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281 - 320 件 / 1253件

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nowの検索結果281 - 320 件 / 1253件

  • Amazon VPC now supports an AWS-managed prefix list for Amazon CloudFront

    Starting today, you can use the AWS managed prefix list for Amazon CloudFront to limit the inbound HTTP/HTTPS traffic to your origins from only the IP addresses that belong to CloudFront’s origin-facing servers. CloudFront keeps the managed prefix list up-to-date with the IP addresses of CloudFront’s origin-facing servers, so you no longer have to maintain a prefix list yourself. You can reference

      Amazon VPC now supports an AWS-managed prefix list for Amazon CloudFront
    • Llama 2 foundation models from Meta are now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart | Amazon Web Services

      AWS Machine Learning Blog Llama 2 foundation models from Meta are now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart October 2023: This post was reviewed and updated with support for finetuning. Today, we are excited to announce that Llama 2 foundation models developed by Meta are available for customers through Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to fine-tune and deploy. The Llama 2 family of large language mode

        Llama 2 foundation models from Meta are now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart | Amazon Web Services
      • Google Will Now Help You Pronounce Words

        Google is rolling out some new Google Search features designed to help you pronounce words correctly. Google already has some impressive language skills, but the combination of visual cues and the ability to practice pronunciations takes things up a notch. Learning to Pronounce Words Correctly There are thousands of languages spoken around the world, and each of them has hundreds of thousands of w

          Google Will Now Help You Pronounce Words
        • マンスリーマンション・ウィークリーマンションを探すならNOW ROOM


            マンスリーマンション・ウィークリーマンションを探すならNOW ROOM
          • Custom models for GitHub Copilot are now in Limited Public Beta · GitHub Changelog

            AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

              Custom models for GitHub Copilot are now in Limited Public Beta · GitHub Changelog
            • Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus model is now available on Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services

              AWS News Blog Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus model is now available on Amazon Bedrock We are living in the generative artificial intelligence (AI) era; a time of rapid innovation. When Anthropic announced its Claude 3 foundation models (FMs) on March 4, we made Claude 3 Sonnet, a model balanced between skills and speed, available on Amazon Bedrock the same day. On March 13, we launched the Claude 3 Hai

                Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus model is now available on Amazon Bedrock | Amazon Web Services
              • AWS Free Tier now includes 750 hours of free Public IPv4 addresses, as charges for Public IPv4 begin

                Starting today, we are updating the AWS Free Tier for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, 12 month free, to include 750 hours of public IPv4 address usage per month. If you are an existing or new AWS Free Tier customer for Amazon EC2, you will get 750 hours public IPv4 address usage per month free when launching any EC2 instance with a public IPv4 address. AWS Free Tier for Amazon EC2 applies to in-use

                  AWS Free Tier now includes 750 hours of free Public IPv4 addresses, as charges for Public IPv4 begin
                • AWS App Runner now supports privately accessible services within Amazon VPC

                  AWS App Runner now supports private services which enables access to App Runner services from within an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). App Runner makes it easier for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs to the cloud, at scale, and without having to manage infrastructure. By default, App Runner services are accessible publicly over the internet. Now, with privat

                    AWS App Runner now supports privately accessible services within Amazon VPC
                  • Google Docs will now use canvas based rendering: this may impact some Chrome extensions

                    Google Docs will now use canvas based rendering: this may impact some Chrome extensions [May 26, 2021]: We’ve updated the “Additional details” section of this post with more information on Google Docs accessibility features and support. Please see below for more information. We’re updating the way Google Docs renders documents. Over the course of the next several months, we’ll be migrating the und

