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recognitionの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 1157件

  • Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition

    Did this help? Hosting Detexify costs money and if it helps you may consider helping to pay the hosting bill. Want a Mac app? Lucky you. The Mac app is finally stable enough. See how it works on Vimeo. Download the latest version here. Restriction: In addition to the LaTeX command the unlicensed version will copy a reminder to purchase a license to the clipboard when you select a symbol. You can p

    • GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

        GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
      • Fond: Employee Rewards and Recognition Made Easy

        Together, Fond and Reward Gateway are making the world a better place to work.

          Fond: Employee Rewards and Recognition Made Easy
        • 実務で使う固有表現抽出 / Practical Use of Named Entity Recognition

:自然言語処理勉強会 https://sansan.connpass.com/event/190157/ ■登壇概要 タイトル:実務で使う固有表現抽出 発表者: 
DSOC R&D研究員 高橋 寛治 ▼Twitter https://twitter.com/SansanRandD

            実務で使う固有表現抽出 / Practical Use of Named Entity Recognition
          • GitHub - openai/whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision

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              GitHub - openai/whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
            • Microsoft Vista Speech Recognition Tested - Perl Scripting

              Credits to scrubadub (check for user: scrubadub1 for more videos like this !) for sharing this first, until he got banned... Here we go again... Please don't ban me.

                Microsoft Vista Speech Recognition Tested - Perl Scripting
              • CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

                Table of Contents: Architecture Overview ConvNet Layers Convolutional Layer Pooling Layer Normalization Layer Fully-Connected Layer Converting Fully-Connected Layers to Convolutional Layers ConvNet Architectures Layer Patterns Layer Sizing Patterns Case Studies (LeNet / AlexNet / ZFNet / GoogLeNet / VGGNet) Computational Considerations Additional References Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs / Co

                • CSS Awards – Recognition for Web Designers & Developers

                  What You Need to Know About Building Scalable Web Apps In 2023 With the ever-evolving landscape of technology, it’s important for developers to stay ahead of the curve and know how to build scalable web apps. An Overview of Mockup Applications Mockup applications, such as Sketch and Figma, are becoming increasingly popular for streamlining the design process. They allow designers to quickly create

                  • CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

                    These notes accompany the Stanford CS class CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition. For questions/concerns/bug reports, please submit a pull request directly to our git repo.

                    • Element 114 on the brink of recognition

                      The periodic table is set to get bigger, now that three labs have independently made atoms of element 114. There’s still one big uncertainty though – should it be classified as a metal or as a noble gas? In February, an element with 112 protons in its atomic nucleus was recognised and named copernicium by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). A similar honour should shortl

                        Element 114 on the brink of recognition
                      • GitHub - kha-white/manga-ocr: Optical character recognition for Japanese text, with the main focus being Japanese manga

                        Optical character recognition for Japanese text, with the main focus being Japanese manga. It uses a custom end-to-end model built with Transformers' Vision Encoder Decoder framework. Manga OCR can be used as a general purpose printed Japanese OCR, but its main goal was to provide a high quality text recognition, robust against various scenarios specific to manga: both vertical and horizontal text

                          GitHub - kha-white/manga-ocr: Optical character recognition for Japanese text, with the main focus being Japanese manga
                        • HTK Speech Recognition Toolkit

                          Getting HTK Documentation Mailing Lists Development Links What is HTK? The Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) is a portable toolkit for building and manipulating hidden Markov models. HTK is primarily used for speech recognition research although it has been used for numerous other applications including research into speech synthesis, character recognition and DNA sequencing. HTK is in use at hund

                          • Voice Dictation - Online Speech Recognition

                            Type with your Voice in any languageUse the magic of speech recognition to write emails and documents in Google Chrome. Dictation accurately transcribes your speech to text in real time. You can add paragraphs, punctuation marks, and even smileys using voice commands. Launch Dictation Voice Commands Voice Dictation - Type with your VoiceDictation can recognize and transcribe popular languages incl

