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201 - 240 件 / 608件

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dependentの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 608件

  • 雑記 あなたの言語、わたしの言語 - Imaginantia

    一年前にも言語について考えていたらしいです。 phi16.hatenablog.com が、最近考えてる話はまた違う側面でした。あと今日の話題とは関係ないです (根本では繋がっていますが)。 なんとなく「言葉を大事にするとはどういうことか」について考えていました。 というのも、私は一応「言語」が持つ機能について長いこと考えてきた人のうちの一人なので、一家言あるつもりなのです。 確かに私の分野は「表現に用いられる自然言語」ではなく「意味を明確に伝える為の人工言語」なのですが、「言語」という存在について考える上でこれらは不可分なものだと思っています。 だから、今の私が考える「言語」という概念について、書きたいことを書いてみようと思います。 つらつら論理立てて書いていこうと思っていたんですが、なんかあんまりおもしろくないので、思いついたことから雑多に書きます。 色々思ったことについて調べてみたと

      雑記 あなたの言語、わたしの言語 - Imaginantia
    • Bluesky and the AT Protocol: Usable Decentralized Social Media

      Bluesky and the AT Protocol: Usable Decentralized Social Media Martin Kleppmann martin.kleppmann@cst.cam.ac.uk University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK Paul Frazee Jake Gold Jay Graber Daniel Holmgren Bluesky Social PBC United States Devin Ivy Jeromy Johnson Bryan Newbold Jaz Volpert Bluesky Social PBC United States ABSTRACT Bluesky is a new social network built upon the AT Protocol, a de- centralize

      • Twitter (X) use predicts substantial changes in well-being, polarization, sense of belonging, and outrage

        communications psychology Article https://doi.org/10.1038/s44271-024-00062-z Twitter (X) use predicts substantial changes in well-being, polarization, sense of belonging, and outrage Check for updates Victoria Oldemburgo de Mello 1 , Felix Cheung 1,3 & Michael Inzlicht 2,3 In public debate, Twitter (now X) is often said to cause detrimental effects on users and society. Here we address this resear

        • 「ジャンクフードを食べ続けても太らない薬」が開発される

          脂肪や糖分が豊富に含まれているジャンクフードは非常においしいものの、食べ続けると肥満になったり不健康になったりといった問題が生じます。そこで、アメリカのテキサス大学サンアントニオ健康科学センターの研究チームが、「ジャンクフードを食べ続けても太らない薬」を開発したと発表しました。「CPACC」と名付けられたこの薬を投与されたマウスは、人生の大部分にわたり高脂肪・高糖分の食事を与えられたにもかかわらず、体重増加や肝臓の異変といった問題を抱えなかったとのことです。 Limiting Mrs2-dependent mitochondrial Mg2+ uptake induces metabolic programming in prolonged dietary stress: Cell Reports https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112155 S

          • HashiCorp, Terraform, and OpenTF [LWN.net]

            Please consider subscribing to LWNSubscriptions are the lifeblood of LWN.net. If you appreciate this content and would like to see more of it, your subscription will help to ensure that LWN continues to thrive. Please visit this page to join up and keep LWN on the net. Over the years, there have been multiple examples of open-source software that, suddenly, was no longer open source; on August 10,

            • Mitigating the Hetzner/Linode XMPP.ru MitM interception incident

              Other articles in this series: Let's Encrypt now supports ACME-CAA: closing the DV loophole Mitigating the Hetzner/Linode XMPP.ru MitM interception incident Mitigating the Hetzner/Linode XMPP.ru MitM interception incident, part 2: XMPP-specific mitigations Expect-CT Lite: A humble proposal for minimal CT enforcement in TLS certificates (If you just want some recommendations for what to do, skip do

              • Rspack

                Announcing Rspack v0.7# May 28, 2024 Rspack v0.7 has been released! This is the last minor release before the Rspack v1.0. After this, the Rspack team will focus on the development of v1.0 and aim to launch the Rspack v1.0 alpha version soon. Notable changes in Rspack v0.7: Support for Lazy Compilation: Significantly improves the dev startup performance of large applications by compiling on demand

                • A new, modern, and secure print experience from Windows

                  Over the past year, the MORSE team has been working in collaboration with the Windows Print team to modernize the Windows Print System. This new design represents one of the largest changes to the Windows Print stack in more than 20 years. The goal was to build a more modern and secure print system that maximizes compatibility and puts users first. We are calling this new platform Windows Protecte

