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  • Ultimate Guide to Improving MySQL Query Performance

    MySQL is certainly a powerful open source database management system, but even the most robust engine struggles when queries take an eternity to execute. For DBAs and developers, improving MySQL query performance is an ongoing goal. Efficient query performance is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation and optimal user experience of applications powered by MySQL databases. When businesses rely h

      Ultimate Guide to Improving MySQL Query Performance
    • AI作曲サービスのSunoとUdioが相次いでステム分離機能搭載。Udioは待望の2分超え生成が可能に(CloseBox) | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge

      AI作曲サービスのトップを競い合っている、大手レコード会社に訴訟され仲間であるSunoとUdioが相次いで機能強化を発表しました。 まず、Sunoに、ステム分離機能が追加されました。 ステム分離とは、楽器のパートごとにトラックを分ける機能。UVR5などの単独アプリや、Logic ProなどのDAWに組み込まれている例もあります。AI作曲サービスでもSonautoは早くから実装していました。 無料ソフトのUVR5では、ボーカル、ドラム、ベース、その他の4種類に分離でき、Logic ProのStem Splitterも同様。Sonautoも同じです。 ■Sunoのステム分離機能はボーカルとそれ以外Sunoのステム分離はそれに比べると単純で、ボーカルとその他を分けるだけ。つまり、ボーカルキャンセルと同じことなのですが、それなりに使い道はあります。 例えば、AIで作った曲のボーカルを自分や他の誰か

        AI作曲サービスのSunoとUdioが相次いでステム分離機能搭載。Udioは待望の2分超え生成が可能に(CloseBox) | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge
      • regreSSHion: Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution Vulnerability in OpenSSH server | Qualys Security Blog

        The Qualys Threat Research Unit (TRU) has discovered a Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in OpenSSH’s server (sshd) in glibc-based Linux systems. CVE assigned to this vulnerability is CVE-2024-6387. The vulnerability, which is a signal handler race condition in OpenSSH’s server (sshd), allows unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) as root on glibc-based Linux systems;

          regreSSHion: Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution Vulnerability in OpenSSH server | Qualys Security Blog
        • Technical Details: Falcon Update for Windows Hosts | CrowdStrike

          What Happened? On July 19, 2024 at 04:09 UTC, as part of ongoing operations, CrowdStrike released a sensor configuration update to Windows systems. Sensor configuration updates are an ongoing part of the protection mechanisms of the Falcon platform. This configuration update triggered a logic error resulting in a system crash and blue screen (BSOD) on impacted systems. The sensor configuration upd

            Technical Details: Falcon Update for Windows Hosts | CrowdStrike
          • 多数のWindowsでブルースクリーンを発生させてしまったCrowdStrikeのコードは何が悪かったのか

            世界中のWindows搭載PCにおいてブルースクリーンオブデスを発生させてしまったCrowdStrikeの問題について、エンジニアのパトリック・ワードル氏が原因を分析してXに投稿しました。 I don't do Windows but here are some (initial) details about why the CrowdStrike's CSAgent.sys crashed Faulting inst: mov r9d, [r8] R8: unmapped address ...taken from an array of pointers (held in RAX), index RDX (0x14 * 0x8) holds the invalid memory address@_JohnHammond pic.twitter.com/oqlAVwSlJj— Patri

            • TeamsのIncomming Webhookコネクタが廃止されるようなのでPowerAutomateのワークフローに移行してみる - Qiita

              TeamsのIncomming Webhookコネクタが廃止されるようなのでPowerAutomateのワークフローに移行してみるMicrosoftTeamsTeamsPowerAutomate 要約 2024-07-24追記: 廃止スケジュールが少し緩和されましたが、廃止されることは変わっていません TeamsのIncomming WebhookやRSSなどのO365系のコネクタが 最短 2024-12-31 に廃止される 2024-12-31までにURL変更を行うことで 2025-12 まで延長できるようになった (2025-12で廃止なのかは明言されていない) 作成自体は 2024-08-15 から作成できなくなる 代替としてPowerAutomateのワークフローが案内されている ワークフローは個人の所有として作られ、変更できない。(ライセンス次第では所有者を変更できるようですが、

                TeamsのIncomming Webhookコネクタが廃止されるようなのでPowerAutomateのワークフローに移行してみる - Qiita
              • We need visual programming. No, not like that.

