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  • グローバル企業で生き抜くための英会話フレーズ集 - fu3ak1's tech days

    転職をしてはや10ヶ月ほど経ちました。業務で英語を使うようになったので、私もしくは同僚がよく使う英会話のフレーズを紹介します。自分のメモも兼ねています。 私のバックグラウンド エンジニアとして某会社に勤務しております。会社のメンバーは外国の方が多く、状況にもよりますが全体の40~50%くらいは英語でミーティング、Slackでも英語でやり取りすることが多々あります。そんな中で気付きとしてあったのが、同じ表現を使って会話をすることが多いなという点です。ある程度パターンとしていくつかのフレーズを覚えておけばそれなりに業務の会話ができるのでは?と思いこの記事を書いています。なお、以下私の環境については注意してください。 外国の方が多いといっても、ノンネイティブや日本人も多く、英語ができない人に対しても理解がある環境です。(ネイティブ90%以上といった環境とは違う) エンジニア同士の会話が多いので、

      グローバル企業で生き抜くための英会話フレーズ集 - fu3ak1's tech days
    • Ultimate Guide to Improving MySQL Query Performance

      MySQL is certainly a powerful open source database management system, but even the most robust engine struggles when queries take an eternity to execute. For DBAs and developers, improving MySQL query performance is an ongoing goal. Efficient query performance is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation and optimal user experience of applications powered by MySQL databases. When businesses rely h

        Ultimate Guide to Improving MySQL Query Performance
      • On the origins of DS_store

        arno.org If you are a Mac user, or if you have transferred files from Mac to Windows, you’re probably familiar with .DS_Store files. But where does this name come from? Back in 1999 I was the technical lead for the Mac OS X Finder at Apple. At that time the Finder code base was some 8 years old and had reached the end of its useful life. Making any changes to it require huge engineering effort, an

        • Modern Emacs Typescript Web (React) Config with lsp-mode, treesitter, tailwind, TSX & more - Ovi Stoica

          Table of Contents Introduction Part 1: Treesitter for Typescript & TSX LSP Support Completion setup Linter setup LSP Setup Eslint (Optional) Tailwind LSP Server LSP Performance Emacs LSP Booster Structural editing Formatting buffers with Prettier Other resources Conclusion Introduction I've worked within the JS ecosystem for the past 8 years using editors like Webstorm and VSCode, I started using

          • We need visual programming. No, not like that.

            SummaryMost visual programming environments fail to get any usage. Why? They try to replace code syntax and business logic but developers never try to visualize that. Instead, developers visualize state transitions, memory layouts, or network requests. In my opinion, those working on visual programming would be more likely to succeed if they started with aspects of software that developers already

            • gRPC Over HTTP/3

              Introduction At the time of writing, HTTP/3 is supported by 30.4% of the top 10 million websites. This market penetration is astounding, but it seems like all of this progress has been possible almost exclusively by work on browsers, load balancers and CDN providers. What about the backend? How’s HTTP/3 doing there? The answer, sadly, is not as incredible. Because of this, I have been very interes

                gRPC Over HTTP/3
              • BM42: New Baseline for Hybrid Search - Qdrant

                Please note that the benchmark section of this article was updated after the publication due to a mistake in the evaluation script. BM42 does not outperform BM25 implementation of other vendors. Please consider BM42 as an experimental approach, which requires further research and development before it can be used in production.For the last 40 years, BM25 has served as the standard for search engin

                  BM42: New Baseline for Hybrid Search - Qdrant
                • スティーヴ・アルビニが密かに私の世界を変えた理由 | ele-king

                  自分でも気付かぬうちに、スティーヴ・アルビニは私の人生を変えていた。彼の特定の作品との出会いによって啓示を受け、人生の中にそれ以前と以後という明確な境界線が引かれたということでは全くない。それよりも彼の影響は、私の育った音楽世界の土壌に染み込んでそれを肥沃にしたものであり、そうとは知らない私が無意識に歩き回った風景そのものだったのだ。ようやく獲得し得た視野と意識によって振り返ってみると、私が通ってきた世界のすべてに彼の手が及んでいたことを思い知らされる。 世代的なことも関係している。1962年生まれのアルビニは、ちょうど1980年代にジェネレーションXが成人し始めた頃の音楽シーンで地位を確立し、彼の音楽とアティチュードはその世代の心に響く多くの特徴を体現していたのだ。 彼の作品は挑戦的で、パンクが退屈さに怒りをぶつける方法をさらに推し進めたものだった。彼自身の初期のビッグ・ブラックやそれ以

