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*important*の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 63件


*important*に関するエントリは63件あります。 セキュリティsecurity考え方 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『sudoの脆弱性情報(Important: CVE-2021-3156 : Baron Samedit) - SIOS SECURITY BLOG』などがあります。
  • sudoの脆弱性情報(Important: CVE-2021-3156 : Baron Samedit) - SIOS SECURITY BLOG

    OSSに関するセキュリティ・ツールの使い方・脆弱性等を紹介しています。 SELinux/Capability/AntiVirus/SCAP/SIEM/Threat Intelligence等。 OSS脆弱性ブログ01/27/2021にsudoの脆弱性情報(Important: CVE-2021-3156 : Baron Samedit)が公開されています。どのローカルユーザでもパスワード認証を経ずに特権昇格が出来るため、一度ローカルユーザのターミナルを開くことが出来れば権限昇格できてしまうという強烈なものです。今回はこちらの脆弱性の概要と、各ディストリビューションの対応について簡単にまとめてみます。 【01/27/2021 10:30更新】Amazon Linuxのリンク(ALSA-2021-1478)も加えました。また、詳細情報を追記しました。 【01/27/2021 14:30更新】O

      sudoの脆弱性情報(Important: CVE-2021-3156 : Baron Samedit) - SIOS SECURITY BLOG
    • An important next step on our AI journey

        An important next step on our AI journey
      • lunch box for very important person - ツレヅレ食ナルモノ

        VIPって言うとめちゃくちゃ強そうだけど、 very important personなんだって思うと、なんだか力が抜けちゃいますね。 これ、日産スタジアムの横浜マリノスVIP弁当です。もちろん、頂き物です。とっても大きなボックス。プレゼントでも入っているのかと思っちゃいました。 いざ、オープン。 おぉーー、すごい。なんか可愛い。普通のお弁当と全然違うーー。 お品書きも入ってる。ランチコースみたいです。 蓋を全部開けてみると、ますますテンションあがる。うなぎにローストビーフって。 左上から時計回りに うなぎご飯 栗の甘露煮/しらすのせだし巻き卵/スモークサーモン ローストビーフ みかんパンナコッタ マグロのカレー風味カツ 油淋鶏 VIP席ってこんな豪華絢爛ランチボックスを食べながら、試合を見下ろしているんですね。 上級国民の楽しみ方ってこうゆうことか、と。一般国民の自分は、ひとり自宅で揚げ

          lunch box for very important person - ツレヅレ食ナルモノ
        • sudoの脆弱性情報(Important: CVE-2019-14287)と新バージョン(1.8.28) - SIOS SECURITY BLOG

          OSSに関するセキュリティ・ツールの使い方・脆弱性等を紹介しています。 SELinux/Capability/AntiVirus/SCAP/SIEM/Threat Intelligence等。 OSS脆弱性ブログ10/02/2019にsudoの脆弱性情報(Important: CVE-2019-14287)と新バージョン(1.8.28)が公開されています。今回はこちらの脆弱性の概要と、各ディストリビューションの対応について簡単にまとめてみます。また、本件の発生条件(何故「ALL」が絡んだ場合のみ発生するのか)をソースコードレベルで追いかけた記事を@ITで公開しました。

            sudoの脆弱性情報(Important: CVE-2019-14287)と新バージョン(1.8.28) - SIOS SECURITY BLOG
          • 「Apache HTTP Server」にセキュリティアップデート ~8件の脆弱性を修正/最大深刻度は「Important」。v2.4.60への更新を

              「Apache HTTP Server」にセキュリティアップデート ~8件の脆弱性を修正/最大深刻度は「Important」。v2.4.60への更新を
            • Xユーザーの水島六郎さん: 「主な国のジャーナリストの回答(自分の仕事の中での各項目の重要性を"extremely important" "very important" と答えたジャーナリストの比率)を並べて色つけしてみた。 それぞれのお国柄はあるけど、それにしても日本のジャーナリズムの異様さがいくつか際立ってる https://t.co/oPf7dD4VbC」 / X

                Xユーザーの水島六郎さん: 「主な国のジャーナリストの回答(自分の仕事の中での各項目の重要性を"extremely important" "very important" と答えたジャーナリストの比率)を並べて色つけしてみた。 それぞれのお国柄はあるけど、それにしても日本のジャーナリズムの異様さがいくつか際立ってる https://t.co/oPf7dD4VbC」 / X
              • Google Maps' New Saved Tab Helps You Remember Important Places