                            • CMUSphinx Open Source Speech Recognition

                              Read the API documentation for C and for Python3 Pull requests and bug reports and such are welcome via https://github.com/cmusphinx/pocketsphinx. May 16, 2023 PocketSphinx 5.0.1 is released! PocketSphinx 5.0.1 is now released. This is a patch release which fixes a number of bugs and documentation errors in PocketSphinx 5.0.0. See the link above for more detail. Download source from GitHub or PyPI

                              • Deep Learning for Image Recognition in Python

                                "Deep Learning for Image Recognition in Python" at PyCon JP 2014 https://pycon.jp/2014/schedule/presentation/20/ Youtube http://youtu.be/JWGXQhVHTTA Keywords Machine Learning, Object Recognition, Face Recognition, Artificial Intelligence (AI) ディープラーニング, 深層学習, 機械学習, 画像認識, 物体認識, 顔認識, 人工知能Read less

                                  Deep Learning for Image Recognition in Python
                                • TensorFlow Image Recognition on a Raspberry Pi

                                  February 8th, 2017 Editor’s note: This post is part of our Trainspotting series, a deep dive into the visual and audio detection components of our Caltrain project. You can find the introduction to the series here. SVDS has previously used real-time, publicly available data to improve Caltrain arrival predictions. However, the station-arrival time data from Caltrain was not reliable enough to make

                                    TensorFlow Image Recognition on a Raspberry Pi
                                  • Free Automated Number Plate Recognition Software | ANPR news

                                    PIXELCASE | Automatic number plate recognition software for cars, drones, phones and CCTV | USA | Australia | New Zealand | UK Automatic Licence plate recognition software for Police, rangers, officers and security | Vehicle ANPR | Drone ALPR | Mobile ANPR

                                    • Face Recognition with OpenCV and scikit-learn

                                      A lightweight implementation of Face Recognition system with Python. OpenCV and scikit-learn. Python, OpenCv, scikit-learnによる簡易な顔認識システムの実装. Tokyo.Scipy5にて発表。

                                        Face Recognition with OpenCV and scikit-learn
                                      • Ocrad.js - Optical Character Recognition in Javascript

                                        Ocrad.js is a pure-javascript version of Antonio Diaz Diaz's Ocrad project, automatically converted using Emscripten. It is a simple OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program that can convert scanned images of text back into text. Clocking in at about a megabyte of Javascript with no hefty training data dependencies (looking at you, Tesseract), it's on the lighter end of the spectrum. This was m

                                        • Hotwired Japan Frontdoor: 浜野保樹の「日本発のマンガ・アニメの行方」 : 第3回 僕たちは人を楽しませて、勲章をもらった ──人材育成、保存、そしてrecognition

                                          • 【Web Speech API】Speech Recognition ホームページでブラウザの音声認識を使う(無料) - Qiita

                                            この記事は、CPS Lab Advent Calendar 2018の12日目の記事です。 音声合成編 → https://qiita.com/hmmrjn/items/be29c62ba4e4a02d305c はじめに 先週、研究室のアドベントカレンダー5日目で、Web Speech APIの使い方の記事を書いていたら、記事が長くなってしまって、音声合成だけで切り上げたので、この記事では続きの音声認識について触れていきたいと思います。 Web Speech API とは 先週の記事でも紹介しましたが、一応、もう一度紹介します。 Webページで、ブラウザの音声認識(マイクの音声を文章に変換)、音声合成(文章を読み上げる)機能を使うためのAPI。 2012年にWC3から仕様が策定された。(ちなみに、Siriが登場したのは2011年。) いいところ お金も、登録も、認証キーも一切いらない。 軽

                                              【Web Speech API】Speech Recognition ホームページでブラウザの音声認識を使う(無料) - Qiita
                                            • GitHub - ageitgey/face_recognition: The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line

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                                                GitHub - ageitgey/face_recognition: The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
                                              • CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

