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  • Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Scott Hanselmanの開発者とパワーユーザーのための究極のWindowsツールリスト2009

    Everyone collects utilities, and most folks have a list of a few that they feel are indispensable.  Here's mine.  Each has a distinct purpose, and I probably touch each at least a few times a week.  For me, "util" means utilitarian and it means don't clutter my tray.  If it saves me time, and seamlessly integrates with my life, it's the bomb. Many/most are free some aren't. Those that aren't free

    • If Programming Languages Were Real Persons | Jeez Tech

      What if programming languages were real persons like you and me? What if they were parts of families and had relations and affairs? Have you ever thought of going to a supermarket and Visual Basic was the young woman waiting in the line in front of you? Well we did. We let our imagination free and we came up with pictures and facts :). We hope you enjoy this article since it only exist as a geeks

      • VOA Special English Word Book

        1,510 Words A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z This page will print cleanly in black and white on about 44 pages. The Parts of Speech n. (noun) - a name word v. (verb) - an action word ad. (adjective/adverb) - a describing word prep. (preposition) - a word used to show a relation pro. (pronoun) - a word used in place of a noun conj. (conjunction) - a joining word a (an) - ad. one;

        • Subtraction.com

          As the title suggests, Denis Villeneuve’s “Dune: Part Two” is really the climactic second half of the original book. So it benefits from comprising all of the biggest, most dramatic set pieces that naturally fall into the second half of most novels. It’s scaled up and larger than “Part One”; its action is more sweeping and it gives you the satisfaction of (more or less) resolving the actual storyl

          • uBrowser

            About ◀ British bloke, in the Los Angeles South Beach area via San Francisco, Singapore, Barcelona, Zurich, London, Brighton and Hong Kong ● Second Life developer during the day since 2004 ● Enthusiastic WebGL/VR/XR hacker in the evenings ● Founder of Industrial Might and Logic Combat Robots ● Dipping a creaky old toe in the Concept II Rowing and CrossFit waters ● Eager traveler ● Insanely happy h

            • Naomi Osaka’s Breakthrough Game (Published 2018)

              The temperature in Boca Raton had soared above 90 degrees, but on a side court at the Evert Tennis Academy, Naomi Osaka was just digging into one of her last training sessions before the summer hardcourt season. Wearing leggings and a tank top — her magnificent mane of frizzy blond-tinted hair emerging from the back of her Adidas cap — the 20-year-old smacked crisp topspin groundstrokes with her c

                Naomi Osaka’s Breakthrough Game (Published 2018)
              • Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech Audio Download

                Apple and Pixar CEO, Steve Jobs, spoke at Stanford's commencement on June 12, 2005.Steve Jobs Speaks at Stanford Commencement The creator of the famous "Reality Distortion Field" has done it again! This inspiring speech is guaranteed to lift you out of your chair, quit your job and go out there to find your true love. Ok. Maybe not really. But it will make you think twice about what you are doing

                • The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked

                  The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked Once you eliminate the least compelling Sherlock Holmes performances, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the best. We’re ranking Sherlock Holmes performances. One hundred of them. Not Sherlock Holmes adaptations, but the representations within them of Sherlock Holmes himself. Now, you might think tha

                    The 100 Best, Worst, and Strangest Sherlock Holmes Portrayals of All-Time, Ranked
                  • [Browser]IEのウィンドウごとのセッション共有・非共有

                    目次 ホーム 連絡をする RSS Login Blog 利用状況 投稿数 - 13 記事 - 0 コメント - 5512 トラックバック - 4 書庫 2010年8月 (1) 2010年1月 (1) 2009年9月 (2) 2009年8月 (4) 2008年10月 (5) 日記カテゴリ Browser (rss) Hibernate (rss) Oracle (rss) small talk (rss) SQL Server (rss) 私の自宅環境(Windows Xp Professional)でも、とうとうWindows UpdateでIE8が入りました。 会社では3台のPCがあって、それぞれブラウザが違ったりします。 Windows Server2003 R2 日本語版を2年ほど前に自分でインストール。最初に入ってたブラウザはIE6。 自動更新が利かない環境なので、手動でWindo

                    • Word list  |  Google developer documentation style guide  |  Google for Developers

