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81 - 120 件 / 973件

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*keywordsの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 973件

  • An ancient genome perspective on the dynamic history of the prehistoric Jomon people in and around the Japanese archipelago

    Human Population Genetics and Genomics 2023;3(4):0008 | https://doi.org/10.47248/hpgg2303040008 Original Research Open Access An ancient genome perspective on the dynamic history of the prehistoric Jomon people in and around the Japanese archipelago Gichan Jeong † , Haechan Gill † , Hyungmin Moon , Choongwon Jeong School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of K

    • SEO Visibility Shifts from Review Sites to eCommerce & User-Generated Content Sites in 2024

      SEO Visibility Shifts from Review Sites to eCommerce & User-Generated Content Sites in 2024 Several recent Google algorithm updates and other adjustments to Google’s algorithms have led to substantially different search results in mid-2024 compared to the prior year. Google launched a number of significant, confirmed updates – most notably, the September 2023 Helpful Content Update and March 2024

        SEO Visibility Shifts from Review Sites to eCommerce & User-Generated Content Sites in 2024
      • 生成AIは検索エンジンのあり方を変えるか?GoogleのAI Overviewsのアップデートがユーザーと広告主にもたらすもの|アナグラム株式会社

        グーグルは8月に、生成AIによる検索結果「AI Overviews」のアップデートをいくつか発表しました。 参考:New ways to connect to the web with AI Overviews 内容から察すると、このプロダクトが今後より多くのユーザーが利用できるようになる他に、使い勝手も改善されると期待できそうです。 これらのアップデートが、今後の検索エンジンのあり方とデジタルマーケティングの未来にどのようなインパクトがありそうか、詳しく見ていきましょう。 「AI Overviews」とは AI Overviews(旧Search Generative Experience/SGE)は、Googleの検索エンジンに入力した検索クエリに対してAIが生成した回答を表示できる機能です。 ※画像引用元:Generative AI in Search: Let Google do

          生成AIは検索エンジンのあり方を変えるか?GoogleのAI Overviewsのアップデートがユーザーと広告主にもたらすもの|アナグラム株式会社
        • 5chスレッドを生成AIで分析してみた(GPT3.5+Claude3)

          はじめに この記事では、5chスレッドのコメントを大規模言語モデル(LLM)を使って分析する手法と、その過程で遭遇した課題や解決策を紹介します。 TL;DR この記事では、5chスレッドのコメントを大規模言語モデル(LLM)を使って分析する手法と、その過程で遭遇した課題や解決策を紹介します。 分析対象のスレ → リップクリーム・リップケア総合スレ35本目 分析結果 → https://talk-analyzer.pages.dev/ 大規模言語モデルを用いたテキスト分析の応用可能性 LLMを用いたテキスト分析は、様々な業務に活用できる可能性があります。 マーケティングにおける定性分析: SNSやインタビューなどのテキストデータを分析し、顧客の価値観やニーズ、ブランドイメージなどを把握する。 企業にかかわる重要リスクの監視: ニュース記事や企業の財務報告書などのテキストデータを分析し、潜在的

          • What's that touchscreen in my room?

            2024-01-20 Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. Roughly a year ago I moved into my new apartment. One of the reasons I picked this apartment was age of the building. The construction was finished in 2015, which ensured pretty good thermal isolation for winters as well as small nice things like Ethernet ports in each room. However, there was one part of my apartment that was too new and too smart

            • Databases in 2023: A Year in Review | OtterTune

              I am starting this new year the same way I ended the last: taking antibiotics because my biological daughter brought home a nasty sinus bug from Carnegie Mellon’s preschool. This was after my first wife betrayed me and gave me COVID. Nevertheless, it is time for my annual screed on last year’s major database happenings and trends since a lot has happened. My goal is to keep my trenchant opinions f

                Databases in 2023: A Year in Review | OtterTune
              • Typestate - the new Design Pattern in Swift 5.9 | Swiftology

                SwiftologyMonthly articles on advanced Swift topics, functional programming, and software design. written byAlex Ozun This article will teach you 3 ideas: 1. Typestate Design Pattern. 2. The power of generic constraints. 3. Swift 5.9 new Noncopyable types and consuming functions. What is a Typestate design pattern?Typestate is a powerful design pattern that emerged in languages with advanced type

