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81 - 120 件 / 831件

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cheaplyの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 831件

  • yunusu2011さんの「りふれは」論 - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)

    マシナリさんの最新エントリのコメント欄に、yunusu2011さんがとてもブリリアントな批評を書かれています。 http://sonicbrew.blog55.fc2.com/blog-entry-525.html#comment870(クルーグマン先生のこと) リフレ派の代表的な論客の1人である、山形浩生氏が、クルーグマンの新著「さっさと不況を終わらせろ」を翻訳して、解説でいろいろ言い訳されているのが興味深い。クルーグマンは、本来ケインジアンであるから、金融政策のみで、経済が不況から脱するというような主張をするのが、本来おかしかった。あくまで、ポリシー・ミックスで、拡張的なマクロ経済政策(財政政策も含む)をいうのが、あたりまえのところだろう。 それが、日本不況脱出については、金融政策だけでなんとかなるようなことをいい、それをリフレ派がことさらにとりあげてきた。 それが混迷する日本の経済論

      yunusu2011さんの「りふれは」論 - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)
    • JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform applications.

      Raw Material Software - JuceJUCE Overview JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform applications. It's particularly good for creating highly-specialised user interfaces and for handling graphics and sound. The intended users are developers like me, who are writing large, complex applications in C++ and who would like to use just o

      • Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

        Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless09/28/2020 We launched Cloudflare Workers® in 2017 with a radical vision: code running at the network edge could not only improve performance, but also be easier to deploy and cheaper to run than code running in a single datacenter. That vision means Workers is about more than just edge compute -- we're rethinking how applications

        • B+Trees and why I love them, part I - Ayende @ Rahien

          One of the things that I enjoy about learning new things is the way it changes the way I look at the stuff that I already knows. Reading the LMDB codebase, and implementing a persistent B+Tree has given me a new depth of understanding about how relational databases (and Esent, too), work. I am going to go back to level zero and assume that you have never heard about this. You probably know what a

          • Moji Pest Control

            When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

            • Danbooru2021: A Large-Scale Crowdsourced & Tagged Anime Illustration Dataset · Gwern.net

              Danbooru2021: A Large-Scale Crowdsourced & Tagged Anime Illustration Dataset Danbooru2021 is a large-scale anime image database with 4.9m+ images annotated with 162m+ tags; it can be useful for machine learning purposes such as image recognition and generation. Deep learning for computer revision relies on large annotated datasets. Classification/categorization has benefited from the creation of I

                Danbooru2021: A Large-Scale Crowdsourced & Tagged Anime Illustration Dataset · Gwern.net
              • 2018年のフィールズ賞とその経済学との驚くべきつながり! - himaginary’s diary

                引き続き今年のフィールズ賞ネタ。A Fine Theoremブログが、今回フィールズ賞を受賞したアレッシオ・フィガリとネヴァンリンナ賞を受賞したコンスタンティノス・ダスカラキスの業績と経済学との関連について、表題のエントリ(原題は「The 2018 Fields Medal and its Surprising Connection to Economics! 」)で説明している。 ...what is the cheapest way to move mass from X to Y, such as moving apples from a bunch of distribution centers to a bunch of supermarkets. It turns out that without convexity or linearity assumptions, this

                  2018年のフィールズ賞とその経済学との驚くべきつながり! - himaginary’s diary
                • Moji Pest Control

                  When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                  • Class::DBI - シンプルなデータベース抽象クラス - perldoc.jp

                    名前¶ Class::DBI - シンプルなデータベース抽象クラス 概要¶ package Music::DBI; use base 'Class::DBI'; Music::DBI->set_db('Main', 'dbi:mysql:dbname', 'username', 'password'); package Music::Artist; use base 'Music::DBI'; Music::Artist->table('artist'); Music::Artist->columns(All => qw/artistid name/); Music::Artist->has_many(cds => 'Music::CD'); package Music::CD; use base 'Music::DBI'; Music::CD->table('cd'); Music::C

                    • Moji Pest Control

                      When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                      • 【TUDOR】チューダー オイスターデイトクロノタイム はロレックスの流れを汲む稀少な高額モデル – Φ-GRID

