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  • Anthropicの創業者であるダリオ氏の、AIが進化した世界の未来予想を読んでる

    https://darioamodei.com/machines-of-loving-grace ・Behavioral interventions. I haven’t much mentioned it given the focus on the biological side of neuroscience, but psychiatry and psychology have of course developed a wide repertoire of behavioral interventions over the 20th century; it stands to reason that AI could accelerate these as well, both the development of new methods and helping patients

    • Trace-based Testing the OpenTelemetry Demo

      With contributions from Adnan Rahić and Ken Hamric. The OpenTelemetry Demo is a system that simulates a Telescope Shop, consisting of multiple microservices written in different languages, each handling a specific capability of this distributed system. Its purpose is to demonstrate how OpenTelemetry tools and SDKs can be used in an application to obtain telemetry for monitoring results and even to

        Trace-based Testing the OpenTelemetry Demo
      • What happened to Vivaldi Social? | Thomas Pike’s other blog

        On Saturday 8 July 2023, user accounts started disappearing from the Vivaldi Social Mastodon instance. What was going on, how did this happen, and what were the consequences? This is a very long blog post, but to be fair, this was also to be a very long weekend. If you want to skip to the conclusion, there’s a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) section at the end. Something’s not right It was around 17

          What happened to Vivaldi Social? | Thomas Pike’s other blog
        • Vue 3 was a mistake that we should not repeat

          More than 4 years have passed since the initial introduction of Vue 3. Many discussions over several RFCs and a lot of influence from other modern frameworks including React and Svelte have shaped Vue to become probably the most powerful and well-rounded framework out there, capable of progressively supporting applications of any scale and architecture. Sounds exciting, right? Well, the truth is f

            Vue 3 was a mistake that we should not repeat
          • GitOps for Kubernetes | Caylent

            Cloud-native applications are dominating the market with their improved performance and high efficiency. While there are more resources to support cloud-native applications running as microservices, managing complex cloud architecture is still a challenge. The more microservices you run, the more tasks you will have to deal with in order to keep the cloud environment healthy and running smoothly.

              GitOps for Kubernetes | Caylent
            • トクバイApp for Androidに「in-app updates」を導入した話 - ロコガイド テックブログ

              こんにちは!! おトクな買い物情報アプリ「トクバイ」のAndroidエンジニアをしている横山です。 リモートワークの利点を最大限生かし、寝巻き姿のままブログを書いてます😪 ... in-app updates API を導入しよう 最近のトクバイアプリAndroid版のアップデート機能として、「in-app updates」をリリースしました。 in-app updates(API)はPlay Core Libraryに含まれている拡張機能で 旧バージョンのアプリを利用しているユーザーに対し、最新バージョンへのアップデートを促し、アプリ内でアップデート処理を実行する機能を提供するAPIです。 トクバイでは、旧バージョンのアプリを利用しているユーザーから不具合のお問い合わせを頂いた際、 不具合の内容にもよりますが、はじめに最新バージョンへのアップデートをお願いしています。 アプリを安定的に

                トクバイApp for Androidに「in-app updates」を導入した話 - ロコガイド テックブログ
              • Introducing pg_karnak: Transactional schema migration across tenant databases

                Introducing pg_karnak: Transactional schema migration across tenant databases When we need to describe Nile in a single sentence, we say "PostgreSQL re-engineered for multi-tenant apps". By multi-tenant apps, we mean applications like Stripe, Figma, Twilio, Notion, Workday, and Gusto - here a large number of customers is served from a shared application stack. In these types of applications, a key

                  Introducing pg_karnak: Transactional schema migration across tenant databases
                • GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate!

                  EnterpriseGitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate!Today, we’re making GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate. Announced in the GitHub Universe Keynote, it’s the biggest ever change to Enterprise Server, bringing customers: Actions -… Today, we’re making GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate. Announced in the GitHub Universe Keyno

                    GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 available as a release candidate!
                  • Tips for optimizing Docker builds

                    Docker images are the blueprints for containers, providing the instructions for how a container is spawned. They are used as the primary image in the Docker executor. This post will highlight some expert tips that can help you optimize Docker image development and the build process. How do you build a Docker image? The Docker build process is triggered by using the Docker CLI tool to run the docke

                      Tips for optimizing Docker builds
                    • Next.js, cache, and chains: the stale elixir