                    A new, modern, and secure print experience from Windows
                  • Hackintosh is (almost) dead · aplus.rs

                    hardware Hackintosh is (almost) dead It was a good run, though. Mar 16, 2024 by Aleksandar Vacić 6 minute read While I knew about and even tried various very early attempts to run macOS on non-Apple hardware, it wasn’t until early 2020 that I’ve built my first proper one. Then I built several more which are still seeing daily use. I explained my reasoning why it was worthwhile to attempt it. The t

                    • The missing parts in Cargo

                      A cargo ship stagnated in March, 2021 (Julianne Cona / Instagram) When people discuss the merits of Rust, they often mention its strict ownership rules, excellent diagnostics, and impressive performance. Cargo and the crates.io ecosystem frequently receive praise as well. Initially, when I started learning Rust, I couldn’t understand why Cargo was so highly loved. Having extensive experience with

                        The missing parts in Cargo
                      • New chip flaw hits Apple Silicon and steals cryptographic keys from system cache — 'GoFetch' vulnerability attacks Apple M1, M2, M3 processors, can't be fixed in hardware

                        This vulnerability is stupendously serious, affecting most encryption algorithms including those hardened against quantum computers. Researchers have discovered a massive security vulnerability inside Apple M1, M2, and M3 silicon. The vulnerability, dubbed 'GoFetch,' steals cryptographic information from the CPU cache enabling an attacking program to build a cryptographic key from stolen data, all

                          New chip flaw hits Apple Silicon and steals cryptographic keys from system cache — 'GoFetch' vulnerability attacks Apple M1, M2, M3 processors, can't be fixed in hardware
                        • DreamCraft3D: Hierarchical 3D Generation with Bootstrapped Diffusion Prior

                          DreamCraft3D: Hierarchical 3D Generation with Bootstrapped Diffusion Prior Abstract We present DreamCraft3D, a hierarchical 3D content generation method that produces high-fidelity and coherent 3D objects. We tackle the problem by leveraging a 2D reference image to guide the stages of geometry sculpting and texture boosting. A central focus of this work is to address the consistency issue that exi

                          • 'everything' blocks devs from removing their own npm packages

                            HomeNewsSecurity'everything' blocks devs from removing their own npm packages Over the holidays, the npm package registry was flooded with more than 3,000 packages, including one called "everything," and others named a variation of the word. The package is quite aptly named as downloading "everything" will gradually pull in every single npm package that's ever been published to the npmjs.com regis

                              'everything' blocks devs from removing their own npm packages
                            • Israel: Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza

                              People line up for bread at a partially collapsed but still operational bakehouse in Nuseirat refugee camp in Deir al Balah, Gaza, November 4, 2023. © 2023 Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the Gaza Strip, which is a war crime. Israeli officials have made public statements expressing their aim to deprive civilians

                                Israel: Starvation Used as Weapon of War in Gaza
                              • Harvard, Penn and MIT presidents under fire over ‘despicable’ testimony on antisemitism and genocide | CNN Business

                                The presidents of Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania faced intense scrutiny on Wednesday from business leaders, donors and politicians following their testimony at a House hearing on antisemitism on campus and calls for genocide in Israel. The criticism focused on the university leaders’ answers to questions on Tuesday about whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates their resp

                                  Harvard, Penn and MIT presidents under fire over ‘despicable’ testimony on antisemitism and genocide | CNN Business
                                • Release v0.19.0 · evanw/esbuild

                                  This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes. To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of esbuild in your package.json file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as ^0.18.0 or ~0.18.0. See npm's documentation about semver for more information. Handle import paths contai

                                    Release v0.19.0 · evanw/esbuild
                                  • Microsoft ties executive pay to security following multiple failures and breaches

                                    It's been a bad couple of years for Microsoft's security and privacy efforts. Misconfigured endpoints, rogue security certificates, and weak passwords have all caused or risked the exposure of sensitive data, and Microsoft has been criticized by security researchers, US lawmakers, and regulatory agencies for how it has responded to and disclosed these threats. The most high-profile of these breach

                                      Microsoft ties executive pay to security following multiple failures and breaches
                                    • Critical Skills Employment Permitによるアイルランド移住メモ

                                      2023年9-11月頃アイルランドに移住したので、移住にあたってやったことのメモを残しておく。 先に前提条件の共有。 iOSアプリ開発エンジニア 日本の大学の文系学部卒3年目 労働許可の種類はCritical Skills Employment Permit 25歳、既婚、子無し 就職先はDublinのスタートアップ イギリスのBristolからの移住 計画性無し Work Permitについて 私は今回iOSエンジニアとしてダブリンの会社にオファーをもらったのでCritical Skills Employment Permitを取得することになった。 Critical Skills Employment Permitについて詳細は公式のホームページを確認してほしい。 Critical Skills Employment Permits 一部自分にとって重要だった部分を抜粋すると Elig

                                        Critical Skills Employment Permitによるアイルランド移住メモ
                                      • SSM Run CommandのターゲットのEC2インスタンス上でCommand IDを取得してみた | DevelopersIO

                                        SSM Run CommandのターゲットのEC2インスタンス上でCommand IDを取得したい こんにちは、のんピ(@non____97)です。 皆さんはSSM Run CommandのターゲットのEC2インスタンス上でCommand IDを取得したいなと思ったことはありますか? 私はあります。 例えば、SSM Run Command実行中に、そのRun Commandよりも後から実行されたRun Commandを検索したい時に使いたいところです。 自身のCommand IDが分からない場合は、Run Commandで渡すコマンド内で「現在時刻よりも新しいRun Commandの実行はどれか」という処理を行うことになります。 個人的にはRun Command内で実際にコマンドを受け付けられた時間から検索するのではなく、Run Command自体が実行された時間をベースに検索したいです。

                                          SSM Run CommandのターゲットのEC2インスタンス上でCommand IDを取得してみた | DevelopersIO
                                        • Training Your Own AI Model Is Not As Hard As You (Probably) Think

                                          Training your own AI model is a lot easier than you probably think. I'll show you how to do it with only basic development skills in a way that, for us, yielded wildly faster, cheaper, and better results than using an off-the-shelf large model like those provided by OpenAI. But first, why not just use an LLM? Why not just use an LLM?In our experience, we tried to apply an LLM to our problem, like

                                            Training Your Own AI Model Is Not As Hard As You (Probably) Think
                                          • You (Probably) Shouldn't use a Lookup Table - Speculative Branches

                                            Thoughts on software, hardware, performance, math, and similar topics I have been working on another post recently, also related to division, but I wanted to address a comment I got from several people on the previous division article. This comment invariably follows a lot of articles on using math to do things with chars and shorts. It is: “why are you doing all of this when you can just use a lo

                                            • ECBが利下げを実施:世界で利下げが本格化するなか日銀はひとり利上げへ

                                              ECBは次の利下げ時期については材料を与えず 欧州中央銀行(ECB)は6日の理事会で、中銀預金金利を4.0%から3.75%へと0.25%ポイント引き下げる決定を行った。ECBは2022年7月にマイナス金利政策を解除し、利上げ(政策金利引き上げ)を開始した。10会合連続で利上げを実施した後には、5会合連続で政策金利を据え置いてきた。利下げは8年3か月ぶりとなる。 今回の利下げについては数か月前からECBが事実上の予告をしており、全く違和感のない決定となった。ラガルド総裁によると、利下げの決定は1人を除く全員が同意した。 声明文では、物価見通しが顕著に改善した(the inflation outlook has improved markedly)ことを指摘しており、これが利下げ実施の最大の理由となった。他方で、高い賃金上昇率が維持される中、物価上昇圧力は依然強く(domestic price

                                              • 国際観光の為替の弾力性と支配的通貨の価格付けの役割 - himaginary’s diary

                                                というFRB論文をMostly Ecoomicsが紹介している。原題は「Exchange Rate Elasticities of International Tourism and the Role of Dominant Currency Pricing」で、著者はDing Ding(IMF)、Yannick Timmer(FRB)。 以下はその要旨。 In this paper, we estimate exchange rate elasticities of international tourism. Both the bilateral exchange rate and the U.S. dollar exchange rate relative to tourism origin countries are important drivers of tourism flo

                                                  国際観光の為替の弾力性と支配的通貨の価格付けの役割 - himaginary’s diary
                                                • テスタビリティ(テスト容易性)に関してチームで考えるエクササイズがたくさん!Team Guide to Software Testability を読んだ - kakakakakku blog

                                                  ソフトウェアのテスタビリティ(テスト容易性)に関してまとまった書籍「Team Guide to Software Testability」を読んだ📕 本書の特徴は「テスタビリティ」を重要視してソフトウェアの品質・デリバリーの予測可能性を高めていくために「どのようにチームで取り組んでいくか」というチーム目線で技術的な施策と組織的な施策が紹介されている点かなと💡後述するエクササイズも充実していて,読んで良かったな〜と思える一冊だった.テスタビリティに含まれる品質特性に関しては 優れたテスト容易性を実現するためのポイント | PrAhaENGINEERLAB に詳しくまとまっていて,あわせて読むと相乗効果があると思う📝 Team Guide to Software Testability: Better software through greater testability (Team

                                                    テスタビリティ(テスト容易性)に関してチームで考えるエクササイズがたくさん!Team Guide to Software Testability を読んだ - kakakakakku blog
                                                  • Answer.AI - You can now train a 70b language model at home

                                                    We’re releasing an open source system, based on FSDP and QLoRA, that can train a 70b model on two 24GB GPUs. Summary Today, we’re releasing Answer.AI’s first project: a fully open source system that, for the first time, can efficiently train a 70b large language model on a regular desktop computer with two or more standard gaming GPUs (RTX 3090 or 4090). This system, which combines FSDP and QLoRA,

                                                      Answer.AI - You can now train a 70b language model at home
                                                    • How ChatGPT turned generative AI into an “anything tool”

                                                      The chief technology officer of a robotics startup told me earlier this year, “We thought we’d have to do a lot of work to build ‘ChatGPT for robotics.’ Instead, it turns out that, in a lot of cases, ChatGPT is ChatGPT for robotics.” Until recently, AI models were specialized tools. Using AI in a particular area, like robotics, meant spending time and money creating AI models specifically and only

                                                        How ChatGPT turned generative AI into an “anything tool”
                                                      • Watch How to Become a Cult Leader | Netflix Official Site

                                                        '); doc.close(); } if (!doc) throw Error('base not supported'); var baseTag = doc.createElement('base'); baseTag.href = base; doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(baseTag); var anchor = doc.createElement('a'); anchor.href = url; return anchor.href; } finally { if (iframe) iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }()); } // An inner object implementing URLUtils (either a native URL // ob

                                                          Watch How to Become a Cult Leader | Netflix Official Site
                                                        • WindowsでのDeviceIDの仕組み その2 USBデバイスの親子関係を表示させる

                                                          前回は、Windowsのデバイスが持つDeviceIDについて簡単に解説した。今回は、これを利用してUSBデバイスの親子関係を表示させてみる。 USBデバイスのリストを作る 前回解説したように、Windowsのデバイスは、PowerShellのGet-CimInstanceコマンドを使って列挙することができる。 各デバイスのDeviceIDは、レジストリのパスの一部になっているため、これを使って、レジストリの情報とコマンドの情報を組み合わせてみる。まずはUSBデバイスのリストを作る。このとき、BluetoothコントローラーがUSB接続だとコントローラーや以下のBluetoothデバイス(プロファイル)などが同時に列挙されてしまうので、これを省く。 $USB=(Get-CimInstance Win32_USBControllerDevice).Dependent.DeviceID | ?

                                                            WindowsでのDeviceIDの仕組み その2 USBデバイスの親子関係を表示させる
                                                          • Wearable Medical Device Market Size Worth USD 174.48 Billion by 2030 at 27.1% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)

                                                            Wearable Medical Device Market Size Worth USD 174.48 Billion by 2030 at 27.1% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) Wearable Medical Device Market Size, Trends Analysis By Type (Activity Monitors, Smart Watches, Smart Clothing, Patches), Device Type (Diagnostic & Monitoring Devices, Therapeutic Devices), Application (Sports Academies and Fitness, Remote Patient Monitoring, Home Healthcare

                                                              Wearable Medical Device Market Size Worth USD 174.48 Billion by 2030 at 27.1% CAGR – Report by Market Research Future (MRFR)
                                                            • US Automotive Industry Market Size, Report 2032 - Industry Growth Analysis

                                                              US Automotive Industry Market Research Report Information By Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Three Wheelers, and Two Wheelers), By Fuel Type (Diesel, Petrol, and Electric), By Service (Mechanical, Exterior and Structural, and Electrical and Electronics), By Equipment (Tires, Seats, Batteries, and Other Equipment Types) –Market Forecast Till 2032 US Automotive Industry Market Ove

                                                              • The package that broke NPM (accidentally) - uncenter.dev

                                                                An update! You might want to read the rest of the article first... GitHub has now, a day after writing this, fully "disabled" (whatever that means) our everything-registry organization on NPM and GitHub; you can see the email they sent to me below. While I may not agree entirely with the reasoning they provided, I am very thankful that our personal accounts are still intact! Email from GitHub Trus

                                                                  The package that broke NPM (accidentally) - uncenter.dev
                                                                • PIDs: Creating Stable Control in Games

                                                                  Experiments I did for implementing tag plays in The Ump Show. For the tag play to work, the runner has to arrive at the plate at a very specific time. I am working on a baseball video game with 3D characters. Sometimes the characters need to move and they need to get to specific locations at specific times. But that’s tricky to do. The problem is that the character runs via animation. Similar to h

                                                                    PIDs: Creating Stable Control in Games
                                                                  • GitHub - lsmor/snake-fury: a challenge for Haskell beginners

                                                                    Welcome to snake-fury: the Haskell challenge for beginners. This challenge aims to provide a learning path for people willing to learn Haskell further than basic recursion exercises by implementing the snake game in Haskell. Snake-fury's pedagogical approach is based on two legs: snake-fury isn't a tutorial but a challenge. snake-fury is focused on learning by refactoring, not by example. The firs

                                                                      GitHub - lsmor/snake-fury: a challenge for Haskell beginners
                                                                    • Legend of Worlds

                                                                      Dev Log 3 - How I spent 2 years building my own game engine (Rust, WASM, WebGPU) Welcome back legends! ⚔️ Welcome to the latest dev log for Legend of Worlds, the cross-platform, cross-play, 2D pixel art online sandbox multiplayer game where you can join, play, create, and share player-created worlds! Today, I'm excited to share the journey of how I spent the last two years building a custom game e

                                                                      • Functional Programming in Lean - Functional Programming in Lean

                                                                        Functional Programming in Lean by David Thrane Christiansen Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2023 This is a free book on using Lean 4 as a programming language. All code samples are tested with Lean 4 release 4.1.0. Release history January, 2024 This is a minor bugfix release that fixes a regression in an example program. October, 2023 In this first maintenance release, a number of smaller issues w

                                                                        • Authorization Academy - What is Authorization?

                                                                          Authorization is the mechanism for controlling who can do what in an application. It's how you make sure users have access to their own data, and aren't allowed to see data that isn't theirs. There are a common set of architecture patterns for authorization that suit any application architecture — knowing those patterns makes writing authorization code much easier. This guide will teach you those

                                                                            Authorization Academy - What is Authorization?
                                                                          • gsplat

                                                                            AboutThis tech demo visualizes outputs of INRIA's amazing new 3D Gaussian Splatting algorithm. It should work on most devices with a WebGL2 capable browser and some GPU power. This is a work in progress. Some things left to do: Better data compression to reduce download sizes.Progressive loading.Fly controls.Let me know what you think! FAQIs this a NeRF?No, it's a new algorithm that produces simil

                                                                            • 植田日銀総裁、物価目標達成の確度高まれば追加利上げ検討-報道

                                                                              日本銀行の植田和男総裁は朝日新聞とのインタビューで、2%の物価目標達成に向けた「確度」がさらに高まれば、追加利上げを検討する考えを表明した。インタビューは3日に行われた。 その上で植田総裁は「夏から秋にかけて春闘の結果が物価にも反映されていく中で、目標達成の可能性がどんどん高まっていく」と述べた。利上げした場合でも「基調的なインフレ率の判断が2%を下回っている限り、金融環境としては緩和的であることが必要だ」とも語った。 植田総裁は、物価の現状について「基調的な物価上昇率」は2%に届いていないと説明し、高い賃上げ率が見込まれる今春闘の結果がこれから反映されると見込むとした。賃金と物価の好循環が実現する確度について、「(大規模緩和は)例えば75%になったので解除した。これが80%、85%になっていくなら、金利を動かす理由の一つになる」と語った。 日銀は3月の金融政策決定会合で世界で最後のマイナ

                                                                              • MacoCaml: Staging Composable and Compilable Macros

                                                                                209 MacoCaml: Staging Composable and Compilable Macros NINGNING XIE, University of Toronto, Canada LEO WHITE, Jane Street Capital, UK OLIVIER NICOLE, Tarides, France JEREMY YALLOP, University of Cambridge, UK We introduce MacoCaml, a new design and implementation of compile-time code generation for the OCaml language. MacoCaml features a novel combination of macros with phase separation and quotat

                                                                                • Maybe Rust isn’t a good tool for massively concurrent, userspace software | Hacker News

                                                                                  OK, I suppose I should write to this.As I've mentioned before, I'm writing a high performance metaverse client. Here's a demo video.[1] It's about 40,000 lines of Rust so far. If you are doing a non-crappy metaverse, which is rare, you need to wrangle a rather excessive amount of data in near real time. In games, there's heavy optimization during game development to prevent overloading the play en