                    スティーヴ・アルビニが密かに私の世界を変えた理由 | ele-king
                  • Never* use Datagrams - Media over QUIC

                    Never* use Datagrams Click-bait title, but hear me out. TCP vs UDP So you’re reading this blog over the internet. I would wager you do a lot of things over the internet. If you’ve built an application on the internet, you’ve undoubtedly had to decide whether to use TCP or UDP. Maybe you’re trying to make, oh I dunno, a live video protocol or something. There are more choices than just those two bu

                    • Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about Donald Trump's attacker

                      By Bernd Debusmann, Tom Bateman and Tom McArthur, BBC News in Pennsylvania and London The small Pittsburgh suburb of Bethel Park in Pennsylvania is reeling after the FBI named a young local man, Thomas Matthew Crooks, as the person who shot at Donald Trump during a campaign rally and shocked the nation. Investigators believe that Crooks, armed with an AR-style rifle, opened fire at the former pres

                        Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about Donald Trump's attacker
                      • Catching Compromised Cookies - Slack Engineering

                        Oliver Grubin Sr. Staff Software Engineer, Security Slack uses cookies to track session states for users on slack.com and the Slack Desktop app. The ever-present cookie banners have made cookies mainstream, but as a quick refresher, cookies are a little piece of client-side state associated with a website that is sent up to the web server on every request. Websites use this piece of information to

                          Catching Compromised Cookies - Slack Engineering
                        • Beating the compiler

                          In modern times, everyone knows that writing assembly is a fool's errand: compilers are the result of literal engineer-centuries of work, and they know the processor much better than you do. And yet – one hears rumors. Written in ancient tomes, muttered in quiet watering holes, scrawled on the walls of bygone temples, hinted at by mysterious texts; the rumors paint a specific picture: Compilers ar

                          • Private Browsing 2.0

                            When we invented Private Browsing back in 2005, our aim was to provide users with an easy way to keep their browsing private from anyone who shared the same device. We created a mode where users do not leave any local, persistent traces of their browsing. Eventually all other browsers shipped the same feature. At times, this is called “ephemeral browsing.” We baked in cross-site tracking preventio

                              Private Browsing 2.0
                            • Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript

                              Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like typos, issues with null and undefined, and more. Types also power TypeScript’s edi

                                Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
                              • From dotenv to dotenvx: Next Generation Config Management

                                ← back to blog Mot June 24, 2024 From dotenv to dotenvx: Next Generation Config Management The day after July 4th 🇺🇸, I wrote dotenv’s first commit and released version 0.0.1 on npm. It looked like this. In the 11 years since, it’s become one of the most depended-upon packages worldwide 🌎 – adjacent ubiquitous software like TypeScript and ESLint. It’s an example of “big things have small beginn

                                  From dotenv to dotenvx: Next Generation Config Management
                                • 新刊無料公開『新しいカレーの歴史 上』 その3 アングロインディアンとカレー粉|近代食文化研究会

                                  新刊では海外の最新研究動向をふまえ、嘘・間違いだらけの日本のカレー史研究を全面的に刷新します。 『新しいカレーの歴史 上』冒頭部分無料公開 その3です。 3.アングロインディアンとカレー粉 インドからイギリスにカレー粉がもたらされた18世紀後半は、イギリスがインドを半植民地化していった時期に当たる。 当初貿易会社であったイギリスの東インド会社は、1757年の「プラッシーの戦い」以降、「会社」とは名ばかりの、半植民地化したインドを統治するための軍事・行政組織へと変貌し、巨大化していく。 “the numbers of British soldiers in India increased from a few hundred in the 1740S to 18,000 by 1790” “1740年代には数百人しかいなかったインドのイギリス兵は、1790年までに18,000人に増加した”

                                    新刊無料公開『新しいカレーの歴史 上』 その3 アングロインディアンとカレー粉|近代食文化研究会
                                  • Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!