                  Typestate - the new Design Pattern in Swift 5.9 | Swiftology
                • ゲームの数が増え,大企業が保守的になる中,開発者はいかにしてキャリアを築くべきか? 日本在住のフランス人開発者が語る[CEDEC 2024]

                  ゲームの数が増え,大企業が保守的になる中,開発者はいかにしてキャリアを築くべきか? 日本在住のフランス人開発者が語る[CEDEC 2024] ライター:箭本進一 ゲームの数が増え,開発費も高騰する中,大企業はリスクを恐れてAAA作品も保守的になっていく。そんな中でゲーム開発者はいかにしてキャリアを築くべきなのだろうか? フランス人ゲーム開発者であり,Keywords StudiosのCountry Managerであるハンサリ・ギオーム氏が行ったCEDEC 2024の講演「Too many games. Now, what?/飽和状態のゲーム業界において,これから何をすべきか」をレポートしよう。 ハンサリ・ギオーム氏(Keywords Studios Country Manager) 過去に学び,未来のキャリアを築いていく ハンサリ・ギオーム氏はCEDEC 2021の講演「Is World

                    ゲームの数が増え,大企業が保守的になる中,開発者はいかにしてキャリアを築くべきか? 日本在住のフランス人開発者が語る[CEDEC 2024]
                  • Building A Generative AI Platform

                    After studying how companies deploy generative AI applications, I noticed many similarities in their platforms. This post outlines the common components of a generative AI platform, what they do, and how they are implemented. I try my best to keep the architecture general, but certain applications might deviate. This is what the overall architecture looks like. This is a pretty complex system. Thi

                      Building A Generative AI Platform
                    • CSS Anchor Positioning Guide | CSS-Tricks

                      Not long ago, if we wanted a tooltip or popover positioned on top of another element, we would have to set our tooltip’s position to something other than static and use its inset/transform properties to place it exactly where we want. This works, but the element’s position is susceptible to user scrolls, zooming, or animations since the tooltip could overflow off of the screen or wind up in an awk

                        CSS Anchor Positioning Guide | CSS-Tricks
                      • SEO Link Best Practices for Google | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google for Developers

                        Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Link best practices for Google Google uses links as a signal when determining the relevancy of pages and to find new pages to crawl. Learn how to make your links crawlable so that Google can find other pages on your site via the links on your page, and how to improve your anchor text so that it's e

                          SEO Link Best Practices for Google | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google for Developers
                        • React npm ライブラリ/パッケージの作成入門からnpm公開まで - ロカオプ技術ブログ

                          React npm ライブラリ/パッケージの作成入門からnpm公開まで(RollupとTypeScript編) こんにちは、皆さん!今日は、RollupとTypeScriptを使用してReactのnpmパッケージを作成し、exampleディレクトリで動作確認する方法について詳しく説明します。この記事では、初心者でも分かりやすいようにステップバイステップで進めていきます。さっそく始めましょう! React npm ライブラリ/パッケージの作成入門からnpm公開まで(RollupとTypeScript編) 作ったもの なぜ自作のライブラリを作ったか 1. 前提条件 必要なツール 2. プロジェクトのセットアップ ライブラリにはどのようにパッケージするの?(npm rollupもしくはnpm pack?) npm packとは rollupとは 使い方によって用途は分かれる 3. ディレクトリ構

                            React npm ライブラリ/パッケージの作成入門からnpm公開まで - ロカオプ技術ブログ
                          • Visual Studio Code July 2024

                            Version 1.92 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from July. July 2024 (version 1.92) Update 1.92.1: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the July 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights in

                              Visual Studio Code July 2024
                            • Which Interpreters are Faster, AST or Bytecode?

                              This post is a brief overview of our new study of abstract-syntax-tree and bytecode interpreters on top of RPython and the GraalVM metacompilation systems, which we are presenting next week at OOPSLA. Prelude: Why Did I Build a Language on Top of the Truffle and RPython Metacompilation Systems? Writing this post, I realized that I have been working on interpreters on top of metacompilation systems

                                Which Interpreters are Faster, AST or Bytecode?
                              • M2dir: treating mails as files without going crazy - bitfehler!