                SummaryMost visual programming environments fail to get any usage. Why? They try to replace code syntax and business logic but developers never try to visualize that. Instead, developers visualize state transitions, memory layouts, or network requests. In my opinion, those working on visual programming would be more likely to succeed if they started with aspects of software that developers already

                • New Recovery Tool to help with CrowdStrike issue impacting Windows endpoints

                  The Microsoft Recovery Tool was updated 7/22/2024 as version 3.1. While fundamentally there are no functional changes to the tool, for the Recover from WinPE option, we have expanded the logging, reattempt logic, and error handling. For the Recover from safe mode for USB delivery, we’ve added in better user awareness cues for when to run the repair command. 7/23/2024: Microsoft notes that CrowdStr

                    New Recovery Tool to help with CrowdStrike issue impacting Windows endpoints
                  • What's coming next for ESLint - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter

                    When we released ESLint v9.0.0 in April, it was the first major release in 30 months and formally introduced the new configuration system. ESLint v9.0.0 also made some rule API changes to prepare the core for what’s coming next. After the release, we spent a lot of time creating compatibility utilities, a configuration migration tool, and a rule API transform utility to help the ecosystem move to

                      What's coming next for ESLint - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter
                    • Mako - Extremely fast, Production-grade web bundler

                      An extremely fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust. Mako is a new web bundler for Web App, Library, and Framework. It's designed to be fast, reliable, and easy to use. It has been used in hundreds of projects in production by Ant Group, and other companies. If you are looking for a modern web bundler, Mako is the right choice. Getting Started $ npm create mako Why Mako Mako has a lot of

                      • BiomeがforEachではなくfor...ofを推す理由を処理速度の観点から見る

                        Intro biomeにはforEachを使用すると、for...ofを使用するようにエラーが出ます。これはnoForEachというrecommendedルールによるものです。 今回はなぜfor...ofを使うように推奨しているのかを、処理速度の観点で見ていきます。 Performance ドキュメントには以下のように記載されています。 Performance: Using forEach can lead to performance issues, especially when working with large arrays. When more requirements are added on, forEach typically gets chained with other methods like filter or map, causing multiple iter

                        • What the New York Times Missed: 71 More of the Best Books of the 21st Century

                          What the New York Times Missed: 71 More of the Best Books of the 21st Century Last week, The New York Times Book Review published a list of the “100 Best Books of the 21st Century.” (Well, so far, obviously. Why not just call it the best books of the last 25 years? Do they know something we don’t? Oh well.) To put it together, the Book Review surveyed “hundreds of novelists, nonfiction writers, ac

                            What the New York Times Missed: 71 More of the Best Books of the 21st Century
                          • Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds

                            Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds07/10/2024 We are thrilled to announce Cloudflare Zaraz support of server-side rendering of embeds, featuring two Managed Components: X and Instagram. You can now use Cloudflare Zaraz to effortlessly embed posts from X or Instagram on your website in a performant, privacy-preserving, and secure way. Many traditional t

                              Cloudflare Zaraz adds support for server-side rendering of X and Instagram embeds
                            • A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog

                              Linus Torvalds once wrote in a book that he created Linux just for fun, but it ended up sparking a revolution. Git, his second major creation, also an accidental revolution. It’s now a standard tool for software engineers, but its origin story wasn’t so much fun this time, at least for Linus. Linus doesn’t scale 1998 was a big year for Linux. Major companies like Sun, IBM, and Oracle started getti

                                A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog
                              • Streamline generative AI development in Amazon Bedrock with Prompt Management and Prompt Flows (preview) | Amazon Web Services

                                AWS Machine Learning Blog Streamline generative AI development in Amazon Bedrock with Prompt Management and Prompt Flows (preview) Today, we’re excited to introduce two powerful new features for Amazon Bedrock: Prompt Management and Prompt Flows, in public preview. These features are designed to accelerate the development, testing, and deployment of generative artificial intelligence (AI) applicat

                                  Streamline generative AI development in Amazon Bedrock with Prompt Management and Prompt Flows (preview) | Amazon Web Services
                                • How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev

                                  How to use container queries now Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Recently, Chris Coyier wrote a blog post posing the question: Now that container queries are supported in all browser engines, why aren't more developers using them? Chris's post lists a number of potential reasons (for example, lack of awareness, old habits die hard), but there'

                                    How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev
                                  • Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator

                                    By Jun He, Natallia Dzenisenka, Praneeth Yenugutala, Yingyi Zhang, and Anjali Norwood TL;DRWe are thrilled to announce that the Maestro source code is now open to the public! Please visit the Maestro GitHub repository to get started. If you find it useful, please give us a star. What is MaestroMaestro is a general-purpose, horizontally scalable workflow orchestrator designed to manage large-scale

                                      Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator
                                    • Migrating to Next.js App Router with zero downtime — WorkOS

                                      Can you really adopt Next.js App Router incrementally? At WorkOS, we learned that you can’t really migrate a complex app page by page without a hit to the UX. Instead, we worked out a migration guide that allowed us to test our entire app with App Router while still serving the Pages Router to users—before making the final switch. We use Next.js for all of our frontend apps at WorkOS. Recently, th

                                        Migrating to Next.js App Router with zero downtime — WorkOS
                                      • Positron 最速入門

                                        この記事は、7月13日に開催されるTokyo.Rで発表するためのメモ用に書き溜めているものです。主に R ユーザー向けの情報をまとめていますが、 Positron 自体は Python も R もサポートしています(むしろ、説明の順序も Python の方が先に書かれていることが多いのを見るに、Python の方が優先されてそう)。 はじめに まず強調しておきたいのは、現時点で、カタギの人間が Positron に入門する必要はないです。詳しくはあとで見ていきますが、重要なポイントとして、 Positron はまだ絶賛開発中という段階で、安定して使えるようになるのはだいぶ先 たとえ Positron が正式リリースされても RStudio は残る というのが今の状況です。なので、RStudio をメインで使っている人は、数年は迷わずRStudioを使い続けて大丈夫です。いま慌てて入門する必

                                          Positron 最速入門
                                        • PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton

                                          The plane reached 10,000ft. I took out my laptop, planning to peruse the internet and maybe do a little work if I got really desperate. I connected to the in-flight wi-fi and opened my browser. The network login page demanded credit card details. I fumbled for my card, which I eventually discovered had hidden itself inside my passport. As I searched I noticed that the login page was encouraging me

                                            PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton
                                          • Misconceptions about view transitions  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                            The View Transition API is a web development game changer. Whether your website is single or multi-page, this powerful API lets you create seamless transitions between views, resulting in native-like experiences that captivate users. Currently available in Chrome, with same document view transitions soon to be available in Safari. With more and more people starting to look into the View Transition

                                              Misconceptions about view transitions  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers
                                            • Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures

                                              Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures Jul 5, 2024 There’s a fascinating Rust library, loom, which can be used to thoroughly test lock-free data structures. I always wanted to learn how it works. I still do! But recently I accidentally implemented a small toy which, I think, contains some of the loom’s ideas, and it seems worthwhile to write about that. The goal here isn’t to teach you what y

                                              • Exploring biphasic programming: a new approach in language design

                                                I’ve noticed a small but interesting trend in the programming languages space. I’m not sure how novel it is, but this pattern, which I’ll refer to as “biphasic programming,” is characterized by languages and frameworks that enable identical syntax to express computations executed in two distinct phases or environments while maintaining consistent behavior (i.e., semantics) across phases. These pha

                                                • Enhancing Netflix Reliability with Service-Level Prioritized Load Shedding

                                                  Anirudh Mendiratta, Kevin Wang, Joey Lynch, Javier Fernandez-Ivern, Benjamin Fedorka IntroductionIn November 2020, we introduced the concept of prioritized load shedding at the API gateway level in our blog post, Keeping Netflix Reliable Using Prioritized Load Shedding. Today, we’re excited to dive deeper into how we’ve extended this strategy to the individual service level, focusing on the video

                                                    Enhancing Netflix Reliability with Service-Level Prioritized Load Shedding
                                                  • Where Should Visual Programming Go? @ tonsky.me

                                                    Where Should Visual Programming Go? There’s a wonderful article by Sebastian Bensusan: “We need visual programming. No, not like that.” (the dot is part of the title ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). In it, Sebastian argues that we shouldn’t try to replace all code with visual programming but instead only add graphics where it makes sense: Most visual programming environments fail to get any usage. Why? They try to rep

                                                      Where Should Visual Programming Go? @ tonsky.me
                                                    • [Column] Change things so that nothing will really change!

                                                      Parisians fill the Place del Republique on July 7, 2024, to celebrate the rout of the far-right National Rally party in the general election. (AP/Yonhap) By Slavoj Žižek, Global Eminent Scholar at Kyung Hee University The most important thing to note about the current resurgence of rightist populism is how this resurgence is regularly perceived by its partisans: A single rhetorical figure returns

                                                        [Column] Change things so that nothing will really change!
                                                      • Mid-Year Review: IRB and Rails Console Enhancements in the First Half of 2024

                                                        As a core part of the Ruby ecosystem, IRB (Interactive Ruby) is an invaluable tool for developers. With its rapid pace of changes and improvements, staying up-to-date with the latest features can significantly enhance your development workflow. In this post, we’ll cover the significant updates to IRB from the first half of 2024 (between v1.11.0 and v1.14.0), as well as enhancements in the Rails Co

                                                          Mid-Year Review: IRB and Rails Console Enhancements in the First Half of 2024
                                                        • vim-jp ラジオ オフィシャルサイト制作の舞台裏!

                                                          この記事はVim 駅伝の 7/22 の記事です。 また、この記事は デザインを担当した 輪ごむ さんとの共同執筆記事です。 はじめに 2024年7月8日月曜12時、ポッドキャストラジオ番組「 エンジニアの楽園vim-jpラジオ 」がAuDee(TOKYO FM)公式番組として配信開始されました。 本記事では、この vim-jp ラジオの Landing Page(LP) 制作の舞台裏を紹介します! デザインや技術的なポイントなど、様々な視点から制作のポイントを紹介します。 デザインについて (by 輪ごむ) コンセプト ロゴから以下のようなイメージを膨らませてデザインを考えました。 夜 バーみたい わいわいとした雰囲気 ネオン調 これらのイメージを頭の片隅に置いて大量の web サイトや LP を大量にインプットしてなんとかひねり出したのが今回完成した LP になります。 デザインのレビュ

                                                            vim-jp ラジオ オフィシャルサイト制作の舞台裏!
                                                          • Bedrockの新機能「Prompt flows for Amazon Bedrock」 - Qiita

                                                            Bedrockに新機能「 Prompt flows for Amazon Bedrock 」が追加されました。🎉🎉🎉 現段階でプレビュー扱いで、東京リージョンでも使用できます。 同時に追加されたPrompt flows for Amazon Bedrockについてはこちら Bedrockの新機能「Prompt management in Amazon Bedrock」 https://qiita.com/moritalous/items/afb6b8a4ff26a71cfdb8 早速試してみました。 このような画面です。 左側からNodeを選んで追加します。Bedrockの呼び出しを行うNodeはPrompts(またはAgents)です。 それぞれ、Prompt management in Amazon BedrockとAgents for Amazon Bedrockが呼び出せると

                                                              Bedrockの新機能「Prompt flows for Amazon Bedrock」 - Qiita
                                                            • Build enterprise-grade applications with natural language using AWS App Studio (preview) | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS News Blog Build enterprise-grade applications with natural language using AWS App Studio (preview) Organizations often struggle to solve their business problems in areas like claims processing, inventory tracking, and project approvals. Custom business applications could provide a solution to solve these problems and help an organization work more effectively, but have historically required a

                                                                Build enterprise-grade applications with natural language using AWS App Studio (preview) | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • Unification in Elixir

                                                                Pattern matching is a pervasive and powerful tool in Elixir. This isn't too surprising if you know a little about the history of Elixir's parent language, Erlang. Erlang was originally inspired by and written in Prolog, a logic programming language where pattern matching has first-class support. In Elixir, you might see an expression like this: [x, [2, y]] = [1, [2, 3]]When this expression is eval

                                                                  Unification in Elixir
                                                                • Bytecode Breakdown: Unraveling Factorio's Lua Security Flaws

                                                                  Dynamic languages are safe from memory corruptions bugs, right? 29/06/2024 Research Pwn Lua Some months ago I exploited a vulnerability in the Lua implementation of Factorio that allowed a malicious server to obtain arbitrary execution on clients. As the vulnerability has been patched for months already (Factorio versions below 1.1.101 are affected), is time to share the details with the community

                                                                    Bytecode Breakdown: Unraveling Factorio's Lua Security Flaws
                                                                  • oss-security - Re: CVE-2024-6387: RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems

                                                                    Follow @Openwall on Twitter for new release announcements and other news [<prev] [next>] [<thread-prev] [thread-next>] [day] [month] [year] [list] Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 18:21:06 +0200 From: Solar Designer <solar@...nwall.com> To: oss-security@...ts.openwall.com Cc: Qualys Security Advisory <qsa@...lys.com> Subject: Re: CVE-2024-6387: RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems Hi, Today

                                                                    • Documentation | Pipes

                                                                      What Pipes is Pipes is a spiritual successor to Yahoo! Pipes, but if you did not know that site, you can think of Pipes as a visual programing editor specialized on feeds, or a visual shell, or simply as a glorified feed configurator. Pipes gives you blocks that can fetch and create feeds, and manipulate them in various ways. Think filtering, extracting, merging and sorting. All you need to do is

                                                                      • コード品質向上のテクニック:第34回 三十六計分けるに如かず

                                                                        こんにちは。コミュニケーションアプリ「LINE」のモバイルクライアントを開発している石川です。 この記事は、毎週木曜の定期連載 "Weekly Report" 共有の第 34 回です。 LINEヤフー社内には、高い開発生産性を維持するための Review Committee という活動があります。ここで集まった知見を、Weekly Report と称して毎週社内に共有しており、その一部を本ブログ上でも公開しています。(Weekly Report の詳細については、過去の記事一覧を参照してください) 三十六計分けるに如かず メッセージを送受信するサービスの UI レイアウトを実装しているとします。このレイアウト内では、様々な「ボタン」を実装する必要があります (例: メッセージ送信ボタン、プロフィール編集ボタン、...)。以下のコードは、メッセージ送信ボタン SendMessageButto

                                                                          コード品質向上のテクニック:第34回 三十六計分けるに如かず
                                                                        • VercelのEdge Requestに課金が発生している!

                                                                          はじめに とある日のメール。 「何か100%いって従量課金始まっているなぁ…」と不思議に思い調べていたところ、VercelのProプランの新料金体系の発表が4月にあり、そこから約2ヶ月後の6月分(5/25〜6/25)から新料金体系になっていたことが分かりました。 今回の新料金体系で、「帯域幅(bandwidth)」と「機能(functions)」が細分化され、より具体的な項目に料金がかかるようになりました。 以下はVercelからのお知らせに書いてある2文です。 We're reducing pricing on Vercel fundamentals like bandwidth and functions For the majority of customers, monthly bills will remain the same or decrease 「帯域幅と機能の料金が改善

                                                                            VercelのEdge Requestに課金が発生している!
                                                                          • Intel Vs. Samsung Vs. TSMC

                                                                            Foundry competition heats up in three dimensions and with novel technologies as planar scaling benefits diminish. The three leading-edge foundries — Intel, Samsung, and TSMC — have started filling in some key pieces in their roadmaps, adding aggressive delivery dates for future generations of chip technology and setting the stage for significant improvements in performance with faster delivery tim

                                                                              Intel Vs. Samsung Vs. TSMC
                                                                            • Reading and writing Node.js streams

                                                                              Working with large datasets in Node.js applications can be a double-edged sword. The ability to handle massive amounts of data is extremely handy, but can also lead to performance bottlenecks and memory exhaustion. Traditionally, developers tackled this challenge by reading the entire dataset into memory at once. This approach, while intuitive for smaller datasets, becomes inefficient and resource

                                                                                Reading and writing Node.js streams
                                                                              • Jailbreaking RabbitOS: Uncovering Secret Logs, and GPL Violations | Blog

                                                                                Welcome to my ::'########::'##::::::::'#######:::'######::: :: ##.... ##: ##:::::::'##.... ##:'##... ##:: :: ##:::: ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##:::..::: :: ########:: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##::'####: :: ##.... ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##::: ##:: :: ##:::: ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##: ##::: ##:: :: ########:: ########:. #######::. ######::: ::........:::........:::.......::::......:::: CTF writeups, prog

                                                                                • How to think in writing

                                                                                  The reason I've spent so long establishing this rather obvious point [that writing helps you refine your thinking] is that it leads to another that many people will find shocking. If writing down your ideas always makes them more precise and more complete, then no one who hasn't written about a topic has fully formed ideas about it. And someone who never writes has no fully formed ideas about anyt

                                                                                    How to think in writing