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1 - 40 件 / 77件

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@usefulの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 77件

  • 実務において回帰分析を行うに当たっての注意点を改めて挙げてみる - 渋谷駅前で働くデータサイエンティストのブログ

    先日のことですが、以下のニュースが統計的学習モデル界隈で話題になっていました。 肝心の箇所が会員限定コンテンツなので簡潔にまとめると、従来モデルよりも説明変数に入れる海域の数を増やした上で、Lasso(L1正則化)回帰で多重共線性を抑えつつ汎化性能を高めるというアプローチを取った、というお話です*1。これは回帰分析という基本に立ち返った、昨今の「猫も杓子も生成AI」という流れからは一線を画した試みで、いかにも玄人好みという感があるなと僕も感じた次第です。 一方で、僕が身を置く広告・マーケティング業界でもMMM (Media/Marketing Mix Models)を初めとして様々なタイプの回帰分析が広く行われていますが、個人的に見聞する範囲では冗談でなく本当にピンキリで、中には「そんなデタラメな回帰分析で本当に役員会の意思決定に使っているんですか???」みたいなケースも珍しくありません。

      実務において回帰分析を行うに当たっての注意点を改めて挙げてみる - 渋谷駅前で働くデータサイエンティストのブログ
    • CSSのclass名やJavaScriptの関数名を付けるときに役立つ単語リストのまとめ -Classnames

      CSSのclass名やJavaScriptの関数名を付けるときに悩んだり、ネタ切れになったことはありませんか? BEM, OOCSS, SMACSSで命名する場合はそれを使用すればよいのですが、特定のテーマ別にグループ化された単語のリストが必要になるときもあります。そんなときに役立つ単語リストをまとめたClassnamesを紹介します。 Classnames Classnamesは、CSSのclass名やJavaScriptの関数名を付けるときに便利な単語をリスト化したものです。MITライセンスで、商用プロジェクトでも無料で利用できます。

        CSSのclass名やJavaScriptの関数名を付けるときに役立つ単語リストのまとめ -Classnames
      • MarkdownベースのGo製タスクランナー「xc」のススメ

        Goにおけるタスクランナーの歴史 npmならnpm run、denoならdeno taskなど言語ツールにタスクランナー機能が付属していることがありますが、Goではそのような機能は提供されていません。 そこでGoのプロジェクトではMakefileがタスクランナーとして用いられることがしばしばありますが、独自の文法、.PHONYを大量に書く必要がある、Makefile警察が飛んでくる、などの問題があります。 Makefile警察「ぐぬぬぬ…」 #taskfile - Qiita タスクランナーとしてMakefileを使うことから脱却すべく、巷ではYAMLベースの「Task」やGoベースの「Mage」が用いられている印象です。 どちらも多少試したことはありますが、主に以下の点が気になりました。 Taskfile.ymlやmagefile.goといったツール独自のファイルを置く必要がある これは

        • 【Go】公式ツール "eg" を使って効率的にGoのコードをリファクタリングする - Qiita

          はじめに こんにちは、ken です。お仕事では Go をよく書きます。 最近、Go の公式パッケージであるgolang.org/x/toolsを眺めていたら、なにやら有用そうなパッケージを見つけたので今回はそれについて書こうと思います。 それはegというリファクタリングツールです。 eg とは eg は、例ベースで Go コードをリファクタリングするためのツールです。このツールを使用することで、特定のコードパターンを別のコードに置き換えることができ、効率的にリファクタリングが行えます。 先ほど貼った公式ドキュメントに詳しい説明があるかと思いきや The eg command performs example-based refactoring. For documentation, run the command, or see Help in golang.org/x/tools/ref

            【Go】公式ツール "eg" を使って効率的にGoのコードをリファクタリングする - Qiita
          • On the origins of DS_store

            arno.org If you are a Mac user, or if you have transferred files from Mac to Windows, you’re probably familiar with .DS_Store files. But where does this name come from? Back in 1999 I was the technical lead for the Mac OS X Finder at Apple. At that time the Finder code base was some 8 years old and had reached the end of its useful life. Making any changes to it require huge engineering effort, an

            • Modern Emacs Typescript Web (React) Config with lsp-mode, treesitter, tailwind, TSX & more - Ovi Stoica