                Who doesn't love Google Maps? When it comes to navigation and mapping services, you'll have a hard time finding one that can do as much as Google Maps. And as powerful as it already is, Google is constantly updating it with new features that make it even more useful. Google announced on The Keyword that it is rolling out improvements to the Saved tab that'll make it easier to keep track of the pla

                  Google Maps' New Saved Tab Helps You Remember Important Places
                • 【脱!important】保守性を意識したスタイルを確実に上書きするためのテクニック

                  TAK(@tak_dcxi)です。今回もCSS設計に関する投稿です。 皆様はWebサイトの運用でCSSを更新・改修する際に、既存のスタイルが上書きできなくて苦しんだことはありませんか? class名のタイポミスだったり、そもそも指定したセレクタに対応する要素が無い…といった凡ミスも原因だったりはしますが、大抵の場合他のスタイル指定が強くて上書きできない、つまり「詳細度」が影響していることが多いです。 CSSを破綻させる原因の一つの「詳細度」とは? MDNの説明を引用すると以下の通り。 詳細度は、どの CSS プロパティが要素に最も関係があるか、すなわち適用されるかをブラウザーが決定する手段です。詳細度は様々な組み合わせの CSS セレクターで構成される一致規則に基づいています。 CSSのスタイル指定が競合した時に優先される、セレクタが生まれながらに持つ「強さ」みたいなものです。 全称セレク

                  • !importantで上書きできないブラウザのスタイルとは

                    !important はすべてを上書きできるのか? CSS において話題に出すといろいろな意味で盛り上がるキーワードが!importantです。 CSS でのスタイル宣言時に!importantを付与すると、細かな詳細度の差異などを無視して強制的にスタイルを適用できます。濫用するとあっという間に無秩序になるため、一般的には慎重な利用が推奨されることが多いです。 さて、ではこの!importantですが、何もかもを上書きできるのでしょうか? 実際のところそうではありません。今回は、CSS 仕様をいろいろと調べているうちに、!important で上書きできないスタイルの存在を知ったため、その情報をまとめてみました。 CSS における Cascade Sorting Order CSS は Cascading Style Sheets という名前の通り、カスケードと呼ばれる仕組みでスタイルの適

                    • GitHub - codemix/deprank: Use PageRank to find the most important files in your codebase.

                      Deprank uses the PageRank algorithm to find the most important files in your JavaScript or TypeScript codebase. It uses dependency-cruiser to build a dependency graph of your source files, then ranks those dependencies based on their importance. We define importance as those files which are directly or indirectly depended upon the most by other files in the codebase. Deprank is particularly useful

                        GitHub - codemix/deprank: Use PageRank to find the most important files in your codebase.
                      • The three great virtues are important

                        銀座Rails #39 招待講演 https://ginza-rails.connpass.com/event/229348/

                          The three great virtues are important
                        • How I Keep Track of Important Information in Slack

                          Use Slack's Save for Later feature for important messages or reference materials. Pin important messages to make them easily accessible to everyone in direct messages or channels. Efficiently find messages with Slack's search feature, which allows for easy filtering by channel or sender. When messages fly by in Slack, it can be difficult to keep track of what's important. Luckily, there are a few

                            How I Keep Track of Important Information in Slack
                          • Tokyo Olympics just got an important no-confidence vote — from Japan’s emperor

                            TOKYO — Japanese Emperor Naruhito appears to be “concerned” that this summer’s Olympics in Tokyo could cause a rise in coronavirus infections, according to the head of the Imperial Household Agency. “His majesty is very worried about the current infection situation of the covid-19 disease,” Yasuhiko Nishimura, grand steward of the agency, told a regular news conference on Thursday, the Kyodo News

                              Tokyo Olympics just got an important no-confidence vote — from Japan’s emperor
                            • Important update on Mbed - End of Life

                              Today we wanted to share some important updates with the Mbed community: The Mbed platform and OS will reach end of life in July 2026, when the Mbed website will be archived and it will no longer be possible to build projects in our online tools The device software - Mbed OS - is open source and will remain publicly available, but is no longer actively maintained by Arm The Mbed TLS project is una