                                                Table of Contents: Gradient checks Sanity checks Babysitting the learning process Loss function Train/val accuracy Weights:Updates ratio Activation/Gradient distributions per layer Visualization Parameter updates First-order (SGD), momentum, Nesterov momentum Annealing the learning rate Second-order methods Per-parameter adaptive learning rates (Adagrad, RMSProp) Hyperparameter Optimization Evalua

                                                • コンピュータビジョンの最新論文調査 Human Recognition編 | BLOG - DeNA Engineering

                                                  はじめに こんにちは、AIシステム部でコンピュータビジョンの研究開発をしております本多です。 我々のチームでは、常に最新のコンピュータビジョンに関する論文調査を行い、部内で共有・議論しています。今回我々が読んだ最新の論文をこのブログで紹介したいと思います。 今回論文調査を行なったメンバーは、洪 嘉源、林 俊宏、本多 浩大です。 論文調査のスコープ 2018年11月以降にarXivに投稿されたコンピュータビジョンに関する論文を範囲としており、その中から重要と思われるものをピックアップして複数名で調査を行っております。今回はHuman Recognition編として、ポーズ推定をはじめとする人物の認識に関する最新論文を取り上げます。 前提知識 今回紹介するHuman Recognitionとは、RGB画像を入力として、人物の姿勢推定やセグメンテーション、モーションキャプチャ情報を推定するタスク

                                                    コンピュータビジョンの最新論文調査 Human Recognition編 | BLOG - DeNA Engineering
                                                  • GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine

                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                                                      GitHub - julius-speech/julius: Open-Source Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
                                                    • Google I/O 2013 で発表された行動認識(Activity Recognition)を使ってみる - Qiita

                                                      Google I/O で発表された Android の行動認識(動作認識)機能ですが、これは Google Play Services で提供されているので、新しい API Ver でなくても(Froyo でも!)使えます、すばらしい! というわけで、早速使ってみました。 1. SDK の Google Play Services を更新する SDK Manager で、Google Play service を最新に更新します。 私は勢いで Android SDK Tools なども最新にしてしまいましたが、これが必要だったかは定かでないです。また SDK Tools を更新したら Eclipse のプラグインも更新する必要がありました。 2. Eclipse でプロジェクトを作る Android Studio は使ってません(まだよくわからないので) Eclipse で、いつもどおりに

                                                        Google I/O 2013 で発表された行動認識(Activity Recognition)を使ってみる - Qiita
                                                      • Face Recognition Homepage

                                                        Face Recognition Homepage / Relevant information in the the area of face recognition / Information pool for the face recognition community / Entry point for novices as well as a centralized information resource

                                                        • OpenEars® – iPhone Voice Recognition and Text-To-Speech | Politepix

                                                          Politepix iOS Frameworks for speech recognition, text to speech and more Navigation OpenEars makes it simple for you to add offline speech recognition in many languages and synthesized speech/TTS to your iPhone app quickly and easily. It lets everyone get the great results of using advanced speech app interface concepts like statistical language models and finite state grammars, designed with Open

                                                          • GitHub - jetpacapp/DeepBeliefSDK: The SDK for Jetpac's iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework

                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                              GitHub - jetpacapp/DeepBeliefSDK: The SDK for Jetpac's iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework
                                                            • iOSで文字認識(Text Recognition)

                                                              iOS 13以降で、待望だった「文字認識」機能が使えるようになりました。カメラなどで撮影した画像内にある文字を読み取る [1] ことができます。 iOS 9からあった「文字検出」との違い 文字認識は、Visionフレームワークの一機能として追加されました。 一方、Core ImageのCIDetectorというクラスでは、CIDetectorTypeTextというタイプを指定でき、テキストを検出することができます。 このCIDetectorTypeTextやCIFeatureTypeTextはiOS 9からあるものです。 しかしこちらは文字の「領域」を検出する機能です。何が書いてあるか、までは認識できませんでした。 そこで今まではTesseract[2]というオープンソースのOCRエンジンや、SwiftOCR[3]という(おそらく個人がメンテしている)OSSしか選択肢がなかったのですが、つ

                                                                iOSで文字認識(Text Recognition)
                                                              • Machine Learning is Fun! Part 4: Modern Face Recognition with Deep Learning

                                                                Update: This article is part of a series. Check out the full series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8! You can also read this article in 普通话, Русский, 한국어, Português, Tiếng Việt, فارسی or Italiano. Giant update: I’ve written a new book based on these articles! It not only expands and updates all my articles, but it has tons of brand new content and lots of hands-on

                                                                  Machine Learning is Fun! Part 4: Modern Face Recognition with Deep Learning
                                                                • Hananona - Flower Recognition Service - STAIR Lab.