              Table of Contents Introduction Part 1: Treesitter for Typescript & TSX LSP Support Completion setup Linter setup LSP Setup Eslint (Optional) Tailwind LSP Server LSP Performance Emacs LSP Booster Structural editing Formatting buffers with Prettier Other resources Conclusion Introduction I've worked within the JS ecosystem for the past 8 years using editors like Webstorm and VSCode, I started using

              • Octomind社がLangChainをやめた理由|Sangmin Ahn

                こんにちはChoimirai Companyのサンミンです。 0  はじめにDifyがLangChainと決別し、独自の「Model Runtime」を採用したのが2024年の1月。 LangFlowやFlowiseなど複合AIシステムではLangChainに依存した設計が多い。DifyもLangChainベースの設計だったけど今年の1月に独自の「Model Runtime」を発表👏↓。当時は難しい判断だったと思う。が、変化のスピードとDifyが描いてる世界観を考えると正解だった。Difyを勧めるもう一つの理由、です。 https://t.co/AybwXRXkJ9 pic.twitter.com/n7d9aae76N — sangmin.eth | Dify Ambassador (@gijigae) April 24, 2024 LangChainの導入を慎重に考えるべきだとする声は

                  Octomind社がLangChainをやめた理由|Sangmin Ahn
                • GitHubに100種類以上の機能を追加し、インターフェースを使いやすく改良するブラウザ拡張機能「Refined GitHub」

                  「Refined GitHub」はGitHubに多数の使いやすい機能を導入してくれるブラウザ拡張機能です。 GitHub - refined-github/refined-github: :octocat: Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features https://github.com/refined-github/refined-github Refined GitHubの導入手順は次の通り。まず、上記のリンクをクリックしてRefined GitHubのGitHubリポジトリを開きます。Refined GitHubはChrome版・Firefox版・Safari版がありますが、今回はChromeを使うのでChromeのロゴの横のボタンをクリック。 Chromeウェブストア

                    GitHubに100種類以上の機能を追加し、インターフェースを使いやすく改良するブラウザ拡張機能「Refined GitHub」
                  • We need visual programming. No, not like that.

                    SummaryMost visual programming environments fail to get any usage. Why? They try to replace code syntax and business logic but developers never try to visualize that. Instead, developers visualize state transitions, memory layouts, or network requests. In my opinion, those working on visual programming would be more likely to succeed if they started with aspects of software that developers already

                    • gRPC Over HTTP/3

                      Introduction At the time of writing, HTTP/3 is supported by 30.4% of the top 10 million websites. This market penetration is astounding, but it seems like all of this progress has been possible almost exclusively by work on browsers, load balancers and CDN providers. What about the backend? How’s HTTP/3 doing there? The answer, sadly, is not as incredible. Because of this, I have been very interes

                        gRPC Over HTTP/3
                      • 科学を身近にするレゴブロック、大学の実験装置にも応用

                        セル・ストレッチャーからバイオプリンターまで、研究者たちは「レゴブロック」でさまざまな実験装置を手作りしている。多くの成果は公開され、科学をより身近なものにするために役立っている。 by Elizabeth Fernandez2024.07.09 9 この記事の3つのポイント レゴを使って安価な実験装置を製作する研究者が世界中に存在する レゴ製の装置には細胞引き伸ばし器やクロマトグラファー、顕微鏡も 設計図は一般公開され、科学の発展に役立っている summarized by Claude 3 エティエンヌ・ボールターは、ある朝、「レゴ・テクニック」(実際に動くギアボックスやホイールなどの部品を組み立てて、本物のような車両や飛行機、建設機械などを作れるレゴの一連の製品)の掘削セットを腕に抱えて、フランス・ニースのコートダジュール大学の研究室に入っていった。彼の計画は単純だが野心的なものだった

                        • Don’t Build Useless Features

                          A guide to scaling product & engineering teams from $0 to past $100M ARR. © 2024. Stay SaaSy. As a product manager, it’s important to hone the minimum set of activities that allow you to keep a product line moving forward productively. One of the most important core product management skills: the ability to triage unsuccessful products and avoid spending unnecessary effort on products that are des

                            Don’t Build Useless Features
                          • Automated Test-Case Reduction

                            Last time, we saw how deleting stuff from a test case can be an easy and fun route to the root cause of a bug. It’s less easy and less fun when the test cases get big. The inner loop of test-case reduction can get old quickly: delete stuff, run the special command, check the output to decide whether to backtrack or proceed. It’s rote, mechanical, and annoyingly error prone. Let’s make the computer

