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popularityの検索結果201 - 240 件 / 1124件

  • Deno 1.27: Major IDE Improvements

    # MacOS and Linux curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh # Windows iwr https://deno.land/x/install/install.ps1 -useb | iex Click here for more installation options. Language Server/IDE improvementsInlay HintsTypeScript added support for inlay hints in version 4.4; this release of Deno exposes this functionality to the LSP. Inlay hints are small snippets of information that are adde

      Deno 1.27: Major IDE Improvements
    • The evolution of scalable CSS

      The evolution of scalable CSSA deep dive into the problems with scaling CSS on large projects. Understand the evolution of CSS best practices. IntroductionHow we write and think about CSS has changed significantly since the web’s beginning. We’ve come a long way from table-based layouts, to responsive web design, and now into a new era of adaptive layouts powered by modern CSS features. Managing a

        The evolution of scalable CSS
      • 2024-02-25 a history of the tty

        It's one of those anachronisms that is deeply embedded in modern technology. From cloud operator servers to embedded controllers in appliances, there must be uncountable devices that think they are connected to a TTY. I will omit the many interesting details of the Linux terminal infrastructure here, as it could easily fill its own article. But most Linux users are at least peripherally aware that

        • Juneteenth - Wikipedia

          Juneteenth, officially Juneteenth National Independence Day, is a federal holiday in the United States. It is celebrated annually on June 19 to commemorate the ending of slavery. The holiday's name is a portmanteau of the words "June" and "nineteenth", as it was on June 19, 1865, when Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas at the end of

            Juneteenth - Wikipedia
          • The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN

            The Top 100 Video Games of All TimeOur first refresh since 2019 features some big changes. IGN’s Top 100 games list encompasses the best of the best throughout history, spanning generations of consoles, PCs, handhelds, and more. Our list last saw a major update back in 2019, and since then, there have been several games released that deserved to be added. Just as importantly, we looked at the tota

              The Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN
            • アップル株が1カ月ぶり大幅安、中国政府機関でiPhone使用禁止の報道

              Apple enjoys widespread popularity in China, its largest international market. Photographer: Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg 6日の米株式市場ではアップルの株価が約1カ月ぶりの大幅安。中国の政府機関が同社の「iPhone」をはじめとする外国ブランドのデバイスを職場で使用することを禁じているとの報道が材料視された。 米紙ウォールストリート・ジャーナル(WSJ)によると、「一部」の中央政府機関で職員がこうした端末の職場への持ち込みをやめるよう指示されている。チャットグループやミーティングを通じて出されているこの指示が、どの程度広がっているかは不明だという。 この日のアップル株は3.6%下落し182.91ドルで終了。1日の下落率としては8月4日以来最大となった。年初来上昇率(5日終値時点)は4

              • A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog

                Linus Torvalds once wrote in a book that he created Linux just for fun, but it ended up sparking a revolution. Git, his second major creation, also an accidental revolution. It’s now a standard tool for software engineers, but its origin story wasn’t so much fun this time, at least for Linus. Linus doesn’t scale 1998 was a big year for Linux. Major companies like Sun, IBM, and Oracle started getti

                  A Git story: Not so fun this time | Brachiosoft Blog
                • 映えるカフェが人気の秘密 The secret of the popularity

                  同じようなカフェなのに、”ばえる”だけで、こんなにお客さんが! ばえるを英語でinstagrammable。どこかいいは英語there is something special. カフェの人気の秘密はこんなところなのですね。 The newly opened café is very popular with women in their early twenties. 新しくできたカフェは、20代前半の若い女性に人気。 So many more people are there in the café than used to be there. 前にあったカフェより、ずっと人が多い。 スクランブルエッグ、ベーコン、カリカリに焼いたトースト2枚。 どこかのブレックファーストですね。 “‘Cuz the dishes are so instagrammable,”my daughter s

                    映えるカフェが人気の秘密 The secret of the popularity
                  • Most Popular Programming Languages 1965 - 2022

                    Updated timeline of the most popular programming languages since 1965 to 2022. Aggregation of multiple national surveys plus a world wide publications rate of occurrence. Popularity is defined by percentage of programmers with either proficiency in specific language or currently learning/mastering one. As always your feedback is welcome. ***** I am a first year PhD student, data geek and I love

                      Most Popular Programming Languages 1965 - 2022
                    • Why write ADRs