                      IntroductionSome time after publishing my previous research on Next.js, I was left with a feeling of unfinished business. That work had sparked my curiosity, and I sensed that this framework still had more secrets to unveil. So, I grabbed my pickaxe once more and delved back into the depths of its source code. It turned out to be a good decision. The findings from this new research have had a sign

                      • Reverse Engineering iOS 18 Inactivity Reboot

                        Reverse Engineering iOS 18 Inactivity RebootiOS 18 introduced a new inactivity reboot security feature. What does it protect from and how does it work? This blog post covers all the details down to a kernel extension and the Secure Enclave Processor.Security Before First Unlock / After First UnlockDid you know that entering your passcode for the first time after your phone starts is something very

                          Reverse Engineering iOS 18 Inactivity Reboot
                        • 第673回 カーネルのクラッシュ情報を取得する | gihyo.jp

                          Linuxカーネルも人類が生み出したものである以上、既知であれ未知であれなんらかの不具合を抱えています。そしてそれは「都合の悪い時」に限って顕在するものです。今回は「やたらとカーネルがフリーズする」不幸な星のもとに生まれた人に向けて、カーネルがクラッシュしたときのデバッグ方法を紹介しましょう。 カーネルだってつらいときはあるんです Linuxカーネルには「クラッシュダンプ」と呼ばれる仕組みが存在します。これはカーネルがどうしようもない自体に陥ったとき(=panicしたとき⁠)⁠、システムを再起動する前に障害収集用のシステムを起動し、現象発生直後のカーネルのメモリーをストレージに保存する機能です。これを使えば、panic時の原因を追求することが可能です[1]⁠。 UbuntuをはじめとするLinuxディストリビューションにとって、Linuxカーネルはまさに「縁の下の力持ち」と言える存在です。

                            第673回 カーネルのクラッシュ情報を取得する | gihyo.jp
                          • How to Bypass Cloudflare in 2023: The 8 Best Methods - ZenRows

                            About 1/5 of websites you need to scrape use Cloudflare, a hardcore anti-bot protection system that gets you blocked easily. So what can you do? 😥 We spent a million dollars figuring out how to bypass Cloudflare in 2023 so that you don't have to and wrote the most complete guide (you're reading it!). These are some of the techniques you'll get home today: Method 1: Get around Cloudflare CDN. Meth

                              How to Bypass Cloudflare in 2023: The 8 Best Methods - ZenRows
                            • 最大規模の太陽フレアが爆発した影響で日本・アメリカ・イタリア・メキシコなどさまざまな国で見られたオーロラまとめ

                              およそ11年の周期を持つ太陽の活動が、2024年でちょうど極大期を迎えており、太陽から放出される太陽風の量が例年よりも増加し、太陽嵐が発生しています。この影響で、通常であれば極地でしか発生しないオーロラが日本を含めた比較的低緯度の地域でも観察されています。 CME impact imminent, Two more earth-directed CMEs | SpaceWeatherLive.com https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/news/view/533/20240510-cme-impact-imminent-two-more-earth-directed-cmes.html 2024年5月10日にNASAの太陽観測衛星であるソーラー・ダイナミクス・オブザーバトリーが撮影した太陽フレア。このフレアはX3.9クラスのフレアとして分類され、これまで

                              • Terraform version 1.2新機能まとめ | DevelopersIO

                                Terraformのversion 1.2.0が 2022/05/18にGAになりました。主要な変更点を見ていきます。 preconditionとpostcondition こちらについては切り出して別エントリにしていますので、以下をご覧ください。 Non-Interactive Terraform Cloud CI Operations Terraform v1.1 より cloud blockが追加されて、Terraform CloudをCLI-driven workflowsで使う場合、従来の backend "remote" の書き方が非推奨になりこのcloud blockの利用が推奨されるようになりました。 今回のアップデートで、Terraform CloudのCLI-driven workflowsで利用できる2つの環境変数が追加されました。またTF_WORKSPACE環境変数

                                  Terraform version 1.2新機能まとめ | DevelopersIO
                                • Dario Amodei — Machines of Loving Grace

                                  Machines of Loving Grace1 How AI Could Transform the World for the Better October 2024 I think and talk a lot about the risks of powerful AI. The company I’m the CEO of, Anthropic, does a lot of research on how to reduce these risks. Because of this, people sometimes draw the conclusion that I’m a pessimist or “doomer” who thinks AI will be mostly bad or dangerous. I don’t think that at all. In fa

