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81 - 120 件 / 806件

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combinesの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 806件

  • Hybrid combines the worst of office and remote work

    June 8, 2023 Hybrid combines the worst of office and remote work The honeymoon for remote work is over, and managers who never liked the concept to begin with are plotting its complete reversal, so that things may return to how they were before The Great Remote Experiment. This experiment convinced millions of employees of how much better life could be without a commute or even having to live by t

      Hybrid combines the worst of office and remote work
    • Chapter 12 - Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design, Google SRE Book

      Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design By Salim Virji, James Youngman, Henry Robertson, Stephen Thorne, Dave Rensin, and Zoltan Egyed with Richard Bondi With responsibilities that span production operations and product engineering, SRE is in a unique position to align business case requirements and operational costs. Product engineering teams may not be aware of the maintenance cost of syste

      • The Netflix Cosmos Platform

        by Frank San Miguel on behalf of the Cosmos team IntroductionCosmos is a computing platform that combines the best aspects of microservices with asynchronous workflows and serverless functions. Its sweet spot is applications that involve resource-intensive algorithms coordinated via complex, hierarchical workflows that last anywhere from minutes to years. It supports both high throughput services

          The Netflix Cosmos Platform
        • New – HTTP/3 Support for Amazon CloudFront | Amazon Web Services

          AWS News Blog New – HTTP/3 Support for Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service, a network of interconnected servers that is geographically closer to the users and reaches their computers much faster. Amazon CloudFront reduces latency by delivering data through 410+ globally dispersed Points of Presence (PoPs) with automated network mapping and intelligent ro

            New – HTTP/3 Support for Amazon CloudFront | Amazon Web Services
          • GitHub - ensisoft/detonator: 2D game engine and editor 💥💣

            Supports native Windows and Linux. Supports HTML5 and WASM. Fully featured editor for game development. Fully documented Lua API for game development. Simple object oriented APIs. Demo content and examples. Click here for more features... Windows, Linux and HTML5/WASM support Qt5 based WYSIWYG editor Text rendering (vector and bitmap) Various primitive shapes, custom polygon shapes Material system

              GitHub - ensisoft/detonator: 2D game engine and editor 💥💣
            • Kafka入門 第1回 「そもそもKafkaとはなにか」 - joker1007’s diary

              これは社内向けに書いた、Kafkaってそもそも何やねん、ということをメンバーに解説するための記事を一部編集して公開できる様にしたものです。 第2回以降では、Kafkaを利用したアプリケーション開発のノウハウについて解説していく予定です。そちらも社内の事情を除いた形で公開していくつもりです。 そもそもKafkaとは Kafkaはイベントストリーミングプラットフォームと呼ばれるミドルウェアです。 元々はストリームバッファと呼ばれてたと思います。 公式のドキュメントには以下の様に書かれています。 Kafka combines three key capabilities so you can implement your use cases for event streaming end-to-end with a single battle-tested solution: To publis

                Kafka入門 第1回 「そもそもKafkaとはなにか」 - joker1007’s diary
              • 実験を高速化する機械学習パイプライン開発の挑戦 - ABEJA Tech Blog

                はじめに こんにちは、ティアキンで寄り道し過ぎて永遠にストーリークリア出来ない坂元です。データサイエンスチームに所属しています。LLMの一大ブームの中でLLMの記事を書かないのは若干憚られますが、高速に実験を回す用途で気軽に使える機械学習パイプラインライブラリって実はあまりない…?と思ったので、今回は機械学習パイプラインライブラリを個人で開発してみている話をします。なお、本記事では機械学習パイプラインを「データの加工・モデルの学習・推論を一連のワークフローとして実行出来るツール」とし、データ収集やデプロイ、分布シフトの監視などの工程については言及しないものとします。また、比較的小規模なプロジェクトの検証段階で利用することを前提とします。 開発したパイプラインのライブラリは以下のリポジトリでバージョン0.0.1として公開しましたので、実装の詳細はリポジトリをご参照ください。ドキュメントとかも

                  実験を高速化する機械学習パイプライン開発の挑戦 - ABEJA Tech Blog
                • Announcing .NET 5.0 - .NET Blog

                  We’re excited to release .NET 5.0 today and for you to start using it. It’s a major release — including C# 9 and F# 5 — with a broad set of new features and compelling improvements. It’s already in active use by teams at Microsoft and other companies, in production and for performance testing. Those teams are showing us great results that demonstrate performance gains and/or opportunities to reduc

                    Announcing .NET 5.0 - .NET Blog
                  • GitHub - michael-andreuzza/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.