                              • The Barbenheimer Phenomenon Is Leaving Out This Important Element

                                The Barbenheimer phenomenon has become a global sensation, proving that cross-promotion can benefit competing blockbusters and boost movie theaters. Warner Bros. faced backlash for tone-deaf marketing campaigns, such as a tweet featuring Oppenheimer and Barbie in front of an atomic mushroom cloud, sparking #NoBarbenheimer. The exclusion of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings in Oppenheimer has spa

                                  The Barbenheimer Phenomenon Is Leaving Out This Important Element
                                • Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, Says This Trait Is More Important than Talent or Experience. It's Something Anyone Can Learn

                                  Microsoft is a big company with lots of divisions, and people, and products. It makes everything from the operating system that powers most of the world's desktop computers, to cloud computing services, to laptops. It even makes a foldable phone. Just last month it overtook Apple as the most valuable company on earth. That means that the company's CEO, Satya Nadella, has a big job. No CEO can poss

                                    Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, Says This Trait Is More Important than Talent or Experience. It's Something Anyone Can Learn
                                  • 6 important AI near-future breakthroughs, or why the AI hype peak is likely to be ahead of us | CodiumAI

                                    6 important AI near-future breakthroughs, or why the AI hype peak is likely to be ahead of us TL;DR: 6 technologies are in the works and will very likely mature within the next 3 years, further increasing the (justifiable?) hype around Generative AI and large-language-models (LLMs) specifically. Once any of these technologies are integrated into a product, it will be perceived as a breakthrough. S

                                      6 important AI near-future breakthroughs, or why the AI hype peak is likely to be ahead of us | CodiumAI
                                    • Warren Buffett Taught Bill Gates This 1 Important Life Lesson We Simply Can't Ignore

                                      Billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have been close pals for nearly 30 years. Whenever they get together, Gates admits, "I feel like a kid in a candy store." The co-founder of Microsoft often acknowledges that Warren Buffett's wisdom has made a big impact on his life. One of the things Gates has openly admitted to learning from Buffett is to value and protect the precious commodity of time.

                                        Warren Buffett Taught Bill Gates This 1 Important Life Lesson We Simply Can't Ignore
                                      • アメリカ大使館 on Twitter: "札幌地裁における婚姻の平等の重要性を確認した大きな一歩を称賛します。 We applaud the important step in Sapporo affirming the importance of marriage e… https://t.co/GKTHEpSn4D"

                                        札幌地裁における婚姻の平等の重要性を確認した大きな一歩を称賛します。 We applaud the important step in Sapporo affirming the importance of marriage e… https://t.co/GKTHEpSn4D

                                          アメリカ大使館 on Twitter: "札幌地裁における婚姻の平等の重要性を確認した大きな一歩を称賛します。 We applaud the important step in Sapporo affirming the importance of marriage e… https://t.co/GKTHEpSn4D"
                                        • 6 Important Details to Consider When Picking Your Next Android Phone

                                          Stores sell a vast selection of Android phones. Some are big, some are budget-minded, and others are likely just collecting dust. With so many options, it can be hard to pick the right one for you. No one Android device is built exactly like another, despite how similar they may look when compared. Is the large array of options a bit too overwhelming for you? Here are some tips to help you narrow

                                            6 Important Details to Consider When Picking Your Next Android Phone
                                          • Important information about our Elixir and Ruby Open Source projects « Plataformatec Blog

                                            You may have heard that Nubank has acqui-hired Plataformatec. Plataformatec has been working with Nubank over the past few months and Nubank saw great value on the practices and expertise shown by our teams. According to Nubank leaders, Plataformatec consultants have provided restructured rituals and new working agreements to its teams, and also brought improvements through better-planned teams us

                                            • Setting Height And Width On Images Is Important Again — Smashing Magazine

                                              Thanks to some recent changes in browsers, it’s now well worth setting width and height attributes on your images to prevent layout shifts and improve the experience of your site visitors. Barry Polland loves improvements that just work without any effort required of website owners. That is not to ignore the hard work required by the browser developers and standardization teams, of course, but it’

                                                Setting Height And Width On Images Is Important Again — Smashing Magazine
                                              • Why Linux HugePages are Super Important for Database Servers: A Case with PostgreSQL

