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Google'sの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 885件

  • GitHub - golang/protobuf: Go support for Google's protocol buffers

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

      GitHub - golang/protobuf: Go support for Google's protocol buffers
    • Google’s Lab of Wildest Dreams (Published 2011)

      MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — In a top-secret lab in an undisclosed Bay Area location where robots run free, the future is being imagined. It’s a place where your refrigerator could be connected to the Internet, so it could order groceries when they ran low. Your dinner plate could post to a social network what you’re eating. Your robot could go to the office while you stay home in your pajamas. And you

        Google’s Lab of Wildest Dreams (Published 2011)
      • Web2.0 - Google's Cookie(PREF)

        Googleを訪問すると発行されるCookie(PREF)についてちょっと調べてみました。PREFの値によってGoogle検索がAjax対応(先日の記事)になったりならなかったりするっぽいので、そのあたりも書いてます。 PREFはPreferencesの略で、つまりはGoogleの表示設定を保持するCookieのようです。Googleに'表示設定'というリンクがあると思います。そこで設定した内容をCookieとしてPREFというキーで保存しています。 このCookie(PREF)は、なんと2038年までの有効期限で発行されるので、パソコンやブラウザを変えない限り、ずっと同じ値が使用されるということのようです。ユーザの検索状況を一意にトラッキング(追跡)するためとはいえ、あまりにも長い気がします。 PREFの設定値についてまとめておきます。まとめたからと言ってあまり使い道はない気もします。と

        • Life beyond HTTP 1.1: Google's SPDY - igvita.com

          By Ilya Grigorik on April 07, 2011 Tim Berners-Lee rightfully deserves all the credit for his early work around URI, HTTP and HTML. His efforts ultimately led to the official HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945) specification in 1996, the HTTP 1.1 proposal (RFC 2068) in 1997 and consequently the official HTTP 1.1 spec (RFC 2616) in 1999. The web as we know it wouldn't exist without these protocols. However, more t

          • Google's augmented reality game 'Ingress' comes to Android Wear

            Google's augmented reality game 'Ingress' comes to Android Wear Remember Ingress, the Google-developed project that entices you to get outside with the promise of some light gaming? On top of iOS and Android, it'll soon work on Android Wear, meaning you can join in the fun with your smartwatch rather than just your smartphone (though you'll still need that too, of course). The idea is to get teams

              Google's augmented reality game 'Ingress' comes to Android Wear
            • Live From Google's Chrome OS Event | TechCrunch

              We’re here today in Mountain View, CA at the Googleplex for an event during which Google is promising to give a lot of details about Chrome OS. This includes a full product rundown and details about the formal launch, which is expected to occur early next year. Sundar Pichai, Google’s VP of Product Management and Matthew Papakipos, Google’s Engineering Director for Google Chrome OS are speaking at

                Live From Google's Chrome OS Event | TechCrunch
              • Bypassing Google’s Two-Factor Authentication - Duo Blog

                Connect and protect your employees, business partners and customers with identity-powered security.

                  Bypassing Google’s Two-Factor Authentication - Duo Blog
                • Code Jam - Google’s Coding Competitions

                  Put your coding skills to the test as you work your way through multiple rounds of algorithmic coding puzzles for the title of Code Jam Champ and 15,000 USD.

                    Code Jam - Google’s Coding Competitions
                  • How Google's Self-Driving Car Works

                    Once a secret project, Google’s self-driving cars are now out in the open, with the company test-driving them on public roads and, on one occasion, even inviting people to ride inside one of the robot vehicles as it raced around a closed course. Google’s fleet of robotic Toyota Priuses has now logged more than 190,000 miles (about 300,000 kilometers), driving in city traffic, busy highways, and mo

                      How Google's Self-Driving Car Works
                    • Google’s Approach to Observability

                      The progression of microservices in the industry resembles me the way microservices progressed at Google. First, a common container format. Then, a way to express complicated systems in terms of containers. Tools to deploy them and services to schedule them. Core networking services to support the complicated networking requirements of our highly large systems with complex dependencies. Then, obse

                        Google’s Approach to Observability
                      • How will Google's Dremel change future Hadoop releases?

                        Answer (1 of 7): The architecture of Dremel is quite similar to the architecture of Pig and Hive. All three have a columnar layout for persistent data [7], a metadata repository, a query execution engine, a physical planner, a logical planner, and a query parser for a higher-level query language....