                    💎 It’s a hand-picked collection of resources for solving practical marketing tasks, such as: finding beta testers growing first user base advertising project without a budget scaling marketing activities for building constant revenue streams. We faced these questions, when we made our first product (tool for iOS engineers). It took us almost 2 years to learn how to market our project. 😤 During t

                      GitHub - michael-andreuzza/Marketing-for-Engineers: A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
                    • On-demand Container Loading in AWS Lambda | USENIX

                      Marc Brooker, Mike Danilov, Chris Greenwood, and Phil Piwonka, Amazon Web Services Awarded Best Paper! AWS Lambda is a serverless event-driven compute service, part of a category of cloud compute offerings sometimes called Function-as-a-service (FaaS). When we first released AWS Lambda, functions were limited to 250MB of code and dependencies, packaged as a simple compressed archive. In 2020, we r

                      • FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog

                        These last two sometimes are referred to as "8 bit" or "10 bit" respectively, especially when talking about videos. That means 8/10 bits per single color channel. TransparencySome image formats support an additional channel together with the red, green, and blue components: the alpha channel. The alpha channel determines how transparent a single pixel is, and it can have different bit-depths, it i

                          FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog
                        • Prompt Engineering

                          Date: March 15, 2023 | Estimated Reading Time: 21 min | Author: Lilian Weng Prompt Engineering, also known as In-Context Prompting, refers to methods for how to communicate with LLM to steer its behavior for desired outcomes without updating the model weights. It is an empirical science and the effect of prompt engineering methods can vary a lot among models, thus requiring heavy experimentation a

                          • A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers | CSS-Tricks

                            This is your complete guide to CSS cascade layers, a CSS feature that allows us to define explicit contained layers of specificity, so that we have full control over which styles take priority in a project without relying on specificity hacks or !important. This guide is intended to help you fully understand what cascade layers are for, how and why you might choose to use them, the current levels

                              A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers | CSS-Tricks
                            • GitHub - googlefonts/morisawa-biz-ud-mincho

                              モリサワのBIZ UD明朝は、教育やビジネス文書作成などに活用できるよう、より多くの方にとって読みやすく使いやすいように設計されたユニバーサルデザインフォントです。格調高い明朝体の伝統を保ちながら、見やすさ、読みやすさを実現した書体です。一般的な明朝体は、横線が細くデザインされているため、視力が弱い方やディスプレイの表示などでは読みにくいことがあります。BIZ UD明朝は従来の明朝体よりも横線が太い明朝体をベースにしており、濁点や半濁点を大きく見やすいデザインに変更しているほか、字面やふところを大きくとりながらも文字のフォルムを崩さないデザインに調整しています。 BIZ UD Mincho is a universal design typeface designed to be easy to read and ideal for education and business docum

                                GitHub - googlefonts/morisawa-biz-ud-mincho
                              • Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 - HTMHell

                                by Alistair Shepherd published on Dec 14, 2023 Carefully observing websites in the wild As the murderous tortoises start to converge on Ryūji’s hideout, they pull out their phone. It’s a cheap, older device but it’s survived the toils of the tortoise-ageddon well so far. Thankfully the internet still exists, although a bit slower, so they’re able to search online for how to scare tortoises away. T

                                  Getting started with Web Performance 🚀 - HTMHell
                                • Scaling Datastores at Slack with Vitess - Slack Engineering