                      EngineeringWhy Write ADRsHow architecture decision records can help your team. Architecture decision records, also known as ADRs, are a great way to document how and why a decision was reached within a codebase. We’ve started to adopt them within the mobile team here at GitHub, documenting decisions that affect the iOS codebase and Android codebase, as well as decisions that affect both mobile cli

                        Why write ADRs
                      • The Ruby on Rails Resurgence - DevOps.com

                        The Ruby on Rails Resurgence Ruby combines functional and imperative programming to create an easy-to-use, powerful language where everything is an object. Introduced in 1995, the open source programming language became popular in the 2000s during the dot-com era, when developers at startups and established companies were under pressure to rapidly launch new web applications. Ruby on Rails, releas

                          The Ruby on Rails Resurgence - DevOps.com
                        • 'It began with an earthquake and a 5-0 loss - then things got worse'

                          The first season of Japan's J-League began in May 1993, with Lineker one of a selection of overseas stars signed to sell the sport to the publicThe day of my J-League debut for Nagoya Grampus Eight began with an earthquake where our whole hotel shook… and then we lost 5-0 and I didn't get a kick. It was not exactly a dream start. It was half a lifetime ago for me now, but going there felt like a b

                            'It began with an earthquake and a 5-0 loss - then things got worse'
                          • 劇場アニメ『メイクアガール』超特報|MAKE A GIRL Teaser 1

                            SNS総フォロワー数580万超えを誇るアニメーション作家・安田現象による、初の長編アニメーションプロジェクト第1弾が遂に始動! 劇場アニメ『メイクアガール』 ■STAFF 原作・脚本・監督:安田現象 絵コンテ・演出:安田現象 CG監督:安田現象 音響ディレクター:今泉雄一 音響効果:上野励 音響制作:ソニルード 音楽:末廣健一郎 配給:角川ANIMATION アニメーション制作:安田現象スタジオ by Xenotoon 製作:メイクアガールプロジェクト   ■CAST 0号:種﨑敦美 水溜 明:堀江 瞬 and more! ■INTRODUCTION YouTubeやTikiTokなど、SNSの総フォロワー数580万超を誇るアニメーション作家・安田現象による劇場用長編アニメーションプロジェクト第1弾が遂に始動! これまで個人制作の3DショートアニメやMV、企業のプロモーションアニメな

                              劇場アニメ『メイクアガール』超特報|MAKE A GIRL Teaser 1
                            • How Vtuber Fansubs Made Their Own International Communication

                              For the past year and a half, I’ve been living in what some netizens describe as a rabbit hole. That is to say, like so many other people, I’ve been watching Vtubers on YouTube. There’s a lot of reasons behind their massive surge in popularity- for one, people are locked indoors and the YouTube algorithm seems pretty adept at recommending them these clips as part of a standard YouTube binge. Secon

                                How Vtuber Fansubs Made Their Own International Communication
                              • ECサイトの開発で使える英語まとめ - Qiita

                                はじめに ECサイトの開発で使える英単語や英語表現をまとめました。 辞書的に使っていただければと思います。 随時追加・更新をしていきます。 英語まとめ 商品 product / item 商品 quantity 数量 qtyと略すこともあるようです。 material 素材 manufacturer メーカー・製造者 country of origin 原産国 seller 出品者 product description 商品説明 new arrival / new product 新商品 brand new 新品 used / secondhand 中古 unused 未使用 stock 在庫 in stock 在庫有り out of stock 在庫無し restock 再入荷 wish list 欲しいものリスト 検索 search box / search field / sear

                                  ECサイトの開発で使える英語まとめ - Qiita
                                • How Disney uses PyTorch for animated character recognition

                                  Authors: Miquel Àngel Farré, Anthony Accardo, Marc Junyent, Monica Alfaro, Cesc Guitart at Disney Disney’s Content GenomeThe long and incremental evolution of the media industry, from a traditional broadcast and home video model, to a more mixed model with increasingly digitally-accessible content, has accelerated the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Advancing the implemen

                                    How Disney uses PyTorch for animated character recognition
                                  • 「AIファンアート」はNGか?  VTuberそれぞれの対応を見る

