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81 - 120 件 / 357件

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Memoryの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 357件

  • Jsonptr: Using Wuffs’ Memory-Safe, Zero-Allocation JSON Decoder

    Jsonptr: Using Wuffs’ Memory-Safe, Zero-Allocation JSON Decoder Summary: jsonptr is a new, sandboxed command-line tool that formats JSON and speaks the JSON Pointer query syntax. Wuffs standard library’s JSON decoder can run in O(1) memory, even with arbitrarily long input (containing arbitrarily long strings) because it uses multiple tokens to represent each JSON string. Processing the JSON Point

    • Sony Memory Stick - Dmitry.GR

      Documenting Sony Memory Stick UPDATE HISTORY:May 17 2022 - Documented the Sony Memory Stick Host chip MB86189Apr 4 2022 - Added MSIO Camera documentation, added camera and GPS sample codeApr 3 2022 - Added MSIO GPS documentationMar 25 2022 - Added some more MSIO infoMar 19 2022 - added some MSIO info Disclaimer: most of this data was scrounged from many sources, guessed from disassembly, inferred

      • Intel環境でもRadeon RX 6000シリーズのSmart Access Memoryが使えるのか検証してみた (1/2)

        AMDがSAMの解説に用意した資料より抜粋。Ryzen 5000シリーズとRX 6000シリーズがPCI Express Gen4で接続するのが必須条件のように見えるが、それが本当なら今のIntel製プラットフォームでSAMの実現は不可能という話になるが果たして…… AMDの“Big Navi”こと「Radeon RX 6000シリーズ」は、同社のRDNA 2アーキテクチャーを採用したGPUだ。7nmプロセスで高クロック同左、さらにInfinity Cacheに16GBのGDDR6メモリーといった内容は、GeForce RTX 3080や3070と真っ向から勝負できる“最高に強いRadeon”と言って差し支えない。 すでに発売している「RX 6800 XT」および「RX 6800」の性能は「Radeon RX 6800 XT/6800で強いRadeonが久々に戻ってきた!」の前編・後編で検

          Intel環境でもRadeon RX 6000シリーズのSmart Access Memoryが使えるのか検証してみた (1/2)
        • GitHub - Robert-van-Engelen/tinylisp: Lisp in 99 lines of C and how to write one yourself. Includes 20 Lisp primitives, garbage collection and REPL. Includes tail-call optimized versions for speed and reduced memory use.

          In honor of the contributions made by Church and McCarthy, I wrote this project and the accompanying article to show how anyone can write a tiny Lisp interpreter in a few lines of C or in any "C-like" programming language for that matter. I attempted to preserve the original meaning and flavor of Lisp as much as possible. As a result, the C code in this project is strongly Lisp-like in compact for

            GitHub - Robert-van-Engelen/tinylisp: Lisp in 99 lines of C and how to write one yourself. Includes 20 Lisp primitives, garbage collection and REPL. Includes tail-call optimized versions for speed and reduced memory use.
          • How a simple Linux kernel memory corruption bug can lead to complete system compromise

            In this case, reallocating the object as one of those three types didn't seem to me like a nice way forward (although it should be possible to exploit this somehow with some effort, e.g. by using count.counter to corrupt the buf field of seq_file). Also, some systems might be using the slab_nomerge kernel command line flag, which disables this merging behavior. Another approach that I didn't look

            • JSで書かれたECMAScript RegExpパーサーの比較 | Memory ice cubes

              OXCで正規表現パーサーを実装してるときに全部一通り読んでみて、みんな違ってみんな良いってなったので。 候補はこちらの3つ。 https://github.com/jviereck/regjsparser https://github.com/DmitrySoshnikov/regexp-tree https://github.com/eslint-community/regexpp かのAST Explorerでも、RegExp部門ではこの3つがリストにある。 AST explorer https://astexplorer.net/ 前提 ECMAScript本体だと、ESTreeというデファクトがあるけど、残念ながらRegExpにはない。 ESTreeでのRegExpの扱いはこんな感じで、ただの文字列でしかない。 interface RegExpLiteral <: Literal

                JSで書かれたECMAScript RegExpパーサーの比較 | Memory ice cubes
              • New for AWS Lambda – Functions with Up to 10 GB of Memory and 6 vCPUs | Amazon Web Services

                AWS News Blog New for AWS Lambda – Functions with Up to 10 GB of Memory and 6 vCPUs AWS Lambda runs your code on an highly available and scalable compute infrastructure so that you can focus on what you want to build. Do you want to get the advantages of Lambda for workloads that are memory or computationally intensive? Wait no more! Starting today, you can allocate up to 10 GB of memory to a Lamb

                  New for AWS Lambda – Functions with Up to 10 GB of Memory and 6 vCPUs | Amazon Web Services
                • Twitterのユーザー名の変更履歴を確認できるウェブサービス「memory.lol」

                  Twitterには「@gigazine」のように「@」から始まるユーザー名と、「GIGAZINE(ギガジン)」のような表示名を設定可能で、どちらの名前も設定画面から変更可能です。このため、ユーザー名と表示名を両方とも変更して別アカウントとして振る舞うことも可能で、悪意ある投稿を繰り返していたアカウントが別アカウントのように振る舞いながら嫌がらせを続行するという事態も発生しています。そんなユーザー名変更への対抗手段として、プログラマーのTravis Brown氏がユーザー名変更履歴検索サービス「memory.lol」を開発しました。 GitHub - travisbrown/memory.lol: memory.lol https://github.com/travisbrown/memory.lol Twitterにはユーザー名と表示名の2種類の名前を設定可能。例えば、GIGAZINEのT

                  • research!rsc: Hardware Memory Models (Memory Models, Part 1)

                    Introduction: A Fairy Tale, Ending A long time ago, when everyone wrote single-threaded programs, one of the most effective ways to make a program run faster was to sit back and do nothing. Optimizations in the next generation of hardware and the next generation of compilers would make the program run exactly as before, just faster. During this fairy-tale period, there was an easy test for whether

                    • 在野研究ビギナーズ - Random-Access Memory

                      ノンフィクションマラソン47冊目は『在野研究ビギナーズ』です。 在野研究ビギナーズ――勝手にはじめる研究生活 作者: 荒木優太 出版社/メーカー: 明石書店 発売日: 2019/09/06 メディア: 単行本 この商品を含むブログを見る 面白い本でした。特に、山本哲士さんのインタビューと、第3部「新しいコミュニティと大学の再利用」が面白かったです。私自身も大学院に在籍していたことがあるので、この本で紹介されているエピソードは実践例としてとても参考になりました。 大学院にいたとき、かなり居心地が悪く鬱々としていました。そこにいても学問に対する情熱を感じず、楽しくなかったのです。一度、学会に顔を出した際、コミュニケーションが権威主義的で、正直、ここにはいたくないと思ってしまいました。日常生活でも、誰が博士に進学するか、誰が学振通ったといった、人事的な話が多く、あまり学問の話がないなと思っていま

                        在野研究ビギナーズ - Random-Access Memory
                      • Mitigating Memory Safety Issues in Open Source Software

                        The latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet

                          Mitigating Memory Safety Issues in Open Source Software
                        • 現存するJSDocタグのまとめ | Memory ice cubes

                          まとめたいなと思ったが、それは叶わぬ夢なのかもしれない・・・。 JSDoc.app Use JSDoc: Index https://jsdoc.app/#block-tags JSDocの本家(のはず)で、用途は主にドキュメント作成。 以下がその一覧で、AtoZ(エイリアスは別)順。 まずはブロックタグといわれるよく見るもの。 @abstract @virtual @access <package|private|protected|public> @alias <aliasNamepath> @async @augments <namepath> @extends <namepath> @author <name> [<emailAddress>] @borrows <that namepath> as <this namepath> @class [<type> <name>] @c

                            現存するJSDocタグのまとめ | Memory ice cubes
                          • Memory Management in Lobster

                            This is a more in-depth explanation of how memory management in Lobster works, and is typically not needed to be understood fully to use the language. It may be interesting to those wanting to implement a similar scheme in another language. Introduction Memory management is an aspect of a language that has one of the biggest influences on how a language turns out: it affects the type system and th

                            • NSA Releases Guidance on How to Protect Against Software Memory Safety Issues

                              FORT MEADE, Md. — The National Security Agency (NSA) published guidance today to help software developers and operators prevent and mitigate software memory safety issues, which account for a large portion of exploitable vulnerabilities. The “Software Memory Safety” Cybersecurity Information Sheet highlights how malicious cyber actors can exploit poor memory management issues to access sensitive i

                                NSA Releases Guidance on How to Protect Against Software Memory Safety Issues
                              • Steamうろ覚えお絵描きバトル『Drawing From Memory』発売、さっそく好評。最大4人でやけくそ絵画をぶつけ合う - AUTOMATON

                                『Drawing From Memory』は最大4人プレイのお絵描き対戦ゲームだ。試合開始時に、ゲーム側から複数のテーマが提示。たとえば「dull super hero(ダサいスーパーヒーロー)」「clumsy cartoon animal(ドジな動物キャラ)」といったテーマが示される。これらに対し各プレイヤーは、テーマに沿ったキャラなどを思い浮かべてお題としてテキストにて記入していく。 各プレイヤーがキャラの記入を終えると、お絵描き対戦がスタートだ。テーマごとに誰かの記入したお題がランダムに選ばれ、全員に提示されることになる。ほかのプレイヤーが記入したお題が選ばれた場合、うろ覚えあるいは知らないお題が示されることもあるだろう。そして制限時間が経過すると、各々がやけっぱちで描き上げた絵が集結。誰かひとりの絵に投票をおこなうことになる。これをお題の数だけ繰り返し、記憶お絵描きのもっとも上手い

                                  Steamうろ覚えお絵描きバトル『Drawing From Memory』発売、さっそく好評。最大4人でやけくそ絵画をぶつけ合う - AUTOMATON
                                • Processing large JSON files in Python without running out of memory

                                  Processing large JSON files in Python without running out of memory by Itamar Turner-Trauring Last updated 06 Jan 2023, originally created 14 Mar 2022 If you need to process a large JSON file in Python, it’s very easy to run out of memory. Even if the raw data fits in memory, the Python representation can increase memory usage even more. And that means either slow processing, as your program swaps

                                    Processing large JSON files in Python without running out of memory
                                  • Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem

                                    This blog post is adapted from a talk that Adam Hess and I gave at RubyKaigi 2024. Until recently, Ruby lacked a mechanism for detecting native-level memory leaks from within Ruby and native gems. This was because, when Ruby terminates, it does not free the objects that are still alive or the memory used by Ruby’s virtual machine. This is because the system will reclaim all the memory used anyway,

                                      Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
                                    • Flash Memory Wear Killing Older Tesla's Due to Excessive Data Logging: Report

                                      With electric vehicles now on the market in masses and coming of age, we’re starting to see the real culprits of aging. For internal combustion engines, the types of components that age are quite well known, but we’ve always assumed that electric cars would have much longer lifespans due to the simplicity of their moving parts – or rather, the lack of moving parts. Now, according to a report on In

                                        Flash Memory Wear Killing Older Tesla's Due to Excessive Data Logging: Report
                                      • Troubleshoot low freeable memory in Amazon RDS for MySQL

                                        How can I troubleshoot low freeable memory in an Amazon RDS for MySQL database? I run an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL instance. I see that my available memory is low, my database is out of memory, or low memory is causing latency issues in my application. I want to identify the source of the memory utilization and troubleshoot. Short description In Amazon RDS for MySQL

                                          Troubleshoot low freeable memory in Amazon RDS for MySQL
                                        • Examining ARM vs X86 Memory Models with Rust

                                          With Apple’s recent announcement that they are moving away from Intel X86 CPU’s to their own ARM CPU’s for future laptops and desktops I thought it would be a good time to take a look at the some differences that can affect systems programmers working in Rust. One of the key areas where ARM CPU’s differ from X86 is their memory model. This article will take a look at what a memory model is and how

                                          • GitHub - azu/kvs: Lightweight key-value storage library for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.

                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                              GitHub - azu/kvs: Lightweight key-value storage library for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.
                                            • Debug memory leaks with the Microsoft Edge Detached Elements tool

                                              Memory leaks occur when the JavaScript code of an application retains more and more objects in memory that it doesn’t need any longer instead of releasing them for the browser to garbage collect (GC). For long-running apps, small memory leaks of only a few kilobytes can add up to noticeably degrade performance over time. Web developers who use the React framework know that React maintains a virtua

                                                Debug memory leaks with the Microsoft Edge Detached Elements tool
                                              • Memory leaks are crippling my M1 MacBook Prou2013and I'm not alone

                                                Update 11/7: Since I wrote this column, several Macworld readers have reached out with similar issues on M1 MacBooks. Some readers have had luck with disabling extensions and other have suggested it’s related to Webkit. There are also lengthy Hacker News and Reddit threads with users recounting their experiences. For the past 10 months, I’ve used a 13-inch M1 MacBook Pro supplied by my employer. M

                                                  Memory leaks are crippling my M1 MacBook Prou2013and I'm not alone
                                                • GitHub - typesense/typesense: Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences

                                                  Typo Tolerance: Handles typographical errors elegantly, out-of-the-box. Simple and Delightful: Simple to set-up, integrate with, operate and scale. ⚡ Blazing Fast: Built in C++. Meticulously architected from the ground-up for low-latency (<50ms) instant searches. Tunable Ranking: Easy to tailor your search results to perfection. Sorting: Dynamically sort results based on a particular field at quer

                                                    GitHub - typesense/typesense: Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences
                                                  • Future Electronics, logic, memory Capacitors, Film Capacitors, Mica Capacitors

                                                    Future Electronics will host a webinar on September 26th, 2024, focusing on the latest trends in infrared technology. Attendees will explore the future of IR light sources, including LEDs and lasers, and their impact on key markets. Future Electronics will attend the 2024 John Molson Career Fair at Concordia University on September 23rd, 2024, to connect with students interested in careers in Acco

                                                    • Benchmarking JavaScript Memory Usage

                                                      Complete, actionable insights and visibility into your entire digital user experience.

                                                        Benchmarking JavaScript Memory Usage
                                                      • GitHub - dangiu/PicoMemcard: Emulating PSX Memory Card (or controller) using a Raspberry Pi Pico

                                                        These are the custom PCBs designed and manufactured specifically for this application. They are not strictly required but make it much easier to build PicoMemcard since you don't need to cut up another memory card and all the soldering pads are easily accessible. All you need to do is to solder the Pico/RP2040-Zero on top of the PCB using a soldering iron. The Raspberry Pi Pico or RP2040-Zero must

                                                          GitHub - dangiu/PicoMemcard: Emulating PSX Memory Card (or controller) using a Raspberry Pi Pico
                                                        • 会社のテックブログに記事を書きました: ペパボ トラブルシュート伝 - TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem の dmesg から辿る 詳解 Linux net.ipv4.tcp_mem - hibomaの日記

                                                          以下の記事です。 tech.pepabo.com TCP our of memory memory pressure モード net.ipv4.tcp_mem 以上の三つの詳細を扱ったエントリです。TCP で大規模なトラフィックを扱っているサーバを扱われている場合、問題がないかどうかを確かめてみるとよいかと思います。 本文長いです。何に気をつけたらいいんでしょう? プラクティカルな話だけをまとめると、以下の4行です。 memory pressure モードに入ってしまうと warning です TCP out of memory が出てしまうと critical です 監視は /proc/ 以下のファイルを見ましょう チューニングは net.ipv4.tcp_mem で行いましょう LVS はどうなの? LVS でロードバランシングしている場合は、TCP スタックを通らないため TCP o

                                                            会社のテックブログに記事を書きました: ペパボ トラブルシュート伝 - TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem の dmesg から辿る 詳解 Linux net.ipv4.tcp_mem - hibomaの日記
                                                          • Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation with Modern Vanilla JavaScript – Frontend Masters Boost

                                                            Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation with Modern Vanilla JavaScript July 29, 2024 I’ll discuss best practices to avoid excess memory usage when managing updating the DOM to make your apps blazingly fast™️. DOM: Document Object Model – A Brief OverviewWhen you render HTML, the live view of those rendered elements in the browser is called the DOM. This is what you’ll see in your developer

                                                              Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation with Modern Vanilla JavaScript – Frontend Masters Boost
                                                            • Ruby 3.3’s YJIT: Faster While Using Less Memory

                                                              This year, the YJIT team has been working hard to improve and optimize YJIT. We’re proud to say that the version of YJIT to be included with Ruby 3.3 is leaps and bounds ahead of Ruby 3.2’s. It provides better performance across the board, while also warming up faster and using less memory. The 3.3 release is also more robust, including a number of bug fixes along with an improved test suite. In t

                                                                Ruby 3.3’s YJIT: Faster While Using Less Memory
                                                              • An update on Memory Safety in Chrome

                                                                The latest news and insights from Google on security and safety on the Internet

                                                                  An update on Memory Safety in Chrome
                                                                • GitHub - crablang/crab: A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus. All of the memory-safe features you love, now with 100% less bureaucracy!

                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                    GitHub - crablang/crab: A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus. All of the memory-safe features you love, now with 100% less bureaucracy!
                                                                  • Understanding resource limits in kubernetes: memory

                                                                    When I started working with kubernetes at scale I began encountering something that didn’t happen when I was just running experiments on it: occasionally a pod would get stuck in pending status because no node had sufficient cpu or ram available to run it. You can’t add cpu or ram to a node, so how do you un-stick the pod? The simplest fix is to add another node, and I admit resorting to this answ

                                                                      Understanding resource limits in kubernetes: memory
                                                                    • Memory Reclaim in the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2

                                                                      We’ve added a new Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) feature in Windows Insider Preview Build 19013: Memory Reclamation for WSL 2! Previously, when the memory needs of the WSL2 Virtual Machine (VM) would grow, either from your workflow or by the Linux kernel, the overall memory allocated to the VM would also grow by allocating more memory from the host. But, once the workflow is done, that memory w

                                                                        Memory Reclaim in the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2
                                                                      • 「Lunar Lake」Deep Diveレポート - 【Part 2】Memory、GPU、NPUについて

                                                                        レポート 「Lunar Lake」Deep Diveレポート - 【Part 2】Memory、GPU、NPUについて 前回はP-CoreとE-Coreの話に終始してしまったので、今回はもう少し広範な話をしたい。 謎のMemory Side Cache Photo01は基調講演のスライドから切り出して、ついでに複数のスライドの情報を重ね合わせたものである。上側がCompute Tileであるが、向かって右端にP-Core×4+12MB L3 Cache、その下にIPU(Image Processing Unit:通常ならISPと呼ばれるが、要するにカメラ入力に対応した画像処理エンジン)、右にNoCが入り、そのNoCの上にMedia EngineとMemory Side Cache、NOCの下にE-Core×4+4MB L2 CacheとDisplay Engine、その左がNPUとなり、一

                                                                          「Lunar Lake」Deep Diveレポート - 【Part 2】Memory、GPU、NPUについて
                                                                        • Table 4 . Normalized global results for Energy, Time, and Memory

                                                                          This paper presents a study of the runtime, memory usage and energy consumption of twenty seven well-known software languages. We monitor the performance of such languages using ten different programming problems, expressed in each of the languages. Our results show interesting findings, such as, slower/faster languages consuming less/more energy,...

                                                                            Table 4 . Normalized global results for Energy, Time, and Memory 
                                                                          • 【Stable Diffusion Web UI】RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory.が起こった場合の対処法

                                                                            【Stable Diffusion Web UI】RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory.が起こった場合の対処法

                                                                              【Stable Diffusion Web UI】RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory.が起こった場合の対処法
                                                                            • Microsoft Azure Blazes The Disaggregated Memory Trail With zNUMA

                                                                                Microsoft Azure Blazes The Disaggregated Memory Trail With zNUMA
                                                                              • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Integrating systemd-oomd For Improving Low Memory Handling - Phoronix

                                                                                Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Integrating systemd-oomd For Improving Low Memory Handling Written by Michael Larabel in Ubuntu on 31 January 2022 at 09:05 AM EST. 27 Comments Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is going to be making use of systemd-oomd for aiming to improve the experience when out of memory or under heavy memory pressure on the Linux distribution. Ubuntu is now the latest Linux distribution shipping with systemd-

                                                                                  Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Integrating systemd-oomd For Improving Low Memory Handling - Phoronix
                                                                                • GitHub - trifectatechfoundation/sudo-rs: A memory safe implementation of sudo and su.

                                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                    GitHub - trifectatechfoundation/sudo-rs: A memory safe implementation of sudo and su.