                          How will Google's Dremel change future Hadoop releases?
                        • GitHub - giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php: PHP version of Google's phone number handling library

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php: PHP version of Google's phone number handling library
                          • Google's Summer of Code 2008: 新たな分野、新たな動向 | OSDN Magazine

                            Google社が開催する Summer of Code (サマー・オブ・コード)は、オープンソース・フリーソフトウェアの開発に入門する世界中の学生を支援するという大がかりなイベントである。毎年夏休みに行われるこのプロジェクトも今年で4回目を迎え、過去のSummer of Codeの成果が実際に反映されるにつれて、学生参加が開発に果たす役割が再認識されている。今年はさらに多くのプロジェクトが採用され、その内容もコンパイラの機能追加からLiveCDの作成やゲームのマップエディタの開発まで、多岐に渡っている。まもなくはじまる学生応募の受付を前に、今年の傾向と印象的なプロジェクトについて紹介し、オープンソース・フリーソフトウェア振興や日本からの発信についても考えた。 概略とこれまでの動向 Summer of Codeでは、まず3月に学生を指導する組織(メンター組織)の募集が行われ、Googleが選

                              Google's Summer of Code 2008: 新たな分野、新たな動向 | OSDN Magazine
                            • NetBSD & Google's Summer of Code: Lourival Vieira Neto - Provide support for dynamic NetBSD kernel extensions using the Lua language - Lunatik/NetBSD (luakern)

                              NetBSD-SoC: Provide support for dynamic NetBSD kernel extensions using the Lua language - Lunatik/NetBSD What is it? This project has the goal to develop a kernel subsystem, called Lunatik, to provide support for dynamically extending the NetBSD kernel using the Lua programming language. We intend to allow the adaptation of the kernel for different purposes at runtime, through loading Lua scripts

                              • Find anything blazingly fast with Google's vector search technology | Google Cloud Blog

                                Recently, Google Cloud partner Groovenauts, Inc. published a live demo of MatchIt Fast. As the demo shows, you can find images and text similar to a selected sample from a collection of millions in a matter of milliseconds: Give it a try — and either select a preset image or upload one of your own. Once you make your choice, you will get the top 25 similar images from two million images on Wikimed

                                  Find anything blazingly fast with Google's vector search technology | Google Cloud Blog
                                • Google's R Style Guide - RjpWiki

                                  RjpWiki はオープンソースの統計解析システム R に関する情報交換を目的とした Wiki です2011-06-09 トップ頁へのコメント R本リスト 2011-06-07 R史 2011-06-06 RでGIS 2011-06-03 Q&A (初級者コース)/13 2011-06-01 Q&A (中級者コース) 2011-05-31 Q&A (上級者コース) 2011-05-27 CRAN パッケージリスト--II geosphere(球面三角法)パッケージ中のオブジェクト一覧 R running on mobile gadgets 2011-05-25 QGIS で R Rシラバス エディタでR 2011-05-24 R出力の記録 TeachingDemos Rでエコノメトリクス 2011-05-23 α係数,信頼性係数の算出 2011-05-21 R以外に使っているパッケージ 2

                                  • Android: a visual history of Google’s OS on its 10th anniversary - The Verge

                                    Google’s Android operating system has undergone a pretty incredible metamorphosis since it debuted on the T-Mobile G1 on October 22nd, 2008. A decade might seem like a long time, but on the scale of the PC's growth, it's a blink of an eye. You could make a pretty convincing argument that no consumer technology in history has evolved as quickly as the smartphone, and Android has been at the very ce

                                      Android: a visual history of Google’s OS on its 10th anniversary - The Verge
                                    • Google's SEO Report Card

                                      accessibility 10 advanced 195 AMP 13 Android 2 API 7 apps 7 autocomplete 2 beginner 173 CAPTCHA 1 Chrome 2 cms 1 crawling and indexing 158 encryption 3 events 51 feedback and communication 83 forums 5 general tips 90 geotargeting 1 Google Assistant 3 Google I/O 3 Google Images 3 Google News 2 hacked sites 12 hangout 2 hreflang 3 https 5 images 12 intermediate 205 interstitials 1 javascript 8 job s

                                        Google's SEO Report Card
                                      • Scheduling on large clusters - Google's Borg and Omega, YARN, Mesos

                                        Scheduling on large clusters - Google's Borg and Omega, YARN, Mesos

                                        • Diving into SDCardFS: How Google's FUSE Replacement Will Reduce I/O Overhead

                                          Several months ago, Google added something called “SDCardFS” to the official AOSP branches for the Linux kernel. At the time, the move was noticed only by some kernel developers, but otherwise flew under the radar of most users. No surprise there considering the fact that most users, including myself, do not really know what goes on under the hood of the Android OS and its kernel. However, the mos

