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361 - 400 件 / 3077件

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  • Manage Kubernetes Clusters on AWS Using Kops | Amazon Web Services

    AWS Compute Blog Manage Kubernetes Clusters on AWS Using Kops Any containerized application typically consists of multiple containers. There are containers for the application itself, a database, possibly a web server, and so on. During development, it’s normal to build and test this multi-container application on a single host. This approach works fine during early dev and test cycles but becomes

      Manage Kubernetes Clusters on AWS Using Kops | Amazon Web Services
    • SQLite on Rails | Fractaled Mind

      Over the last year or so, I have found myself on a journey to deeply understand how to run Rails applications backed by SQLite performantly and resiliently. In that time, I have learned various lessons that I want to share with you all now. I want to walk through where the problems lie, why they exist, and how to resolve them. And to start, we have to start with the reality that… Unfortunately, ru

      • United States Patent: 7650331

        Barroso, L.A., et al., "Web Search for a Planet: The Google Cluster Architecture," IEEE Micro, 23(2):22-28, Apr. 2003. cited by other . Ghemawat, S., et al., "The Google File System," 19th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pp. 29-43, Lake George, New York, 2003. cited by other . Rabin, M.O., "Efficient Dispersal of Information for Security, Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance," Journal of

        • Fundamental Specifications of Tokyo Cabinet Version 1 (Japanese)

          目次 はじめに 特徴 インストール ユーティリティAPI ハッシュデータベースAPI B+木データベースAPI 固定長データベースAPI テーブルデータベースAPI 抽象データベースAPI ちょっとしたコツ ファイルフォーマット よく聞かれる質問 ライセンス はじめに Tokyo Cabinetはデータベースを扱うルーチン群のライブラリです。データベースといっても単純なもので、キーと値のペアからなるレコード群を格納したデータファイルです。キーと値は任意の長さを持つ一連のバイト列であり、文字列でもバイナリでも扱うことができます。テーブルやデータ型の概念はありません。レコードはハッシュ表かB+木か固定長配列で編成されます。 ハッシュ表のデータベースでは、キーはデータベース内で一意であり、キーが重複する複数のレコードを格納することはできません。このデータベースに対しては、キーと値を指定してレコー

          • How I Hacked Amazon’s $5 WiFi Button to track Baby Data

            My son Everest, the project’s quality assurance engineer. He subjected the button to a rigorous drool test.New parents are constantly learning how to care for their growing and changing baby, but it can be a challenge because your baby can’t talk to you. Recording data helps you find patterns — even obvious ones — that you won’t notice on your own because of sleep deprivation. How many times did t

              How I Hacked Amazon’s $5 WiFi Button to track Baby Data
            • java.lang.refパッケージの活用

              わんくまでは珍しいJavaを中心とした日記です 目次 ホーム 連絡をする RSS Login Blog 利用状況 投稿数 - 218 記事 - 0 コメント - 14580 トラックバック - 28 書庫 2008年7月 (1) 2008年2月 (2) 2008年1月 (10) 2007年12月 (9) 2007年11月 (5) 2007年10月 (27) 2007年9月 (25) 2007年8月 (27) 2007年7月 (29) 2007年6月 (15) 2007年5月 (23) 2007年4月 (37) 2007年3月 (8) 日記カテゴリ Java (rss) JavaScript (rss) SQL (rss) WEB (rss) その他 (rss) いろいろリンク The Herringroe Projects(Javaで色々) わんくまトップ 古い方のブログ Javaには参照

              • komasafarina’s blog

                Words & Music by The Clash. (1981年発表) *1 (原題直訳 「ラジオ・クラッシュ」) 歌詞は、次のURLから、 http://www.elyrics.net/read/c/clash-lyrics/radio-clash-lyrics.html From The Clash compilation album, "Super Black Market Clash". *2 推奨アルバム度 ☆☆☆ アルバム「スーパー・ブラック・マーケット・クラッシュ」(クラッシュ)より 名曲度 ☆☆ 邦題 「レディオ・クラッシュ」(クラッシュ) This is Radio Clash こちら、ラジオ・クラッシュ Stealing all transmissions すべての送信を掠めとる Beaming from the mountaintop 山頂からビームを発して Us

                  komasafarina’s blog
                • Lessons from Building Observability Tools at Netflix

