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  • Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough

    I'm concerned by the number of times I've heard, "oh, we can do RAG with retriever X, here's the vector search query." Yes, your retriever for a RAG flow should definitely support vector search, since that will let you find documents with similar semantics to a user's query, but vector search is not enough. Your retriever should support a full hybrid search, meaning that it can perform both a vect

      Doing RAG? Vector search is *not* enough
    • BM42: New Baseline for Hybrid Search - Qdrant

      For the last 40 years, BM25 has served as the standard for search engines. It is a simple yet powerful algorithm that has been used by many search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Though it seemed that the advent of vector search would diminish its influence, it did so only partially. The current state-of-the-art approach to retrieval nowadays tries to incorporate BM25 along with embedd

        BM42: New Baseline for Hybrid Search - Qdrant
      • Transactions blocks with endless methods

        I previously wrote a quick intro to the endless method in Ruby and now I will try to use it to name transaction blocks in Rails. This is a technique Kasper Timm Hansen shared in a reply to my previous post. I will try to refactor some examples from two open-source Rails repositories just to explore how the code looks. This open-ended exercise is a playground for experimenting with the code shape a

          Transactions blocks with endless methods
        • Loneliness trajectories over three decades are associated with conspiracist worldviews in midlife - Nature Communications

          While conspiracy theories are not new1,2, recent events have shown how dangerous and polarizing they can be in a globalized, mediatized world. Conspiracy theories undermined global efforts to contain the COVID-19 virus during the pandemic3,4 and were used in the lead-up to the January 6, 2021, raid on the Capitol1. They lie at the core of political and social polarization5,6, fueling vaccine skept

            Loneliness trajectories over three decades are associated with conspiracist worldviews in midlife - Nature Communications
          • News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta

            The last year has been a great one for WebKit. After unveiling Safari 17 beta at WWDC23, we’ve shipped six releases of Safari 17.x with a total of 200 new web technologies. And we’ve been hard at work on multiple architectural improvement projects that strengthen WebKit for the long-term. Now, we are pleased to announce WebKit for Safari 18 beta. It adds another 48 web platform features, as well a

              News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta
            • Etched is Making the Biggest Bet in AI

              Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. In 2022, we made a bet that transformers would take over the world. We’ve spent the past two years building Sohu, the world’s first specialized chip (ASIC) for transformers (the “T” in ChatGPT). By burning the transformer architecture into our chip, we can’t run most traditional AI models: the DLRMs powering Instagram ads, protein-folding model

              • Nostr and ATProto - Shreyan Jain

                This post could’ve been titled “Nostr vs ATProto”, but that really isn’t what I wanted to do here. While I will be comparing and contrasting them a lot, and that’s kind of even the point of writing this, I didn’t want to really pit the two against each other at all, and especially not with the title. I also want to try avoiding commenting on the differences between the communities that have formed

                • Announcing updates to the AWS Well-Architected Framework guidance | Amazon Web Services

                  AWS Architecture Blog Announcing updates to the AWS Well-Architected Framework guidance We are excited to announce the availability of an enhanced AWS Well-Architected Framework. In this update, you’ll find expanded guidance across all six pillars of the Framework: Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Cost Optimization, and Sustainability. In this release, we upda

                    Announcing updates to the AWS Well-Architected Framework guidance | Amazon Web Services
                  • Language is primarily a tool for communication rather than thought - Nature

                    Barham, L. & Everett, D. Semiotics and the origin of language in the Lower Palaeolithic. J. Archaeol. Method Theory 28, 535–579 (2021). Article Google Scholar Hockett, C. F. The origin of speech. Sci. Am. 203, 88–97 (1960). A classic overview of the relationship between key features of human language and communication systems found in other species, with a focus on distinctive and shared propertie

                      Language is primarily a tool for communication rather than thought - Nature
                    • The sad state of property-based testing libraries

                      The sad state of property-based testing libraries Posted on Jul 2, 2024 Property-based testing is a rare example of academic research that has made it to the mainstream in less than 30 years. Under the slogan “don’t write tests, generate them” property-based testing has gained support from a diverse group of programming language communities. In fact, the Wikipedia page of the original property-bas

                      • Documentation | Pipes

                        What Pipes is Pipes is a spiritual successor to Yahoo! Pipes, but if you did not know that site, you can think of Pipes as a visual programing editor specialized on feeds, or a visual shell, or simply as a glorified feed configurator. Pipes gives you blocks that can fetch and create feeds, and manipulate them in various ways. Think filtering, extracting, merging and sorting. All you need to do is

                        • How We Made the Deno Language Server Ten Times Faster

                          Programming should be simple, which is why we built Deno to be “batteries included” with all-in-one tooling, native TypeScript support, and web standards APIs. (You can get started with TypeScript just by naming a file with a .ts extension.) One major way Deno boosts productivity is through our language server, which offers auto-completion, tooltips, linting, code formatting, and more. Recently, a

                            How We Made the Deno Language Server Ten Times Faster
                          • Visual Studio Code June 2024

                            Version 1.91 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from June. June 2024 (version 1.91) Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the June 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include: Preview: Incoming/Outgoing changes graph -

                              Visual Studio Code June 2024
                            • T-LEAF: Taxonomy Learning and EvaluAtion Framework

                              How we applied qualitative learning, human labeling and machine learning to iteratively develop Airbnb’s Community Support Taxonomy. By: Mia Zhao, Peggy Shao, Maggie Hanson, Peng Wang, Bo Zeng BackgroundTaxonomies are knowledge organization systems used to classify and organize information. Taxonomies use words to describe things — as opposed to numbers or symbols — and hierarchies to group things

                                T-LEAF: Taxonomy Learning and EvaluAtion Framework
                              • Let's write a video game from scratch like it's 1987

                                This article has been discussed on Hacker News and Reddit In a previous article I've done the 'Hello, world!' of GUIs in assembly: A black window with a white text, using X11 without any libraries, just talking directly over a socket. In a later article I've done the same with Wayland in C, displaying a static image. I showed that this is not complex and results in a very lean and small applicatio

                                • Solving a math problem with planner programming

                                  The deadline for the logic book is coming up! I'm hoping to have it ready for early access by either the end of this week or early next week. During a break on Monday I saw this interesting problem on Math Stack Exchange: Suppose that at the beginning there is a blank document, and a letter "a" is written in it. In the following steps, only the three functions of "select all", "copy" and "paste" c

                                    Solving a math problem with planner programming