                                  Rafael Chacón Staff Software Engineer, Infrastructure From the very beginning of Slack, MySQL was used as the storage engine for all our data. Slack operated MySQL servers in an active-active configuration. This is the story of how we changed our data storage architecture from the active-active clusters over to Vitess — a horizontal scaling system for MySQL. Vitess is the present and future of Dat

                                    Scaling Datastores at Slack with Vitess - Slack Engineering
                                  • 【和訳あり】VOAの「News Words: Upcycle」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                    VOAの「News Words: Upcycle」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! この記事の英語の難易度はレベル3(★★★☆☆)です。 難易度の詳細についてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。 www.jukupapa.com 英語でニュースを聞けるようになりたい! 英字新聞をすらすら読めるようになりたい! などなど。 憧れますよね。 でも実際に挑戦してみると、 ニュースを見たけどまったく聞き取れない。 英字新聞が呪文にしか見えない。 どうしたら聞き取れるようになるの? ほんとにこんな英語ばかりの新聞読めるの? などそのハードルの高さに圧倒されるかもしれません。 私は英語ニュース、英字新聞を聞くと眠たくなります。 そんな私でも、英語ニュース、英字新聞を読むために取り組むことができる方法がいくつかあります。 この記事では、その方法のひとつとして、VOAを活用した学習方法をご紹介します。

                                      【和訳あり】VOAの「News Words: Upcycle」で英語ニュースのディクテーションに挑戦! - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                    • Modular: Mojo🔥 - It’s finally here!

                                      Since our launch of the Mojo programming language on May 2nd, more than 120K+ developers have signed up to use the Mojo Playground and 19K+ developers actively discuss Mojo on Discord and GitHub. Today, we’re excited to announce the next big step in Mojo’s evolution: Mojo is now available for local download – beginning with Linux systems, and adding Mac and Windows in coming releases. While the Mo

                                        Modular: Mojo🔥 - It’s finally here!
                                      • Announcing CheerpJ 3.0: A JVM replacement in HTML5 and WebAssembly to run Java applications (and applets) on modern browsers

                                        Back to blog Announcing CheerpJ 3.0 A JVM replacement in HTML5 and WebAssembly to run Java applications (and applets) on modern browsers TLDR: for the past year, we have been working on a new architecture for CheerpJ: our implementation of the JVM in HTML5/WebAssembly, designed to run Java applications on the browser. CheerpJ 3.0 will be released in the late summer of 2023, and will be easier to u

                                          Announcing CheerpJ 3.0: A JVM replacement in HTML5 and WebAssembly to run Java applications (and applets) on modern browsers
                                        • Don't attach tooltips to document.body

                                          10 Mar, 2021 Don’t attach tooltips to document.body TL;DR Instead of attaching tooltips directly to document.body, attach them to a predefined div in document.body. BAD <body> <!-- temporary div, vanishes when tooltips vanishes --> <div>my tooltip</div> <body> GOOD <body> <!-- this div stays forever, just for attaching tooltips --> <div id="tooltips-container"> <!-- temporary div, vanishes when to

                                          • Machine Learning Field Guide

                                            We all have to deal with data, and we try to learn about and implement machine learning into our projects. But everyone seems to forget one thing... it's far from perfect, and there is so much to go through! Don't worry, we'll discuss every little step, from start to finish 👀. All you'll need are these fundementals The Story Behind it All We all start with either a dataset or a goal in mind. Once

                                              Machine Learning Field Guide
                                            • Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP/3 powered by QUIC

                                              Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP version 3 (HTTP/3) requests over QUIC  for end user connections. HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a user datagram protocol (UDP) based, stream-multiplexed, secure transport protocol that combines and improves upon the capabilities of existing transmission control protocol (TCP), TLS, and HTTP/2. HTTP/3 offers several benefits over previous HTTP versions, including faster respo

                                                Amazon CloudFront now supports HTTP/3 powered by QUIC
                                              • AST vs. Bytecode: Interpreters in the Age of Meta-Compilation

                                                233 AST vs. Bytecode: Interpreters in the Age of Meta-Compilation OCTAVE LAROSE, University of Kent, UK SOPHIE KALEBA, University of Kent, UK HUMPHREY BURCHELL, University of Kent, UK STEFAN MARR, University of Kent, UK Thanks to partial evaluation and meta-tracing, it became practical to build language implementations that reach state-of-the-art peak performance by implementing only an interprete

                                                • 【脱!コロナ太り】PLSTセットアップにロングカーデのIライン「ペンギン配色」で細見え!

                                                  【脱!コロナ太り】PLSTセットアップにロングカーデのIライン「ペンギン配色」で細見え! 2020年5月19日 PLST, コーディネート, ワンピース・セットアップ, 羽織りもの

                                                  • GitHub - plasmicapp/plasmic: Visual builder for React. Build apps, websites, and content. Integrate with your codebase.

                                                    Plasmic combines some seemingly disparate genres: Webflow, Wordpress and other site builders Retool and other tool builders Glide and no-code app builders Contentful and other CMSes Today these are different tools to specialize in, but the line between, say, a website and an application is blurry (consider an ecommerce storefront with user logins). With the right foundations, we think these can be

                                                      GitHub - plasmicapp/plasmic: Visual builder for React. Build apps, websites, and content. Integrate with your codebase.
                                                    • Kubernetes Security: 10 Best Practices from the Industry and Community

                                                      Kubernetes Security: 10 Best Practices from the Industry and Community Kubernetes requires extensive configuration, and keeping container security at the right level is always challenging. One of the best ways to tighten your clusters’ security is by implementing tactics that […] Kubernetes requires extensive configuration, and keeping container security at the right level is always challenging. O

                                                        Kubernetes Security: 10 Best Practices from the Industry and Community
                                                      • グーグルが気象予測で新モデル、機械学習と物理学を統合

                                                        気象予測にAIと従来の物理学的手法のどちらが最も効果的かについては、気象や気候の専門家の間でも意見が分かれている。グーグルの研究者は、両者を組みわせることで、より低コストで正確な予測ができるシステムを発表した。 by James O'Donnell2024.07.24 15 この記事の3つのポイント グーグルが機械学習と従来手法を組み合わせた新たな気象予測モデルを構築 従来モデルよりも少ない計算能力で迅速に高品質な予測が可能 異常気象リスクの長期的モデリングへの使用が期待されている summarized by Claude 3 グーグルの研究者は、機械学習と従来の手法を組み合わせた新たな気象予測モデルを構築した。これにより、現在よりも遥かに安い費用で正確な予報が得られるようになる可能性がある。 「ニューラルGCM(NeuralGCM)」と呼ばれるこのモデルは、7月22日付けのネイチャー(N

                                                        • Naming Tokens in Design Systems

                                                          Design tokens have provided a visual foundation of many design systems since Salesforce pioneered the concept in 2014. I wrote an impassioned article on design tokens in 2016, and my energy on the topic continues to grow. As systems of visual style spread across a widening landscape of components, platforms and outputs, design tokens — and their names — are increasingly important. Effective token

                                                            Naming Tokens in Design Systems
                                                          • Amazon Aurora supports in-place upgrades from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7

                                                            Starting today, you can perform an in-place upgrade of your Amazon Aurora database cluster from MySQL major version 5.6 to 5.7. Instead of backing up and restoring the database to the new version, you can upgrade with just a few clicks in the Amazon RDS Management Console or by using the AWS SDK or CLI. Aurora MySQL 5.7 offers enhancements such as JSON support, spatial indexes, and generated colum

                                                              Amazon Aurora supports in-place upgrades from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7
                                                            • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Integrates with AWS Lambda

                                                              Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility can now make calls to AWS Lambda functions. AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers, and without worrying about scalability. You can invoke Lambda functions directly from within an Aurora database via stored procedures or user-defined functions. This allows you to extend the capabilities of the database and invoke external a

                                                                Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Integrates with AWS Lambda
                                                              • 5 Reasons Why Microsoft Teams Is Better Than Slack