                                    Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!Published July 12, 2024 First, a few announcements: Yesterday, py-free-threading.github.io launched! It's both a resource with documentation around adding support for free-threaded Python, and a status tracker for the rollout across open source projects in the Python ecosystem. We hope and expect both of these to be very useful, with the status tra

                                      Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!
                                    • A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog

                                      Linus Torvalds once wrote in a book that he created Linux just for fun, but it ended up sparking a revolution. Git, his second major creation, also an accidental revolution. It’s now a standard tool for software engineers, but its origin story wasn’t so much fun this time, at least for Linus. Linus doesn’t scale 1998 was a big year for Linux. Major companies like Sun, IBM, and Oracle started getti

                                        A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog
                                      • Booting Linux off of Google Drive

                                        Competitiveness is a vice of mine. When I heard that a friend got Linux to boot off of NFS, I had to one-up her. I had to prove that I could create something harder, something better, faster, stronger. Like all good projects, this began with an Idea. My mind reached out and grabbed wispy tendrils from the æther, forcing the disparate concepts to coalesce. The Mass gained weight in my hands, and a

                                          Booting Linux off of Google Drive
                                        • Duo euthanasia: Why a happily married couple decided to die together

                                          Jan and Els were married for almost five decades. In early June, they died together after being given lethal medication by two doctors. In the Netherlands, this is known as duo-euthanasia. It’s legal, and it’s rare - but every year, more Dutch couples choose to end their lives this way. Three days before they voluntarily take their last breath, Jan and Els’ campervan sits on a sunlit marina in Fri

                                            Duo euthanasia: Why a happily married couple decided to die together
                                          • Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs?

                                            Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs? After Microsoft shut down Tango Gameworks, we look at the reasons why Japan has otherwise been sheltered (but not immune) to many of the layoffs and trends seen further afield On 14th June, Tango Gameworks employees had a pizza party. It was the studio's final day following the announcement of Microsoft's decision to close the studio behind

                                              Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs?
                                            • Atkinson Dithering

                                              Atkinson Dithering When the Macintosh was released in 1984, it featured a square-pixeled black-and-white display at a crisp 72 dots per inch. The 512x342 resolution might seem less than impressive today, but for the time it was a pleasantly high-resolution consumer-grade computer. Among other things, the monospaced Monaco 9pt bitmap font featured characters that were 6 pixels wide, allowing the Ma

                                              • Building the Bell System

                                                If someone was making a list of the most important American companies today, it’s unlikely AT&T would be anywhere near the top. It’s large, but not notably so: it came in 32nd in the 2024 Fortune 500 ranking, just above Comcast and below Verizon. Its offerings are not unique: it’s just one of many companies providing phone, internet, and other communication services. By market cap, AT&T is less th

                                                  Building the Bell System
                                                • Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem

                                                  This blog post is adapted from a talk that Adam Hess and I gave at RubyKaigi 2024. Until recently, Ruby lacked a mechanism for detecting native-level memory leaks from within Ruby and native gems. This was because, when Ruby terminates, it does not free the objects that are still alive or the memory used by Ruby’s virtual machine. This is because the system will reclaim all the memory used anyway,

                                                    Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
                                                  • 英語絵本「The Wizard of Oz (Mauro Evangelista)」でオズの魔法使いと冒険へ出発!