                                            Diving into SDCardFS: How Google's FUSE Replacement Will Reduce I/O Overhead
                                          • Google’s scalable supercomputers for machine learning, Cloud TPU Pods, are now publicly available in beta | Google Cloud Blog

                                            Google’s scalable supercomputers for machine learning, Cloud TPU Pods, are now publicly available in beta To accelerate the largest-scale machine learning (ML) applications deployed today and enable rapid development of the ML applications of tomorrow, Google created custom silicon chips called Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). When assembled into multi-rack ML supercomputers called Cloud TPU Pods,

                                              Google’s scalable supercomputers for machine learning, Cloud TPU Pods, are now publicly available in beta | Google Cloud Blog
                                            • Google's reCAPTCHA briefly cracked - The H Security: News and Features

                                              A tough nut to crack - the text version of reCAPTCHA requires users to enter words from scanned books Hackers developed a script which was able to crack Google's reCAPTCHA system with a success rate of better than 99 per cent. They presented the results of their research at the LayerOne security conference in Los Angeles last weekend; however, their demonstration was somewhat frustrated as, just a

                                              • A spring metamorphosis — Google’s new look

                                                Hey—we've moved. Visit The Keyword for all the latest news and stories from Google

                                                  A spring metamorphosis — Google’s new look
                                                • Software Engineering at Google 31 Jan 2017 Fergus Henderson <​fergus@google.com​> (work) or <​fergus.henderson@gmail.com​> (personal) Abstract We catalog and describe Google’s key software engineering practices. Biography Fergus Henderson has b

                                                  Software Engineering at Google 31 Jan 2017 Fergus Henderson <​fergus@google.com​> (work) or <​fergus.henderson@gmail.com​> (personal) Abstract We catalog and describe Google’s key software engineering practices. Biography Fergus Henderson has been a software engineer at Google for over 10 years. He started programming as a kid in 1979, and went on to academic research in programming language desi

                                                  • Google's Geo Developer Dayお気楽レポート - ドナドナ日記

                                                    そんなわけでやってきましたSan Joseへ。 飛行機の中でサッカーの悲しいニュースを聞きつつ、レンタカーを借りて一路Googleへ。 飛行機からの航空写真の撮影にそなえて寝転ぶDeveloper day参加者 Google名物の無料のカフェテリアでお昼ご飯を食べたあと、いよいよGeo Developer Day開始 びっくりがあるよと聞いていたのですが、いきなりセルゲイ、ラリー、エリック登場。 本当にびっくり。 ラリー曰く「Geographical Informationの重要性は認識している。テレポーテーションが開発されるまではね」とのコメントにエリック曰く「(テレポーテーションって)Googleのプロダクトロードマップにあったっけ?」 既に当日の朝にGoogleから発表があったようですが、トピックとしてはこんな感じ ◆ Google Earth ver4.0の発表 多言語対応、3Dの

                                                      Google's Geo Developer Dayお気楽レポート - ドナドナ日記
                                                    • Google's Send from Gmail Extension Quickly Shares Links via Email

                                                      Google's Send from Gmail Extension Quickly Shares Links via Email Chrome: This might be the quickest way to share links with others. Just click the Send from Gmail (by Google) button and a new email message is prepped for you with the web page title as the subject line and the link in the body. All you have to do is enter your recipient and click send. The extension works with Google Apps and you

                                                        Google's Send from Gmail Extension Quickly Shares Links via Email
                                                      • Comparing Google’s TPUv2 against Nvidia’s V100 on ResNet-50

                                                        Google recently added the Tensor Processing Unit v2 (TPUv2), a custom-developed microchip to accelerate deep learning, to its cloud offering. The TPUv2 is the second generation of this chip and the first publicly available deep learning accelerator that has the potential of becoming an alternative to Nvidia GPUs. We recently reported our first experience and received a lot of requests for a more d

                                                          Comparing Google’s TPUv2 against Nvidia’s V100 on ResNet-50
                                                        • HyperLogLog++: Google’s Take On Engineering HLL –

                                                          Matt Abrams recently pointed me to Google’s excellent paper “HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm” [UPDATE: changed the link to the paper version without typos] and I thought I’d share my take on it and explain a few points that I had trouble getting through the first time. The paper offers a few interesting improvements that are w

                                                            HyperLogLog++: Google’s Take On Engineering HLL –
                                                          • Tearing Apart Google’s TPU 3.0 AI Coprocessor

                                                              Tearing Apart Google’s TPU 3.0 AI Coprocessor
                                                            • Google's mobile-first index likely not coming until 2018 at earliest