                                    Dario Amodei — Machines of Loving Grace
                                  • Privilege escalation with polkit: How to get root on Linux with a seven-year-old bug

                                    About polkit polkit is the system service that’s running under the hood when you see a dialog box like the one below: It essentially plays the role of a judge. If you want to do something that requires higher privileges—for example, creating a new user account—then it’s polkit’s job to decide whether or not you’re allowed to do it. For some requests, polkit will make an instant decision to allow o

                                      Privilege escalation with polkit: How to get root on Linux with a seven-year-old bug
                                    • How does Sidekiq really work?

                                      Since its publication, this post was endorsed by Mike Perham, the creator of Sidekiq. Hacker News discussion Sidekiq is one of the most ubiquitous1 Ruby background job processors out there. To anybody who has worked with Ruby on and off Rails, it needs no introduction. Sidekiq has a 10+ year track record of being an efficient, battle-tested and simple-to-use solution for offloading the execution o

                                      • Actions Runner Controller Deep Dive!- コード解説 後編 - - APC 技術ブログ

                                        こんにちは!ACS事業部の谷合です。 皆大好きGitHub Actionsにおける、GitHub社公式のSelf-hosted runnerであるActions Runner Controller(以降ARC)の紹介をシリーズでお送りしております。 前回までに以下の記事を書いておりました。 Actions Runner Controller Deep Dive!- アーキテクチャ編 - - APC 技術ブログ Actions Runner Controller Deep Dive!- 動作解説編 - - APC 技術ブログ Actions Runner Controller Deep Dive!- コード解説 前編 - - APC 技術ブログ 前回に引き続き、Actions Runner Controllerのコード解説をしていきます。 はじめに この記事のこと コード解説 AutoSca

                                          Actions Runner Controller Deep Dive!- コード解説 後編 - - APC 技術ブログ
                                        • Visual Studio Code July 2022

                                          July 2022 (version 1.70) Update 1.70.1: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.2: The update addresses these issues. Update 1.70.3: This update is only available for Windows 7 users and is the last release supporting Windows 7. Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap Welcome to the July 2022 release of Visual Studio Code. There are man

                                            Visual Studio Code July 2022
                                          • How to safely use GitHub Actions in organizations - Human Who Codes

                                            GitHub Actions1 are programs designed to run inside of workflows2, triggered by specific events inside a GitHub repository. To date, people use GitHub Actions to do things like run continuous integration (CI) tests, publish releases, respond to issues, and more. Because the workflows are executed inside a fresh virtual machine that is deleted after the workflow completes, there isn’t much risk of

                                            • James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution

                                              James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution In an extraordinary condemnation, the former defense secretary backs protesters and says the president is trying to turn Americans against one another. James Mattis, the esteemed Marine general who resigned as secretary of defense in December 2018 to protest Donald Trump’s Syria policy, has, ever since, kept stud

                                                James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution
                                              • Appleのプライバシー強化で開発者や広告主の収益が15~20%減ったことが判明

                                                賛否両論を呼ぶAppleのプライバシー強化機能「App Tracking Transparency(ATT)」の影響で、iOS向けに広告を表示する広告主やアプリ開発者の収益が、15~20%減少したことが報じられています。ATTはまだ完全に有効になったわけではないため、今後はこれ以上の影響が現れると考えられています。 Brian Bowman: Apple's IDFA change has triggered 15% to 20% revenue drops for iOS developers | VentureBeat https://venturebeat.com/2021/07/13/brian-bowman-apples-idfa-change-has-triggered-15-to-20-revenue-drops-for-ios-developers/ App Trackin

                                                • 14 Linting Rules To Help You Write Asynchronous Code in JavaScript

                                                  Debugging asynchronous code in JavaScript can feel like navigating a minefield at times. You don't know when and where the console.logs will print out, and you have no idea how your code is executed. It's hard to correctly structure async code so it executes in the right order as you intend it to. Wouldn't it be nice if you had some guidance while writing asynchronous code, and to get a helpful me

                                                    14 Linting Rules To Help You Write Asynchronous Code in JavaScript
                                                  • Mount Ida─イーデーの山(少年パリスはまだ羊飼いをしている)撤去問題について