                                                    「The Wizard of Oz (Mauro Evangelista)」は、誰もが知っている名作「オズの魔法使い」を、小さなお子さんにもわかりやすく、美しいイラストで表現した絵本です。竜巻に巻き込まれて不思議な国オズに迷い込んだ少女ドロシーの冒険を通して、勇気、友情、知恵の大切さを教えてくれます。 ここでは「The Wizard of Oz (Mauro Evangelista)」の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話のあらすじカンザスの農場に住む少女ドロシーは、愛犬のトトと一緒に竜巻に家ごと吹き飛ばされ、不思議な国オズに迷い込んでしまいます。 家に帰る方法を探すドロシーは、北の良い魔女からエメラルドシティに住む魔法使いに会いに行くようにと言われ、黄色いレンガ道をたどる旅に出発します。 旅の途中で出会っ

                                                      英語絵本「The Wizard of Oz (Mauro Evangelista)」でオズの魔法使いと冒険へ出発!
                                                    • PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton

                                                      The plane reached 10,000ft. I took out my laptop, planning to peruse the internet and maybe do a little work if I got really desperate. I connected to the in-flight wi-fi and opened my browser. The network login page demanded credit card details. I fumbled for my card, which I eventually discovered had hidden itself inside my passport. As I searched I noticed that the login page was encouraging me

                                                        PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton
                                                      • 「Lunar Lake」Deep Diveレポート - 【Part 2】Memory、GPU、NPUについて

                                                        レポート 「Lunar Lake」Deep Diveレポート - 【Part 2】Memory、GPU、NPUについて 前回はP-CoreとE-Coreの話に終始してしまったので、今回はもう少し広範な話をしたい。 謎のMemory Side Cache Photo01は基調講演のスライドから切り出して、ついでに複数のスライドの情報を重ね合わせたものである。上側がCompute Tileであるが、向かって右端にP-Core×4+12MB L3 Cache、その下にIPU(Image Processing Unit:通常ならISPと呼ばれるが、要するにカメラ入力に対応した画像処理エンジン)、右にNoCが入り、そのNoCの上にMedia EngineとMemory Side Cache、NOCの下にE-Core×4+4MB L2 CacheとDisplay Engine、その左がNPUとなり、一

                                                          「Lunar Lake」Deep Diveレポート - 【Part 2】Memory、GPU、NPUについて
                                                        • Inside Joe Biden's Debate Disaster

                                                          As President Joe Biden was going over his final notes with his inner circle and getting ready to debate Donald Trump on June 27 in Atlanta, his wife slipped into a nearby meeting of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors. The Biden Victory Fund and the Democratic National Committee’s financial bigwigs had all assembled in the Ritz Carlton as part of a two-day political briefing that featured emotio

                                                            Inside Joe Biden's Debate Disaster
                                                          • Moon cave discovered that could one day house humans

                                                            Scientists had speculated that "lunar pits" like this could be cave entrances - now they have proof Scientists have for the first time discovered a cave on the Moon. At least 100m deep, it could be an ideal place for humans to build a permanent base, they say. It is just one in probably hundreds of caves hidden in an “underground, undiscovered world”, according to the researchers. Countries are ra

                                                              Moon cave discovered that could one day house humans
                                                            • Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and Personal Websites

                                                              Some time ago, Hillel Wayne published an article titled Microfeatures I’d like to see in more languages . In this article, he described three kinds of features in programming languages: fundamental features, deeply engrained features, and nice-to-have convenience features. Hillel’s premise was that language designers tend to focus on the first two; however, because the convenience features are rel

                                                              • Nostr and ATProto - Shreyan Jain

                                                                This post could’ve been titled “Nostr vs ATProto”, but that really isn’t what I wanted to do here. While I will be comparing and contrasting them a lot, and that’s kind of even the point of writing this, I didn’t want to really pit the two against each other at all, and especially not with the title. I also want to try avoiding commenting on the differences between the communities that have formed

                                                                • 【インタビュー】本根誠 Sell Our Music | good friends, hard times Vol.9

                                                                  featured 【インタビュー】本根誠 Sell Our Music | good friends, hard times Vol.9 ライターの二木信が、この困難な時代(Hard Times)をたくましく、しなやかに生きる人物や友人たち(Good Friends)を紹介していく連載「good friends, hard times」。国内のヒップホップに軸足を置きながら執筆活動をつづけてきた二木が、主にその世界と、そこに近接する領域で躍動する人たちへの取材をつうじて音楽のいまと、いまの時代をサヴァイヴするヒントを探ります。QeticからFNMNLにお引越しして来てからの第1回目(通算9回目)に登場するのは、長年、音楽の世界でディレクター/ライター/バイヤーとして活躍してきた本根誠。 私が本根誠さんに最初に会ったのは、宇川直宏さんが主宰するライヴストリーミングスタジオ/チャンネル「DOM