                                                                The battle between Microsoft Teams and Slack has been going on for years now, with both giants trying to take over the top spot in workplace collaboration. Following the announcement made in early December 2020 that Salesforce—one of Microsoft's biggest competitors—had acquired Slack for a whopping $27.7 billion, the supremacy battle has heightened even further. So who is king, you ask? Here are f

                                                                  5 Reasons Why Microsoft Teams Is Better Than Slack
                                                                • Introducing the ChatGPT App for Slack

                                                                  Editor’s Note: AI Cloud, Einstein GPT, and other cloud GPT products are now Einstein. For the latest on Salesforce Einstein, go here. Today, Salesforce and OpenAI introduced the ChatGPT app for Slack. Built by OpenAI on the Slack platform, the app integrates ChatGPT’s powerful AI technology to deliver instant conversation summaries, research tools, and writing assistance directly in Slack to help

                                                                    Introducing the ChatGPT App for Slack
                                                                  • Challenging projects every programmer should try

                                                                    Austin Z. Henley Associate Teaching Professor Carnegie Mellon University Challenging projects every programmer should try 12/11/2019 This post spurred a lot of discussion on Hacker News, Reddit, and again on Hacker News. I collected some of the suggested projects and put them in a list at the end of this post. Check out the sequel to this post: More challenging projects every programmer should try

                                                                      Challenging projects every programmer should try
                                                                    • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                                                      A new sculpture going live on Wednesday in the Flatiron South Public Plaza in New York is not your typical artwork. It combines technology, sociology, anthropology and art to let…

                                                                        TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                                                      • Crypto miners are killing free CI

                                                                        CI providers like webapp.io, GitLab, TravisCI, and Shippable are all worsening or shutting down their free tiers due to cryptocurrency mining attacks. On September 1st, 2020, GitLab announced that their free CI offering was being restricted in response to "usage." Two months later, TravisCI announced that a similar restriction in response to "significant abuse." Concurrently with these pricing cha

                                                                          Crypto miners are killing free CI
                                                                        • GitOps for Kubernetes | Caylent

                                                                          Cloud-native applications are dominating the market with their improved performance and high efficiency. While there are more resources to support cloud-native applications running as microservices, managing complex cloud architecture is still a challenge. The more microservices you run, the more tasks you will have to deal with in order to keep the cloud environment healthy and running smoothly.

                                                                            GitOps for Kubernetes | Caylent
                                                                          • Win32 is the stable Linux userland ABI (and the consequences) - the sporks space

                                                                            This post was inspired by some controversy with Valve and their support for Linux, but the bulk of it comes from long-term observation. One of the biggest impacts with the viability of Linux on the desktop was Valve’s Proton, a Wine fork integrated in Steam allowing almost any Windows game to work out of the box. To Linux users, life was good. However, with the recent announcement of the Steam Dec

                                                                            • Get Started with TensorFlow Transform  |  TFX

                                                                              This guide introduces the basic concepts of tf.Transform and how to use them. It will: Define a preprocessing function, a logical description of the pipeline that transforms the raw data into the data used to train a machine learning model. Show the Apache Beam implementation used to transform data by converting the preprocessing function into a Beam pipeline. Show additional usage examples. Setup

                                                                                Get Started with TensorFlow Transform  |  TFX
                                                                              • Introducing Amazon Aurora MySQL enhanced binary log (binlog) | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                AWS Database Blog Introducing Amazon Aurora MySQL enhanced binary log (binlog) Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud. Aurora combines the performance and availability of traditional enterprise databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases. Aurora has a history of innovating around database engines and the underlyi

                                                                                  Introducing Amazon Aurora MySQL enhanced binary log (binlog) | Amazon Web Services
                                                                                • New WebKit Features in Safari 13.1

                                                                                  This year’s spring releases of Safari 13.1 for macOS Catalina, iPadOS, iOS, and watchOS bring a tremendous number of WebKit improvements for the web across Apple’s platforms. All of this with many more updates for improved privacy, performance, and a host of new tools for web developers. Here’s a quick look at the new WebKit enhancements available with these releases. Pointer and Mouse Events on i

                                                                                    New WebKit Features in Safari 13.1