                      Send feedback Word list Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. If the term you're looking for isn't on this page, then consult the resources listed in Editorial resources. Closed compounds and prefixes In general, use the closed form of compound words and words with prefixes; that is, write them without a space or a hyphen. We've included some common

                        Word list  |  Google developer documentation style guide  |  Google for Developers
                      • KPCB Internet trends 2014

                        KPCB Internet trends 2014 1 INTERNET TRENDS 2014 – CODE CONFERENCE Mary Meeker May 28, 2014 kpcb.com/InternetTrends 2 Outline 1) Key Internet Trends 2) Status Update – Tech Stocks / Education / Healthcare 3) Re-Imagining Continues 4) Screen + Video Growth = Still Early Innings 5) China’s Epic Share Gains 6) Public Company Trends 7) One More Thing(s)... 8) Ran Outta Time Thoughts / Appendix 3 KEY I

                          KPCB Internet trends 2014
                        • Visual Studio 2005/Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition に PlatformSDK を統合する(改訂版)

                          目次 ホーム 連絡をする RSS Login Blog 利用状況 投稿数 - 765 記事 - 1 コメント - 18361 トラックバック - 114 ニュース ツイート とっちゃんって? MS-MVP for Developer Technologies MVP プロフィール Since 2005/10- コミュニティ わんくま同盟 わんくま同盟 掲示板 @ITの記事 あなたのアプリにはどのインストーラが最適? CodeZineの記事 Windowsアプリケーションで「処理中」を表現する ・前編 ・後編 WiX ではじめるWindows Installer作成入門 ・第1回 ・第2回 ・第3回 ・第4回 ・第5回 ・第6回 WiX チュートリアル WiX tutorial WiX チュートリアル(日本語訳) Windows ユーザー エクスペリエンス ガイドライン Windows ユー

                          • Google Blogoscoped

                            Friday, August 26, 2011The Emperor’s GardenThe Emperor instructed the gardener to set up the new court’s garden. “I want you to plant five trees growing the Crataan fruit,” the Emperor said, “Because we asked people what fruit they like best, and most named the Crataan fruit!” The gardener replied, “Emperor, that is excellent thinking! But let me make some suggestions: First, how about we make one

                            • Snow, Ice And Frost ☃️ 48 Winter Wallpapers! — Smashing Magazine

                              These pictures are the best winter wallpapers from Smashing Magazine’s monthly contest – running from 2008 until 2016 and still counting. Spread the word: Winter is fun! A season to cuddle up in the warmth inside, light some candles and hang out with family while avoiding the bitter cold and snow outside. Winter is the greatest time to walk, ski, play snowballs and have fun with friends. Winter is

                                Snow, Ice And Frost ☃️ 48 Winter Wallpapers! — Smashing Magazine
                              • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                                Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                                  The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                                • [C#][SQLite]System.Data.SQLiteを試してみた

                                  Ruby on Railsをかじってたときに、SQLiteという超手軽なデータベースがあるのは知ってたけど、.NETにゃ~あまり関係ないかと思ってました。でも、調べてみると、SQLiteをC#で書き直したという素晴らしいものがあるということに先日気づきました。 参考にしたサイト http://d.hatena.ne.jp/gsf_zero1/20070713/p1 C#で書き直したものという情報 http://sealdb.ddo.jp/develop/sqlite/index.htm とても詳しいインストール方法とか http://mitc.xrea.jp/diary/046 自分の環境に一番近いものにたいする情報かも http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/1/3/7138629A-8630-4027-ADE2-819462B6FC70/040

                                  • MOVES EXPORT – health is in your hands

                                    Have you ever experienced an emotional breakdown? Did you ever suffer from a personal issue, whether big or small, and did not know how to cope? Or perhaps, have you been to a certain point when you fail to understand your thoughts? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you might need to learn a thing or two about psychodynamics. Source: pexels.com Psychodynamics, or psychodynamic psycholog

                                    • Disable Your Antivirus Software (Except Microsoft's)

                                      Eyes Above The Waves Robert O'Callahan. Christian. Repatriate Kiwi. Hacker. Archive 2024 June So You Want To Build A Browser Engine Real-Time Settlers Of Catan April Auckland Waterfront Half Marathon 2024 Whanganui River Journey 2024 2023 December Rees-Dart Track 2023 Caples/Routeburn Track 2023 Abel Tasman Kayaking November Mount Pirongia 2023 Blog Migrated April Why I Signed The "Pause" Letter A