                                                                    【インタビュー】本根誠 Sell Our Music | good friends, hard times Vol.9
                                                                  • refuse systemd-tmpfiles --purge invocation without config file specified on cmdline · Issue #33349 · systemd/systemd

                                                                    systemd version the issue has been seen with 256 Used distribution Debian Unstable Linux kernel version used 6.8.12-amd64 CPU architectures issue was seen on x86_64 Component systemd-tmpfiles Expected behaviour you didn't see I noticed my /var/tmp directory grew quite a bit and wanted to manually clean it. Since I was about to log off for the day, I skimmed through the manual for systemd-tmpfiles(

                                                                      refuse systemd-tmpfiles --purge invocation without config file specified on cmdline · Issue #33349 · systemd/systemd
                                                                    • Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures

                                                                      Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures Jul 5, 2024 There’s a fascinating Rust library, loom, which can be used to thoroughly test lock-free data structures. I always wanted to learn how it works. I still do! But recently I accidentally implemented a small toy which, I think, contains some of the loom’s ideas, and it seems worthwhile to write about that. The goal here isn’t to teach you what y

                                                                      • Using S3 as a container registry

                                                                        Using S3 as a container registry a.k.a. Waiter, there's a whale in my bucket! 03 Jul, 2024 For the last four months I’ve been developing a custom container image builder, collaborating with Outerbounds1. The technical details of the builder itself might be the topic of a future article, but there’s something surprising I wanted to share already: you can use S3 as a container registry! You heard it

                                                                          Using S3 as a container registry
                                                                        • Exploring biphasic programming: a new approach in language design

                                                                          I’ve noticed a small but interesting trend in the programming languages space. I’m not sure how novel it is, but this pattern, which I’ll refer to as “biphasic programming,” is characterized by languages and frameworks that enable identical syntax to express computations executed in two distinct phases or environments while maintaining consistent behavior (i.e., semantics) across phases. These pha

                                                                          • Python has too many package managers

                                                                            Python is a wonderful programming language. I’ve used it to build webapps, deep learning models, games, and do numerical computation. However there is one aspect of Python that has been an inexcusable pain-in-the ass over many years. That would be the fragmented Python package and environment management ecosystem, succinctly represented by the following XKCD comic: You see, a lot of other programm

                                                                            • What if the A.I. Boosters Are Wrong?

                                                                              Daron Acemoglu, an M.I.T. economist, says he is no “doomer” when it comes to A.I. But he has his doubts about its potential.Credit...Cody O'Loughlin for The New York Times Despite the advent of personal computers, the internet and other high-tech innovations, much of the industrialized world is stuck in an economic growth slump, with O.E.C.D. countries expected to expand on aggregate just 1.7 perc

                                                                                What if the A.I. Boosters Are Wrong?
                                                                              • Splendour and precision from the British Army for the Japanese State Visit

                                                                                The three-day Japanese State Visit will be filled with the very best state ceremonial the United Kingdom can offer. Involved are over 1250 soldiers from the British Army’s Household Division, including 250 Army musicians, and more than 240 magnificent military working horses, all immaculately turned out in honour of our distinguished visitors. Weeks of preparation have gone into the spectacular vi

                                                                                  Splendour and precision from the British Army for the Japanese State Visit
                                                                                • Announcing wcurl: a curl wrapper to download files | Samuel Henrique (samueloph)

                                                                                  tl;dr Whenever you need to download files through the terminal and don't feel like using wget: wcurl example.com/filename.txt Manpage: https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/curl/wcurl.1.en.html Availability (comes installed with the curl package): Debian unstable - Since 2024-07-02 Debian testing - Coming up between the second and third week of July 2024. Debian 12/bookworm backports - As soon as t

                                                                                    Announcing wcurl: a curl wrapper to download files | Samuel Henrique (samueloph)