                                                Often users come to us with incidents of database crashes due to OOM Killer. The Out Of Memory killer terminates PostgreSQL processes and remains the top reason for most of the PostgreSQL database crashes reported to us. There could be multiple reasons why a host machine could run out of memory, and the most common problems are: Poorly tuned memory on the host machine. A high value of work_mem is

                                                  Why Linux HugePages are Super Important for Database Servers: A Case with PostgreSQL
                                                • What to do when an important team member quits or goes on leave - Work Life by Atlassian

                                                  Crossed wires and missed connections – good communication among teams is tablestakes for effective teamwork. Get best practices and sound advice on how to create understanding and work together better.

                                                    What to do when an important team member quits or goes on leave - Work Life by Atlassian
                                                  • 説明の順番も大事な情報 / Explanation order is also important information

                                                    説明したいことを思いつくままに書いてみたら、思いのほか多くなってしまい、書き終わってみたら分かりにくいって感じたり、言われたりしたことはありませんか。実は、説明の順番も読者にとっては大切な情報です。どんな順番で説明していくとうまく伝わるのか、テクニカルライターが気にしているポイントを紹介します。 ■ 発表者 矢崎 誠 / LINE株式会社 テクニカルライター https://twitter.com/yazakimakoto ■ セッション動画 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8MDWZyusgw&t=941s ※こちらは以下イベント内で発表した内容です https://line.connpass.com/event/207045/

                                                      説明の順番も大事な情報 / Explanation order is also important information
                                                    • GitHub - cycloidio/inframap: Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most important/relevant.

                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                        GitHub - cycloidio/inframap: Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most important/relevant.
                                                      • Why the open source driver release from NVIDIA is so important for Linux? | Christian F.K. Schaller

                                                        Background Today NVIDIA announced that they are releasing an open source kernel driver for their GPUs, so I want to share with you some background information and how I think this will impact Linux graphics and compute going forward. One thing many people are not aware of is that Red Hat is the only Linux OS company who has a strong presence in the Linux compute and graphics engineering space. The

                                                        • L'important on Twitter: "Tokyo dans les années 1913-1915 (remasterisé et colorisé par Denis Shyraev, ambiance sonore de Guy Jones)… https://t.co/mFuLAWuoUb"

                                                          Tokyo dans les années 1913-1915 (remasterisé et colorisé par Denis Shyraev, ambiance sonore de Guy Jones)… https://t.co/mFuLAWuoUb

                                                            L'important on Twitter: "Tokyo dans les années 1913-1915 (remasterisé et colorisé par Denis Shyraev, ambiance sonore de Guy Jones)… https://t.co/mFuLAWuoUb"
                                                          • Steven Pemberton on Twitter: "CSS co-designer here. !important was added for one reason only: laws in the US that require certain text to be in… https://t.co/SolmYdXZJF"

                                                            CSS co-designer here. !important was added for one reason only: laws in the US that require certain text to be in… https://t.co/SolmYdXZJF

                                                              Steven Pemberton on Twitter: "CSS co-designer here. !important was added for one reason only: laws in the US that require certain text to be in… https://t.co/SolmYdXZJF"
                                                            • Research Agrees With Jeff Bezos That This Is the Most Important Quality for Success

                                                              Research Agrees With Jeff Bezos That This Is the Most Important Quality for SuccessBoth EQ and IQ are important for success. This skill underpins both, research shows. During Jeff Bezos's tenure as CEO of Amazon, what was the No. 1 quality he looked for when hiring people? Hard work and past accomplishments certainly mattered. But when the then-Amazon boss spoke at Basecamp, he stressed another qu

                                                                Research Agrees With Jeff Bezos That This Is the Most Important Quality for Success
                                                              • An important update on Concord

                                                                September 3, 2024September 3, 2024 An important update on Concord Concord fans — we’ve been listening closely to your feedback since the launch of Concord on PlayStation 5 and PC and want to thank everyone who has joined the journey aboard the Northstar. Your support and the passionate community that has grown around the game has meant the world to us. However, while many qualities of the experien

                                                                  An important update on Concord
                                                                • Twitter Dev on Twitter: "A new form of free access will be introduced as this is extremely important to our ecosystem – limited to Tweet cre… https://t.co/LrNyPCXosu"