                                      • MAX_PATH はこういう理由で260

                                        目次 ホーム 連絡をする RSS Login Blog 利用状況 投稿数 - 765 記事 - 1 コメント - 18344 トラックバック - 114 ニュース ツイート とっちゃんって? MS-MVP for Developer Technologies MVP プロフィール Since 2005/10- コミュニティ わんくま同盟 わんくま同盟 掲示板 @ITの記事 あなたのアプリにはどのインストーラが最適? CodeZineの記事 Windowsアプリケーションで「処理中」を表現する ・前編 ・後編 WiX ではじめるWindows Installer作成入門 ・第1回 ・第2回 ・第3回 ・第4回 ・第5回 ・第6回 WiX チュートリアル WiX tutorial WiX チュートリアル(日本語訳) Windows ユーザー エクスペリエンス ガイドライン Windows ユー

                                        • 20 Years of Adobe Photoshop

                                          Photoshop has been a part of every web designer's life since they picked up their first mouse. On February 10th, 2010, Photoshop turns twenty. To mark this anniversary, we've come up with an article that takes you through the evolution of Photoshop from its modest beginnings as a bundled program sold with scanners to its current version. For each version and major feature listed, we couldn't help

                                            20 Years of Adobe Photoshop
                                          • More Google: Holiday Logos

                                            We have a variety of logos commemorating holidays and events. We've put them in this online museum for your amusement. Please do not use them elsewhere. And please, don't feed the kangaroo. If you would like to include a link to Google on your site, please use one of our official logo stickers. Who's behind the oodles of doodles Google doodles for you? Find out... Keep up with the latest from Goog

                                            • [WPF]WPF関連のエントリを整理してみた

                                              WPFに関するエントリが結構たまってきたので、ここらへんで一度整理してみようと思います。 整理してみると、結構いっぱいあってびっくりしました…。 無駄に長いエントリになってしまって無念…。 WPF入門・基礎系 WPFの超入門あたりのエントリです。Hello Worldあたりの触りのエントリ。 WPF入門してみた WPF入門してみた その2 xamlで書いてみよう [WPF]WPFアプリケーションの種類 DependencyObjectについて WPFのコントロールはすべてDependencyObjectを間接的に継承しています。 なので、DependencyObjectについて理解するのは大事なことです。 [C#][WPF]DependencyObjectって [C#][WPF]DependencyObjectって その2 [C#][WPF]DependencyObjectって その3 [

                                              • Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech Audio/Video Download

                                                Steve Jobs Speaks at Stanford Commencement The creator of the famous "Reality Distortion Field" has done it again! This inspiring speech is guaranteed to lift you out of your chair, quit your job and go out there to find your true love. Ok. Maybe not really. But it will make you think twice about what you are doing on a day to day basis. I am proud to present to you this great speech in two format

                                                • 在米の俺がコピペを英訳してみる - ゴールデンタイムズ

                                                  1 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2011/01/20(木) 12:34:00.83 ID:5+aw7yx80 直訳よりもアメリカンにしてみる 3 :以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします :2011/01/20(木) 12:34:56.86 ID:laZHtEXe0 いいぜ ヘ(^o^)ヘ |∧ / てめえが 何でも思い通りに 英訳出来るってなら / (^o^)/ /( ) / / > (^o^) 三 (\\ 三 < \ 三 ..\ (/o^) ( / まずは /く そのふざけた 幻想をぶち殺す 11 :1 :2011/01/20(木) 12:38:13.56 ID:VVwZ/nzn0 >>3 Okay dude ヘ(^o^)ヘ |∧ / If you think You can Translate ever

                                                  • Facebook QA - Virtual Reality

                                                    The Rise and Fall and Rise of Virtual Reality In the wake of Facebook’s purchase of Oculus VR, can this revolutionary technology triumph anew? Enter Seeing is Believing: The State of Virtual Reality By Matthew Schnipper The promise of virtual reality has always been enormous. Put on these goggles, go nowhere, and be transported anywhere. It’s the same escapism peddled by drugs, alcohol, sex, and a

