ストックマークの社内研修の公開版※資料です。 (※実際に研修で利用したものとは異なります)
Q: I’ve noticed quite a bit of similarity between staff engineering roles and engineering management. What is your take on the similarities and differences?An interesting observation is how many leadership roles in Big Tech and at high-growth startups begin to utilize overlapping skill sets after a while. At these companies, everyone working in engineering or product is technical, meaning they hav
Chief technology officer Mira Murati appointed interim CEO to lead OpenAI; Sam Altman departs the company. Search process underway to identify permanent successor. The board of directors of OpenAI, Inc., the 501(c)(3) that acts as the overall governing body for all OpenAI activities, today announced that Sam Altman will depart as CEO and leave the board of directors. Mira Murati, the company’s chi
Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher and the bestselling author of Sapiens, Homo Deus and Unstoppable Us. Many people blame the coronavirus epidemic on globalization, and say that the only way to prevent more such outbreaks is to de-globalize the world. Build walls, restrict travel, reduce trade. However, while short-term quarantine is essential to stop epidemics, long-term isolationism will le
Tanya Reilly による「Technical leadership and glue work」という講演(および、その文字起こしによるブログ「Being Glue」)があります。(以下、講演に特に言及する場合を除き、「記事」として言及します)。 www.youtube.com noidea.dog Manager ではなく Individual Contributor としてのキャリア 筆者の Tanya Reilly は、元GoogleのStaff Systems Engineerで、現在はSquarespaceでPrincipal Software Engineerを務めています。これらの職名からもわかるように、彼女はマネージャーではなくエンジニアとして昇進を続けながら活躍してきた人です。 エンジニアリングマネージャーについての書籍は、翻訳が出ている『エンジニアのためのマネジ
はじめに 今日、国内初開催、という Michael Sahota 氏の Certified Agile Leadership I を受講しました。 https://www.jp.agilergo.com/cal-sahota-202001 https://agilitrix.com/certified-agile-leadership-training-cal-1/ 2日間のカリキュラムなので、まだ前半のみですが、受講の熱が収まらないうちにまとめてみます。 (day2まで待たなければ国内最速公開じゃね?という色気もある) day2 https://qiita.com/syagi/items/7aaf74abe546e06c01ec 注意(免責) あくまで私のメモであり、私のフィルターを通した解釈を書いているので、Sahota氏の見解とは必ずしも一致しないかもしれません。 一次情報源として、
Ever worked for a leader who made such a positive impression on you that you still talk about him or her years later? Most likely your praises are due to how you felt emotionally under that leader's guidance. As the famous saying goes, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Emotions are a matter of the heart. And ch
Staff Engineer: Leadership beyond the management track by Will Larson At most technology companies, you’ll reach Senior Software Engineer, the career level for software engineers, in five to eight years. At that career level, you’ll no longer be required to work towards the next promotion, and being promoted beyond it is exceptional rather than expected. Should you stay there, move into engineerin
AWS Open Source Blog OpenSearch Expands Leadership Beyond AWS The OpenSearch project has achieved another milestone, launching the inaugural OpenSearch Leadership Committee, in December 2023. The committee is another step toward open governance in which a broad community of users, contributors, and committers is included in a publicly visible and accessible process that determines an open source p
In his legendary essay The Servant as Leader, Robert K. Greenleaf wrote these famous words: The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. As a management consultant and researcher, Greenleaf realized that the organizations that thrived had leaders who acted more as supportive coac
Kabul has fallen. The Taliban has taken the control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, after 9 hours of an armed battle between Afghan forces and the Taliban. This was confirmed by a source of The Eastern Herald in Kabul. Since then we are not able to communicate with our journalists in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan . After Kabul has fallen into the hands of the Taliban, the Taliban are now searchi
Measuring the capacity and readiness of economies to adopt and explore digital technologies for economic and social transformation World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2023 Now in its seventh year, the IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking, produced by the IMD World Competitiveness Center, measures the capacity and readiness of 64 economies to adopt and explore digital technologies as a key d
Non-UI UX is dead: noone wants “wireframers” anymore. It has far-flinging implications, but I guess the problem lies elsewhere. Please note: I’m personally affected by this. I don’t have a visual talent — I have considerable knowledge attainable about graphics design, but just like someone with a body type of a walrus won’t became a gymnast no matter how hard they train, I will not be able to clea
だいぶ時間が経ってしまったのですが、せっかく本家Googleが主催するセミナーに参加したのでサクッと情報をまとめてみました。 全編英語でしたが…(汗) SEO対策やサイト収益化について、公式見解として”Googleの本社の中の人”が直接おっしゃていることを聞けたのは非常に有益でした。 私が参加したGoogleの「Women of Publishing Leadership Series」とは? プログラム概要 プログラムスケジュール 参加してみた感想や言語のこと SEO対策とサイトの表示スピードについて Google SEO対策でもっとも重要な3点 サイトの第一印象について サイトの表示スピードをアップさせる3つの方法 スピードアップに関して使える3つの無料ツール 目次やナビゲーションメニューの作成 スマホ画面での表示を常に意識する サイトの収益化に関して 収益化においてもスピードは最重要
What time was that meeting tomorrow? Was it April who said she might want to become a customer in August, or was it August who said to call him next April? Wait, what was the third thing? I joke, of course, but if there's one thing many business leaders worry about -- especially as they grow a bit older -- it's whether their memories have suffered.
こんにちは、プリセールススペシャリストの兼本です。 本日7月7日は弊社クラスメソッドの創立記念日ですが、我が家では7月7日といえば昨年受け入れた保護猫兄妹の誕生日であり、会社の創立記念日とか思っているのは私一人です。 そこで本エントリでは、猫たちと暮らした1年間を振り返るかたちでAlteryx2021.2の新機能であるコンピュータビジョンについてご紹介します。 Alteryxのコンピュータビジョン 2021年5月17日にリリースされたAlteryx 2021.2のアドオン製品「Intelligence Suite」に追加された新機能です。新機能のまとめについてはこちらのエントリをご参照ください。 Alteryx Designer 2021.2 に Intelligent Suiteを追加インストールすると、以下のツールが追加されます。 画像の前処理 OCR処理をする際には読み込んだ画像のノ
In the realm of leadership, two prominent styles often come to the forefront: transactional leadership vs. transformational leadership. These distinct leadership approaches represent contrasting philosophies and methodologies for leading teams and achieving organizational goals. While transactional leadership focuses on exchanges and task-oriented performance, transformational leadership emphasize
社会にデザイン力を還元するための組織「Design Leadership」部門を設立 〜「デザイン経営」時代に必要とされる「高度デザイン人材」を柔軟に供給 デザイナーの新しい在り方を提案〜 豊富なデザイン人材を擁するデザイン会社コンセント(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表:長谷川敦士)は、企業のCEOのクリエイティブ面での参謀として、組織のCDOの影武者として、あるいは社会をデザインで変革する推進者として振る舞うことができるメンバーを揃えた「Design Leadership(デザインリーダーシップ)」部門を設立しました。 2018年に経済産業省・特許庁より発表された「デザイン経営宣言」。 一部企業のなかにはCDO(チーフデザインオフィサー)を導入したり、デザイン部門(サービスデザイン、カスタマー・エクスペリエンス部門等)をもつことでデザインインパクトを創出しようとしている企業も出てきています。
James M. Whitehurst Appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer and President Company Reaffirms Third Quarter 2023 Guidance Company to Release Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results on November 9, 2023 SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Unity (NYSE: U) (the “Company”), the world’s leading platform for creating and growing real-time 3D (RT3D) content, today announced that John Riccitiello will retire as