                                    「AIファンアート」はNGか?  VTuberそれぞれの対応を見る AIを活用した画像生成技術が急速に広まるなかで、VTuberが「AIファンアート」の扱いをめぐって、対応に追われています。その多くは「AIが描いたファンアートの投稿は控えてほしい」。「AIが描いたことを明記してほしい」というスタンスを表明していますが、中には企画へと取り入れる動きも見られます。 本記事にて、VTuberと画像生成AIをめぐる状況を一部ご紹介します。 画像生成AIの現在 画像生成AIは、この数ヶ月で「劇的」と言ってよいほどの発展を遂げています。その流れの一部を追っていきましょう。 (「MidJourney」で生成。プロンプトは「Fan-art of VTubers, –ar 16:9」) まず、7月13日に「MidJourney」のオープンベータサービスが始まりました。「プロンプト」と呼ばれるキーワードを入力

                                      「AIファンアート」はNGか?  VTuberそれぞれの対応を見る
                                    • Server Driven UI – Tom Lokhorst's blog

                                      Update 2023-03-29: In August 2021 Apple acquired Primephonic the company. On March 28, 2023 Apple launched Apple Music Classical as a new app. This new app is built on the foundations of the Primephonic app, the fundamentals of the Server Driven UI architecture as described in this post remain the same. Note: This post is based on a talk I gave at CocoaHeadsNL in July 2020. Warning: because this i

                                      • Japan’s Longest-Serving PM, Shinzo Abe, Quits in Bid to ‘Escape’ Potential Prosecution

                                        Japan’s Longest-Serving PM, Shinzo Abe, Quits in Bid to ‘Escape’ Potential Prosecution Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in his second time at bat lasted longer than anyone before him but he leaves office unable to stomach the job with the public unable to stomach him. Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, decided to resign Friday ostensibly because of his health, but also because he fears the unpleasant an

                                          Japan’s Longest-Serving PM, Shinzo Abe, Quits in Bid to ‘Escape’ Potential Prosecution
                                        • Meet Cover Corp CEO Motoaki “Yagoo” Tanigo, The Man Behind Hololive's Virtual YouTubers

                                          I was honored to interview the beloved Cover Corp CEO Motoaki Tanigo also colloquially known as “Yagoo” by the Hololive Community. Cover Corp is the parent company that runs the all-female Virtual Youtuber idol group known as Hololive, and the all-male Virtual Youtuber, or ‘VTuber’ idol group known as Holostars. ANN: Could you please introduce yourself? My name is Motoaki Tanigo from Cover Corpora

                                            Meet Cover Corp CEO Motoaki “Yagoo” Tanigo, The Man Behind Hololive's Virtual YouTubers
                                          • Twitter suspends Mastodon account, prevents sharing links

                                            Twitter suspends Mastodon account, prevents sharing linksOur statement On Dec 16, Twitter suspended our @joinmastodon account after we shared a link to the newly registered Mastodon account of @ElonJet, an account that broadcasts public flight path data of Elon Musk’s private jet, which was previously suspended from Twitter itself. At the same time, accounts of multiple journalists from major publ

                                            • The State of WebAssembly 2023

                                              The State of WebAssembly 2023 survey has closed, the results are in … and they are fascinating! If you want the TL;DR; here are the highlights: Rust and JavaScript usage is continuing to increase, but some more notable changes are happening a little further down - with both Swift and Zig seeing a significant increase in adoption. When it comes to which languages developers ‘desire’, with Zig, Kotl

                                                The State of WebAssembly 2023
                                              • Bestellen Sie Xanax Online-Kabeljau über Nacht. Xanax Nachnahme Ohne Rezept Ohne Empfang. Mehler Texnologies

                                                Xanax Nachnahme Ohne Rezept Ohne Empfang Sie kaufen Xanax ohne versteckte Gebühren. Wo können Sie Xanax kaufen? Kaufen Sie günstig Xanax online in Europa! Niedrige Preise und Rabatte. Hier klicken! Besuchen Sie noch heute. Unsere Preise sind 70% günstiger als in der örtlichen Apotheke Angemessene Preise, schnelle Lieferung, schneller Service. Wir sparen Ihre Zeit und Geld mit unserem Shop. Medicat

                                                • 型付きPHP、P++のFAQ - Qiita

                                                  以下はP++ idea: FAQの日本語訳です。 オーサーのZeev SuraskiはZendのZeで、ようするにPHPのすごい人です(特権とかは特にない)。 P++ idea: FAQ これはinternalsで提示したアイデアに関するFAQです。 その後の議論で何度も提起された、多くの問題点に対処するものです。 P++は一時的なコード名であり、変更になる可能性があります。 What is this all about? これは何? 短くまとめると以下のようなものです。 PHPの世界は、大きくわけてふたつの考え方があります。 まずひとつめは、PHPのアバウトで後方互換性が強力でシンプルさを重視しているところが好きな人々です。 もうひとつは、より高度で複雑な機能を持ち、古い文法は切り捨てる、厳密な言語を好む層です。 ここには「正しい」も「間違い」もありません。 どちらも意義のある考え方であ

                                                    型付きPHP、P++のFAQ - Qiita
                                                  • VTubers are making millions on YouTube and Twitch

                                                    VTubers are making millions on YouTube and Twitch Even Tony the Tiger, the 70-year-old cereal mascot, is now a virtual streamer It was the world’s largest gathering of internet celebrities. As I waited to meet Twitch streamer Code Miko in a hotel lobby at VidCon, I spotted an Instagram-famous husky, a fan favorite contestant from Netflix’s “The Circle” and a controversial beauty blogger. But when

                                                      VTubers are making millions on YouTube and Twitch
                                                    • Japan’s virtual YouTubers have millions of real subscribers — and make millions of real dollars

                                                      Report Japan’s virtual YouTubers have millions of real subscribers — and make millions of real dollars How the pandemic mainstreamed VTubers, Japan's fictional YouTube celebrities. Virtual YouTuber Kizuna AI is the featured guest on Downtown DX, a decades-old prime-time variety show hosted by two of Japan’s most famous veteran comedians, Hitoshi Matsumoto and Masatoshi Hamada. Both pushing 60, the

                                                        Japan’s virtual YouTubers have millions of real subscribers — and make millions of real dollars
                                                      • Accelerating Generative AI with PyTorch II: GPT, Fast

                                                        This post is the second part of a multi-series blog focused on how to accelerate generative AI models with pure, native PyTorch. We are excited to share a breadth of newly released PyTorch performance features alongside practical examples to see how far we can push PyTorch native performance. In part one, we showed how to accelerate Segment Anything over 8x using only pure, native PyTorch. In this

                                                          Accelerating Generative AI with PyTorch II: GPT, Fast
                                                        • Miku Created Minecraft: How queer Vocaloid fandom brought a parody account to infamy

                                                          Miku Created Minecraft: How queer Vocaloid fandom brought a parody account to infamy By Victoria Rose | August 29, 2019 In late March, an international virtual pop star dethroned a billionaire and declared herself creator of Minecraft. Before that declaration, the face of Minecraft was still Markus “Notch” Persson, though the game is fully owned by Microsoft. On March 11th, Persson made some decid

                                                            Miku Created Minecraft: How queer Vocaloid fandom brought a parody account to infamy
                                                          • Announcing DuckDB 1.0.0

                                                            To install the new version, please visit the installation guide. For the release notes, see the release page. It has been almost six years since the first source code was written for the project back in 2018, and a lot has happened since: There are now over 300 000 lines of C++ engine code, over 42 000 commits and almost 4 000 issues were opened and closed again. DuckDB has also gained significant

                                                              Announcing DuckDB 1.0.0
                                                            • Hackers leak Zoom accounts’ usernames, passwords & email addresses

                                                              Forced social distancing has unusually driven the use of remote communication platforms such as Skype, Hangouts, WhatsApp and mainly Zoom, which has shown a prominent growth in terms of its number of users a couple of months ago, mention specialists of a cyber security course. Academic institutions, government offices and private companies have resorted to using Zoom to maintain their primary acti

                                                                Hackers leak Zoom accounts’ usernames, passwords & email addresses
                                                              • Google Updates Chrome OS to Make Your Chromebook More Helpful

                                                                Google Updates Chrome OS to Make Your Chromebook More Helpful Google is always working to make Chrome OS better. Now, the company announced a bunch of usability tweaks on The Keyword, and they look like they'll make using Google's computer-based operating system a much more enjoyable experience. What Does the New Chrome OS Update Do? The first thing Google did was improve the Launcher. Previously,

                                                                  Google Updates Chrome OS to Make Your Chromebook More Helpful
                                                                • Why Google Sheets ported its calculation worker from JavaScript to WasmGC  |  web.dev

