB color modes (all supported color modes are converted to RGB mode when reading) Does not support writing any color modes other than RGB Does not support 16 bits per channel Does not support The Large Document Format (8BPB/PSB) Does not support color palettes Does not support animations Does not support patterns (or "Pattern Overl

                                  GitHub - Agamnentzar/ag-psd: Javascript library for reading and writing PSD files
                                • GitHub - abagames/crisp-game-lib: Minimal JavaScript library for creating classic arcade-like mini-games running in the browser

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                                    GitHub - abagames/crisp-game-lib: Minimal JavaScript library for creating classic arcade-like mini-games running in the browser
                                  • GitHub - bradymholt/cRonstrue: JavaScript library that translates Cron expressions into human readable descriptions

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                                      GitHub - bradymholt/cRonstrue: JavaScript library that translates Cron expressions into human readable descriptions
                                    • GitHub - discordjs/discord.js: A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API

                                      discord.js (source) - A powerful Node.js module for interacting with the Discord API @discordjs/brokers (source) - A collection of brokers for use with discord.js @discordjs/builders (source) - A utility package for easily building Discord API payloads @discordjs/collection (source) - A powerful utility data structure @discordjs/core (source) - A thinly abstracted wrapper around the core component

                                        GitHub - discordjs/discord.js: A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
                                      • GitHub - sdkcarlos/artyom.js: A voice control - voice commands - speech recognition and speech synthesis javascript library. Create your own siri,google now or cortana with Google Chrome within your website.

                                        Due to abuse of users with the Speech Synthesis API (ADS, Fake system warnings), Google decided to remove the usage of the API in the browser when it's not triggered by an user gesture (click, touch etc.). This means that calling for example artyom.say("Hello") if it's not wrapped inside an user event won't work. So on every page load, the user will need to click at least once time per page to all

                                          GitHub - sdkcarlos/artyom.js: A voice control - voice commands - speech recognition and speech synthesis javascript library. Create your own siri,google now or cortana with Google Chrome within your website.
                                        • GitHub - brahmosjs/brahmos: Super charged JavaScript library with modern React API and native templates.

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                                            GitHub - brahmosjs/brahmos: Super charged JavaScript library with modern React API and native templates.
                                          • Josh.js - A JavaScript library to animate content on page scroll.

                                            • DFlex | The Javascript library for modern Drag and Drop Apps

                                              A Drag-and-Drop library for all JavaScript frameworksDFlex is a JavaScript library for modern drag and drop applications. It is built with vanilla JavaScript and implements an enhanced transformation mechanism to manipulate DOM elements. DFlex is the only drag and drop library on the internet that manipulates the DOM instead of reconstructing it. It also has its own scheduler and reconciler.

                                                DFlex | The Javascript library for modern Drag and Drop Apps
                                              • chatgpt.js — A powerful JavaScript library for ChatGPT

                                                A powerful client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT

                                                  chatgpt.js — A powerful JavaScript library for ChatGPT
                                                • GitHub - ionstage/jcore: JavaScript library for building UI components

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                                                    GitHub - ionstage/jcore: JavaScript library for building UI components
                                                  • GitHub - KudoAI/chatgpt.js: 🤖 A powerful, open source client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT

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                                                      GitHub - KudoAI/chatgpt.js: 🤖 A powerful, open source client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT
                                                    • GitHub - luisalvesmartins/diagramflowjs: A javascript library to interactively create diagram flows or flowcharts

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                                                        GitHub - luisalvesmartins/diagramflowjs: A javascript library to interactively create diagram flows or flowcharts
                                                      • GitHub Packagesを使ってJavaScript libraryを管理する - Qiita

                                                        はじめに 今までGoではgo getを使った共通Packageの管理はしていましたが、JavaScriptではしていませんでした。 しかし、フロント開発で同一デザイナーで同じデザインシステムを採用することとなったシステムを作ることなり、既存システムの資産を効率良く管理できないかと思いGitHub Pakcagesを使うことになったので同様のことを行う方の参考になればと思います。 この記事では、yanrとnpmの両方を使った方法を説明させて頂きます。 GitHub Packagesとは 従来はnpm install などでinstallできるようにJava script libraryの管理にはnpmjs.comにアカウントを作成しnpmjs.comでlibraryを管理していたが、それらが全てGitHubで完結できるようになった。 なので、npmjs.comのアカウント作成とは不要になり、

                                                          GitHub Packagesを使ってJavaScript libraryを管理する - Qiita
                                                        • Introduction to the Solid JavaScript Library | CSS-Tricks

                                                          Solid is a reactive JavaScript library for creating user interfaces without a virtual DOM. It compiles templates down to real DOM nodes once and wraps updates in fine-grained reactions so that when state updates, only the related code runs. This way, the compiler can optimize initial render and the runtime optimizes updates. This focus on performance makes it one of the top-rated JavaScript framew

                                                            Introduction to the Solid JavaScript Library | CSS-Tricks
                                                          • GitHub - geosigno/simpleParallax.js: Simple and tiny JavaScript library that adds parallax animations on any images

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                                                              GitHub - geosigno/simpleParallax.js: Simple and tiny JavaScript library that adds parallax animations on any images
                                                            • Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS Open Source Blog Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library Web applications interacting with AWS in a number of ways may need to represent and display sets of information in the form of charts, diagrams, or graphs. Common examples of that information includes small amounts of data coming from AWS Costs & Usage Reports or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), eit

                                                                Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • GitHub - tildeio/simple-html-tokenizer: A lightweight JavaScript library for tokenizing non-`<script>` HTML expected to be found in the `<body>` of a document

                                                                Simple HTML Tokenizer is a lightweight JavaScript library that can be used to tokenize the kind of HTML normally found in templates. It can be used to preprocess templates to change the behavior of some template element depending upon whether the template element was found in an attribute or text. It is not a full HTML5 tokenizer. It focuses on the kind of HTML that is used in templates: content d

                                                                  GitHub - tildeio/simple-html-tokenizer: A lightweight JavaScript library for tokenizing non-`<script>` HTML expected to be found in the `<body>` of a document