                              Automated Test-Case Reduction
                            • Scrum Guide (LeSS Version)

                              Purpose of the Scrum Guide Scrum is a framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products. This Guide contains the definition of Scrum. This definition consists of Scrum’s roles, events, artifacts, and the rules that bind them together. Each element of the framework serves a specific purpose that is essential to the overall value and results realized with Scrum. Changing the core

                                Scrum Guide (LeSS Version)
                              • How and why we built our startup around small teams

                                Welcome to Product for Engineers, a newsletter created by PostHog for engineers and founders who want to build successful startups. Startups ship more per person than big companies – everyone knows this. But how do you retain that advantage as you scale? Our answer is small teams – speedy, innovative, and autonomous one-pizza teams where individuals can still have an outsized impact. They enable u

                                  How and why we built our startup around small teams
                                • Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery is now available as an early release!

                                  Today, I’m excited to announce my new book! It’s called Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery, and it’s a comprehensive, hands-on guide to deploying and managing software in production, written for practitioners. Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery is now available as an early release! Readers of Terraform: Up & Running often asked me to recommend a general, comprehensive, practica

                                    Fundamentals of DevOps and Software Delivery is now available as an early release!
                                  • Doggo

                                    Features Human-readable output with color-coded and tabular format JSON output support for easy scripting and parsing Multiple transport protocols: DNS over HTTPS (DoH) DNS over TLS (DoT) DNS over QUIC (DoQ) DNS over TCP DNS over UDP DNSCrypt Support for ndots and search configurations from resolv.conf or command-line arguments Multiple resolver support with customizable query strategies IPv4 and

                                    • Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!

                                      Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!Published July 12, 2024 First, a few announcements: Yesterday, py-free-threading.github.io launched! It's both a resource with documentation around adding support for free-threaded Python, and a status tracker for the rollout across open source projects in the Python ecosystem. We hope and expect both of these to be very useful, with the status tra

                                        Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!
                                      • Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024

                                        IntroductionOn June 27, 2024, a small number of users globally may have noticed that was unreachable or degraded. The root cause was a mix of BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) hijacking and a route leak. Cloudflare was an early adopter of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for route origin validation (ROV). With RPKI, IP prefix owners can store and share ownership information securely,

                                          Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024
                                        • What the New York Times Missed: 71 More of the Best Books of the 21st Century

                                          Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (2004) I should not have been surprised that the NYT list skewed heavily away from genre fiction—but missing Susanna Clarke’s world-changing doorstopper of a debut is a particular head-scratcher. On paper, the book still seems daunting in an almost comical way: a Regency-era epic (with footnotes and extensive digressions on philosophy, magic, politics

                                            What the New York Times Missed: 71 More of the Best Books of the 21st Century
                                          • Playing guitar tablatures in Rust

                                            If you ever tried to learn guitar, chances are you are familiar with guitar tablatures. It is a simple way to visualize music for guitar, using ASCII characters to represent strings and frets as an alternative to sheet music. For instance, here are the first four measures of the song "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple: e|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| B|-

                                            • DuckDB Community Extensions

                                              DuckDB Extensions Design Philosophy One of the main design goals of DuckDB is simplicity, which – to us – implies that the system should be rather nimble, very light on dependencies, and generally small enough to run on constrained platforms like WebAssembly. This goal is in direct conflict with very reasonable user requests to support advanced features like spatial data analysis, vector indexes,

                                                DuckDB Community Extensions
                                              • 白スニーカーの汚れ落としに特に役立っている2つのアイテムを紹介します! - 服地パイセン

                                                こんにちは、服地パイセンです。 僕はもともと白スニーカーが苦手でしたが、その苦手を克服しました。 そして、その合わせやすさから重宝しており、今となってはむしろ好きなアイテムとなっています。特に履くだけで足元の軽さが演出でるので春夏は出番が増えています。 ただ便利な白スニーカーは『汚れが目立ちやすい』という一面もあります。そんな汚れが目立ちやすい白スニーカーのシューケアについて、僕が使っているアイテムなんかをご紹介します。 手軽なお手入れで白スニーカーを良い状態で保つことができるので読んでみてください。 白スニーカーを履くようになったけど、汚れが気になる。 白スニーカーは汚れが目立ってしまう スニーカーが汚れやすい箇所と理由は? 僕が白スニーカーの汚れ落としに特に活用しているアイテムはこの2点! 白スニーカーをシューケア!綺麗にしてみます クリーニングワイプスでナイキの白スニーカーをシューケ