                        【TUDOR】チューダー オイスターデイトクロノタイム はロレックスの流れを汲む稀少な高額モデル PG編集:道長 Brand Shooting, European Brand, Luxury Watch Brands, Rolex, TUDOR Leave a comment 7,372 Views Tudor Oysterdate Big Block Chronograph Ref.79170 Tudor was established in 1930 as Rolex as a sub-brand to compensate for sluggish sales in the UK. Sold mainly for models with low prices over the long term. There were no regular imports into Japan, o

                          【TUDOR】チューダー オイスターデイトクロノタイム はロレックスの流れを汲む稀少な高額モデル – Φ-GRID
                        • 【CHANEL】マトラッセキャビア チェーンウォレットは財布とバッグが一体型の優れたマストアイテム - Φ-GRID:ファイグリッド

                          【CHANEL】マトラッセキャビア チェーンウォレットは財布とバッグが一体型の優れたマストアイテム PG編集:道長 Brand Shooting, Chanel, Chanel S.A., European Brand Leave a comment 7,504 Views CHANEL Matelasse Caviar Chain Wallet Shoulder Bag A33814 “Chanel Matelasse series” that you can experience the standard design by Chanel brand. A high-quality caviar skin, a quilted diamond pattern is given, finishing it with a stereoscopic design. In the center

                            【CHANEL】マトラッセキャビア チェーンウォレットは財布とバッグが一体型の優れたマストアイテム - Φ-GRID:ファイグリッド
                          • 紙おむつを安く買う方法/1枚2円違えば年間1万円以上の節約

                            大手オンラインストアではトイザらスが安い 紙おむつの世界シェア1位のP&Gから発売されているパンパースを例に見ても、育児用品を取り扱う大手オンラインストアの中でトイザらス(ベビーザらス)が最安値を付けています。 トイザらス(ベビーザらス)が安い理由 トイザらス(ベビーザらス)で紙おむつの購入が安くなる理由は2つ。 ベビーザらス限定増量パックの存在 ベビーザらス限定でサイズ・タイプに応じて4枚から最大12枚増量したパックが発売されています。これがトイザらスで購入すると紙おむつが安くなる理由です。 オンラインストア限定クーポンの存在 トイザらスオンラインストアでは、6,000円以上の購入で2,000円分のクーポンが貰えるキャンペーンなどを度々行っています。上記値段比較表には加味していないので、更に安く買うことも可能です。 店舗限定クーポンもある 先日も実店舗にクーポンを持ってパンパースを買いに

                            • Moji Pest Control

                              When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                              • GitHub - joaocarvalhoopen/How_to_learn_modern_Rust: A guide to the adventurer.

                                Rust is an incredible powerful programming language. It is fast, compiled, without a runtime and it brings new concepts of safety to programming. It is the most beloved language for five years in a row in Stack Overflow users pool. To learn Rust go through the following content in the listed order, the majority of the content is free. Why Developers Love Rust https://ibraheem.ca/posts/why-devs-lov

                                  GitHub - joaocarvalhoopen/How_to_learn_modern_Rust: A guide to the adventurer.
                                • Moji Pest Control

                                  When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                                  • Aerotwist - FLIP Your Animations

                                    Animations in your web app should run at 60fps. Not always easy to achieve that, and it really depends on what you're trying to do, but I'm here to help. With FLIP. Last updated: 11 Feb 2015 Est. Read Time: 8 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #performance, #transitions Update 17th May, 2022 - The lovely folks at GSAP have made their FLIP Plugin freely available - check it out! Recently I've had the

                                      Aerotwist - FLIP Your Animations
                                    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - The Go Programming Language

                                      Origins What is the purpose of the project? At the time of Go's inception, only a decade ago, the programming world was different from today. Production software was usually written in C++ or Java, GitHub did not exist, most computers were not yet multiprocessors, and other than Visual Studio and Eclipse there were few IDEs or other high-level tools available at all, let alone for free on the Inte

                                        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - The Go Programming Language
                                      • How we clone a running VM in 2 seconds - CodeSandbox

                                        How we clone a running VM in 2 secondsOr... how to clone a running Minecraft server At CodeSandbox we run your development project and turn it into a link you can share with anyone. People visiting this link can not only see your running code, they can click “fork” and get an exact copy of that environment within 2 seconds so they can easily contribute back. Give it a try with this example, or imp

                                          How we clone a running VM in 2 seconds - CodeSandbox
                                        • Before the Startup

                                          October 2014 (This essay is derived from a guest lecture in Sam Altman's startup class at Stanford. It's intended for college students, but much of it is applicable to potential founders at other ages.) One of the advantages of having kids is that when you have to give advice, you can ask yourself "what would I tell my own kids?" My kids are little, but I can imagine what I'd tell them about start

                                          • ガベージ コレクタの基本とパフォーマンスのヒント

                                            This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Rico Mariani Microsoft Corporation April 2003 Summary: The .NET garbage collector provides a high-speed allocation service with good use of memory and no long-term fragmentation problems. This article explains how garbage collectors work, then goes on to

                                              ガベージ コレクタの基本とパフォーマンスのヒント
                                            • MozJPEG 3.0

                                              Kornel Lesiński (@pornelski). Web developer since “best viewed in AWeb in 640×256.” Creator of ImageOptim. London Standardista. Mozilla has done a study of image formats and concluded that WebP and JPEG XR are not a big-enough improvement over well-optimized JPEG. In the study only HEVC (H.265) was significantly better, but it’s a patent-encumbered format, so it can’t be used freely (shhhh!) It se

                                                MozJPEG 3.0
                                              • Highlights from Git 2.21

                                                CommunityEngineeringHighlights from Git 2.21A look at some of the new features in recent Git releases. The open source Git project just released Git 2.21 with features and bug fixes from over 60 contributors. We last caught up with you on the latest Git releases when 2.19 was released. Here’s a look at some of the most interesting features and changes introduced since then. Human-readable dates wi

                                                  Highlights from Git 2.21
                                                • Moji Pest Control

                                                  When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                                                  • Introducing WARP: fixing mobile Internet performance and security

                                                    Introducing WARP: fixing mobile Internet performance and security04/01/2019 This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, Deutsch, Français and Español. April 1st is a miserable day for most of the Internet. While most days the Internet is full of promise and innovation, on “April Fools” a handful of elite tech companies decide to waste the time of literally billions of people with juvenile jokes that

                                                    • Why We’re Pivoting from Mobile-first to Web-first | philosophically by Vibhu Norby

                                                      There has been much discussion from the venture capitalist angle on the failings of mobile companies, including posts by Fred Wilson and Om Malik. I wanted to share my perspective, having been the co-founder of a mobile-first startup for the past year and a half that fits their mold exactly. We’ve raised $3.65m to date, and have tried two mobile-first free social products. However, for our next pr

                                                      • Moji Pest Control

                                                        When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                                                        • One Club / Best of the Digital Decade > Top 10

                                                          The One Club is the world's foremost non-profit organization for the recognition and promotion of excellence in advertising.The One Club produces three annual awards competitions: The One Show, One Show Design and One Show Interactive.Overview: BMW Films, a series of short films directed by and staring A-list Hollywood talent, revolved around a central character call The Driver, the world's best w

                                                          • Sen:te - OCUnit

                                                            June 6, 2005: Apple is now distributing OCUnit as an integral part of XCode 2.1 Test first, develop later! OCUnit is a testing framework for Objective C in the Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, GNUSTEP, YellowBox/Cocoa and WebObjects/Objective C environments. With OCUnit, testing becomes integrated with development. You can test frameworks, bundles, or applications. You can now tell "when something start

                                                            • http://b-chive.com/how-to-haggle-cheaply-properties-you-want-to-move-to/

                                                              • Gamification Co - The Leading Source for Gamification News & Info

                                                                In the decade-ish since the second coming of social media, global democracy has been severely impaired by the spread of fake news. I believe that using gamification techniques could substantially retard this phenomenon and reset the balance. N.B. I’m using “fake news” to refer to things which are actually fake, not things that are true but a certain someone (et al) doesn’t like to hear. The Fake N

                                                                • Google SRE book

                                                                  The book starts with a story about a time Margaret Hamilton brought her young daughter with her to NASA, back in the days of the Apollo program. During a simulation mission, her daughter caused the mission to crash by pressing some keys that caused a prelaunch program to run during the simulated mission. Hamilton submitted a change request to add error checking code to prevent the error from happe

                                                                  • 新車を総合的に安く買う方法は?後先を考えた購入方法とは?

                                                                    新車を買うとなるとかなりお金がかかってしまうので、家計を圧迫しかねません。 車は購入してからも色々とお金がかかってしまいます。車を買うにあたって一番重要な事は身の丈に合った車種を選ぶ事です。 何故この様な当たり前の事をお伝えしているのかと言うと、私の知人では身の丈に合わない車を購入してカツカツな生活を送っている人を何人も見てきたからです。 独身の方ならともかく特に家庭持ちの方は買う車をよく考えていく必要があります。知人の中には子供が4人もいるのにも関わらず頭金も無しで、10年ローンを組んでいる人もいます。とても正気だとは思えません。 自分の収入に対して無理して高い車を選んでしまうと車両価格はもちろんですが、その後の税金から、保険料、車検代、燃料代、修理代、消耗品等は車の価格に応じて高くなる傾向があるので後先の事も考えていかなければなりません。 本記事では新車を安く買う方法と、新車を買ってか

                                                                    • Facebook QA - Virtual Reality

                                                                      The Rise and Fall and Rise of Virtual Reality In the wake of Facebook’s purchase of Oculus VR, can this revolutionary technology triumph anew? Enter Seeing is Believing: The State of Virtual Reality By Matthew Schnipper The promise of virtual reality has always been enormous. Put on these goggles, go nowhere, and be transported anywhere. It’s the same escapism peddled by drugs, alcohol, sex, and a

                                                                        Facebook QA - Virtual Reality
                                                                      • イラレで描く人のイラストレーションチュートリアル» Beautiful Vector Illustration

                                                                        One thing we do regularly at Go Media is create beautiful vector people. Having illustrated hundreds of these, I have worked out a few tips that I would like to share with you. This will make your job much easier. Here is the final image we will be creating: In this tutorial I will cover: Picking a photo Limiting your detail (picking a value range) Reducing work with better vectorizing techniques

                                                                          イラレで描く人のイラストレーションチュートリアル» Beautiful Vector Illustration
                                                                        • What Are Progressive Web AMPs? — Smashing Magazine

                                                                          Even though the new Service Worker API allows you to cache away all of your website’s assets for an almost instant subsequent load, like when meeting someone new, the first impression is what counts. If the first load takes more than 3 seconds, the latest DoubleClick study shows that more than 53% of all users will drop off. If you’ve been following the web development community these last few mon

                                                                            What Are Progressive Web AMPs? — Smashing Magazine
                                                                          • Moji Pest Control

                                                                            When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe

                                                                            • Best Online Casinos - Blinkx

                                                                              This is a list of the best online casinos. In our opinion, and also after analyzing the votes of the reviewers, the best casinos, from more than six hundred historical reviews, are Jackpot City, Gaming Club Casino, Ruby Fortune, Lucky Nugget, Spin Casino, River Belle, Jupiter Club, and Pulsz. Jackpot City Jackpot City Review. In this review, we went through the most important aspects that generate

                                                                              • 現金はすべての行為を権利行使対象とするリアル・リアルオプションだ - himaginary’s diary

                                                                                Nick Roweがそう書いている(原題は「Cash as the real real option -- to do anything」)。以下にかいつまんで紹介する。 Option theory was originally about financial assets called options. ・・・ Then people noticed that this could also be a useful way to think about investment decisions in real assets (bricks and mortar etc.), not just financial assets (bits of paper). And "real option" theory was born. ・・・ One of the neatest concept

                                                                                  現金はすべての行為を権利行使対象とするリアル・リアルオプションだ - himaginary’s diary
                                                                                • Moji Pest Control

                                                                                  When you hear the word sunroom many different pictures come into your head.  First and foremost is how much will it cost?  For those interested in these types of additions, price shouldn’t be a factor.  You need to look at this as an investment in your home and you will get the monetary value back out if and when you sell your home. This is why sunroom additions in Columbia, SC are so popular.  Pe