                                                                  Why Google Sheets ported its calculation worker from JavaScript to WasmGC Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Google Sheets is one of the first products at Google to use WasmGC on Chrome. The move was announced in 2022, and the Sheets and Chrome teams partnered on standardization, engineering, and tooling to provide real-time feedback on optimizat

                                                                    Why Google Sheets ported its calculation worker from JavaScript to WasmGC  |  web.dev
                                                                  • The DynamoDB Book

                                                                    DynamoDB is exploding in popularity. It's fast, scalable, and fully-managed. But it's not your father's database. Data modeling in DynamoDB is different than the relational data model you're used to. Learn how to properly design your data model with DynamoDB to avoid problems later. The DynamoDB Book is available now! Get it here. Want a sneak peek? Enter your email below to receive free preview c

                                                                      The DynamoDB Book
                                                                    • GitHub Pages now uses Actions by default

                                                                      ProductGitHub Pages now uses Actions by defaultAs GitHub Pages, home to 16 million websites, approaches its 15th anniversary, we’re excited to announce that all sites now build and deploy with GitHub Actions. As GitHub Pages, home to 16 million websites, approaches its 15th anniversary, we’re excited to announce that all sites now build and deploy with GitHub Actions. When GitHub Pages was first a

                                                                        GitHub Pages now uses Actions by default
                                                                      • The Era of Visual Studio Code

                                                                        The most important thing I look for when choosing which tools to use is longevity. Learning software is an investment, and if you have to switch to another application later, you lose some of that investment. In most software categories, choosing the software with longevity is easy, the most popular tools are usually the ones that have been around the longest. Microsoft Excel and Adobe Illustrator

                                                                          The Era of Visual Studio Code
                                                                        • Cloudflare’s Gen X: Servers for an Accelerated Future

                                                                          Cloudflare’s Gen X: Servers for an Accelerated Future02/24/2020 “Every server can run every service.”We designed and built Cloudflare’s network to be able to grow capacity quickly and inexpensively; to allow every server, in every city, to run every service; and to allow us to shift customers and traffic across our network efficiently. We deploy standard, commodity hardware, and our product develo

                                                                          • The Go Programming Language and Environment – Communications of the ACM

                                                                            Go is a programming language created at Google in late 2007 and released as open source in November 2009. Since then, it has operated as a public project, with contributions from thousands of individuals and dozens of companies. Go has become a popular language for building cloud infrastructure: Docker, a Linux container manager, and Kubernetes, a container deployment system, are core cloud techno

                                                                            • 『炎炎ノ消防隊』は火事と戦う超能力者たちの熱い物語!初心者でも楽しめる魅力と見どころを徹底解説! | 漫画ワンダーランド-Manga Wonderland –

                                                                              「マンガワンダーランド」は、あなたのマンガ探検のガイドとなる独自で親しみやすい漫画レビューブログです。新旧問わず、幅広いジャンルのマンガ作品を紹介し、おすすめの一冊を見つける手助けをします。読者と一緒に楽しむレビューと、豊富なマンガ知識を持つ管理人とAIが、あなたのマンガライフをさらに充実させます。さあ、一緒にマンガの世界を冒険しましょう! ※当サイトは、AIと管理人が協力してブログ記事を作成しています。AIは情報収集や整理など効率的なタスクを担当し、管理人は創造性や洞察を加えて記事のテーマやトーンを設定し、読みやすさや独自の視点を提供しています。読者にとっては、正確な情報と人間らしい要素が融合したコンテンツが提供されます。

                                                                              • 【人気エンターテイメント】2020年ハマってしまうおすすめYouTuberまとめ一覧

                                                                                おすすめの人気エンターテイメントのYouTube チャンネルを教えてほしいニャ   YouTube のチャンネルも日々増えており、どのチャンネルを見たらいいか迷うことが多いと思います。情報が ... Copyright © 2020 クキブロ -お得な情報みいつけた- All Rights Reserved.

                                                                                • AWK As A Major Systems Programming Language — Revisited

                                                                                  AWK As A Major Systems Programming Language — Revisited Preface I started this paper in 2013, and in 2015 sent it out for review to the people listed later on. After incorporating comments, I sent it to Rik Farrow, the editor of the USENIX magazine ;login: to see if he would publish it. He declined to do so, for reasonably good reasons. The paper languished, forgotten, until early 2018 when I came