                                                  白スニーカーの汚れ落としに特に役立っている2つのアイテムを紹介します! - 服地パイセン
                                                • How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev

                                                  How to use container queries now Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Recently, Chris Coyier wrote a blog post posing the question: Now that container queries are supported in all browser engines, why aren't more developers using them? Chris's post lists a number of potential reasons (for example, lack of awareness, old habits die hard), but there'

                                                    How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev
                                                  • SPACEでの指標選びは網羅性ではなく関連性と一貫性を持たせて絞り込むことが大切である、さらに…… - mtx2s’s blog

                                                    SPACEフレームワークを活用するなら、選択する指標に関連性と一貫性を持たせて絞り込むことが大切です。思いつくかぎりの指標をただやみくもに集めて網羅性を高めても、そこから得られる情報はほとんどないでしょう。 これが、ニコール・フォースグレンらによる論文 "The SPACE of Developer Productivity: There's more to it than you think." を読んだ時に私が感じたことです。 queue.acm.org 本稿は、上述論文に基づいてSPACEフレームワークを解説するとともに、その活用方法についても考察しています。 特に、5つのディメンションについては、論文から読み取りづらい点をフォローするようにしました。ここが理解できないと、フレームワークの魅力がなくなってしまいます。実際、開発チームのマネージャーらやメンバーらと話していると、SPAC

                                                      SPACEでの指標選びは網羅性ではなく関連性と一貫性を持たせて絞り込むことが大切である、さらに…… - mtx2s’s blog
                                                    • Windows 11 taskbar has a hidden "End Task" feature, how to turn it on

                                                      HomeNewsMicrosoftWindows 11 taskbar has a hidden "End Task" feature, how to turn it on Microsoft has added a new feature to Windows 11 that allows you to end tasks directly from the taskbar, but it's turned off by default. While Windows has had a 'Close Window' option when right-clicking on a taskbar icon, it would only close the particular Window associated with the right-clicked icon. If that pr

                                                        Windows 11 taskbar has a hidden "End Task" feature, how to turn it on
                                                      • Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator

                                                        By Jun He, Natallia Dzenisenka, Praneeth Yenugutala, Yingyi Zhang, and Anjali Norwood TL;DRWe are thrilled to announce that the Maestro source code is now open to the public! Please visit the Maestro GitHub repository to get started. If you find it useful, please give us a star. What is MaestroMaestro is a horizontally scalable workflow orchestrator designed to manage large-scale Data/ML workflows

                                                          Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator
                                                        • 英語初心者におすすめ!Dr. Seuss’s ABCで楽しく英語表現を学ぼう

                                                          『Dr. Seuss’s ABC』は、アメリカの著名な絵本作家ドクター・スースが描いた、楽しくてリズミカルなアルファベット絵本です。 ここでは『Dr. Seuss’s ABC』の簡単な内容の他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話の内容この本は、AからZまでの各アルファベットを使って、ユニークで面白いキャラクターや物語を紹介しています。大文字と小文字のアルファベットがそれぞれのページに登場し、それに対応する英単語やフレーズが続きます。 例えば、Aのページでは「Ant Annie’s alligator A a A」というように、アリやワニが登場します。また、Bのページでは「Berber baby bubbles and a bumblebee」と、ベルベル族の赤ちゃんや泡、ミツバチが描かれています。このように、各アルファベット

                                                            英語初心者におすすめ!Dr. Seuss’s ABCで楽しく英語表現を学ぼう
                                                          • PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton

                                                            The plane reached 10,000ft. I took out my laptop, planning to peruse the internet and maybe do a little work if I got really desperate. I connected to the in-flight wi-fi and opened my browser. The network login page demanded credit card details. I fumbled for my card, which I eventually discovered had hidden itself inside my passport. As I searched I noticed that the login page was encouraging me

                                                              PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton
                                                            • Moon cave discovered that could one day house humans

                                                              Scientists had speculated that "lunar pits" like this could be cave entrances - now they have proof Scientists have for the first time discovered a cave on the Moon. At least 100m deep, it could be an ideal place for humans to build a permanent base, they say. It is just one in probably hundreds of caves hidden in an “underground, undiscovered world”, according to the researchers. Countries are ra

                                                                Moon cave discovered that could one day house humans
                                                              • An Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Rust and a High-level Overview of Tokio's Architecture

                                                                An Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Rust and a High-level Overview of Tokio's Architecture Asynchronous programming allows the development of services that can handle millions of requests without saturating memory and CPU utilization. Support for asynchrony is usually baked into the programming language; we take a look at async support in Rust, a type-safe and memory-safe systems progra

                                                                  An Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Rust and a High-level Overview of Tokio's Architecture
                                                                • Rustlings Rewrite

                                                                  Rustlings is a program with a set of small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code 🦀 I have been working on version 6 of Rustlings for more than 3 months. During this time, I rewrote the whole program, extended it, improved the exercises and added idiomatic solutions. Now, I am happy to finally release it 🎉 In this blog post, I will talk a about my journey of becoming a mainta

                                                                  • Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet ranks number 1 for business and finance in S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho | Amazon Web Services

                                                                    AWS Machine Learning Blog Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet ranks number 1 for business and finance in S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet currently ranks at the top of S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho, which assesses large language models (LLMs) for finance and business. Kensho is the AI Innovation Hub for S&P Global. Using Amazon Bedrock, Kensho was able to quickly run Anthropic’s C

                                                                      Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet ranks number 1 for business and finance in S&P AI Benchmarks by Kensho | Amazon Web Services
                                                                    • How it became like this? Ruby Range class

                                                                      Understanding the core class design and usage via its evolution Years ago, my studies into the Ruby Evolution started with the persuasion that mastering the programming language to express one’s intentions clearly and efficiently may grow significantly by understanding how it evolved and what intentions were put behind its various elements. Moving back through the history of a change of some eleme

                                                                        How it became like this? Ruby Range class
                                                                      • China unveils world’s 1st meltdown-proof nuclear reactor with 105 MW capacity

                                                                        The commercial scale High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Pebble-Bed Module (HTR-PM) in Shandong, China Cell In a global first, researchers at Tsinghua University in China have successfully demonstrated a meltdown-proof nuclear fission reactor. The twin reactor design can generate 105 MW of power each and has been in the works since 2016. The technology is a welcome step for the nuclear energy indu

                                                                          China unveils world’s 1st meltdown-proof nuclear reactor with 105 MW capacity
                                                                        • Python has too many package managers

                                                                          Python is a wonderful programming language. I’ve used it to build webapps, deep learning models, games, and do numerical computation. However there is one aspect of Python that has been an inexcusable pain-in-the ass over many years. That would be the fragmented Python package and environment management ecosystem, succinctly represented by the following XKCD comic: You see, a lot of other programm

                                                                          • Data Flywheels for LLM Applications

                                                                            Over the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about workflows to automatically and dynamically improve LLM applications using production data. This stems from our research on validating data quality in LLM pipelines and applications—which is starting to be productionized in both vertical AI applications and LLMOps companies. (I am always very thankful to the teams in industry who find my wo

                                                                              Data Flywheels for LLM Applications
                                                                            • Where Should Visual Programming Go? @ tonsky.me

                                                                              Where Should Visual Programming Go? There’s a wonderful article by Sebastian Bensusan: “We need visual programming. No, not like that.” (the dot is part of the title ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). In it, Sebastian argues that we shouldn’t try to replace all code with visual programming but instead only add graphics where it makes sense: Most visual programming environments fail to get any usage. Why? They try to rep

                                                                                Where Should Visual Programming Go? @ tonsky.me
                                                                              • Ladybird

                                                                                Announcement | July 1st 2024 Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative Hello friends! Today I want to share with you our plans for the next chapter of Ladybird, the truly independent, open source web browser we’ve been developing from scratch for the past few years. Ladybird uses a brand new engine based on web standards, without borrowing any code from other browsers. It started as a humble HTML

                                                                                • A critical review of Marketing Mix Modeling — From hype to reality

                                                                                  Context Most companies spend large chunks of their budget on marketing. Often, without knowing the return of that investment. Marketing Mix Modeling has been promoted as the one method to shed light on the effect of marketing. Not quite coincidentally, this is mainly supported by people that have a self-serving interest to advocate MMM. Opposing standpoints are few and far between. In this post, I