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replaceに関するエントリは53件あります。 techfeedgithubJavaScript などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『GitHub - SilasMarvin/lsp-ai: LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them.』などがあります。
  • GitHub - SilasMarvin/lsp-ai: LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them.

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      GitHub - SilasMarvin/lsp-ai: LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them.
    • Excel初心者が絶対押さえたい「8大関数」!IF、REPLACE、COUNTA…

      ビジネスエリートのためのExcelデータ分析の教科書 仕事のやり方を劇的に変えたマイクロソフトの表計算ソフトExcel。だが、Excelに対する思いは人それぞれだ。本特集では、ショートカットキーの解説を含めた基礎編に始まり、データ分析や決算書をExcelで読み解く実践編、財務モデルを作るといった応用編まで、それぞれのスキルに応じてビジネスエリートになるためのExcelを学べるようにした。 バックナンバー一覧 とっつきにくいExcelの関数だが、一度使ってみるとその簡単さと時間短縮効果に驚くはずだ。特集『ビジネスエリートのためのExcelデータ分析の教科書』(全10回)の#3では、「SUM」や「VLOOKUP」に加えて、脱・初心者の一歩となる関数「IF」「REPLACE」「COUNTA」など、押さえておくべき「8大関数」を伝授。さらに、「関数入力の基本7カ条」と「ショートカットキー一覧」もお

      • Replace Create React App recommendation with Vite by t3dotgg · Pull Request #5487 · reactjs/react.dev

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

          Replace Create React App recommendation with Vite by t3dotgg · Pull Request #5487 · reactjs/react.dev
        • Will Hare replace C? Or Rust? Or Zig? Or anything else?

          Will Hare replace C? Or Rust? Or Zig? Or anything else? May 2, 2022 by Drew DeVault Nope. If the short answer leaves you wanting, keep reading. I must admit that this sentence from the Hare announcement may have caused some confusion: Hare is most similar to C, and almost all programs written in C can also be written in Hare. This is especially true in the context of the rising and competing compl

            Will Hare replace C? Or Rust? Or Zig? Or anything else?
          • GitHub to replace 'master' with 'main' starting next month

            The best online collaboration tools Teams need tools to help them collaborate and stay productive while remotely working. Here's our top picks. Read now By default, GitHub uses the term "master" for the primary version of a source code repository. Developers make copies of the "master" on their computers into which they add their own code, and then merge the changes back into the "master" repo. "O

              GitHub to replace 'master' with 'main' starting next month
            • Why Modern Alternative Languages Never Replace C/C++

              Photo by Craig Garner on Unsplash, edited with CanvaEvery CPU comes with a circuitry language called ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) Assembly. The ISA Assembly is a hardware language that consists of operations for basic data manipulation, mathematical calculations, and structured programming (i.e., jmp). But, writing Assembly code for every computing requirement is undoubtedly time-consuming,

                Why Modern Alternative Languages Never Replace C/C++
              • How Long Do Macs Last? 6 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Mac

                While Apple's computer hardware lasts a long time, you'll still have to say goodbye to your Mac at some point. If you've had trouble with your machine, you might wonder if it's time to get a new MacBook or if you should stay with your current one a bit longer. Let's look at how long Macs last, then discuss some of the major signs that your Mac is out of date. We'll show ways you can work around th

                  How Long Do Macs Last? 6 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Mac
                • GitHub - Sanster/IOPaint: Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures.

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                    GitHub - Sanster/IOPaint: Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures.
                  • Blogged Answers: Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux)

                    Home Definitive answers and clarification on the purpose and use cases for Context and Redux Introduction 🔗︎ "Context vs Redux" has been one of the most widely debated topics within the React community ever since the current React Context API was released. Sadly, most of this "debate" stems from confusion over the purpose and use cases for these two tools. I've answered various questions about Co

                      Blogged Answers: Why React Context is Not a "State Management" Tool (and Why It Doesn't Replace Redux)
                    • Terraformの不要なreplaceを阻止する - エムスリーテックブログ

                      この記事はエムスリー SRE がお届けするブログリレーの6日目です。 エムスリー エンジニアリンググループ新卒2年目の四方田 (@k-yomo) です。 現在はBIR(ビジネスインテリジェンス&リサーチ)というチームでソフトウェアエンジニア兼チームSREとして、マイクロサービスの開発や、クラウド環境の整備などを行なっています。 最近はTerraform Providerを作り始めたり等しています。 github.com エムスリーではInfrastructure as Codeが普及しており、所属しているチームのエンジニアも今では全員Terraformを書いてクラウドインフラリソースの変更を行っています。 今回は、Terraform Google ProviderのCloud Schedulerが毎回replaceされてしまう問題を解決した話をご紹介します。 Terraformロゴ Clo

                        Terraformの不要なreplaceを阻止する - エムスリーテックブログ
                      • GitHub - chmln/sd: Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          GitHub - chmln/sd: Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)
                        • AI-Assisted Object Editing with Google’s Imagic and Runway’s ‘Erase and Replace’

                          This week two new, but contrasting AI-driven graphics algorithms are offering novel ways for end users to make highly granular and effective changes to objects in photos. The first is Imagic, from Google Research, in association with Israel's Institute of Technology and Weizmann Institute of Science. Imagic offers text-conditioned, fine-grained editing of objects via the fine-tuning of diffusion m

                            AI-Assisted Object Editing with Google’s Imagic and Runway’s ‘Erase and Replace’
                          • MySQL Bugs: #99806: replace master/slave terminology with primary/replica

                            Description: master/slave terminology is offensive and should be replaced with something more appropriate, such as primary/replica. Some technology vendors have already done so. See wikipedia page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master/slave_(technology) How to repeat: View any documentation page about replication in general, for example: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/replication-opt

                            • 絵文字の文字列操作: '👨🏻‍💻'.replace('💻', '🏫') === '👨🏻‍🏫' - Qiita

                              Unicodeの絵文字の文字列操作は興味深い。 前提知識 「👨‍👩‍👧‍👦」という絵文字は、そういう1文字(コードポイント)が存在するわけではない。 「👨‍👩‍👧‍👦」は「👨」「👩」「👧」「👦」という4つの絵文字とZero Width Joiner(U+200D)という文字の組み合わせのデータで表現される: console.log( '👨' + '\u{200D}' + '👩' + '\u{200D}' + '👧' + '\u{200D}' + '👦' ) //=> 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 上記のとおり、「👨‍👩‍👧‍👦」はデータとしては7文字なのだが、表示上1文字分の幅になっているだけなのである。 ちなみにJavaScriptのfor ... ofは文字列をコードポイントごとにループできるので、「👨‍👩‍👧‍👦」をforで回すと構成文字に分

                                絵文字の文字列操作: '👨🏻‍💻'.replace('💻', '🏫') === '👨🏻‍🏫' - Qiita
                              • It’s High Time to Replace JPEG With a Next-Generation Image Codec

                                I can be quite passionate about image codecs. A “codec battle” is brewing, and I’m not the only one to have opinions about that. Obviously, as the chair of the JPEG XL ad hoc group in the JPEG Committee, I’m firmly in the camp of the codec I’ve been working on for years. Here in this post, however, I’ll strive to be fair and neutral. The objective is clear: dethroning JPEG, the wise old Grandmaste

                                  It’s High Time to Replace JPEG With a Next-Generation Image Codec
                                • Why M1 Pro could replace you Google Colab: M1 Pro vs P80 (Colab) and P100 (Kaggle)

                                  Since Apple’s introduction of M1 chip in 2020 I was primarily interested in its usage for ML training. Though, then it was only about inference with Neural Engine. However, after the announcement of the new M1 Pro/Max sillicons and the release of PluggableDevice for Tensorflow, it became possible to train models using the GPU. Comparisons of the maxed-out M1 Max with top-end GPU models are already

                                    Why M1 Pro could replace you Google Colab: M1 Pro vs P80 (Colab) and P100 (Kaggle)
                                  • Amazon EC2 enables easier patching of guest operating system and applications with Replace Root Volume

                                    Starting today, Amazon EC2 supports the replacement of instance root volume using an updated AMI without requiring customers to stop their instance. This allows customers to easily update their applications and guest operating system, while retaining the instance store data, networking and IAM configuration. Customers can use the feature to patch their software quickly without having to incur the

                                      Amazon EC2 enables easier patching of guest operating system and applications with Replace Root Volume
                                    • 【Go】go.modのreplaceでローカルのモジュールを参照する | ビジネスとIT活用に役立つ情報(株式会社アーティス)

                                      goで複数のモジュールを組み合わせて機能を実装する場合にgo.modでモジュールをimportして使うのですが、importしたモジュール側に実際にどんな値が渡されてきているのかを調べたい場合にモジュールにデバッグコードを追加してpushし、利用側で変更したモジュールを更新する必要があります。 1回で済めばいいのですがそういうわけにもいかずかなり手間がかかってしまいます。 また、自分で作ったモジュールであればpush可能ですが、そうでない場合も多いかと思います。 そこでgo.modのreplaceを使ってgithubからimportするのではなくローカルのモジュールをimportする方法をご紹介します。

                                        【Go】go.modのreplaceでローカルのモジュールを参照する | ビジネスとIT活用に役立つ情報(株式会社アーティス)
                                      • GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references

                                        The code-hosting portal is just the latest in a long line of tech companies and open source projects that have expressed support for removing terms that may be offensive to developers in the black community. This includes dropping terms like "master" and "slave" for alternatives like "main/default/primary" and "secondary;" but also terms like "blacklist" and "whitelist" for "allow list" and "deny/

                                          GitHub to replace "master" with alternative term to avoid slavery references
                                        • GitHub - locaal-ai/obs-backgroundremoval: An OBS plugin for removing background in portrait images (video), making it easy to replace the background when recording or streaming.

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                                            GitHub - locaal-ai/obs-backgroundremoval: An OBS plugin for removing background in portrait images (video), making it easy to replace the background when recording or streaming.
                                          • Replace Cognito Hosted UI

                                            Cognito Hosted UIAmazon Cognito offers a user directory that scales to millions of users at an incredible competitive price. We’ve been using Cognito for the last couple of years and love its simplicity, robustness and pre-integration with other AWS services. Cognito comes with a built-in web UI. In combination with the Amplify SDK, this makes adding an authorization experience to any web app triv

                                              Replace Cognito Hosted UI
                                            • JavaScript | replace()で複数の文字列を全て置き換える方法 | 1 NOTES

                                              JavaScriptのreplace()で複数の文字または文字列を全て一括で置き換える方法の紹介です。 指定の文字列をひとつ置き換える最初に見つかった指定文字列または文字をひとつだけ置き換える場合は正規表現を使わずに実装可能です。 サンプルでは最初に見つかった「aaa」だけが「ccc」に置き換えられていることが確認できます。 let text = `aaa aaa aaa`; text = text.replace('aaa', 'ccc'); //ccc aaa aaa指定の文字列を全て置き換える特定の文字列または文字を全て置き換えるには正規表現と正規表現の「gオプション」を使った実装方法が簡単です。 正規表現では「gオプション」を指定することで対象の文字が複数回含まれている場合、その全てを置き換える事が可能です。 let text = `aaa aaa aaa`; text = tex

                                              • The race to replace Redis [LWN.net]

                                                Binbin Zhu BinBin Wang, of Tencent, is responsible for nearly 25% of the commits to the project. Some of the contributors without a readily identifiable employer surely are Redis employees, but it's clear that the company has not been working alone. (Note that some single-digit contributors were omitted.) Changing distribution model So it should be apparent that code contribution is beside the poi

                                                • New Microsoft Edge to replace Microsoft Edge Legacy with April’s Windows 10 Update Tuesday release

                                                  Editor's note: This article was originally published on February 5, 2021. Editor’s note: This article was updated on March 24, 2021 to reflect new update timelines for specific versions of Windows 10. In August 2020, we announced that support for the Microsoft Edge Legacy desktop application  ends on March 9, 2021. After this date, Microsoft Edge Legacy will no longer receive security updates. To

                                                    New Microsoft Edge to replace Microsoft Edge Legacy with April’s Windows 10 Update Tuesday release
                                                  • Gundam and anime replace rampant politics in Japanese Twitter Trends

                                                      Gundam and anime replace rampant politics in Japanese Twitter Trends
                                                    • GitHub - dalance/amber: A code search / replace tool

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                                                        GitHub - dalance/amber: A code search / replace tool
                                                      • Can You Replace Your Laptop With Your Android Phone?

                                                        Turn your phone into a productivity powerhouse with these accessories, apps, and services. As mobile technology evolves every year, our smartphones' computing power is exponentially growing. The most powerful Snapdragon chipsets have comparable processing power versus Intel's i5 chips. As such, it's not a far-fetched idea to use our Android phones like portable computers. In fact, Samsung has laun

                                                          Can You Replace Your Laptop With Your Android Phone?
                                                        • Can ChatGPT Replace UX Researchers?An Empirical Analysis of Comment Classifications – MeasuringU

                                                          ChatGPT. A sequence of letters that didn’t mean much to people a few months ago is now ubiquitous. It seems like every social media post mentions ChatGPT (especially the latest version, 4) and hypes it as a game changer. It’s been used to quickly summarize text, do homework, pass the bar exam, and code the game Duck Hunt from scratch. It’s been included as a feature in some UX software, and some h

                                                          • Net Zero Bombshell: The World Does Not Have Enough Lithium and Cobalt to Replace All Batteries Every 10 Years – Finnish Government Report – The Daily Sceptic

                                                            Net Zero Bombshell: The World Does Not Have Enough Lithium and Cobalt to Replace All Batteries Every 10 Years – Finnish Government Report Influential elites are either in denial about the horrifying costs and consequences of Net Zero – witness last Wednesday’s substantial vote against fracking British gas in the House of Commons – or busy scooping up the almost unlimited amounts of money currently

                                                              Net Zero Bombshell: The World Does Not Have Enough Lithium and Cobalt to Replace All Batteries Every 10 Years – Finnish Government Report – The Daily Sceptic
                                                            • Replace Webpacker with importmapped Hotwire as default JavaScript setup by dhh · Pull Request #42999 · rails/rails

                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                Replace Webpacker with importmapped Hotwire as default JavaScript setup by dhh · Pull Request #42999 · rails/rails
                                                              • GitHub - wirekang/mouseable: 'Mouseable' is intended to replace a mouse or trackpad.

                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                  GitHub - wirekang/mouseable: 'Mouseable' is intended to replace a mouse or trackpad.
                                                                • Microsoft lays off journalists to replace them with AI

                                                                  Microsoft is laying off dozens of journalists and editorial workers at its Microsoft News and MSN organizations. The layoffs are part of a bigger push by Microsoft to rely on artificial intelligence to pick news and content that’s presented on MSN.com, inside Microsoft’s Edge browser, and in the company’s various Microsoft News apps. Many of the affected workers are part of Microsoft’s SANE (searc

                                                                    Microsoft lays off journalists to replace them with AI
                                                                  • Deno: Will It Replace Node.JS?

                                                                    A decade after Node.js was first announced, JavaScript and the web platform have evolved, and TypeScript has changed the way JS applications are developed. Deno is a new JavaScript/TypeScript runtime that was designed with all those new capabilities in mind. EVENT: dotJS 2019 SPEAKER: Bert Belder PUBLICATION PERMISSIONS: Original video was published with the Creative Commons Attribution license

                                                                      Deno: Will It Replace Node.JS?
                                                                    • Replace JavaScript Dialogs With New HTML Dialog | CSS-Tricks

                                                                      You know how there are JavaScript dialogs for alerting, confirming, and prompting user actions? Say you want to replace JavaScript dialogs with the new HTML dialog element. Let me explain. I recently worked on a project with a lot of API calls and user feedback gathered with JavaScript dialogs. While I was waiting for another developer to code the <Modal /> component, I used alert(), confirm() and

                                                                        Replace JavaScript Dialogs With New HTML Dialog | CSS-Tricks
                                                                      • China's "New IP" proposal to replace TCP/IP has a built in "shut up command" for censorship

                                                                        China’s “New IP” proposal to replace TCP/IP has a built in “shut up command” for censorship The Chinese government and the Chinese telecommunications companies such as Huawei under its control are proposing a “New IP” addressing system for the internet to replace TCP/IP. The New IP system includes top-down checks and balances and such features as a “shut up command” that would allow a central cont

                                                                          China's "New IP" proposal to replace TCP/IP has a built in "shut up command" for censorship
                                                                        • Is It Time to Replace Your Physical Wallet With Apple Wallet?