                                                                  STEP Select a photo by touching “camera icon”. You can take a photo if your device is a smartphone. Watch the preview, and touch “send” if it’s OK. Wait a second. AI will answer you the name (sometimes multiple candidates) of the flower.

                                                                  • ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition 2012 (ILSVRC2012)

                                                                    Weighted sum of scores from each classifier with SIFT+FV, LBP+FV, GIST+FV, and CSIFT+FV, respectively.

                                                                    • Amazon.co.jp: Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics) Christopher Bishop

                                                                        Amazon.co.jp: Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics) Christopher Bishop
                                                                      • [Survey]Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition - Qiita

                                                                        Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun ImageNetのCompetitionで1位になったMSRAの論文 ・network層をdeepにすることは性能向上に欠かせない。 ・しかし、Deepにすると性能が向上せずに悪くなることが知られている。(下のグラフ) ・これらはOverfittingによるものではなく、勾配が0になったり、発散したりするため。 これを解決しようというのがこの論文の趣旨 Residual Network 普通のNetwork $H(x)$が所望するmapping(求めたい変換) 2 weight layerをH(x)になるように学習する Residual Network ・$x$をshortcutして足し合わせると$H(

                                                                          [Survey]Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition - Qiita
                                                                        • annyang! Easily add speech recognition to your site

                                                                          annyang! SpeechRecognition that just works annyang is a tiny javascript library that lets your visitors control your site with voice commands. annyang supports multiple languages, has no dependencies, weighs just 2kb and is free to use. Go ahead, try it… Say "Hello!" Annyang! Let's try something more interesting… Say "Show me cute kittens!" Say "Show me Arches National Park!" Now go wild. Say "Sho

                                                                            annyang! Easily add speech recognition to your site
                                                                          • Face Recognition Homepage - Databases

                                                                            DATABASES When benchmarking an algorithm it is recommendable to use a standard test data set for researchers to be able to directly compare the results. While there are many databases in use currently, the choice of an appropriate database to be used should be made based on the task given (aging, expressions, lighting etc). Another way is to choose the data set specific to the property to be teste

                                                                            • GitHub - alphacep/vosk-api: Offline speech recognition API for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and servers with Python, Java, C# and Node

                                                                              Vosk is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit. It enables speech recognition for 20+ languages and dialects - English, Indian English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian, Dutch, Catalan, Arabic, Greek, Farsi, Filipino, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Swedish, Japanese, Esperanto, Hindi, Czech, Polish. More to come. Vosk models are small (50 Mb) but p

                                                                                GitHub - alphacep/vosk-api: Offline speech recognition API for Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi and servers with Python, Java, C# and Node
                                                                              • Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition

                                                                                Deeper neural networks are more difficult to train. We present a residual learning framework to ease the training of networks that are substantially deeper than those used previously. We explicitly reformulate the layers as learning residual functions with reference to the layer inputs, instead of learning unreferenced functions. We provide comprehensive empirical evidence showing that these resid

                                                                                • Amazon Rekognition – Image Detection and Recognition Powered by Deep Learning | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                  AWS News Blog Amazon Rekognition – Image Detection and Recognition Powered by Deep Learning What do you see when you look at this picture? You might simply see an animal. Maybe you see a pet, a dog, or a Golden Retriever. The association between the image and these labels is not hard-wired in to your brain. Instead, you learned the labels after seeing hundreds or thousands of examples. Operating o

                                                                                    Amazon Rekognition – Image Detection and Recognition Powered by Deep Learning | Amazon Web Services