                                Sometime recently in the past I complained about Maildir. You can go read the post, but the executive summary is that I think Maildir uses an actively user-hostile directory structure and extremely convoluted filenames that do not convey any meaning at all. For good measure, I will also reiterate that Maildir does this for a good reason, and is simply often being used for a purpose it wasn’t desig

                                • Visualizing Packrat Parsing

                                  January 10, 2021 Ohm is an open-source parsing toolkit for JavaScript which Alex Warth and I have been working on since 2014. You can use it to parse custom file formats or quickly build parsers, interpreters, and compilers for programming languages. This article is not about Ohm itself, but about the Ohm visualizer, which I designed and built in 2015 while working on Alex’s team at CDG.1 Later, t

                                  • Documentation | Pipes

                                    What Pipes is Pipes is a spiritual successor to Yahoo! Pipes, but if you did not know that site, you can think of Pipes as a visual programing editor specialized on feeds, or a visual shell, or simply as a glorified feed configurator. Pipes gives you blocks that can fetch and create feeds, and manipulate them in various ways. Think filtering, extracting, merging and sorting. All you need to do is

                                    • Pluto | Pluto

                                      PlutoA superset of Lua 5.4 with a focus on general-purpose programming. New SyntaxPluto implements various popular syntaxes that are absent in Lua, such as switch statements, compound operators, ternary expressions, etc. CompatibilityPluto is remarkably compatible with Lua's source & bytecode. The only conflict is how our new keywords may conflict with identifiers, however we offer "Compatibility

                                      • T・Pぼん | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                        '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                          T・Pぼん | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                        • Pandas: An Ultimate Library for Data Science

                                          Introduction to Pandas Pandas is a great library of Python for data science for most industry applications with massive amounts of different types of data. In this tutorial, we will discuss the use of Pandas, including the advanced concepts of the Pandas library for data science. We generally have a massive amount of data. And to handle it, we have already explored NumPy for data science. But is N

                                            Pandas: An Ultimate Library for Data Science
                                          • How to Drive Traffic in Google Discover: The Ultimate Guide

                                            Products Moz Pro Your all-in-one suite of SEO essentials. Moz Local Raise your local SEO visibility with complete local SEO management. STAT SERP tracking and analytics for enterprise SEO experts. Moz API Power your SEO with our index of over 44 trillion links. Compare SEO Products See which Moz SEO solution best meets your business needs. Moz Data Power your SEO strategy & AI models with custom d

                                              How to Drive Traffic in Google Discover: The Ultimate Guide
                                            • 感想『劇場版 機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM』- 20年越しの “回答” と怒涛のファンサービスで紡がれる、納得の「SEED」完結編〈ネタバレあり〉 - れんとのオタ活アーカイブ

                                              今からちょうど20年前。小学生中学年の自分にとって初めての “リアルタイム” ガンダム作品、それが『機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY』だった。 【メーカー特典あり】機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY スペシャルエディション HDリマスター Blu-ray(2商品連動購入特典:特製収納BOX引換シリアルコード付き) 鈴村健一 Amazon 『スーパーヒーロー作戦』でガンダムと出会い、その後『劇場版 機動戦士ガンダム』や『機動戦士Zガンダム』など少しずつシリーズを追いながらも、なぜか前作『機動戦士ガンダムSEED』を経ることなく見始めたSEED DESTINY。SEEDを見ていないこともありストーリーはさっぱり分からなかったけれど、それでもガンダムやモビルスーツのカッコよさで夢中になっていたことをよく覚えているし、その輝きは高校生になって『SEED』共々見返した時も一切衰えていな

                                                感想『劇場版 機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM』- 20年越しの “回答” と怒涛のファンサービスで紡がれる、納得の「SEED」完結編〈ネタバレあり〉 - れんとのオタ活アーカイブ
                                              • Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou

                                                The CSS WG resolved to add if() to CSS, but that won’t be in browsers for a while. What are our options in the meantime? A couple days ago, I posted about the recent CSS WG resolution to add an if() function to CSS. Great as it may be, this is still a long way off, two years if everything goes super smoothly, more if not. So what can you do when you need conditionals right now? You may be pleased

                                                  Inline conditionals in CSS, now? • Lea Verou
                                                • Demystifying the Famous Buzzwords: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