                    • iPhone/iPadで「Fortnite」復活へ、NVIDIAがSafariで「GeForce NOW」ベータ提供

                      iPhone/iPadで「Fortnite」復活へ、NVIDIAがSafariで「GeForce NOW」ベータ提供 米NVIDIAは11月19日 (現地時間)、クラウドゲーミングサービス「GeForce NOW」をSafariブラウザを通じて遊ぶiOS向けベータの提供を北米および欧州で開始した。正式サービスが登場したら、ゲーミングPCを必要とするようなゲームをiPhoneやiPadでプレイできるようになり、iOS版がApp Storeから排除された人気バトルロイヤルゲーム「Fortnite」をiOSユーザーが再び遊べるようになる可能性も広がる。 クラウドゲーミングは、ゲームのデータ処理をクラウド側のサーバーで実行して端末にストリーミング配信する。GeForce NOWは「GeForce NOW」アプリを通じて、Windows、Mac、NVIDIA Shield、Androidをサポートし

                        iPhone/iPadで「Fortnite」復活へ、NVIDIAがSafariで「GeForce NOW」ベータ提供
                      • Copilot in GitHub Support is now available!

                        AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

                          Copilot in GitHub Support is now available!
                        • GitHub CLI project command is now generally available!

                          EngineeringOpen SourceGitHub CLI project command is now generally available!Level up your use of GitHub Projects on the command line and in GitHub Actions with the new project CLI command. Effective planning and tracking is essential for developer teams of all shapes and sizes. Last year, we announced the general availability of GitHub Projects, connecting your planning directly to the work your t

                            GitHub CLI project command is now generally available!
                          • 『2CELLOS』が奏でる『Now We Are Free』というステキな曲のご紹介 - Rioでじゃねーど

                            Rioでじゃねーど、です。 みなさん、こんにちは。 私は元々すごーく影響を受けやすいタイプなので、テレビはほとんど見ないですし・・ ネットのニュースもタイトルだけサラッと見て、できるだけ詳しく内容を見るのは宇宙ネタや面白そうなニュースだけにしています。 ところが!今回の騒ぎは、気になってしまってどうしても読んでしまいます。 時々読んでいる「In Deep」「アース・カタストロフ・レビュー」さんの記事なども目を通してますが、もう末期的ですよ~(; ゚д゚)! 思考が乱れまくっていてまとまりません。 ということで(?)今日は音楽と映画のお話をします。 私は、音楽は雑食系で、クラシック、ロック、ジャズ、ボサノバ、ポップ、フォーク・・和洋問わず好きです。 いつも、いろんなジャンルの音楽をアップしてくれる、(id:nyanteicafe)ひつじさんの数日前の曲を紹介します。 ひつじさんの音楽ブログで

                              『2CELLOS』が奏でる『Now We Are Free』というステキな曲のご紹介 - Rioでじゃねーど
                            • Notion AI | Now with Q&A

                              Get help writing and brainstorming in Notion, not in a separate browser tab.

                                Notion AI | Now with Q&A
                              • Function calling is now available in Azure OpenAI Service

                                Over the last couple of years, we’ve learned just how powerful language models can be.  With the advent of gpt-35-turbo and gpt-4, these models can accomplish more than ever before and we're seeing customers be successful with an array of new scenarios. While these models are incredibly useful on their own, you can accomplish even more by integrating them with other systems and tools. Function cal

                                  Function calling is now available in Azure OpenAI Service
                                • 「QUEEN 50周年展 -DON'T STOP ME NOW-」大丸梅田店で開催 - モノ評価ブログ

                                  クイーン結成から50年、誰にも止められない伝説に大阪で出会う(1971年、フレディ、ブライアン、ロジャー、ジョンの4人となってからの50周年)。 QUEENの音楽世界に没入しながら、彼らの記憶を辿る50周年特別エキシビション ロック・シーンを代表するバンド、クイーン(QUEEN)の結成50周年を祝し、輝き続ける活動の軌跡を彼らの音楽とともにたどる『QUEEN 50周年展 - DON’T STOP ME NOW -』を開催。 未公開写真、貴重映像、メンバー本人と重要関係者のコメント、楽器関係、縁の品々を展示。さらに、150インチの4面マルチスクリーンによるイマージョン・シアターではクイーンのライブ映像をまるでライヴ会場に居るかのような臨場感で体験。クイーンがどこで生まれ、伝説のロックバンドとなったのか。クイーンのヒット曲が鳴り響く中、未だ世界中の人々から愛され続けるクイーンの特別な50年。

                                    「QUEEN 50周年展 -DON'T STOP ME NOW-」大丸梅田店で開催 - モノ評価ブログ
                                  • Amazon CloudFront now supports Origin Access Control (OAC) for Lambda function URL origins

                                    Starting today, customers can protect their AWS Lambda URL origins by using CloudFront Origin Access Control (OAC) to only allow access from designated CloudFront distributions. Lambda function URLs allow customers to implement single-function services like form validators, mobile payment processing, machine learning inference, and more. Many customers front their Lambda function URLs with CloudFr

                                      Amazon CloudFront now supports Origin Access Control (OAC) for Lambda function URL origins
                                    • Top 10 Movies on Netflix Right Now

                                      Every Tuesday, we publish four global Top 10 lists for films and TV: Film (English), TV (English), Film (Non-English), and TV (Non-English). These lists rank titles based on ‘views’ for each title from Monday to Sunday of the previous week. We define views for a title as the total hours viewed divided by the total runtime. Values are rounded to 100,000. We consider each season of a series and each

                                        Top 10 Movies on Netflix Right Now
                                      • Amazon EC2 C7g instances are now available in additional regions

                                        Starting today, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) C7g instances are available in AWS Region Europe (Frankfurt), AWS Region Asia Pacific (Sydney) and AWS Region Asia Pacific (Tokyo). C7g instances are powered by AWS Graviton3 processors and built on the AWS Nitro System. AWS Graviton3 processors provide up to 25% better compute performance compared to AWS Graviton2 processors. The AWS Nitro

                                          Amazon EC2 C7g instances are now available in additional regions
                                        • Google Can Now Turn Your Photos Into Works of Art

                                          In this article we tell you how to turn your photos into works of art using the Google Arts and Culture app. You can now turn your photos into works of art, and all you need is the Google Arts and Culture app. This is because Google has added a new feature called Art Transfer to the app. And this lets you apply various art styles to a photo of your choosing. How to Turn Your Photos Into Works of A

                                            Google Can Now Turn Your Photos Into Works of Art
                                          • 『モンハン Now』“最強武器種ランキング”がカオス状態に。片手剣の格付けは真っ二つ、弓の評価も日本と海外で違う - AUTOMATON

                                            Nianticおよびカプコンが手がけ、9月14日にリリースされた『モンスターハンター Now』。国内外の情報サイトやメディアが、さっそく同作の「武器種強さランキング」を公開している。しかし、海外を中心にどの武器種が強いのか見解が大きく割れ、日本国内と海外でも評価の傾向が大きく違っている。 『モンスターハンターNow』は『モンスターハンター』シリーズを題材にした、iOS/Android向け位置情報ゲームだ。プレイヤーはハンターとなり、臨場感あふれる冒険に出発。現実世界を歩き回り、ソロで、あるいは仲間たちとともに、モバイル向けに落とし込まれた強大なモンスターの狩猟に挑んでいく。本作は『ポケモン GO』開発元として知られるNianticが開発・配信元となっており、カプコンからはライセンスとサポートが提供されている。 本作には現在、シリーズおなじみの武器ラインナップから片手剣・大剣・ハンマー・太刀

                                              『モンハン Now』“最強武器種ランキング”がカオス状態に。片手剣の格付けは真っ二つ、弓の評価も日本と海外で違う - AUTOMATON
                                            • Over 1,000 Jewish Creatives and Professionals Have Now Denounced Jonathan Glazer’s ‘Zone of Interest’ Oscars Speech in Open Letter (EXCLUSIVE)

                                              The group’s statement says: “We refute our Jewishness being hijacked for the purpose of drawing a moral equivalence between a Nazi regime that sought to exterminate a race of people, and an Israeli nation that seeks to avert its own extermination.” Glazer declined to comment. With such high-profile co-signees as Jennifer Jason Leigh, “La La Land” producer Gary Gilbert and “The Americans” creators

                                                Over 1,000 Jewish Creatives and Professionals Have Now Denounced Jonathan Glazer’s ‘Zone of Interest’ Oscars Speech in Open Letter (EXCLUSIVE)
                                              • 【Free】フリーの「オール・ライト・ナウ(All Right Now)」とAC/DCの「ハイウェイ・トゥ・ヘル( Highway to Hell)」を聴き続けたい - あい青子 毎日幸せを感じる「懐かしい曲」「思い出」「物の手ばなし」のススメ

                                                「オール・ライト・ナウ」フリーと「ハイウェイ・トゥ・ヘル 」 AC/DCが最高 www.youtube.com フリーのファンの方、AC/DCのファンの方、双方に忌み嫌われるのを覚悟の上で語ります この2つのミックスが最高に好きです 1年前の記事です 靴の話まとめ/All Right Now (オールライトナウ) Free(フリー)1970年 - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」 ファッションの話の後に続きます 自分が好きで、自分に似合う、自由な「ベースカラー」選び いわゆる「断捨離」をしています めざすところは「ゆるくも楽しいミニマリスト」です 「ベース」にするのは、自分が好きで、自分に似合うワンピースです 上下の組み合わせも、必要ありません 「色」も「形」も「素材」も、それぞれの方に、好きなものと似合うものがありますよね 今回は、「ベースカラ

                                                  【Free】フリーの「オール・ライト・ナウ(All Right Now)」とAC/DCの「ハイウェイ・トゥ・ヘル( Highway to Hell)」を聴き続けたい - あい青子 毎日幸せを感じる「懐かしい曲」「思い出」「物の手ばなし」のススメ
                                                • I spent 43 days in Gaza’s now-destroyed hospitals. My mind is still there.

                                                  I arrived in Rafah in the early hours of October 9 and made my way to my family home in Gaza City amid intense Israeli air strikes. The next day, I walked with my cousin to al-Shifa Hospital to begin work, not realising this would be the beginning of a 43-day nightmare. During those 43 days, I moved between hospitals, including to al-Ahli (Baptist) Hospital. Founded in 1882, this is one of the old

                                                    I spent 43 days in Gaza’s now-destroyed hospitals. My mind is still there.
                                                  • Node.js — Node.js 20 is now available!

                                                    We're excited to announce the release of Node.js 20! Highlights include the new Node.js Permission Model,a synchronous import.meta.resolve, a stable test_runner, updates of the V8 JavaScript engine to 11.3, Ada to 2.0, and more! The project continues to make progress across a number of areas, with many new features and fixes flowing into existing LTS releases. For that reason, the changes outlined

                                                      Node.js — Node.js 20 is now available!
                                                    • The Beatles「NOW AND THEN 」の感想、新曲のMV(ミュージックビデオ)に涙:ビートルズ最後の曲「ナウ・アンド・ゼン」 - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

                                                      最後の新曲「ナウ・アンド・ゼン」(ビートルズ)の感想:ミュージック・ビデオ(PV)を観た! コチラでした youtu.be こんな機会に恵まれるなんて誰が想像したことでしょう 信じられない ジョン・レノン ふざけているジョンの姿 楽しそうなジョン 昨日、音だけで聴いた同じ曲が 全く違う色彩で聞こえてきました 歌詞も、 男女間の愛というより、ビートルズの仲間たち相互の関係の歌のように聞こえてきました 寂しいけれど、あたたかい そして、映像に思わず笑いがこぼれます ポール・マッカートニー この曲を完成することを諦めなかったポールは、 やはりジョンの1番の「友」だったのだと感じました 苦しい境遇を支えあった友 大好きな音楽にともに夢中になった友人 世界的な大成功の渦に巻き込まれてしまった仲間 思春期からの、家族よりもある意味濃い、深い友人関係がそこにはあるのだと感じました ジョージ・ハリスン ジ

                                                        The Beatles「NOW AND THEN 」の感想、新曲のMV(ミュージックビデオ)に涙:ビートルズ最後の曲「ナウ・アンド・ゼン」 - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」
                                                      • Amazon Transcribe now supports Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Korean and 3 corresponding AWS regions for streaming transcription

                                                        Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for you to add speech-to-text capabilities to your applications. Today, we are excited to launch Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Korean language support for Transcribe streaming. To deliver streaming transcriptions with low latency for these languages, we are also announcing availability of Amazon Transcribe s

                                                          Amazon Transcribe now supports Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Korean and 3 corresponding AWS regions for streaming transcription
                                                        • How Prince Harry is now a 'chimpo' after landing LA job in new American life

                                                          The Duke of Sussex could earn a seven-figure salary in his new roleCredit: APAnother is CIDO (chief inclusion and diversity officer, as you ask) and word has it that The Queen is about to appoint one after the recent, highly controversial “recollections may vary” incident. Others include CHO (chief happiness officer), data ethnographers (nope, me neither) and, my absolute favourite of all, a “mood

                                                            How Prince Harry is now a 'chimpo' after landing LA job in new American life
                                                          • GitHub Actions: GitHub-hosted runners now run Node.js 16 by default

                                                            GitHub Actions: GitHub-hosted runners now run Node.js 16 by default actions December 10, 2021 In the latest update to our GitHub-hosted runners virtual environments, Node.js 16 has become the default version of node and npm 8 has become the default version of npm. To select the version of Node.js that you use for your projects, we encourage you to use the setup-node action. For questions, visit th

                                                              GitHub Actions: GitHub-hosted runners now run Node.js 16 by default
                                                            • Now Available: Amazon ElastiCache Global Datastore for Redis | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS News Blog Now Available: Amazon ElastiCache Global Datastore for Redis In-memory data stores are widely used for application scalability, and developers have long appreciated their benefits for storing frequently accessed data, whether volatile or persistent. Systems like Redis help decouple databases and backends from incoming traffic, shedding most of the traffic that would had otherwise rea

                                                                Now Available: Amazon ElastiCache Global Datastore for Redis | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • AWS CloudFormation now supports blue/green deployments for Amazon ECS

                                                                AWS CloudFormation is now integrated with AWS CodeDeploy to allow ECS customers with application or network load balancers to invoke blue/green and canary style deployments when performing application updates. This feature allows customers to configure the incremental traffic migration strategy for their deployments within CloudFormation templates as well as identify CloudWatch alarms to monitor t

                                                                  AWS CloudFormation now supports blue/green deployments for Amazon ECS
                                                                • 「福岡のヌーラボから世界のヌーラボへ」——事業拡大や新製品開発に向け、NOW、XTech Ventures、新生企業投資から約5億円を調達 - BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

                                                                  ヌーラボ代表の橋本正徳氏と NOW 代表の家入一真氏。同郷の二人は、福岡人のソウルフード「博多天神」をインタビュー場所に指定してきた。 福岡を拠点に仕事効率化ツール「​Backlog​(バックログ)」「Cacoo(カクー)」「​Typetalk(​タイプトーク)」を開発・提供するヌーラボは3日、直近のラウンドで約5億円を調達したと明らかにした。リードインベスターは NOW が務め、XTech Ventures、新生企業投資が参加した。 同社では今回獲得した資金を使って、新サービスである「Nulab Pass(ヌーラボ・パス)」の開発を中心に、既存サービスの改善、開発者の採用や広告宣伝など事業拡大を加速するとしている。かねてから福岡市の高島宗一郎氏に IPO をネタにイジられることの多い同社だが、実際のところ、その実現を念頭に置いたファイナルラウンドとして今回の調達を位置付けているようだ。同

                                                                    「福岡のヌーラボから世界のヌーラボへ」——事業拡大や新製品開発に向け、NOW、XTech Ventures、新生企業投資から約5億円を調達 - BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報
                                                                  • GitHub Actions Importer is now generally available

                                                                    AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

                                                                      GitHub Actions Importer is now generally available
                                                                    • 信用を損なう、俺、現在、底now - 呵々大笑 ~かかだいしょう~

                                                                      信用を損なう、俺、現在、底now 皆さん、こんばんは。 再び、嫁さんの逆鱗に触れ、謹慎期間が延長しておりました。 聞いてください、、、 子供がね、盆に「ドライフラワー」って歌を聞いていたんです。 その歌詞がすごくいいので、少し、ウルっとしてしまいました。 それを見た嫁さんが、 「おっさんが、こんな歌聞いて、感傷に浸る?怪し過ぎるで」 と突然怒り出し、PCのキーボードを没収されました、、、 今日、隠しているキーボードを発見。👈めちゃくちゃ嬉しい こっそりと記事を書いております。 何故キーボード? また、書きますね。 人間、信用が大切ですね(T_T)/~~~ 嫁さんが風呂から上がる前に、キーボードを元に戻します。 しかし、キーボードを隠すとは、ツボを押さえているというか、 かなりきつい制裁ですわ。 今日の一枚 この水面のように、澄んだ心を持ちたいです。 今の私の「済んだ」状態ですが、、、はぁ

                                                                        信用を損なう、俺、現在、底now - 呵々大笑 ~かかだいしょう~
                                                                      • AWS Lambda now supports partial batch response for SQS as an event source

                                                                        AWS Lambda now supports partial batch response for SQS as an event source. With this feature, when messages on an SQS queue fail to process, Lambda marks a batch of records in a message queue as partially successful and allows reprocessing of only the failed records. By processing information at a record-level instead of batch-level, AWS Lambda has removed the need of repetitive data transfer, inc

                                                                          AWS Lambda now supports partial batch response for SQS as an event source
                                                                        • Terraform Cloud now supports multiple configurations for dynamic provider credentials

                                                                          PackerBuild and manage images as code​​​​‌‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌‌​‌‍‌‍​‌‍‌‌​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍​‍​‍​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌‌​‌‌​‌​​‌​​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌‍​‌‌​‌‍‍​‌‍‍‌‌‍​‌‍‌​‍‌​​​‍‍‌‍​‌‌‍‌​‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌‌​‌‍‌‍​‌‍‌‌​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌‌​‌‍‌​‍​‍‌‍‍‌‌‌​‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌​‌‍‌‌​​‌‍‌‌‌​​‍‌‌‍‌​‌‍‌‍‌‍

                                                                            Terraform Cloud now supports multiple configurations for dynamic provider credentials
                                                                          • Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

                                                                            Updated on 3/19/2020. This article has received over 40 million views in the last week. Over 40 translations at the bottom of the article. Here’s a list of epidemiologists and experts who have publicly shared or endorsed this article. Following articles: Coronavirus, The Hammer and the Dance: The strategy every countryCoronavirus: Out of Many, One: A deep dive in the USCoronavirus: Learning How to

                                                                              Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now
                                                                            • How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev

                                                                              How to use container queries now Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Recently, Chris Coyier wrote a blog post posing the question: Now that container queries are supported in all browser engines, why aren't more developers using them? Chris's post lists a number of potential reasons (for example, lack of awareness, old habits die hard), but there'

                                                                                How to use container queries now  |  Blog  |  web.dev
                                                                              • Tuku & Hikaria on Twitter: "Yes, I made the bot and this is the picture I've used. Now I stopped the bot. Hope you guys can get a cute and lewd… https://t.co/KTyVP2nnYr"

                                                                                Yes, I made the bot and this is the picture I've used. Now I stopped the bot. Hope you guys can get a cute and lewd… https://t.co/KTyVP2nnYr

                                                                                  Tuku & Hikaria on Twitter: "Yes, I made the bot and this is the picture I've used. Now I stopped the bot. Hope you guys can get a cute and lewd… https://t.co/KTyVP2nnYr"
                                                                                • Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame

                                                                                  Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates : Shots - Health News An analysis by NPR shows that since the vaccine rollout, counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump have had more than twice the COVID mortality rates of those that voted for Joe Biden.

                                                                                    Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame