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  • In pictures: Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally | CNN Politics

    Former President Donald Trump was injured Saturday after a shooting at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The incident took place moments after he took the stage at the rally. After loud bangs were heard, Trump fell to the ground and was covered by Secret Service agents. He was stood back up by security personnel and had blood on his ear and face. He was yelling back to the crowd and then

      In pictures: Trump injured in shooting at Pennsylvania rally | CNN Politics
    • gRPC Over HTTP/3

      Introduction At the time of writing, HTTP/3 is supported by 30.4% of the top 10 million websites. This market penetration is astounding, but it seems like all of this progress has been possible almost exclusively by work on browsers, load balancers and CDN providers. What about the backend? How’s HTTP/3 doing there? The answer, sadly, is not as incredible. Because of this, I have been very interes

        gRPC Over HTTP/3
      • 「図書館等公衆送信サービス」に関する「事務処理手引書」等の公開について(周知依頼)|2024年|お知らせ|私立大学図書館協会 Japan Association of Private University Libraries

        Copyright© Japan Association of Private University Libraries. All right reserved.

        • アーティストがAIによるスタイルのコピーを防ぐための無料ツール「Glaze」がクラックされて突破されたことが明らかに

          シカゴ大学の研究チームが提供している、人間が描いた絵画に対し目に見えない改変を加えてAIによる学習から保護するためのツール「Glaze」について、スイスのオンラインセキュリティ研究者らのチームが「Glazeの保護は簡単に回避可能」と指摘する論文を発表しました。 [2406.12027] Adversarial Perturbations Cannot Reliably Protect Artists From Generative AI https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.12027 Glazing over security | SPY Lab https://spylab.ai/blog/glaze/ Why I attack https://nicholas.carlini.com/writing/2024/why-i-attack.html Tool preven

          • Beating the compiler

            In modern times, everyone knows that writing assembly is a fool's errand: compilers are the result of literal engineer-centuries of work, and they know the processor much better than you do. And yet – one hears rumors. Written in ancient tomes, muttered in quiet watering holes, scrawled on the walls of bygone temples, hinted at by mysterious texts; the rumors paint a specific picture: Compilers ar

            • おやすみ前の英語タイム!Dr. Seussの「Sleep Book」

              おやすみ時間が楽しくなる英語絵本、Dr. Seussが書いた「Sleep Book」をご紹介します。この絵本は、眠りにつく時間になったとき、世界中のおかしな生き物たちの様子を描いています。 ここでは「Sleep Book」の簡単な内容の他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 どんな内容?お話は、ケック国の小さな虫、ヴァン・ヴレックのあくびから始まります。このあくびは、まるで風邪のように広がっていき、どんどん多くの生き物たちを眠らせていきます。 本の中では、変わった寝方をする生き物たちがたくさん登場します。例えば、自分の尻尾を噛んで目覚まし時計代わりにする「チッペンデール・マップ」や、フープを回しながら寝ぼけて歩く「フープ・スープ・スヌーピング・グループ」など、ユーモアたっぷりのキャラクターたちが出てきます。 Dr. Seussらし

                おやすみ前の英語タイム!Dr. Seussの「Sleep Book」
              • French people reject far right at parliamentary elections - again

                France's left-wing rejoiced when the first projections were published. The French have said it again: they do not want the far right in power. They gave them a big win in the European elections; they gave them a big win in the first round of this parliamentary election. But when it came to a vote that really counted, just as in the presidentials, they drew back from the brink. This surprise upset

                  French people reject far right at parliamentary elections - again
                • Japan — Plonk It

                  Japan consists of three main terms used to identify land, groupings and borders: Islands, Regions and Prefectures. Islands: The four main islands that make up the country of Japan. From the top they are: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Regions: Some islands are further broken down into groupings of prefectures. Prefectures: These form the currently 47 different subdivisions within the countr

                  • Entering text in the terminal is complicated

                    The other day I asked what folks on Mastodon find confusing about working in the terminal, and one thing that stood out to me was “editing a command you already typed in”. This really resonated with me: even though entering some text and editing it is a very “basic” task, it took me maybe 15 years of using the terminal every single day to get used to using Ctrl+A to go to the beginning of the line

                    • beaconDB

                      ethically sourced: opt-in only data collection privacy friendly: published information is obfuscated to protect transmitters and contributors abuse resistant: updating existing data requires information only available in physical range of a beacon contribute beaconDB has recently started to accept submissions. to add coverage for your area you can use the following apps on your phone: NeoStumbler:

                      • Build enterprise-grade applications with natural language using AWS App Studio (preview) | Amazon Web Services

                        AWS News Blog Build enterprise-grade applications with natural language using AWS App Studio (preview) Organizations often struggle to solve their business problems in areas like claims processing, inventory tracking, and project approvals. Custom business applications could provide a solution to solve these problems and help an organization work more effectively, but have historically required a

                          Build enterprise-grade applications with natural language using AWS App Studio (preview) | Amazon Web Services
                        • A Mini Monitor for a Pi

                          This post outlines how I used a small 2 inch display as a monitor for my pi. Where it can display tty terminals and X desktops and applications as if it was a normal screen connected over hdmi. My overall goal is to have a sort of handheld “console” that I can connect a keyboard to and use as a normal computer. This post implements the display functionality needed to fulfill part of the goal. I la

                            A Mini Monitor for a Pi
                          • Implementing multi-Region failover for Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services

                            AWS Compute Blog Implementing multi-Region failover for Amazon API Gateway This post is written by Marcos Ortiz, Principal AWS Solutions Architect and Khubyar Behramsha, Sr. AWS Solutions Architect. In this post, you learn how organizations can evolve from a single-Region architecture API Gateway to a multi-Region one, using a reliable failover mechanism without dependencies on AWS control plane o

                              Implementing multi-Region failover for Amazon API Gateway | Amazon Web Services
                            • 「子がSOS出せる環境と教育も必要」教育虐待防止へ 専門家の提案:朝日新聞デジタル

                              ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 -->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><!-- Section BGN -->\n<div class=\"Section jukentokushu_naka6_list pc\">\n<div class=\"Title\">\n<h2><a href=\"https://www.asahi.com/edu/exam/\">受験ニュース</a></h2>\n<ul class=\"SubLink\" style=\"float:right;font-size:.8rem;\">\n<li class=\"Fst\"><a href=\"https://www.asahi.com/edu/kyotsu-exam/\">大学入学共通テストへ</a

                                「子がSOS出せる環境と教育も必要」教育虐待防止へ 専門家の提案:朝日新聞デジタル
                              • Using S3 as a container registry

                                Using S3 as a container registry a.k.a. Waiter, there's a whale in my bucket! 03 Jul, 2024 For the last four months I’ve been developing a custom container image builder, collaborating with Outerbounds1. The technical details of the builder itself might be the topic of a future article, but there’s something surprising I wanted to share already: you can use S3 as a container registry! You heard it

                                  Using S3 as a container registry
                                • 人は何に動機付けされるのか — MCode Assessment を受けてみた - Velocity

                                  きっかけ 先日 欲望の見つけ方 という本を読んだ。この本の中では、欲望には薄い欲望と濃い欲望の2種類があるということが述べられていた。 薄い欲望は他の人の欲望を真似たもの(他の人が欲しがっているものを欲しくなる)であり、濃い欲望は自分の内から湧き上がってくるものだという説明だった。 そして、自身の濃い欲望を特定する方法として "Motivation Code" という考え方が紹介されていた。 "モチベーション" という言葉は事あるごとに取り上げられ、書籍になり、ついには「モチベーションなるものは存在しない」という意見も見かけるようになった。ただ、そこで紹介されていた Motivation Code の考え方は自分にとって新鮮で興味が湧いたので、Motivation Code を紹介する本 を買って読んでみたり、社の福利厚生を利用して診断を受けてみることにした。 Motivation Cod

                                    人は何に動機付けされるのか — MCode Assessment を受けてみた - Velocity
                                  • Katy Perry - WOMAN’S WORLD (Official Video)

                                    Listen to “Woman’s World” here: http://katy.to/WomansWorldID Pre-Order Katy Perry’s new album ‘143’ out 9/20 here: http://katy.to/143ID Listen to “Woman’s World” on Spotify here: http://katy.to/WomansWorld/spotify Katy Perry Complete Collection on Spotify: http://katy.to/SpotifyCompleteYD Katy Perry Essentials on Apple Music: http://katy.to/AMEssentialsYD Watch your favorite Katy videos on Yo

                                      Katy Perry - WOMAN’S WORLD (Official Video)
                                    • TypeID-JS: Type Safe, K-Sortable Unique IDs for Javascript

                                      Since we first announced TypeID last year, we've seen significant adoption and interest from the community, with 23 different language clients contributed by the community and 90,000 weekly NPM downloads of our Typescript Implementation. Last week, we released version 1.0 of our Typescript implementation, TypeID-JS. To celebrate this release, we wanted to share more about why we wrote TypeID, and

                                        TypeID-JS: Type Safe, K-Sortable Unique IDs for Javascript
                                      • GitHub - lllyasviel/Paints-UNDO: Understand Human Behavior to Align True Needs

                                        PaintsUndo: A Base Model of Drawing Behaviors in Digital Paintings Paints-Undo is a project aimed at providing base models of human drawing behaviors with a hope that future AI models can better align with the real needs of human artists. The name "Paints-Undo" is inspired by the similarity that, the model's outputs look like pressing the "undo" button (usually Ctrl+Z) many times in digital painti

                                          GitHub - lllyasviel/Paints-UNDO: Understand Human Behavior to Align True Needs
                                        • Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

                                          Office connectors in Microsoft Teams deliver content and service updates directly from third-party services into a Teams channel. By using Office connectors, users can receive updates from popular services such as Azure DevOps Services, Trello, Wunderlist, GitHub, and more. Office connectors post these updates directly into the chat stream. This functionality makes it easy for all team members to

                                            Retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog