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cancelの検索結果1 - 19 件 / 19件


cancelに関するエントリは19件あります。 経済科学企業 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『ディズニーやNetflixなどの業界団体がワンクリックでのサブスク解約「Click to Cancel」の義務化に反発、多額の費用を要し言論の自由を侵害すると主張』などがあります。
  • ディズニーやNetflixなどの業界団体がワンクリックでのサブスク解約「Click to Cancel」の義務化に反発、多額の費用を要し言論の自由を侵害すると主張

    サブスクリプションサービスの解約手順が複雑である問題を受けてアメリカ連邦取引委員会(FTC)が義務化を検討している「顧客がワンクリックでサービスを解約できるオプション」について、ディズニーやNetflixをはじめとする企業が反対を表明しました。業界団体は、要件の順守のためには年間数百万ドル(数億円)の費用が必要になるだけではなく、言論の自由を侵害する可能性があるとの懸念を示しました。 Disney, Netflix, and more are fighting FTC's 'click to cancel' proposal | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36706138 2023年3月にFTCは「サブスクリプションサービスの解約は、申込みと同じくらい簡単であるべき」との主張から、ワンクリックで簡単にサービスを解約でき

      ディズニーやNetflixなどの業界団体がワンクリックでのサブスク解約「Click to Cancel」の義務化に反発、多額の費用を要し言論の自由を侵害すると主張
    • 「解約は申込と同じくらい簡単にすべき」としてクリック一発でサブスク解約できる「Click to Cancel」の義務化をFTCが目指している、解約を複雑にする企業には罰則も

      連邦取引委員会(FTC)は、サブスクリプションサービスの解約は申込みと同じくらい簡単であるべきだとして、クリックするだけでサービスの解約を可能にする「Click to Cancel」を義務化する規則条項を提案しました。提案された規則条項には消費者への返金も盛り込まれており、民事罰を伴って施行されるとのことです。 Federal Trade Commission Proposes Rule Provision Making it Easier for Consumers to “Click to Cancel” Recurring Subscriptions and Memberships | Federal Trade Commission https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/03/federal-trade-c

        「解約は申込と同じくらい簡単にすべき」としてクリック一発でサブスク解約できる「Click to Cancel」の義務化をFTCが目指している、解約を複雑にする企業には罰則も
      • Tokyo Olympics: Why doesn't Japan cancel the Games?

        Current polls in Japan show nearly 70% of the population do not want the Olympics to go ahead.

          Tokyo Olympics: Why doesn't Japan cancel the Games?
        • Go 1.20で入ったexec.CommandのCancelとWaitDelayで外部コマンドを正しく終了させる - ぽよメモ

          背景 Goでは外部コマンドの実行時に os/exec パッケージの Command や CommandContext を利用します。特に CommandContext を利用することで、 Goのcontextの流儀に従ってコマンドのタイムアウトや中断が可能であり大変便利です。 一方で、LinuxやmacOSなどにおいてContextによるタイムアウト・中断時には外部コマンドに即座に SIGKILL が送られてキルされてしまうため、一部のケースでは孫プロセスが孤児プロセスとして残ってしまったり、後始末を正しく出来ないままコマンドが終了してしまうという問題が知られていました。 より安全にコマンドを終了させる方法として、まずは SIGINT や SIGTERM を送り、一定時間内に終了しなければ SIGKILL で終了させるなどの方法が知られています。しかし、 CommandContext を使

            Go 1.20で入ったexec.CommandのCancelとWaitDelayで外部コマンドを正しく終了させる - ぽよメモ
          • Opinion | A Sports Event Shouldn’t Be a Superspreader. Cancel the Olympics. (Published 2021)

            The Tokyo Olympics are in big trouble. Postponed by a year and slated to begin in July, the Olympics have become a political flash point in Japan, where almost 60 percent of the population opposes staging the Games this summer and where less than 2 percent of the population is vaccinated for Covid-19. The International Olympic Committee, local Olympic organizers and Japan’s ruling party maintain t

              Opinion | A Sports Event Shouldn’t Be a Superspreader. Cancel the Olympics. (Published 2021)
            • Cancel culture - Wikipedia

              Cancel culture is a phrase contemporary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a cultural phenomenon in which an individual deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner is ostracized, boycotted, shunned, fired or assaulted, often aided by social media.[1][2][3][4] This shunning may extend to social or professional circles—whether on social media or in person—with most high-

              • Opinion | Cancel. The. Olympics. (Published 2020)

                A board in Yokohama, Japan, on Monday showed the number of days until the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.Credit...Philip Fong/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the International Olympic Committee and Tokyo 2020 Olympic organizers insist that the Tokyo 2020 Summer Games will go on. Even with widespread cancellations in European soccer, Formula One auto racing, and prof

                  Opinion | Cancel. The. Olympics. (Published 2020)
                • Stadia launch dev: Game makers are worried “Google is just going to cancel it”

                    Stadia launch dev: Game makers are worried “Google is just going to cancel it”
                  • Will coronavirus cancel the Tokyo 2020 Olympics?

                    Games on? Or Games over? It would be one of the biggest sports news stories ever. The postponement - or cancellation - of the world's greatest sporting mega-event because of coronavirus would be unprecedented in peacetime. The 2020 Olympics are due to take place in Tokyo from 24 July to 9 August - here are some of the key questions as the Olympic movement faces up to unchartered territory. There i

                      Will coronavirus cancel the Tokyo 2020 Olympics?
                    • Is Cancel Culture the Consequence of an Infodemic?

                      Examining what really happened to Keigo Oyamada and how media reported before the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony. Photo by Markus Winkler on UnsplashContent warning: This article contains descriptions about school bullying, which might be disturbing or triggering for some readers. As cancel culture movements seem to have swamped Western countries over the last decade or so, the wave of “wokeness”

                        Is Cancel Culture the Consequence of an Infodemic?
                      • Mutex without lock, Queue without push: cancel safety in lilos - Cliffle

                        2023-07-10 (updated 2023-07-12) Levels of cancel safety What good is a queue that you can’t push into? What good is a mutex you can’t lock? Toward a more cancel-safe world I’m trying to do something kind of unusual with lilos: in addition to almost all the APIs being safe-in-the-Rust sense, I’m also attempting to create an entire system API that is cancel-safe. I’ve written a lot about Rust’s asyn

                        • How to Check and Cancel Subscriptions on Your iPhone or iPad

                          Here's how to view and cancel subscriptions on your iPhone so you can see what you're paying for and save money each month. Nearly every app and service today wants you to sign up for a subscription. While this spreads out costs over time instead of charging you all at once, it's easy to lose track of your subscriptions and waste money on services you don't even use anymore. If you typically enrol

                            How to Check and Cancel Subscriptions on Your iPhone or iPad
                          • In Japan most people want to cancel the Olympics, but the government won’t listen | Koichi Nakano

                            The Olympic torch is currently making its way across Japan in a live-streamed relay – at the time of writing, it had passed through 28 of all 47 prefectures in the country. The Games are scheduled to take place in two months. But whereas you might expect the national mood to be crackling with excitement, things are different, with more and more Japanese people reaching an uncomfortable conclusion:

                              In Japan most people want to cancel the Olympics, but the government won’t listen | Koichi Nakano
                            • Japan may have to cancel the Olympics

                              Japan may have to cancel the OlympicsCovid-19 could scupper Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s pet project IF BANYAN HAD to choose one country in which to ride out a pandemic, it would surely be Japan. Early 19th-century woodblock prints of bathing testify to Japan’s old and admirable cult of cleanliness. Modern Japanese have for years been quick to don a face mask at the first sniffle, out of considerat

                                Japan may have to cancel the Olympics
                              • Cancel the New York Times? Good Luck Battling 'Dark Patterns'

                                Cancel the New York Times? Good Luck Battling “Dark Patterns” ‘Dark patterns’ aren’t always malicious mind control. They’re often a symptom of disjointed company culture. It’s suspiciously difficult to cancel the New York Times. Will the Times change?’ A recent New York Times op-ed, titled “Stopping the Manipulation Machines,” derided the use of dark patterns: design tricks that push people to do

                                  Cancel the New York Times? Good Luck Battling 'Dark Patterns'
                                • It’s time to cancel this year’s Olympic Games

                                  We've tried to contact you several times as we haven't been able to take payment. You must update your payment details via My Account or by clicking update payment details to keep your subscription.

                                    It’s time to cancel this year’s Olympic Games
                                  • Zendeskの誤送信対策ができる神アプリ!? Cancel Ticket Submitを使ってみた | DevelopersIO

                                    はじめに こんにちは、サービスグロースチームの筧です。 今回は、Zendesk アプリの Cancel Ticket Submit についてご紹介します! どんなアプリか Cancel Ticket Submit | Zendesk The Cancel Ticket Submit app prevents ticket submission and allows an agent to review their comments before submitting the ticket in Zendesk エージェントがチケット送信ボタンを押した後、下図のようにポップアップで本当に送信するか確認してくれるアプリです。公開者は Zendesk です。なんと無料です。 何が嬉しいか なんといってもチケットの誤送信対策になることです。以下の公式ページの機能説明を載せておきます。使用感について

                                      Zendeskの誤送信対策ができる神アプリ!? Cancel Ticket Submitを使ってみた | DevelopersIO
                                    • CEAL EB has decided to cancel the 2020 CEAL onsite annual meeting in Boston! – CEAL: Council on East Asian Libraries

                                      Dear CEAL Members, Based on the result of the attendance survey (more than half of respondents cannot or preferr not to attend the Boston conference) and active discussions among EB members, CEAL EB has voted unanimously to cancel the 2020 CEAL onsite annual meeting in Boston and to explore moving the annual meetings online. CEAL EB will work quick on the next steps and publish an updated 2020 CEA

                                      • Why philosophers should worry about cancel culture

                                        Over the past few years I have been surprised and disappointed by the number of my colleagues in philosophy who have been willing to jump on various online bandwagons, attempting to punish or intimidate members of the profession for speaking their minds on different subjects. At the risk of sounding a bit supercilious, I must admit to finding this sort of behaviour particularly surprising coming f

                                          Why philosophers should worry about cancel culture