                                                  Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Data Science are very common keywords that we use worldwide today. Irrespective of the profession pursued, these keywords are common across all the domains. Newspapers are covered with articles related to data science or AI on a day-to-day basis. Every day, there is news talking about the advancements in these fields. Technology is revolutio

                                                    Demystifying the Famous Buzzwords: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
                                                  • 4 Advanced RAG Algorithms to Optimize Retrieval

                                                    Welcome to Lesson 5 of 11 in our free course series, LLM Twin: Building Your Production-Ready AI Replica. You’ll learn how to use LLMs, vector DVs, and LLMOps best practices to design, train, and deploy a production ready “LLM twin” of yourself. This AI character will write like you, incorporating your style, personality, and voice into an LLM. For a full overview of course objectives and prerequi

                                                    • JavaScript Interview Questions

                                                      Here is a list of common JavaScript interview questions with detailed answers to help you prepare for the interview as a JavaScript developer. JavaScript continues to be a cornerstone of web development, powering dynamic and interactive experiences across the web. As the language evolves, so does the complexity and scope of interview questions for JavaScript developers. Whether you’re a fresher de

                                                        JavaScript Interview Questions
                                                      • ついったで1年ぶりにちんちんと書き込むとどうなるか | 上田ブログ

                                                        ついったで1年ぶりにちんちんと書き込むとどうなるか Mon Feb 26 23:06:46 JST 2024 (modified: Tue Feb 27 06:23:33 JST 2024) views: 1662, keywords:Twitter 論文形式でお送り致します。 研究の背景 いーろんやいーろん前にいた正義感溢れる人たちによってメチャクチャにされたついったーを 1年前に捨てた私は、現在、日常の幼稚園児のようなつぶやきを misskey.ioで展開している。 しかし私は最近、ある懸念を抱き始めた。 それは 「最近ついったーで知り合った人が私をお清楚な人だと勘違いしていないか」 ということである。あるいはもっと悪いことに 「本や雑誌記事、研究の宣伝ばかりしている意識高い系のいけすかない奴」 だと思われている可能性すらある。 一方misskey.ioでは、 流れてくる絵が大変エロく

                                                          ついったで1年ぶりにちんちんと書き込むとどうなるか | 上田ブログ
                                                        • My Obsidian Note-Taking Workflow

                                                          Obsidian is the tool I use, and I will share a bit more about it. It’s not about which tool you use, as you can achieve the same with any other. My Workflow for a Deeper Life Everything in my workflow and note-taking approach is Plaintext Files files with some formatting sugar called Markdown. I use Vim-motions heavily to make creating notes second nature for me (on a computer, at least). Everythi

                                                            My Obsidian Note-Taking Workflow
                                                          • Support PUT, PATCH, and DELETE in HTML Forms

                                                            Authors Alexander Petros ([email protected]) Carson Gross ([email protected]) Date Created August 17, 2024 Last Updated August 18, 2024 Issue Tracker WHATWG Issue #3577 Status Published Table of Contents Summary A proposal for adding PUT, PATCH, and DELETE support to HTML forms. Proposal 1/3 in the Triptych Proposals. Goals PUT, PATCH, and DELETE support in forms should: be the path of least frict

                                                            • Existential types in Rust [LWN.net]

                                                              For several years, contributors to the Rust project have been working to improve support for asynchronous code. The benefits of these efforts are not confined to asynchronous code, however. Members of the Rust community have been working toward adding explicit existential types to Rust since 2017. Existential types are not a common feature of programming languages (something the RFC acknowledges),

                                                              • Visual Studio Code August 2024

                                                                Version 1.93 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from August. August 2024 (version 1.93) Update 1.93.1: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the August 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlig

                                                                  Visual Studio Code August 2024
                                                                • Marktanteil, Größe, Trends von Chatbots im Gesundheitswesen | Branchenwachstum 2027

                                                                  Marktforschungsbericht für Chatbots im Gesundheitswesen: nach Komponente (Software, Services), Bereitstellung (vor Ort, Cloud-basiert), Anwendung (Medikamentenunterstützung, Terminplanung und medizinische Beratung), Endbenutzer (Patienten, Gesundheitsdienstleister, Versicherungsunternehmen, andere) und Region - Prognose bis 2027 Marktübersicht über Chatbots im Gesundheitswesen Der Markt für Chatbo