                                                                          With major aspects of our lives transitioning into a virtual world, it's not surprising that our wallets can potentially be replaced by our smartphones, too. Apple announced some new significant features at WWDC21 for it's digital wallet, Apple Wallet. The Apple Wallet now has almost every feature you'd need in a physical wallet, along with multiple additional ones unachievable with a physical wal

                                                                            Is It Time to Replace Your Physical Wallet With Apple Wallet?
                                                                          • JavaScriptのreplace関数を使って文字列の置換をしてみよう - TECH PLAY Magazine

                                                                            プログラミングをしていると「改行コードを一括でHTMLの<br>に置き換えたい」といった場面がよくあります。JavaScriptで文字列を置換するにはどうすれば良いでしょうか?JavaScriptに用意されているreplace関数を使いこなすことで、文字列を容易に置換することができます。何かと役に立つJavaScriptのreplace関数と様々な置換の方法を解説します。 文字列を置換するための関数は多くのプログラミング言語に標準で用意されています。JavaScriptで文字列を置き換えるにはどうすれば良いでしょうか? まず、JavaScriptのreplace関数について解説します。その後、正規表現での置換など様々な置換の方法を実際のサンプルコードで解説します。JavaScriptのreplace関数を活用して文字列の置換を行ってみましょう。 JavaScriptの文字列置換関数:rep

                                                                              JavaScriptのreplace関数を使って文字列の置換をしてみよう - TECH PLAY Magazine
                                                                            • 2021-09-07のJS: Electron 14.0.0、node-fetch 3.0.0、replace-jquery

                                                                              JSer.info #556 - Electron 14.0.0がリリースされました。 Electron 14.0.0 | Electron Blog 依存がそれぞれChromium 93、Node.js 14.17.0、V8 9.3へとアップデートされています。 破壊的な変更としてapp.allowRendererProcessReuseオプションの削除、worldSafeExecuteJavaScriptオプションを削除(trueがデフォルト)されています。 また、Electron 12でDeprecatedとなっていたremoteモジュールを削除し、@electron/remoteという外部モジュールへと変更されています。 RendererとMain(Node.js)のやり取りには、基本的にはcontextBridgeを使っていく方向になっています。 Electron(v.14.0.

                                                                                2021-09-07のJS: Electron 14.0.0、node-fetch 3.0.0、replace-jquery
                                                                              • シェルスクリプトで文字列を置換するreplace_all関数を作りました(実はコーディングスタイルの解説) - Qiita

                                                                                はじめに タイトルのとおりですがシェルスクリプトで文字列を置換する replace_all 関数を作りました。一応テストはしているのですがまだ実戦投入はしていません。もしかしたら仕様変更するかもしれないしバグもあるかもしれませんありました、後日修正しますが、関数だけでも十分利用価値がある(例えば HTML エスケープなどもこの関数を使えばシェル依存することなく簡単に実装することができるはずです。)のと、これを題材に私のコーディングスタイルの解説をするのにちょうど良さそうだと思ったので記事として公開します。 ちなみに実は同等の関数は以前に作成しているのですが、今とコーディングスタイルが異なってるのと当時はいきあたりばったりで実装していたので再実装しています。近いうちに今使っている実装と置き換える予定ですがまだ十分テストが出来ていません。(Linux以外のOSでクリティカルな問題が発生しないこ

                                                                                  シェルスクリプトで文字列を置換するreplace_all関数を作りました(実はコーディングスタイルの解説) - Qiita
                                                                                • React Hooks vs. Redux: Do Hooks and Context replace Redux? - LogRocket Blog

                                                                                  Editor’s note: This Redux vs. React Hooks comparison article was last updated on 23 June 2023 to consider how effective the React Redux Toolkit is for state management. Read more about Redux Toolkit here. Redux Toolkit simplifies the use of Redux in our application. However, by using the React Context API, in addition to the useContext and useReducer Hooks, which were introduced in React v16.8, we

                                                                                    React Hooks vs. Redux: Do Hooks and Context replace Redux? - LogRocket Blog