                  Our mission at Netflix is to deliver joy to our members by providing high-quality content, presented with a delightful experience. We are constantly innovating on our product at a rapid pace in pursuit of this mission. Our innovations span personalized title recommendations, infrastructure, and application features like downloading and customer profiles. Our growing global member base of 125 milli

                    Lessons from Building Observability Tools at Netflix
                  • Project 10 to the 100

                    Vote for the idea you believe will help the most people. Well, here we are. Last fall we launched Project 10^100, a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. Your response was overwhelming. Thousands of people from more than 170 countries submitted more than 150,000 (or around 10^5.2) ideas, from general investment suggestions to specific implementation proposals.

                    • シュガー・ベイブ - Wikipedia

                      山下達郎(ボーカル・ギター・キーボード・コーラス) 大貫妙子(ボーカル・キーボード・コーラス) 村松邦男(ボーカル・ギター・コーラス) 寺尾次郎(ベース・コーラス) 上原裕(ドラムス) (途中脱退者は#メンバーを参照) シュガー・ベイブ(SUGAR BABE)は、1973年から1976年まで活動していた日本のポップスバンド。 概略[編集] 1972年発売の自主制作盤「ADD SOME MUSIC TO YOUR DAY」の制作メンバーにより、1973年に結成されたインディーズ・バンドである。当時はまだ珍しかった、メジャー7thや分数コードなどのコードプログレッションを多用するほか、コーラスワークに重点を置いた音作り。当時はポップスミュージックがほとんど知られておらず[注 1]セールス的には低迷し、アンダーグラウンドな存在に留まっていた。 1976年に解散。活動当時は極めてマイナーなバンドで

                      • Waltz: A Distributed Write-Ahead Log

                        We are happy to announce the open source release of Waltz. Waltz is a distributed write-ahead log. It was initially designed to be the ledger of money transactions on the WePay system and was generalized for broader use cases of distributed systems that require serializable consistency. Waltz is similar to existing log systems like Kafka in that it accepts/persists/propagates transaction data prod

                        • GitHub - charlax/professional-programming: A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers

                          Table of Contents Professional Programming - about this list Principles Contributing to this list Must-read books Must-read articles Other general material and list of resources Books Articles Axioms Courses Topics Algorithm and data structures API design & development Attitude, habits, mindset Procrastination Authentication/authorization Automation Beyond software engineering & random Biases Busi

                            GitHub - charlax/professional-programming: A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers
                          • The Researcher's Bible

                            Alan Bundy, Ben du Boulay, Jim Howe and Gordon Plotkin 1985 Including contributions by Graeme Ritchie and Peter Ross. Thanks to Anna Chekovsky, who has made a Swedish translation of the Researcher's Bible, to Artem Delik, who has made a Bulgarian translation, and to Valeria Aleksandrova, who has made a Polish translation. This version: 9 November 2004. Abstract Getting a Ph.D. or M.Phil is hard wo

                            • Tkrzw: a set of implementations of DBM

                              In general, if you want a key-value storage with the highest performance, choosing the file hash database is recommended. If you need ordered access of records, choosing the file tree database is recommended. If you need scalability of ordered databases, choosing the file skip database is recommended. If you need extreme performance, the on-memory hash database and the on-memory tree database are

                              • Run native executable in Android App - namespace gimite

                                Demo † Here's demo application called "Run Native Exe" to: run local UNIX commands run native executable downloaded from the Web Package: NativeExe-0.2.apk Source code: on Github (ADT project) To install the package, Go to Settings→Application and check "Unknown sources" Open the package link above using Android Browser or type "adb install NativeExe?-*.apk" in your PC if you have Android SDK. ↑ H

                                • File Locking And Concurrency In SQLite Version 3

                                  An EXCLUSIVE lock is needed in order to write to the database file. Only one EXCLUSIVE lock is allowed on the file and no other locks of any kind are allowed to coexist with an EXCLUSIVE lock. In order to maximize concurrency, SQLite works to minimize the amount of time that EXCLUSIVE locks are held. The operating system interface layer understands and tracks all five locking states described abov

                                  • docker-elkを使って過去のCloudTrailのログをサクッと分析してみた | DevelopersIO

                                    CloudTrailのログを分析をする機会がありました。どうやって分析しようかなと考えていたところ、GitHubでdocker-elkを発見し、お手軽で便利だったので紹介させて頂きます。 こんにちは、佐伯です。CloudTrailのログを分析をする機会がありました。どうやって分析しようかなと考えていたところ、GitHubでdocker-elkを発見し、お手軽で便利だったので紹介させて頂きます。 環境 以下の環境で実施しています。 macOS High Sierra version 10.13.5 Docker CE for Mac version 18.03.1-ce-mac65 Docker Compose version 1.21.1 やってみた docker-elkのclone docker-elkをcloneします。 $ git clone git@github.com:devia

                                      docker-elkを使って過去のCloudTrailのログをサクッと分析してみた | DevelopersIO
                                    • Why are the Microsoft Office file formats so complicated? (And some workarounds)

                                      Last week, Microsoft published the binary file formats for Office. These formats appear to be almost completely insane. The Excel 97-2003 file format is a 349 page PDF file. But wait, that’s not all there is to it! This document includes the following interesting comment: Each Excel workbook is stored in a compound file. You see, Excel 97-2003 files are OLE compound documents, which are, essential

                                        Why are the Microsoft Office file formats so complicated? (And some workarounds)
                                      • Dependency Injection is EVIL

                                        Other questions about DI Dependency Injection breaks Encapsulation Comments on Disco with Design Patterns: A Fresh Look at Dependency Injection Criticisms by so-called "experts" A simplified definition Conclusion References Amendment History Comments Introduction Way back in 2004 I made the following observation: There are two ways in which an idea, principle or rule can be implemented - indiscrim

                                        • How to improve Python packaging, or why fourteen tools are at least tw

                                          There is an area of Python that many developers have problems with. This is an area that has seen many different solutions pop up over the years, with many different opinions, wars, and attempts to solve it. Many have complained about the packaging ecosystem and tools making their lives harder. Many beginners are confused about virtual environments. But does it have to be this way? Are the current

                                          • みんなでおすすめ洋楽を貼っていくスレ : いたしん!

                                            1:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2012/08/27(月) 20:15:02.82 ID:jEOzCpL80 Evanescence - My Immortal 2:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2012/08/27(月) 20:16:53.65 ID:CFvDYu27P 6:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2012/08/27(月) 20:19:20.32 ID:jEOzCpL80 The All-American Rejects - It Ends Tonight The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret 8:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします[]:2012/08/27(月) 20:20:40.88 ID:/nYjZlGx0 最近はこれ。アベンジャーーーーー

                                              みんなでおすすめ洋楽を貼っていくスレ : いたしん!
                                            • MapReduce - Wikipedia

                                              MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster.[1][2][3] A MapReduce program is composed of a map procedure, which performs filtering and sorting (such as sorting students by first name into queues, one queue for each name), and a reduce method, which performs a summary operation (suc

                                              • PageRank - Wikipedia

                                                A simple illustration of the Pagerank algorithm. The percentage shows the perceived importance, and the arrows represent hyperlinks. PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results. It is named after both the term "web page" and co-founder Larry Page. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. According to Google: PageRank w

                                                  PageRank - Wikipedia
                                                • Tips and Resources Designing Beautiful, Professional & Informational Infographics - 1stWebDesigner

                                                  Tips and Resources Designing Beautiful, Professional & Informational Infographics Infographics are graphic visual representations of data and information. They come in extremely handy when you need to explain complex information, numbers or data rather quickly and effectively. In this article, you’ll find some tips for designing quality infographics as well as some resources and inspiration. Table

                                                    Tips and Resources Designing Beautiful, Professional & Informational Infographics - 1stWebDesigner
                                                  • Phrasal Verbs List | Vocabulary | EnglishClub

                                                    200 common phrasal verbs, with - meaning - example sentence ask somebody out invite on a date Brian asked Judy out to dinner. ask around ask many people the same question I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet. add up to something equal Your purchases add up to $24. back something up reverse You'll have to back up your car so that I can get out. back somebody up support My wife backed me up

                                                      Phrasal Verbs List | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
                                                    • Best Practices for Amazon Redshift Spectrum | Amazon Web Services

                                                      AWS Big Data Blog Best Practices for Amazon Redshift Spectrum November 2022: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. Amazon Redshift Spectrum enables you to run Amazon Redshift SQL queries on data that is stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). With Amazon Redshift Spectrum, you can extend the analytic power of Amazon Redshift beyond the data that is stored natively in Amazon

                                                        Best Practices for Amazon Redshift Spectrum | Amazon Web Services
                                                      • DrumAndBass.cult.bg v3 - Forums - DJ Food-The History of the Cut-Up

                                                        DJ Food-The History of the Cut-Up Time for this to go up again, for those who may have missed it..... Everything Has To End...' "On January 18th 2004, Strictly Kev premiered the original 'Raiding The 20th Century' on XFM's 'The Remix' show in London. It was a 40 minute attempt to catalogue the history of cut up music - be it avant garde tape manipulation, turntable megamixes or bastard pop m

                                                        • Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space

                                                          This book gives an overview of the principles of Linked Data as well as the Web of Data that has emerged through the application of these principles. The book discusses patterns for publishing Linked Data, describes deployed Linked Data applications and examines their architecture. About the BookThe book is published by Morgan & Claypool in the series Synthesis Lectures on the Semantic Web: Theory

                                                          • MySQL Tips

                                                            Interesting Things to Know about MySQL Mike Chirico (mchirico@users.sourceforge.net) Copyright (c) 2004 (GNU Free Documentation License) Last Updated: Sun Jan 21 09:44:21 EST 2007 The latest version of this document can be found at: http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/readme_mysql.htm TIP 1: Find out who is doing what, and kill the process if needed. This example kills Id 657. mysql> show processlis

                                                            • Paradise Garage Classics 1976-1987

                                                              Related: Larry Levan - Paradise Garage Related: Top 1000 End of the Century Soul Classics 52nd Street - Cool As Ice 1983 52nd Street - Tell Me (How It Feels) (12") 1986 80's Ladies - Turned On To You 1981 Adele Bertei - Build Me A Bridge 1983 Adiche - Get Ready (12") 1985 Advance - Take Me To The Top 1983 Affinity - Don't Go Away 1983 Al Hudson - If You Feel Like Dancing 1977 Aleem - Confusion (12

                                                              • 外国特派員協会記者会見:冒頭発言全文 - 佐藤栄佐久 公式ブログ

                                                                4月18日に行われた外国特派員協会記者会見の冒頭発言全文を英訳含め掲載します。 (※取材掲載記事・出演スケジュールはこちらです(4/25更新)) --- 以前、福島県知事をしておりました、佐藤栄佐久と申します。 福島第一原発は、できてから今年でちょうど、40年になるところでした。 そのうち18年、約半分の期間、私は知事として、原発が次々巻き起こした問題に取り組みました。 わたくしは、今度の事件は、起こるべくして起きたものである、決して「想定外」ではなかったと、そう思っております。 なぜ、防げなかったのかについて、本日は述べようと思います。この先、日本は原子力発電についてどんな政策をもつべきか、それについてもお話します。 簡潔に述べまして、なるべく多くの質問を頂戴します。 それから、今日は原発のことしか話しません。もっと色々、私には話すことがあるのですが、それには、ざっと3時間半かかります。

                                                                • Big data - Wikipedia

                                                                  This article is about large collections of data. For the band, see Big Data (band). For the practice of buying and selling of personal and consumer data, see Surveillance capitalism. Non-linear growth of digital global information-storage capacity and the waning of analog storage[1] Big data primarily refers to data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing

                                                                    Big data - Wikipedia
                                                                  • F# Programming - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

                                                                    This section is suitable for complete beginners to F# and Functional Programming in general. Getting Set Up - Installing F# on Windows, Linux and Mac. Basic Concepts - A lightweight crash course in functional programming concepts. F# is a functional programming language. Not surprisingly, functions are a big part of the language, and mastering them is the first step to becoming an effective F# dev

                                                                    • The Personal Analytics of My Life—Stephen Wolfram Writings

                                                                      One day I’m sure everyone will routinely collect all sorts of data about themselves. But because I’ve been interested in data for a very long time, I started doing this long ago. I actually assumed lots of other people were doing it too, but apparently they were not. And so now I have what is probably one of the world’s largest collections of personal data. Every day—in an effort at “self awarenes

                                                                      • The Best Free Software 2008

                                                                        Note: We've just released our newest collection of the best free software—! Click on over for 173 other pieces of software to unlock the real potential of your PC…for free. We did the math: If you bought popular apps instead of trying their gratis counter-parts, at the manufacturers' list prices you'd be out $5,183 and change! Why spend money when you can get what you need for nothing? Sometimes,

                                                                          The Best Free Software 2008
                                                                        • Kevin Kelly - Scan This Book!

                                                                          Scan This Book! What will happen to books? Reader, take heart! Publisher, be very, very afraid. Internet search engines will set them free. A manifesto. New York Times Magazine Sunday, May 14, 2006 In several dozen nondescript office buildings around the world, thousands of hourly workers bend over table-top scanners and haul dusty books into high-tech scanning booths. They are assembling the univ

                                                                          • 石鹸屋とは (セッケンヤとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科

                                                                            石鹸屋単語 セッケンヤ 1.5万文字の記事 12 0pt ほめる 掲示板へ 記事編集 楽曲の特徴メンバー一覧ディスコグラフィCDに収録されていない主な楽曲 関連動画関連商品関連チャンネル関連生放送関連タグ関連項目関連リンク掲示板石鹸屋とは、 hellnianが管理人のこのサイト及び創作活動を主にしたサークル名。 バンド名だったりもします。 音楽は大体バンドでやってます。 ※石鹸は取り扱っておりません。 (石鹸屋ホームページより) \石鹸屋/\石鹸屋/\射命丸/\石鹸屋/ ↑コマンドはshita必須です。 ちなみに歌舞伎で客席から「○○屋」等とと叫ぶ人を「大向こう(おおむこう)」と言う。 でもあんまりやるとウザがられるから注意しましょうね。 落ちない、溶けない、泡立たない。 ちなみに、白い色の固形物を売っている店のことを「石鹸屋」と言うがこれは同名の別物である。 上記の通り石鹸は取り扱ってい

                                                                              石鹸屋とは (セッケンヤとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科
                                                                            • Using Redis as a Secondary Index for MySQL | code.flickr.com

                                                                              Hey, did you notice, on the brand-spanking-new Yahoo homepage, right there on the side of the page, it’s photos from your Flickr contacts (or maybe your groups)! No? Go check it out, I’ll wait. Ok, great, you’re back! What you should have seen, assuming you have Flickr contacts (or are a member of some groups), is photos from your most recently active contact (or group!). Something like… this: (th

                                                                              • The Runtime Performance Checklist

                                                                                Paul Lewis (@aerotwist) works on the Google Chrome team as a Developer Advocate. He spends his days profiling runtime performance issues, and helping developers to build faster sites and apps. Do not be fooled by his extreme baldness; it's a solar panel for his cunning and guile. Most performance advice today centers around Page Load Time (PLT) and this is, of course, critically important to succe

                                                                                  The Runtime Performance Checklist
                                                                                • wg-serverless/README.md at master · cncf/wg-serverless · GitHub

                                                                                  Dismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 28 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Sign up CNCF Serverless Whitepaper v1.0 The current PDF version of the whitepaper can be found here. This paper describes a new model of cloud native computing enabled by emerging "serverless" architectures and their supporting platforms. It

                                                                                    wg-serverless/README.md at master · cncf/wg-serverless · GitHub