                                                                  • Gen-3 Alpha Prompting Guide

                                                                    Gen-3 Alpha has endless potential to bring your artistic vision to life. Creating a strong prompt that conveys the scene is the key to generating video aligned with your concept. This article covers different example structures, keywords and prompting tips to help you get started with Gen-3 Alpha. These are just examples – don’t be afraid to experiment when bringing your ideas to life. Prompt Stru

                                                                    • What's new in DevTools, Chrome 129  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                      Recorder supports export to Puppeteer for Firefox As part of WebDriver BiDi support, the Recorder panel can now export recordings to Puppeteer for Firefox. With Puppeteer's support of Firefox, you can now record user flows using the Chrome DevTools Recorder panel, export them, and run them against both Firefox and Chrome. For more information, see WebDriver BiDi - The future of cross-browser autom

                                                                        What's new in DevTools, Chrome 129  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers
                                                                      • 検索クエリパーサー自作入門 - LegalOn Technologies Engineering Blog

                                                                        はじめに こんにちは。株式会社LegalOn Technologies でエンジニアをしております、勝田(@WinField95)です。この記事は、情報検索・検索技術 Advent Calendar 2023 の 20日目の記事として執筆されました。 この記事では、ANTLR[1]を使用したシンプルなクエリ構文の解析を行う検索クエリパーサーの生成と、解析結果から Elasticsearch の Query DSL[2]への変換までのプロセスと簡単な実装を紹介します。実務では、要求に応じて複雑なクエリ構文の文法定義が必要になる場合もありますが、この記事ではなるべく簡単なクエリ構文を取り扱います。解説で使用するコードは、この GitHub のリポジトリで公開しますので、参考にしてみてください。また、Search Engineering Tech Talk 2023 Winter では、この記事

                                                                          検索クエリパーサー自作入門 - LegalOn Technologies Engineering Blog
                                                                        • 地面師たち | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト

                                                                          '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                                            地面師たち | Netflix (ネットフリックス) 公式サイト
                                                                          • (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))

                                                                            This page has two purposes: to describe how to implement computer language interpreters in general, and in particular to build an interpreter for most of the Scheme dialect of Lisp using Python 3 as the implementation language. I call my language and interpreter Lispy (lis.py). Years ago, I showed how to write a semi-practical Scheme interpreter Java and in in Common Lisp). This time around the go

                                                                            • What Are CSS Container Style Queries Good For? — Smashing Magazine

                                                                              What are these CSS Container Style Queries, and why should you use them? Juan Diego Rodríguez delves deeply into style queries, and not at the syntax level, but at what exactly they are solving and what sort of use cases you would find yourselves reaching for them in your work if and when they gain browser support. We’ve relied on media queries for a long time in the responsive world of CSS but th

                                                                                What Are CSS Container Style Queries Good For? — Smashing Magazine
                                                                              • Ruby 3.3.0がリリースされました|TechRacho by BPS株式会社

                                                                                Ruby 3.3.0がリリースされました。 A Christmas gift from the Ruby team: Ruby 3.3.0 is out! https://t.co/dtHjtr2C0X — Ruby on Rails (@rails) December 25, 2023 リリース情報: Ruby 3.3.0 リリース 詳しくはリリース情報をご覧ください。 ruby-buildでは、リリース直後から3.3.0が利用可能になっています。 なお、Docker HubのRuby公式の3.3.0イメージは現時点ではまだリリースされていません(追記2023/12/27: その後Docker Hubでも3.3.0イメージが公開されました)。 参考: ruby - Official Image | Docker Hub 🔗 主な更新 Ruby 3.3.0では本体および周辺機能のパフォー

                                                                                  Ruby 3.3.0がリリースされました|TechRacho by BPS株式会社
                                                                                • Build Your Standout Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

                                                                                  Writing a winning resume, which stands out, is an art form that not many people can do. Hiring managers take about 6 seconds to see whether your resume is worth reviewing. Adding too much information could be overwhelming, while too little information makes you appear inexperienced. Technology has eased some of the burdens by filtering resumes of the best candidates, but if you do not use the righ

                                                                                    Build Your Standout Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide