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241 - 280 件 / 621件

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readabilityの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 621件

  • Coding habits for data scientists

    If you’ve tried your hand at machine learning or data science, you know that code can get messy, quickly. Typically, code to train ML models is written in Jupyter notebooks and it’s full of (i) side effects (e.g. print statements, pretty-printed dataframes, data visualisations) and (ii) glue code without any abstraction, modularisation and automated tests. While this may be fine for notebooks targ

      Coding habits for data scientists
    • What is Rust and why is it so popular? - Stack Overflow

      Rust has been Stack Overflow's most loved language for four years in a row, indicating that many of those who have had the opportunity to use Rust have fallen in love with it. However, the roughly 97% of survey respondents who haven't used Rust may wonder, "What's the deal with Rust?" The short answer is that Rust solves pain points present in many other languages, providing a solid step forward w

        What is Rust and why is it so popular? - Stack Overflow
      • Jagger - C++ implementation of Pattern-based Japanese Morphological Analyzer

        Jagger - C++ implementation of Pattern-based Japanese Morphological Analyzer About Jagger is a fast, accurate, and space-efficient morphological analyzer [1] inspired by the dictionary-based longest matching for tokenization and the precomputation of machine-learning classifiers. Jagger applies patterns, which are extracted from morphological dictionaries and training data, to input from the begin

        • j3s.sh

          my website is one binary 2022-04-06 ---------------------------- a.k.a. this one weird trick that inspires me to program creatively i have struggled for years to figure out a website framework that feels good to me. i tried all of the classics, including but limited to: - ghost - hugo - jekyll - sr.ht + tarball - manual html editing i have very high and unusual standards, and none of the above fel

          • Modules: Packages | Node.js v22.3.0 Documentation

            Remove the --experimental-conditional-exports option. In 12.16.0, conditional exports are still behind --experimental-modules. Introduction# A package is a folder tree described by a package.json file. The package consists of the folder containing the package.json file and all subfolders until the next folder containing another package.json file, or a folder named node_modules. This page provides

            • Optimizing Ray Tracing in Haskell

              My first Haskell program and how easily I optimized it from 33m to 17s. 1800x1012 scene generated containing 533 objects rendered with 500 samples and 50,000 rays per pixel.BackgroundFew weeks back, my colleague at work, Eyal Kalerdon, shared his implementation of ray-tracing-in-one-weekend in Rust, which inspired me to try this as well. I, however, chose Haskell for this, thinking I’ll not only l

                Optimizing Ray Tracing in Haskell
              • Thanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities

                Table of ContentThanos Coding Style Guide #This document details the official style guides for the various languages we use in the Thanos project. Feel free to familiarize yourself with and refer to this document during code reviews. If something in our codebase does not match the style, it means it was missed or it was written before this document. Help wanted to fix it! (: Generally, we care abo

                  Thanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities
                • Harvard Just Discovered That PowerPoint Is Worse Than Useless

                  You may not have known this, but there's such a thing as a World PowerPoint Championship. This year it had around 850,000 students from 119 countries, and has a state, national, and world competition. The prizes are pretty cool. The only US student to win in the world competitor, one Seth Maddox of Geraldine, Alabama (population: 900) won a $10,000 prize, a laptop, and, of course, a trophy. Way to

                    Harvard Just Discovered That PowerPoint Is Worse Than Useless
                  • Async-Awaitifying a Rust CLI App - zupzup

                    Async-Awaitifying a Rust CLI App In a previous post we built a CLI app using rust. This app used both an HTTP API using the asynchronous hyper library, as well as GIT using the synchronous git2. In this post, we’ll port the whole app to the new async/await syntax in the hope that the interplay between asynchronous and synchronous program flow becomes easier to handle as well as that the complexity

                    • Internet Search Tips · Gwern.net

                      A description of advanced tips and tricks for effective Internet research of papers/books, with real-world examples. Over time, I developed a certain google-fu and expertise in finding references, papers, and books online. I start with the standard tricks like Boolean queries and keyboard shortcuts, and go through the flowchart for how to search, modify searches for hard targets, penetrate paywall

                        Internet Search Tips · Gwern.net
                      • Hilt

                        Hilt provides a standard way to incorporate Dagger dependency injection into an Android application. The goals of Hilt are: To simplify Dagger-related infrastructure for Android apps. To create a standard set of components and scopes to ease setup, readability/understanding, and code sharing between apps. To provide an easy way to provision different bindings to various build types (e.g. testing,

                        • Setting up Nix on macOS

                          I recently bought a Macbook because more and more people are asking me how to use Nix in certain situations under MacOS. In this article, we walk through installing Nix on MacOS and see how pleasant the experience is these days. After that, we show how to go declarative on MacOS with nix-darwin to enable compilation for Linux and Intel Macs, as well as some other nice features. 🤷 Why would one wa

                            Setting up Nix on macOS
                          • 定性調査をAIで"ゴリッと"|しょーてぃー/ Experience & Prompt Designer

                            上記の中には発話者を区別しれくれるサービスもある。 ただ発話者はChatGTPに入れれば勝手に区別してくるので、 正直気にしていない。 つまり分析時には整っていない発話録でも なんの問題ないというのが、まずAIの強みだ。 45分間のインタビューであれば3-5分待っていれば書き起こしは終わる。 どうしても気になるのであれば校正・発話者の分離、 特定の言葉の修正をすることもかんたんだ。 かなり丁寧にかいたプロンプトはこちら。 (機械翻訳ver) タイトル:日本語のインタビューの原稿校正ガイドライン"Target_content"を解釈し、「日本語のインタビュー原稿校正ガイドライン」を実行してください。 Target_content: [ここにインタビューの概要と目的を追加する] 日本語のインタビュー原稿校正ガイドライン: ステップ1:原稿に慣れる原稿全体を熟読して、内容、文脈、参加者の名前を理

                              定性調査をAIで"ゴリッと"|しょーてぃー/ Experience & Prompt Designer
                            • Beyond Calibri: Finding Microsoft's next default font | Microsoft 365 Blog

                              We’ve commissioned five new custom fonts–which should be the next default font? Default fonts are perhaps most notable in the absence of the impression they make. We seldom give them much thought, and therein lies their greatest gift. When a font blends into the background of a user experience, people can jump right into the creative process and stay grounded in their thoughts rather than thinking

                                Beyond Calibri: Finding Microsoft's next default font | Microsoft 365 Blog
                              • Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment

                                by Hugo Barra (former Head of Oculus at Meta) Friends and colleagues have been asking me to share my perspective on the Apple Vision Pro as a product. Inspired by my dear friend Matt Mullenweg’s 40th post, I decided to put pen to paper. This started as a blog post and became an essay before too long, so I’ve structured my writing in multiple sections each with a clear lead to make it a bit easier

                                  Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment
                                • Intercepting Zoom's encrypted data with BPF

                                  Update: since I wrote this post, I've been working on a new eBPF library for Rust called Aya, see https://confused.ai/posts/announcing-aya. If you're looking to use eBPF with Rust, I highly recommend you check it out! I originally wrote an earlier version of this post at the end of March, when I was working on adding uprobes support to redbpf. I wanted to blog about the work I was doing and needed

                                    Intercepting Zoom's encrypted data with BPF
                                  • 7 Principles of Icon Design

                                    Clarity, Readability, Alignment, Brevity, Consistency, Personality, Ease of Use.

                                      7 Principles of Icon Design
                                    • GitHub - adbar/trafilatura: Python & command-line tool to gather text on the Web: web crawling/scraping, extraction of text, metadata, comments

                                      Trafilatura is a cutting-edge Python package and command-line tool designed to gather text on the Web and simplify the process of turning raw HTML into structured, meaningful data. It includes all necessary discovery and text processing components to perform web crawling, downloads, scraping, and extraction of main texts, metadata and comments. It aims at staying handy and modular: no database is

                                        GitHub - adbar/trafilatura: Python & command-line tool to gather text on the Web: web crawling/scraping, extraction of text, metadata, comments
                                      • New in Chrome 106  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                        Here's what you need to know: There are new Intl APIs to give you more control when formatting numbers. There’s an origin trial for the Pop-up API to make it easy to surface critical content to the user. We’re adding a handful of CSS features to improve interop. And there's plenty more. I'm Pete LePage, and I’m Adriana Jara. Let's dive in and see what's new for developers in Chrome 106. New Intl A

                                        • Top 10 React Hook libraries

                                          Hooks came and took the React community by the storm. But, since it’s been a while since their initial release, there are now lots of supporting libraries. It is extremely hard not to stumble upon the “hooks” word while searching for anything related to React, so if you haven’t already, you should pick them up into your codebase as soon as possible. They will make your coding life much easier and

                                            Top 10 React Hook libraries
                                          • 15 Years of AWS Blogging! | Amazon Web Services

                                            AWS News Blog 15 Years of AWS Blogging! I wrote the first post (Welcome) to this blog exactly 15 years ago today. It is safe to say that I never thought that writing those introductory sentences would lead my career in such a new and ever -challenging dimension. This seems like as good of a time as any to document and share the story of how the blog came to be, share some of my favorite posts, and

                                              15 Years of AWS Blogging! | Amazon Web Services
                                            • GitHub - sissbruecker/linkding: Self-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.

                                              linkding is a bookmark manager that you can host yourself. It's designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker. The name comes from: link which is often used as a synonym for URLs and bookmarks in common language Ding which is German for thing ...so basically something for managing your links Feature Overview: Clean UI optimized for readability Organize bookmarks with tags Bulk e

                                                GitHub - sissbruecker/linkding: Self-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.
                                              • Carvel - ytt - Carvel

                                                All your YAML shaping in one toolTemplate and patch as needed to easily make your configuration reusable and extensible. Works with your own and third-party YAML configuration. Structure-orientedytt templates are plain YAML documents made from nodes such as maps and arrays. ytt allows you to set values and attach statements (such as if and for loops) on those nodes. This eliminates text insertion

                                                • NotebookLM便利活用情報 - laiso

                                                  人々がサ終リスクに怯えるGoogleの実験的サービスNotebookLMをしばらく試してみたのでレビューする notebooklm.google どのような用途に利用できるか 論文やレポート、記事、プレゼンテーション資料などの執筆のための情報収集 書籍データをソースにして読書と読書メモをつける ソースを元にAIを使ってアイデアの創出、ブレインストーミングなどを生成する のような、保持しているソースをもとに要約・抽出・読解を補助する一般的なタスクで活用できる。 ソースはGoogle Driveにある文書やスライド、PDF・テキストファイルあるいはテキストをコピペして自由に追加できる。 GeminiやGoogle AI Studioを使っても画像やファイルをアップロードして似たような単発のチャットは可能だが、NotebookLMでは複数のソースを蓄積してそれに対して逐次検索と生成を行ってくれる

                                                    NotebookLM便利活用情報 - laiso
                                                  • Kubernetes Cluster Migration

                                                    How to improve maintainability and readability of your automated tests? ( #scrumniigata )

                                                      Kubernetes Cluster Migration
                                                    • コードの可読性についてのプレゼンテーション紹介 vol. 4: "依存関係" 編

                                                      1.  内容結合 (content coupling) 内容結合とは、対象の内部実装に直接依存することです。極端な例ですと、ある手続きの特定のラベルに、外部から直接ジャンプしてしまうことなどが挙げられます。近代的なプログラミング言語においては、ジャンプの方法を制限したりすることで、この内容結合を起こしにくくしていることが多いです。ただし、あるオブジェクトの内部状態に依存するコードを書いてしまうと、内容結合と同等に強い結合になります。ここではその例として、不正な状態が存在する設計例を示します。 まず、 `Calculator` という数値計算をするクラスを作りたいとします。もし、この `Calculator` を使う際に、前処理や後処理に特別な手順が必要であったり、事前・事後条件が必要であったりすると、呼び出し側は `Calculator` の内部状態に依存してしまいます。 class Ca

                                                        コードの可読性についてのプレゼンテーション紹介 vol. 4: "依存関係" 編
                                                      • ribosome

                                                        RIBOSOME A simple generic code generation tool Home Download Documentation Development Community In 50 words You write standard JavaScript, Ruby or Python scripts. However, lines starting with a dot (.) go straight to the output. To expand JavaScript/Ruby/Python expressions within dotted lines use @{expr} construct. Example This example uses JavaScript as the control language: readysteady.js.dna:

                                                        • Post-Spectre Web Development

                                                          Post-Spectre Web Development W3C First Public Working Draft, 16 March 2021 This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/WD-post-spectre-webdev-20210316/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/post-spectre-webdev/ Editor's Draft: https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-post-spectre-webdev/ Feedback: public-webappsec@w3.org with subject line “[post-spectre-webdev] … message topic …” (archives) Issue Tr

                                                          • S3 Uploads — Proxies vs Presigned URLs vs Presigned POSTs

                                                            An API was recently being designed at work that would enable restaurant owners to request changes to their logo and other images. The idea is that restaurants use a website to upload a new image and trigger a review process. I was asked to advise on how we should handle the image upload. Initially, there were two options being considered. The first was to encode the image using Base64 and include

                                                              S3 Uploads — Proxies vs Presigned URLs vs Presigned POSTs
                                                            • How to use SVGs in React - LogRocket Blog

                                                              LogRocket’s Galileo AI watches every session, surfacing impactful user struggle and key behavior patterns. Editor’s note: This article was last updated by Miracle Jude on 4 March 2024 to cover passing SVGs as props in React with TypeScript, converting SVGs to React components, and creating and using React SVG icons. SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, is a vector graphics image format based on XML.

                                                                How to use SVGs in React - LogRocket Blog
                                                              • There is no “Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility”

                                                                You are here: Creative Juiz › User Experience › There is no “Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility” Also available in: Français When you need to work on interfaces, color contrast is a real thing you have to take into account to make it accessible. You have the right to be afraid of losing part of the aesthetics of your beautifully well designed interface, and you are right if you are used to poor

                                                                  There is no “Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility”
                                                                • The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart

                                                                  Welcome to the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart - created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team. Now includes a brand new module on Flutter State Management! Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online. We built this course over months, perfecting the curriculum together with the Flutter te

                                                                    The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
                                                                  • On Leaving Facebook

                                                                    I left Facebook (Meta) in 2021 to join a small startup called Replit. Leaving wasn’t easy, and during the process I’ve talked to half a dozen friends who were in the similar situation. I hope this post would be useful to senior engineers who are looking to leave. Disclaimers: This post isn’t sponsored by Replit, Facebook (Meta), or any other company or product mentioned here. The advice might not

                                                                      On Leaving Facebook
                                                                    • The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSockets

                                                                      The future of web-based software architectures is already taking form, and this time it’s server-rendered (again). Papa’s got a brand new bag: HTML-over-WebSockets and broadcast everything all the time. The dual approach of marrying a Single Page App with an API service has left many dev teams mired in endless JSON wrangling and state discrepancy bugs across two layers. This costs dev time, slows

                                                                        The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSockets
                                                                      • 将棋の棋譜フォーマットPSNとは何なのか? | やねうら王 公式サイト

                                                                        最近、カツ丼将棋さんがPSNって何すか?って言ってたので、将棋ソフト開発者にすら忘れ去られているPSNフォーマットについてまとめておきます。まず、PSNフォーマット以前に、将棋の棋譜フォーマットについておさらいから。 将棋の棋譜フォーマットができるまで 柿木将棋(かきのきしょうぎ)で使われていた棋譜の形式である、KIF/KI2形式。現在、将棋ソフトの棋譜で広く使われているのはこの形式です。KIF/KI2の指し手表現には「5八金(69)」(KIF形式)、「5八金右」(KI2形式)のように日本語が使われています。 ところが、将棋の思考エンジンはUSIプロトコルでGUI側とやりとりするのが普通です。USIプロトコルでは、指し手は「6i5h」(69の駒を58へ移動)のように表現されます。何故、思考エンジンとやりとりするためにKIF/KI2形式を拡張したものが使われなかったのかと言うと、これらの形式

                                                                        • Will Project Loom obliterate Java Futures?

                                                                          Project Loom is a proposal to add fibers and continuations as a native JVM construct. With a JDK release every 6 months, we’ll probably see it released (or some part of it) sooner rather than later. Fibers are light-weight threads, which can be created in large quantities, without worrying about exhausting system resources. Fibers are going to change how we write concurrent programs in Java. Does

                                                                            Will Project Loom obliterate Java Futures?
                                                                          • Counting Calories: How We Improved the Performance and Developer Experience of UberEats.com

                                                                            Counting Calories: How We Improved the Performance and Developer Experience of UberEats.com At Uber Eats, we want ordering the food you crave at the touch of a button to be as easy as possible, whether on desktop or mobile. That’s why our engineering team spends a lot of time thinking about, building, and maintaining web applications for restaurants and customers. Uber Eats relies heavily on web-b

                                                                              Counting Calories: How We Improved the Performance and Developer Experience of UberEats.com
                                                                            • Announcing TypeScript 5.2 Beta - TypeScript

                                                                              Today we are excited to announce the availability of TypeScript 5.2 Beta. To get started using the beta, you can get it through NuGet, or through npm with the following command: npm install -D typescript@beta Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.2! using Declarations and Explicit Resource Management Decorator Metadata Named and Anonymous Tuple Elements Easier Method Usage for Unions o

                                                                                Announcing TypeScript 5.2 Beta - TypeScript
                                                                              • GitHub - a8ksh4/chonky-pocket: An almost pocket-sized portable computer!

                                                                                An almost pocket-sized portable computer! I wanted a pocket-sized computer... This is not quite it. It fits in the cargo pocket of one pair of my shorts, but I'm not going to walk around with it like that. This is better sized for a handbag. It has a run-all-day sized battery and an ethernet port, as a propper computer should! A few goals for this project: Implement a chording keyboard in software

                                                                                  GitHub - a8ksh4/chonky-pocket: An almost pocket-sized portable computer!
                                                                                • Announcing the Preview of OpenAI Whisper in Azure OpenAI service and Azure AI Speech

                                                                                  In July we shared with this audience that OpenAI Whisper would be coming soon to Azure AI services, and today – we are very happy to announce – is the day! Customers of Azure OpenAI service and Azure AI Speech can now use Whisper. The OpenAI Whisper model is an encoder-decoder Transformer that can transcribe audio into text in 57 languages. Additionally, it offers translation services from those l

                                                                                    Announcing the Preview of OpenAI Whisper in Azure OpenAI service and Azure AI Speech