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cross-platformの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 2137件

  • Mastodon: Ruby on Rails Open Source Web App

    The product https://joinmastodon.org Mastodon is a free, open-source social network server based on ActivityPub where users can follow friends and discover new ones. On Mastodon, users can publish anything they want: links, pictures, text, and video. All Mastodon servers are interoperable as a federated network. Open source The project is open source at https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon License

      Mastodon: Ruby on Rails Open Source Web App
    • GitHub - xetdata/nfsserve: A Rust NFS Server implementation

      This is an incomplete but very functional implementation of an NFSv3 server in Rust. Why? You may ask. I wanted to implement a user-mode file-system mount that is truly cross-platform. What is a protocol that pretty much every OS supports? NFS. Why not FUSE you may ask: FUSE is annoying to users on Mac and Windows (drivers necessary). It takes a lot of care to build a FUSE driver for remote filesy

        GitHub - xetdata/nfsserve: A Rust NFS Server implementation
      • Why we decided to rewrite our iOS & Android apps from scratch — in React Native

        Our project name for the RN app rewrite, DenaliBackgroundHi, I am Naoya, a Senior Engineering Manager at Mercari. Along with my small but mighty team of frontend developers, I am responsible for delivering the Mercari app experience to our customers. Today, I’m here to explain why we’ve made the ambitious decision to completely rewrite our apps using React Native. Growth drives changeCurrently, we

          Why we decided to rewrite our iOS & Android apps from scratch — in React Native
        • Stranger Strings: An exploitable flaw in SQLite

          By Andreas Kellas Trail of Bits is publicly disclosing CVE-2022-35737, which affects applications that use the SQLite library API. CVE-2022-35737 was introduced in SQLite version 1.0.12 (released on October 17, 2000) and fixed in release 3.39.2 (released on July 21, 2022). CVE-2022-35737 is exploitable on 64-bit systems, and exploitability depends on how the program is compiled; arbitrary code exe

            Stranger Strings: An exploitable flaw in SQLite
          • mambaやripのinstallが何故早いのか調べたメモ - Stimulator

            - はじめに - 最近、PythonのパッケージインストーラーであるpipをRustで書き直したripというツールが公開された。 github.com ripのREADME.mdには、flaskを題材に依存解決とインストールが1秒で終わるようなgifが貼られている。 この速さは一体どこから来ているのか調べた。 - はじめに - - 宣伝 - - ripの成り立ち - Anaconda mamba-org prefix.dev - condaがinstallで行うこと - - mambaでの速度改善 - - ripに応用されたこと - - おわりに - - 宣伝 - 来週開催の技術書典15で「エムスリーテックブック5」が出ます。 私の内容は「自作Python Package Manager入門」で、CLIツールの作り方から始まって40ページでPyPIの仕様やその背景となっている要素を把握しな

              mambaやripのinstallが何故早いのか調べたメモ - Stimulator
            • TechCrunch

              Tree planting search engine Ecosia launched a new cross-platform browser today to increase its online footprint. The new browser, available for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android, is built on top of Chrom

              • GitHub - wez/wezterm: A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust

                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                  GitHub - wez/wezterm: A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
                • 5 Programming Languages That Are Probably Doomed

                  5 Programming Languages That Are Probably Doomed by Nick Kolakowski Jul 29, 2019 5 min read Not all programming languages endure forever. In fact, even the most popular ones inevitably crumble away, as new generations of developers embrace other languages and frameworks they find easier to work with. In order to determine which programming languages are likely doomed in the medium- to long-term, w

                    5 Programming Languages That Are Probably Doomed
                  • 単一コードでGPUやFPGAなど多様なプロセッサへの最適化を目指す「Unified Acceleration (UXL) Foundation」、Linux Foundation傘下で設立

                    Linux Foundationは、単一のソースコードでCPUやGPU、FPGAなど、マシンに搭載されているさまざまなプロセッサ(アクセラレータ)に最適化されたネイティブバイナリの生成を実現する団体「 Unified Acceleration (UXL) Foundation」の設立を発表しました。 We are excited to announce the launch of the UXL Foundation, a cross-industry group committed to delivering an open standard accelerator programming model that simplifies development of performant, cross-platform applications. Learn more: https://t.

                      単一コードでGPUやFPGAなど多様なプロセッサへの最適化を目指す「Unified Acceleration (UXL) Foundation」、Linux Foundation傘下で設立
                    • DeepLのデスクトップアプリをRustとPreactとTailwind CSSでつくった | うなすけとあれこれ

                      これはなに https://github.com/unasuke/deplore https://github.com/unasuke/deplore/releases/tag/v0.1.0 DeepLのAPI keyを使って翻訳を行う、DeepLが公式に提供しているデスクトップアプリのようなものの個人開発版です。 UI部分にPreactとTailwind CSS (Tailwind UI)、アプリケーションの土台やAPIとの通信部分にはRust (Tauri)を使っています。 名前は、DeepLのアプリなので、 ^d.*p.*l.*$ にマッチする英単語から適当に選んで “deplore” としました。 動機 英語は英語のまま理解できるのがもちろん一番いいのですが、長すぎる英文の概要だけでもサッとつかみたい場合などは機械翻訳は非常に役立ちます。 近年、機械翻訳ではDeepLの精度がとても

                        DeepLのデスクトップアプリをRustとPreactとTailwind CSSでつくった | うなすけとあれこれ
                      • GitHub - tidwall/neco: Concurrency library for C (coroutines)

                        Coroutines: starting, sleeping, suspending, resuming, yielding, and joining. Synchronization: channels, generators, mutexes, condition variables, and waitgroups. Support for deadlines and cancelation. Posix friendly interface using file descriptors. Additional APIs for networking, signals, random data, streams, and buffered I/O. Lightweight runtime with a fair and deterministic scheduler. Fast use

                          GitHub - tidwall/neco: Concurrency library for C (coroutines)
                        • What's New in Unicode 14.0

                          Today the latest emoji list will be released by the Unicode Consortium, with additions including Biting Lip, Troll, Saluting Face, as well as two heart-related gestures: Heart Hands and Hand with Index Finger and Thumb Crossed (aka finger heart, popular in K-Pop circles). The release date for version 14.0 of the Unicode Standard was aptly set for the 14th day of September, and formalizes what has

                            What's New in Unicode 14.0
                          • Win32 is the stable Linux userland ABI (and the consequences) - the sporks space

                            This post was inspired by some controversy with Valve and their support for Linux, but the bulk of it comes from long-term observation. One of the biggest impacts with the viability of Linux on the desktop was Valve’s Proton, a Wine fork integrated in Steam allowing almost any Windows game to work out of the box. To Linux users, life was good. However, with the recent announcement of the Steam Dec

                            • Rust developers can now generate consistent type schema with Typeshare | 1Password

                              Today, 1Password is making Typeshare publicly available as an open-source project to help Rust developers generate consistent type schema across multiple languages. With Typeshare, developers can now create FFI (foreign function interfaces) with confidence. What problem does Typeshare solve? We often write code in another language and have Rust call that code. For example, 1Password is powered by

                                Rust developers can now generate consistent type schema with Typeshare | 1Password
                              • The Case Against Passkeys - そんなことはさておいて

                                はじめに www.youtube.com これは Digital Identity技術勉強会 #iddance Advent Calendar 2023 23日目の記事です。 今年も2021年の「JWTの発音問題について」みたいに逆張りクソ野郎ムーブをしようと思います。 タイトルはclickbaitです 私自身業務でWebAuthnのRPを実装しており、WebAuthn Level 2はだいたい読んでおり、実装過程で気づいた記述の不備の指摘を行ったりしています。よって当然WebAuthn/FIDO/Passkeysのメリットは理解しており、タイトルから想像されるような「Passkeysをやめろ」という主張を行うつもりはありません1。一方で、Passkeysの推進を行う言論で見落とされている点がかなりある(ひいては一部ポジショントークのために一部意識的に触れられていない)と感じたので、Pas

                                  The Case Against Passkeys - そんなことはさておいて
                                • GitHub - TaKO8Ki/gobang: A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Rust

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - TaKO8Ki/gobang: A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Rust
                                  • テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形、生成ツールなど開発者向けの様々な機能を提供してくれるWindowsアプリDevToysが次期「DevToys v2.0」アップデートでMacとLinuxをサポートし、拡張機能の作成/共有が可能に。

                                    テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形、生成など開発者向けの様々な機能を提供してくれるWindows向けアプリDevToysが次期「DevToys v2.0」アップデートでMacとLinuxをサポートするそうです。詳細は以下から。 DevToysはMicrosoftでVisualStudioを開発するEtienne Baudouxさんがオープンソースで開発している開発者向けの十徳ナイフ(Swiss Army knife for Developer)的アプリで、テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形ツールなど30以上のツールがまとめられていますが、このDevToysが次期バージョン2.0アップデートでWindowsに加え、MacとLinuxのクロスプラットフォームをサポートするそうです。 DevToys is now cross-platform. リリースノートより抜粋 DevTo

                                      テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形、生成ツールなど開発者向けの様々な機能を提供してくれるWindowsアプリDevToysが次期「DevToys v2.0」アップデートでMacとLinuxをサポートし、拡張機能の作成/共有が可能に。
                                    • TechCrunch

                                      The savvy marketers at Boston Dynamics produced two major robotics news cycles last week. The larger of the two was, naturally, the electric Atlas announcement. As I write this, the sub-40 second vide

                                      • Let’s make WordPress officially support SQLite

                                        Welcome! The WordPress coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. development team builds WordPress! Follow this site for general updates, status reports, and the occasional code debate. There’s lots of ways to contribute: Found a bugbug A bug is an error or unexpected result. Performance improvements, code optimization, and are cons

                                          Let’s make WordPress officially support SQLite
                                        • Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Goes Alpha | The Kotlin Blog

                                          IDEs AppCode CLion DataGrip DataSpell Fleet GoLand IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RustRover Rider RubyMine WebStorm Plugins & Services Big Data Tools Code With Me Quality Assurance JetBrains Platform Scala Toolbox App Writerside JetBrains AI Team Tools Datalore Space TeamCity Upsource YouTrack Hub Qodana .NET & Visual Studio .NET Tools ReSharper C++ Languages & Frameworks Kotlin Ktor MPS Amper Edu

                                            Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Goes Alpha | The Kotlin Blog
                                          • Bun 1.1 | Bun Blog

                                            Bun is a fast, all-in-one toolkit for running, building, testing, and debugging JavaScript and TypeScript, from a single script to a full-stack application. If you're new to Bun, you can learn more in the Bun 1.0 blog post. Bun 1.1 is huge update. There's been over 1,700 commits since Bun 1.0, and we've been working hard to make Bun more stable and more compatible with Node.js. We've fixed over a

                                            • Visual Studio Code June 2023

                                              Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. June 2023 (version 1.80) Update 1.80.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.80.2: The update addresses this security issue. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the June 2023 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this versi

                                                Visual Studio Code June 2023
                                              • Factorio is coming to Nintendo Switch™ | Factorio

                                                For the past one and a half years I've been working on a secret Factorio project. Today we are finally revealing it. As announced during Nintendo Direct, Factorio is coming to Nintendo Switch! It's already in the final stages and the global release date is set for 28th October 2022. Here is what to expect: All of the game's content will be available. The gameplay is not simplified and there are no

                                                  Factorio is coming to Nintendo Switch™ | Factorio
                                                • Visual Studio Code July 2022

                                                  Version 1.88 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from March. July 2022 (version 1.70) Update 1.70.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.2: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.3: This update is only available for Windows 7 users and is the last release supporting Windows 7. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarba

                                                    Visual Studio Code July 2022
                                                  • SciSharp STACK

                                                    A .NET based Open Source Ecosystem for Data Science, Machine Learning and AI SciSharp brings all major ML/AI Frameworks from Python to .NET .NET developers are most productive with the tools they know and love. Our mission is to make sure that they don't have to leave that behind when reaching for opportunities in Data Science Machine Learning and AI. The well established Python based Machine Lear

                                                    • The 6 Best Bookmark Manager Apps for Android

                                                      Want to save web pages, files, photos, lists, and more to view later? These bookmark managers for Android help you do exactly that. You're on your phone scrolling, come across an interesting web page, click the bookmark button and move on. When the time comes where you need to access a bookmark, you open your library and have to scroll through countless bookmarks back and forth until you find what

                                                        The 6 Best Bookmark Manager Apps for Android
                                                      • ZOZOMATのクロスプラットフォーム3D - ZOZO TECH BLOG

                                                        ZOZOMATとは何でしょうか?オンラインで靴を購入する際に、サイズが合わないという問題を解決する仕組みです。1台のスマートフォンと紙製のZOZOMATだけで、正確に足のサイズを測れます。足をスキャンすると、高精度の3Dモデルが生成されます。最適なサイズの靴も表示されるので、すぐに靴を購入できます。 こんにちは!ZOZOテクノロジーズの@kapsy1312です。ZOZOMATプロジェクトの一員として、スキャン結果を3D空間に表示するビューの開発を担当しました。プロトタイプでは、Appleの標準3Dフレームワーク、SceneKitを使用していました。しかし、全く同じ機能とデザインをAndroidで再現するにはコストがかかるため、さらに適切なソリューションを検討しました。 この記事では、スキャン結果の3DビューをAndroidとiOSデバイス向けに開発した際の課題と解決策を説明します。プラット

                                                          ZOZOMATのクロスプラットフォーム3D - ZOZO TECH BLOG
                                                        • Rust 2021: GUI

                                                          This is a response to the Rust call for blogs 2021 and also a followup to last year’s entry. It will be entirely focused on GUI. There is considerable interest in GUI toolkits for Rust. As one data point, it was the 6th highest rated challenge for adoption in the 2019 Rust survey, just behind async I/O. There is also a fair amount of activity towards this goal, though as a community it still feels

                                                          • Swift System is Now Open Source

                                                            In June, Apple introduced Swift System, a new library for Apple platforms that provides idiomatic interfaces to system calls and low-level currency types. Today, I’m excited to announce that we’re open-sourcing System and adding Linux support! Our vision is for System to eventually act as the single home for low-level system interfaces for all supported Swift platforms. Goodbye Imported C Interfac

                                                              Swift System is Now Open Source
                                                            • WebAssembly and Back Again: Fine-Grained Sandboxing in Firefox 95 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                                              WebAssembly and Back Again: Fine-Grained Sandboxing in Firefox 95 In Firefox 95, we’re shipping a novel sandboxing technology called RLBox — developed in collaboration with researchers at the University of California San Diego and the University of Texas — that makes it easy and efficient to isolate subcomponents to make the browser more secure. This technology opens up new opportunities beyond wh

                                                                WebAssembly and Back Again: Fine-Grained Sandboxing in Firefox 95 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                                              • Bytecode Alliance: One year update

                                                                We announced the Bytecode Alliance nearly a year ago, and since then it has been… quite a year 😬 While the 2020-ness of this year has slowed us down on some fronts, we’ve also made a lot of progress on others. Now that we’ve adjusted to the new normal, we’re gearing up to accelerate on all fronts. But before we do that, we wanted to share some highlights of what we’ve achieved to date. Progress o

                                                                  Bytecode Alliance: One year update
                                                                • New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download

                                                                  A little over a year ago, we announced our intention to rebuild Microsoft Edge on the Chromium open source project with the goals of delivering better compatibility for everyone, less fragmentation for web developers, and a partnership with the Chromium community to improve the Chromium engine itself. At Ignite, we unveiled our new vision for the web and search, our colorful new icon, and how Micr

                                                                    New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download
                                                                  • Microsoft looks to React Native as a way to tackle the cross-platform development puzzle

                                                                    Ignite Microsoft has hinted that cross-platform development framework React Native is a key solution to the problem of writing applications that span both Windows and mobile. Cross-platform development is critical for Microsoft since both first-party and third-party apps accessing Office 365 or Azure services need to run on iOS and Android as well as on Windows. Underlining the point, the company

                                                                    • Boostnoteをcloneして自分好みのMarkdownメモアプリを作成する - Qiita

                                                                      Boostnote/build.md at master · BoostIO/Boostnote · GitHub 環境によっては最初のyarnが少し時間かかるかもしれません。 これだけでBoostnoteが起動します。 個人的にはGUIの操作がないぶん普通にインストールする楽なきがします 事前準備 特にないです。適当にドキュメント眺める程度です。 Electron | Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. React – ユーザインターフェース構築のための JavaScript ライブラリ Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS — expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS preprocessor DevTools Extension |

                                                                        Boostnoteをcloneして自分好みのMarkdownメモアプリを作成する - Qiita
                                                                      • RubyKaigi 2024に参加 & 登壇しました + Rubyアソシエーション開発助成の話 - shioimm || coe401_

                                                                        RubyKaigi 20024 RubyKaigi 2024おつかれさまでした! 沖縄から帰ってきてはや一週間余り、ようやく今年のRubyKaigiが終わったという現実を受け入れられるようになってきました。 海が綺麗でしたね ありがたいことに、わたしは今回もsocketライブラリのHappy Eyeballs Version 2(以下HEv2)対応を題材に登壇の機会をいただきました。 rubykaigi.org また今年は勤務先のエス・エム・エスがブースを獲得したので、初めてスポンサーとしてブースに立つこともできました。 この記事ではRubyKaigi 2024に至るまでと、それからRubyKaigi 2024会期中の出来事について振り返ってみたいと思います。 ※とんでもない長文ですがご容赦ください Happy Eyeballs Version 2 対応socketライブラリ開発日誌 上記

                                                                          RubyKaigi 2024に参加 & 登壇しました + Rubyアソシエーション開発助成の話 - shioimm || coe401_
                                                                        • .NET everywhere apparently also means Windows 3.11 and DOS

                                                                          I often talk about how .NET Core is open source and runs "everywhere." MonoGame, Unity, Apple Watches, Raspberry Pi, and Microcontrollers (as well as a dozen Linuxes, Windows, etc) is a lot of places. Michal Strehovský wants C# to run EVERYWHERE and I love him for it. He recently got some C# code running in two "impossible" places that are now added to our definition of everywhere. While these are

                                                                            .NET everywhere apparently also means Windows 3.11 and DOS
                                                                          • #!/usr/bin/env docker run

                                                                            Dockerfile ��'d1V `qed1V #!/usr/bin/env -S bash -c "docker run -p 8080:8080 -it --rm \$(docker build --progress plain -f \$0 . 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr | grep -oP 'sha256:[0-9a-f]*')" # syntax = docker/dockerfile:1.4.0 FROM node:20 WORKDIR /root RUN npm install sqlite3 RUN <<EOF cat >/root/schema.sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clicks ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, time INTEGER NOT NULL ); E

                                                                              #!/usr/bin/env docker run
                                                                            • Garnet–open-source faster cache-store speeds up applications, services

                                                                              Researchers at Microsoft have been working for nearly a decade to address the increasing demand for data storage mechanisms to support the rapid advances in interactive web applications and services. Our new cache-store system called Garnet, which offers several advantages over legacy cache-stores, has been deployed in multiple use cases at Microsoft, such as those in the Windows & Web Experiences

                                                                                Garnet–open-source faster cache-store speeds up applications, services
                                                                              • Microsoft Teamsにゼロクリックのリモートコード実行脆弱性、詳細を公開

                                                                                Microsoft Teamsにゼロクリックのリモートコード実行(RCE)脆弱(ぜいじゃく)性が存在していたことが明らかになった。この脆弱性はゲーム会社「Evolution Gaming」のOskars Vegeris氏が2020年8月末にMicrosoftに報告していたものだ。2020年10月末にすでに修正されている。 Spoofing - zero-click, wormable, cross-platform remote code execution in Microsoft Teams,Important, Spoofing - zero-click, wormable, cross-platform remote code execution in Microsoft Teams GiHubのドキュメントによるとVegeris氏がMicrosoftに報告したRCEのバグはこれを

                                                                                  Microsoft Teamsにゼロクリックのリモートコード実行脆弱性、詳細を公開
                                                                                • Announcing Ionic React - Ionic Blog

                                                                                  October 14, 2019 Announcements Capacitor Ionic react Today we’re thrilled to announce the general availability of Ionic React, a native React version of Ionic Framework that makes it easy to build apps for iOS, Android, Desktop, and the web as a Progressive Web App. All with one code base, standard React development patterns, and using the standard react-dom library and huge ecosystem around the w

                                                                                    Announcing Ionic React - Ionic Blog