                                                              Google is “probably many quarters away” from launching its mobile-first index. So said Gary Illyes, Google webmaster trends analyst, during a crowded session Tuesday afternoon at our SMX Advanced conference in Seattle. “It’s going to be a big change, but don’t freak out,” Illyes said. SEOs and webmasters have been wondering and waiting for a couple of years now for news on when the mobile-first in

                                                                Google's mobile-first index likely not coming until 2018 at earliest
                                                              • Exclusive: Chat is Google’s next big fix for Android’s messaging mess

                                                                A top-tier Android phone can cost upwards of a thousand dollars, and for that money, you’ll get some amazing features. It will have a stellar screen, top-flight camera, gobs of storage, and an absolutely atrocious texting experience. It’s a problem. In fact, it’s always been a problem. Google has spent nearly a decade trying — and failing — to fix it with an ever-rotating cast of poorly supported

                                                                  Exclusive: Chat is Google’s next big fix for Android’s messaging mess
                                                                • This is Google's first self-driving car crash

                                                                  This photo of what looks like a minor case of Prius-on-Prius vehicular violence may actually be a piece of automotive history: the first accident caused by Google's self-driving car. Whose name should the cop write down on the ticket? UPDATE!

                                                                    This is Google's first self-driving car crash
                                                                  • Toyota is closing in on a deal to buy Google's robotics company Boston Dynamics, and the 'ink is nearly dry'

                                                                    An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

                                                                      Toyota is closing in on a deal to buy Google's robotics company Boston Dynamics, and the 'ink is nearly dry'
                                                                    • About Google's App Security - Google

                                                                      As a provider of products and services for many users across the internet, we recognize how important it is to help protect user privacy and security. We understand that secure products are instrumental in maintaining the trust users place in us and we strive to create innovative products that both serve user needs and operate in the user’s best interest. This site provides information for develop

                                                                      • Google’s Digital Library Wins Court of Appeals Ruling (Published 2015)

                                                                        The British Library in London. Google has been building a vast digital library and has approached major research libraries about scanning and digitizing books from their collections.Credit...Paul Hackett/Reuters A United States appeals court ruled on Friday that Google’s effort to build a digital library of millions of books was “fair use” and did not infringe on the copyrights of authors. “The pu

                                                                          Google’s Digital Library Wins Court of Appeals Ruling (Published 2015)
                                                                        • Exclusive: How Google's Algorithm Rules the Web

                                                                          Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their […] When it comes to finding stuff, there's Google — and there's eve

                                                                            Exclusive: How Google's Algorithm Rules the Web
                                                                          • Google's iTunes Competitor Will Likely Be Called Google Music | TechCrunch

                                                                            Google's iTunes Competitor Will Likely Be Called Google Music At Google I/O a few weeks ago, Google teased the audience with a glimpse of a web-based iTunes competitor that would be a new section of the Android Market. Details were sparse during that time, but we may have found the name of the service through a new logo that is hosted on Google’s domain: Google Music. You can tweak that url to see

                                                                              Google's iTunes Competitor Will Likely Be Called Google Music | TechCrunch
                                                                            • Google's Graphing Calculator

                                                                              An unofficial blog that watches Google's attempts to move your operating system online since 2005. Not affiliated with Google. Send your tips to gostips@gmail.com. Now you no longer need to use Wolfram Alpha to plot Math graphs. Google shows an interactive graph when you search for a Math function or a list of functions separated by commas. "You can zoom in and out and pan across the plane to expl

                                                                              • Rumor: Google's Plan To Bridge Chrome, Android, And Search To Do Everything On Your Device [Updated]

                                                                                Rumor: Google's Plan To Bridge Chrome, Android, And Search To Do Everything On Your Device [Updated] Occasionally, an OS update will bring around features that really change things. Android 3.0 brought the Android experience to tablets. 4.0 completely revamped the UI and added guidelines that made Android look cohesive for the first time. 4.4 added Svelte, which promised to seat Android comfortabl

                                                                                  Rumor: Google's Plan To Bridge Chrome, Android, And Search To Do Everything On Your Device [Updated]
                                                                                • Google's Streetview Seen As Culturally Insensitive In Japan - Slashdot

                                                                                  Jim O'Connell writes "Global Voices has a translation of an excellent open letter to Google by Osamu Higuchi, explaining that Street view is too invasive for Japanese traditional values when used in residential areas. Having lived here for ten years, most recently in an older residential area, I can attest to its accuracy — Living in such close proximity to your neighbors, it becomes necessary to