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difficultに関するエントリは20件あります。 音楽採用戦争 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『A difficult decision to set us up for the future』などがあります。
  • A difficult decision to set us up for the future

    Sundar sent the following email to Google employees earlier today. Googlers, I have some difficult news to share. We’ve decided to reduce our workforce by approximately 12,000 roles. We’ve already sent a separate email to employees in the US who are affected. In other countries, this process will take longer due to local laws and practices. This will mean saying goodbye to some incredibly talented

      A difficult decision to set us up for the future
    • 英語の「It would be difficult」の意味とは? - 朝時間.jp

      毎日更新!英語を聞いて学べる「コスモピアeステーション」とのコラボ連載「1日1つずつ覚えよう!朝のひとこと英語レッスン」。日本ならではの食べ物や暮らし、習慣や文化…などにまつわる英語表現と関連するキーワードをご紹介します♪ 日本人がビジネスシーンで使うあいまいな表現の例を英語で説明すると? Here is a sample. At a business meeting with your client, your Japanese client says “It would be difficult” to the suggestion you’ve just made. (=ではひとつ例です。あなたはお客さんと仕事の会議をしています。日本人の顧客はあなたの提案に対して「難しいですね」と言いました) It is then, you have to read the air… I mean

        英語の「It would be difficult」の意味とは? - 朝時間.jp
      • GitHub - facebookexperimental/Recoil: Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features of React.

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

          GitHub - facebookexperimental/Recoil: Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features of React.
        • Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba: No matter how difficult it may be, we cannot give up

          Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba: No matter how difficult it may be, we cannot give up NV’s own Kristina Berdynskykh has talked with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. The country’s chief diplomat shed light on Ukraine’s negotiations with Russia, where on one side, Ukraine, stands firm and refusing to surrender to Russian ultimatums, while the other side has only one person, Russian dictator

            Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba: No matter how difficult it may be, we cannot give up
          • LinkedInの金谷 武明: A difficult decision to set us up for the future | 24件のコメント

            同意してLinkedInに登録 [続行] をクリックすることにより、LinkedInの利用規約、プライバシーポリシー、Cookieポリシーに同意したものとみなされます。 Adding an English message which was translated by AI. Last week, as part of the global initiative to reduce roles by 12,000 people, my role was also included. It is very regrettable, but my challenge at Google ends here. When the first reduction of this role was announced in the US on January 20th, it was shocking

              LinkedInの金谷 武明: A difficult decision to set us up for the future | 24件のコメント
            • ‘A difficult time’: why popular TV series Pachinko was met with silence in Japan

              (From left) Inji Jeong, Yeji Yeon and Bomin Kim in Pachinko, an eight-part series on South Korean migrants that has won critical acclaim but encountered a quiet reception in Japan. Photograph: Juhan Noh/Apple TV+ (From left) Inji Jeong, Yeji Yeon and Bomin Kim in Pachinko, an eight-part series on South Korean migrants that has won critical acclaim but encountered a quiet reception in Japan. Photog

                ‘A difficult time’: why popular TV series Pachinko was met with silence in Japan
              • Why is it so difficult to finish a project? - My Rustic Style

                地下室のアンティーク・ドアーから明かりが漏れていて、ドアーのベベル加工をされたガラスが美しく煌めいていた。 画像では見えないのが残念だが、ガラスのカットされた部分が虹色に輝いていて、とても幻想的だったのだ。 beveled glass スマホに、Crate&Barrelのお店から、注文していたチェアーが届いたとの連絡が来たので、早速取りにいった。 バーカウンターの作業が終わるまでは、カバーはこのまま。 椅子、到着 地下室には、大型のソファーを置く予定は無くて、イメージ的にはホテルのラウンジのようにちょこちょことシングルチェアーやオットマンを置くだけにするつもり。 ただ、既に余っていたベンチソファーとヨギボーがあるので、それらをどうにか一緒に使いたいとも思っているのだが、配置が難しくて悩んでいる。 このベンチソファーは、日本で母の介護をしていた時に購入した無印良品のもの。実家を処分する時に、

                  Why is it so difficult to finish a project? - My Rustic Style
                • イライラ岩登りアクション『A Difficult Game About Climbing』Steamにてプレイヤー数のぼり調子。壺おじ『Getting Over it with Bennett Foddy』から影響受ける作品 - AUTOMATON

                  インディー開発者のPontypants氏は3月7日、物理岩登りゲーム『A Difficult Game About Climbing』を配信した。対応プラットフォームはPC(Steam)。本作は、さっそく多くのプレイヤーを集め好評を得ている。 『A Difficult Game About Climbing』は、腰に布切れ1枚巻いた半裸の男が、岩山を登っていく物理アクションゲームだ。“壺おじ”こと『Getting Over it with Bennett Foddy』から影響を受けて制作された作品で、同作と同じく高難易度のゲームプレイが特徴。本作では、主人公の男の左右の手だけを使って、上へ上へと登っていくことになる。 ステージには岩山がそびえ立っており、プレイヤーは男の右腕を伸ばして岩肌を掴み、次に左腕を伸ばしてさらに上の岩肌を掴むといったかたちで進んでいく。滑って掴むことができない岩も存

                    イライラ岩登りアクション『A Difficult Game About Climbing』Steamにてプレイヤー数のぼり調子。壺おじ『Getting Over it with Bennett Foddy』から影響受ける作品 - AUTOMATON
                  • エロゲと音楽が好きなんです。遅ればせながら、OVERDRIVE最終作「MUSICUS!」への屈託を書いてみる。 - Nothing is difficult to those who have the will.

                    OVERDRIVE 最終作「MUSICUS!」CM映像 カナリヤです。本日はオバイブことOVERDRIVEの最終作として2019年に発売された「MUSICUS!」の感想記事です。なにかと話題になった本作ですが長らく放置していたものをこの度ようやくプレイすることと相成りました。ライターは「CARNIVAL」「SWAN SONG」などで熱狂的なファンを生み出した瀬戸口廉也氏。ゲームという媒体で楽しむのは唐辺葉介名義で発表した「暗い部屋」以来ですから何年ぶりでしょうか。18禁エロゲで考えても「キラ☆キラ」以来ですから相当経ってますね。軽いタッチでありながらキャラクターの内面に迫りすぎるほどの生々しい描写が特徴的な氏の文体。案の定精神ゴリゴリに削ってくるのが分かっていたのでここまで放置していたんですけどね。久々の瀬戸口テイストに夢中になりながら酔いしれる一方で、自身の感性と作品世界の描写との齟齬に

                      エロゲと音楽が好きなんです。遅ればせながら、OVERDRIVE最終作「MUSICUS!」への屈託を書いてみる。 - Nothing is difficult to those who have the will.
                    • Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It) - SlashFilm

                      Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It) I used to be able to understand 99% of the dialogue in Hollywood films. But over the past 10 years or so, I've noticed that percentage has dropped significantly — and it's not due to hearing loss on my end. It's gotten to the point where I find myself occasionally not being able to parse entire lines of di

                        Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It) - SlashFilm
                      • Webpacker presents a more difficult OOB experience for JS Sprinkles than Sprockets did

                        This isn’t a vote for it necessarily but as far as I know it’s main selling point was having a substantially smaller learning curve. I have no idea if that’s true however. My personal experience with Rollup is that that is only true in very specific circumstances, mostly around node rather than web JS packaging, but I’m open to others’ mileages varying.

                          Webpacker presents a more difficult OOB experience for JS Sprinkles than Sprockets did
                        • Office of the President of Israel on X: "President @Isaac_Herzog met Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yoko Kamikawa, @MofaJapan_en and thanked her for visiting to express solidarity and support for the Israeli people at this difficult time. Japan is a

                          • A difficult update on our team - Work Life by Atlassian

                            Today marks a very hard day in our 20-year history. We have made the difficult decision to rebalance our team to better position Atlassian for the long term, meaning we will be saying goodbye to around 500 Atlassians, or 5% of our employees. We’ve written 134 Founder blogs since 2011, but this one comes with the heaviest of hearts knowing we are saying goodbye to great teammates and friends. We ca

                              A difficult update on our team - Work Life by Atlassian
                            • ラーム・エマニュエル駐日米国大使 on X: "Appreciate the show of solidarity with the Israeli people during this difficult time. The Japanese people know better than anyone the anguish of seeing loved ones abducted. It is morally wrong to take civilian hostages. We pray for

                              • 簡単には届かなかったweb push/web-push-is-difficult#pwanight

                                Transcript ؆୯ʹ͸ಧ͔ͳ͔ͬͨ XFC�QVTI :VUB�*EF� !TBEOFTT0KJTBO 18"�/JHIU��� � "CPVU�.F • :VUB�*EF���!TBEOFTT0KJTBO • ຊۀ͸όοΫΤϯυ +BWB� �4QSJOH � ෭ۀͰϑϩϯτΤϯυ • ࠷ۙ͸18".1पΓͷ࢓ࣄΛ͍ͯ͠·͢ � 8FC�QVTIͬͯ ᶃ ϒϥ΢β޲͚ͷQVTI௨஌ ᶄ ͜Ε͸ϙδγϣϯτʔΫͰ͕͢ʣϦϐʔτ཰΍ϩΠϠϦςΟͷ޲্Λʢ΍Γ͢ ͗ͳ͍ݶΓʹ͓͍ͯʣݟࠐΊΔʢΒ͍͠ʣ � ͋ͱɺࣗ෼ʹϚονϯάΞϓϦ෩ͷ௨஌Λ ૹΓ·ͬͯࣗ͘৴ΛߴΊΒΕ·͢ʂʂ /8857 008 42 7 3.77 107 3 08.27 XFC�QVTI�΍ͬͨ͜ͱ͋Δਓ͍·͔͢ʁ � ͓ʙɺ΍͸Γগͳ͍Ͱ͢Ͷ � ࠓ೔͸ɺXFC�QVTI�Ͱϋϩʔϫʔϧυ͢Β Ͱ͖ͳ͔ͬͨ࿩Ͱ

                                  簡単には届かなかったweb push/web-push-is-difficult#pwanight
                                • I found it difficult to understand the manual that came the computer. - Everything will be fine.


                                    I found it difficult to understand the manual that came the computer. - Everything will be fine.
                                  • Cisco Is Making It More Difficult to Use Pre-Owned Hardware [Updated] | iFixit News

                                      Cisco Is Making It More Difficult to Use Pre-Owned Hardware [Updated] | iFixit News
                                    • and be climb difficult steep The will | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                      単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル7)「and be climb difficult steep The will」「その上り坂は険しく、難航するだろう。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                        and be climb difficult steep The will | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                                      • GitHub - makicamel/circuit_switch: circuit_switch is a gem for 'difficult' application. This switch helps to make changes easier and deploy safely.

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - makicamel/circuit_switch: circuit_switch is a gem for 'difficult' application. This switch helps to make changes easier and deploy safely.
                                        • Passing nothing is surprisingly difficult

                                          David Benjamin (2024-01-15) My day job is in browsers and cryptography, not compilers, yet I often find that I need to spend more of my time working through the semantics of programming languages than using them. This post discusses a thorny cross-language issue between C, C++, and Rust. In short: C’s rules around pointers and memcpy leave no good ways to represent an empty slice of memory. C++’s