                                                      Facebook QA - Virtual Reality
                                                    • Jorge Luis Borges: The Last Interview - Riche Amateur

                                                      先日『伝奇集』について書いた折、「記事にできるまで数週間かかるかも……」なんて言っていたボルヘスの対談集。まさか本当にこれほど時間がかかるとは思っていなかったのだが、いまわたしに起こっている空前のボルヘスブームは、じつはこの本が火付け役だったのだ。メルヴィル・ハウスの「Last Interview」シリーズ、ボルヘス編。 Jorge Luis Borges: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (The Last Interview Series) 作者: Jorge Luis Borges,Kit Maude 出版社/メーカー: Melville House 発売日: 2013/06/25 メディア: ペーパーバック この商品を含むブログを見る Jorge Luis Borges: The Last Interview, Melvill

                                                        Jorge Luis Borges: The Last Interview - Riche Amateur
                                                      • Run native executable in Android App - namespace gimite

                                                        Demo † Here's demo application called "Run Native Exe" to: run local UNIX commands run native executable downloaded from the Web Package: NativeExe-0.2.apk Source code: on Github (ADT project) To install the package, Go to Settings→Application and check "Unknown sources" Open the package link above using Android Browser or type "adb install NativeExe?-*.apk" in your PC if you have Android SDK. ↑ H

                                                        • Wakefield and Leeds wedding photographer - Leeds and Wakefield wedding photography West Yorkshire

                                                          Chris Chambers Photography | Wakefield Wedding Photography | Yorkshire Wedding Photographer Yorkshire Wedding Photographer | Leeds wedding photographers | Chris Chambers Photography Each year we are lukcy enough to be invited along to a number of amazing weddings, sharing and capturing the special day with the bride, groom and their wedding guests, we’ve created three separate blog posts to showca

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                                                          • MDISの事件について

                                                            東京でソフトウェアエンジニアをやっています。 お仕事大募集中です。 記事執筆や、講師依頼とかでも何でもどうぞ(*^_^*) MSMVP Visual C# Since 2004/04-2013/03 http://takagi-hiromitsu.jp/diary/20101204.html#p01 詳細はリンク先などを見ていただいて、思ったことを。 2000年にベースを付くって、2005年にSIして、導入。2010年にクローラーによるアクセスにより設計の不具合が発覚した。 という部分で「いま思えばあのコードはまずかったよなぁとか、あの設計じゃ同じ事起きるんじゃないかなー」って思っているエンジニアは多いんじゃないかと思います。 おそらく各図書館と、MDISとは保守契約が結ばれていたでしょうが、たとえば10億円のシステムだったとして、毎年1億円の保守費用を払って常にバージョンアップするという

                                                            • Dev.Opera — CSS: It was twenty years ago today — an interview with Håkon Wium Lie

                                                              CSS: It was twenty years ago today — an interview with Håkon Wium Lie Opera’s CTO Håkon Wium LieTwenty years ago today, Opera’s CTO Håkon Wium Lie published Cascading HTML style sheets – a proposal. If Paul McCartney were a web developer, and writing ‘Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ today, he would almost certainly write: It was twenty years ago today That Håkon wrote a doc to say That

                                                                Dev.Opera — CSS: It was twenty years ago today — an interview with Håkon Wium Lie
                                                              • DaemonToolsには気をつけろ。

                                                                本ブログは更新を停止しました。Aerieをよろしくお願いいたします。 目次 ホーム 連絡をする RSS Login Blog 利用状況 投稿数 - 677 記事 - 0 コメント - 27730 トラックバック - 211 ニュース 2009年3月31日 更新を停止しました。引き続きAerieを御愛顧くださいませ。 2009年2月3日 原則としてコメント受付を停止しました。コメントはAerieまでお願いいたします。 詳細は2月3日のエントリをご覧ください。 2008年7月1日 Microsoft MVP for Developer Tools - Visual C++ を再受賞しました。 2008年2月某日 MVPアワードがVisual C++に変更になりました。 2007年10月23日 blogタイトルを変更しました。 2007年7月1日 Microsoft MVP for Window

                                                                • 100 Tracks of the Decade

                                                                  We’ve already shared our Albums Of The Decade. Now it’s time to list the 100 best tracks of the noughties, as compiled by a jury made up of NME critics. Disagree with our choices? You can vote your own favourite tracks to the top in our Tracks Of The Decade Readers’ List – and let us know what you think by piling into the debate over on the NME office blog. NME’s 100 Tracks Of The Decade was writt

                                                                  • Google

                                                                    Praise for Programming Collective Intelligence “I review a few books each year, and naturally, I read a fair number during the course of my work. And I have to admit that I have never had quite as much fun reading a preprint of a book as I have in reading this. Bravo! I cannot think of a better way for a developer to first learn these algorithms and methods, nor can I think of a better way for me

                                                                    • The Principles of Beautiful Web Design — SitePoint

                                                                      This article was written in 2007 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about web design, you may find this recent article on using lorempixel of great interest. For many web developers, myself included, the most intimidating part of the design process is getting started. Imagine for a moment that you’re sitting at your desk with nothing other than a cup of coffee

                                                                        The Principles of Beautiful Web Design — SitePoint
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                                                                        • 世界の建築ブログトップ100 » Top 100 Architecture Blogs

                                                                          Top 100 Architecture Blogs Posted in Features on October 17, 2007 If Modernism was the twentieth-century architectural trend that developed a new way of thinking, then Urbanism appears to be the twenty-first century architectural mindset. This trend is breeding urban explorers (urbex), the greening of major metropolitan areas, and a focus on merging habitats and commercial structures with politics

                                                                          • ネットコンシェルジェ 尼口友厚インタビュー

                                                                            今年の1月、藤原ヒロシ氏が e コマースのプロデュース会社に取締役として就任することが発表された。それには昨年6月に話題を呼んだ、藤原ヒロシ氏がセレクトしたアイテムを24時間限定で販売する EC サイト『fragment24.』の取り組みがあった。そのサービスの企画・運営をしていたのが「eコマース・ブランディング」をコンセプトに掲げる会社、ネットコンシェルジェだ。クライアントには UNIQLO (ユニクロ)、資生堂、高島屋など大手のファッション・ビューティー・百貨店企業を抱えるほか、最近ではファッション EC サイト『MAGASEEK (マガシーク)』のリニューアルも手がけた。また同社が発信するブログでは、海外の最新の e コマーストレンドが豊富に紹介されており、EC 事業者およびファッション関係者にとっても必読ブログだ。そんな同社の代表取締役を務めファッション系の e コマース事情を知り

                                                                              ネットコンシェルジェ 尼口友厚インタビュー
                                                                            • The 50 Best Albums of the 2000s

                                                                              When this decade began, the Paste website was barely a year old, and the magazine was still a twinkle in its daddies’ eyes. So looking back over the first 10 years of the 2000s feels like looking back over our own history. There hasn’t been a new album Paste has covered that wasn’t eligible for our “Best of the Decade” consideration. We had dozens of critics vote for the best new albums, movies, T

                                                                                The 50 Best Albums of the 2000s
                                                                              • Stevey's Blog Rants: Shiny and New: Emacs 22

                                                                                I finally upgraded to Emacs 22 a few weeks ago, and now I'm wishing I'd braved it sooner. Technically it's not released yet; I'm working from a build of a cvs snapshot from a month or so ago. But the Emacs dev team works pretty hard to make sure it has problem-free builds on a whole slew of platforms, so just following their instructions has a pretty good chance of working for you. It's worth the

                                                                                • オブジェクト指向におけるFizzBuzz問題

                                                                                  目次 ホーム 連絡をする RSS Login Blog 利用状況 投稿数 - 1078 記事 - 2 コメント - 26217 トラックバック - 363 ニュース 著作とお薦めの品々は 著作とお薦めの品々は 東方熱帯林へ。 わんくま 東京勉強会#2 C++/CLI カクテル・レシピ 東京勉強会#3 template vs. generics 大阪勉強会#6 C++むかしばなし 東京勉強会#7 C++むかしばなし 東京勉強会#8 STL/CLRによるGeneric Programming TechEd 2007 @YOKOHAMA C++・C++/CLI・C# 適材適所 東京勉強会#14 Making of BOF 東京勉強会#15 状態遷移 名古屋勉強会#2 WinUnit - お気楽お手軽UnitTest CodeZine Cで実現する「ぷちオブジェクト指向」 CUnitによるテスト駆