                                                                  A new form of free access will be introduced as this is extremely important to our ecosystem – limited to Tweet cre… https://t.co/LrNyPCXosu

                                                                    Twitter Dev on Twitter: "A new form of free access will be introduced as this is extremely important to our ecosystem – limited to Tweet cre… https://t.co/LrNyPCXosu"
                                                                  • 【アドセンス】Important updates about GDPR complianceというメールについて… - 薬剤師とザリガニの奮闘記

                                                                    今朝起きたら、一通のメールがきてました。 英語での記載だったので寝起きの私の頭では理解できず…(笑) とりあえずオンラインの翻訳を2パターン掲載しておきます。 アドセンスからのメールを「Google翻訳」してみる アドセンスからのメールを「deepl翻訳」してみる アドセンスからのメールを読んでの対応は?GDPRとは? アドセンスからのメールを「Google翻訳」してみる それでは早速「Google翻訳」で内容をチェックしてみたいと思います。 愛するパートナー、 最近の欧州連合司法裁判所がデータ転送を決定してプライバシーシールドを無効化した結果、Googleはオンライン広告および測定個人データを欧州経済領域外に転送するための標準契約条項(SCC)に移行します。スイスとイギリス。 そのため、既存のGoogle広告データ処理規約、Google広告コントローラ-コントローラデータ保護規約、Goo

                                                                      【アドセンス】Important updates about GDPR complianceというメールについて… - 薬剤師とザリガニの奮闘記
                                                                    • Warren Buffett’s Recent Explanation of How Money Now Works Is the Most Important in History | by Any Marma | Nov, 2020 | Medium

                                                                      Warren Buffett’s Recent Explanation of How Money Now Works Is the Most Important in History Image Credit:MarketWatch/Getty Images Watching Warren Buffett completely change what he believes about money in a matter of months has been fascinating. He is considered the most successful investor in history, so he’s worth listening to when financial markets enter a strange period that nobody understands

                                                                        Warren Buffett’s Recent Explanation of How Money Now Works Is the Most Important in History | by Any Marma | Nov, 2020 | Medium
                                                                      • 更新されたばかりの「Apache HTTP Server」に脆弱性 ~v2.4.61がリリース/コンテンツのソースコードが窃取される恐れ、深刻度は「Important」

                                                                          更新されたばかりの「Apache HTTP Server」に脆弱性 ~v2.4.61がリリース/コンテンツのソースコードが窃取される恐れ、深刻度は「Important」
                                                                        • Bill Gates Says Success Came Only After He Learned This Important Leadership Skill

                                                                          Bill Gates Says Success Came Only After He Learned This 1 Important Leadership SkillThe co-founder of Microsoft gives advice that can benefit every busy leader.

                                                                            Bill Gates Says Success Came Only After He Learned This Important Leadership Skill
                                                                          • The Most Important Interview in the History of Mankind

                                                                            Go Ad-Free with Rumble Premium Enjoy content without interruptions! ギアート・バンデン・ボッシェ博士のインタビューとその解説を和訳した動画です。 この真実を広めてください! YouTubeチャンネル「マカナスピリチュアル」にもぜひ遊びに来てください♪ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSjnUFGcr4IUImOokX9ZP8w Show more いつも応援してくださり、本当にありがとうございます! おやき♡たいやきをサポートしてもいいよという方: https://paypal.me/oyakitaiyaki?locale.x=ja_JP This is the Japanese translation of the interview and the explanation of it

                                                                              The Most Important Interview in the History of Mankind
                                                                            • In Agile, Where Change is Valued, Why Is a Stable Team So Important?

                                                                              A stable team is one in which team membership doesn’t change often and, instead, is consistent over time. Why should we care? Isn’t Scrum like basketball where you can change the players on the court anytime there is an interruption? Let’s find out… High-performing teams —or teams that gets stuff done with insanely high quality— is the goal of many who arrive in Scrum expecting to get amazing perf

                                                                              • U.S. Embassy London on X: "An important statement on the latest tea controversy. 🇺🇸🇬🇧 https://t.co/HZFfSCl9sD"

                                                                                • GitHub - jevakallio/git-notify: 🙉 📣 Communicate important updates to your team via git commit messages

                                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                    GitHub - jevakallio/git-notify: 🙉 📣 Communicate important updates to your team via git commit messages