                                                    Mount Ida─イーデーの山(少年パリスはまだ羊飼いをしている)について 岡﨑 乾二郎 2022年6月、ファーレ立川(東京都立川市曙町)立川高島屋に設置されていた、岡﨑 乾二郎彫刻作品「Mount Ida─イーデーの⼭(少年パリスはまだ⽺飼いをしている)」が2023年2月に撤去されるという計画が作者(岡﨑 乾⼆郎)に知らされました。計画の詳細は不明のまま、作者への提示も延期されてきました。このサイトはその経緯を掲載していましたが、高島屋S.C.は2023年1月17日に「移設・撤去含まず作品保存の方向で計画を見直す」方向であることを広報しました。詳細はまだ提示されておらず不明の点もありますが、高島屋S.C.の今回の決断を尊重し、経緯の掲載を取りやめます。高島屋S.C.のご賢慮と、この期間に発信された多くの方の意見、議論に感謝いたします。 In June 2022, Okazaki Ken

                                                      Mount Ida─イーデーの山(少年パリスはまだ羊飼いをしている)撤去問題について
                                                    • jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data

                                                      jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data The trojanized jQuery attack has been spread on npm, GitHub and elsewhere since May. A trojanized version of jQuery has been spreading on the npm JavaScript package manager, GitHub and elsewhere, for use in a jQuery attack, security researchers have discovered. Phylum researchers said they have been monitoring the “persistent supply chai

                                                        jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data
                                                      • LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: [PATCH 00/13] [RFC] Rust support

                                                        On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 11:46 AM <ojeda@kernel.org> wrote: > > Some of you have noticed the past few weeks and months that > a serious attempt to bring a second language to the kernel was > being forged. We are finally here, with an RFC that adds support > for Rust to the Linux kernel. So I replied with my reactions to a couple of the individual patches, but on the whole I don't hate it. HOWEVER.

                                                        • Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024

                                                          Cloudflare incident on June 27, 20242024-07-04 On June 27, 2024, a small number of users globally may have noticed that was unreachable or degraded. The root cause was a mix of BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) hijacking and a route leak. Cloudflare was an early adopter of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for route origin validation (ROV). With RPKI, IP prefix owners can store

                                                            Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024
                                                          • ローリング女史のブログの最新記事 翻訳 - Privatter

                                                            原文 https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ Disclaimer ソースを検索しやすいように個人名や団体名は原文表記のまま残しました 用語の使い間違いや訳し間違い、もしくは特定の人を傷つけるような誤訳があったらあらかじめお詫び申し上げます 大意を優先しての粗訳ですし、正確性は一切保証できないので、これ自体を参照せずに絶対に原文ソースをあたってください 自分で考えるためにとりあえず起こした初稿なので無断で手直しすると思います(ここまで訳者注) *** 読めばすぐにわかるように、これは簡単に書けるような話ではないけれど、今回の有害にまみれてしまった問題について私自身が説明するときだというのはわかっている。

                                                              ローリング女史のブログの最新記事 翻訳 - Privatter
                                                            • 5歳娘、神経節腫(良性腫瘍)が見つかり手術しました。【きっかけ】 - 広く浅くまるく

                                                              娘5歳、この度病気が見つかり、あれよあれよという間に検査、検査。 からの入院、手術… そんな数ヶ月を過ごしておりました。 見つかったのは「神経節腫」という「良性の腫瘍」でした。 一時は小児がんも疑われ、文字通り目の前が真っ暗になりました。 今は手術も無事に終わり元気に暮らしています。 病気に気づけたのはずっと続いていた娘からの腹痛の訴え 夫が小児科に一度連れて行ってみてはどうか?と言い出したのが病気発見のきっかけに かかりつけの小児科でお腹の腫瘍が発見される 1週間後、大きい病院へ紹介される 大きい病院でCT検査をする 腫瘍であることに間違いはなく、小児外科へ紹介される 生きた心地のしなかった数週間を過ごした 病気に気づけたのはずっと続いていた娘からの腹痛の訴え 娘は時々「お腹痛い…」と言っていました。 幼稚園や自宅での食中、食後によく言ってました。 熱もないし、食べている時以外はすこぶる

                                                                5歳娘、神経節腫(良性腫瘍)が見つかり手術しました。【きっかけ】 - 広く浅くまるく
                                                              • Doug Madory on Twitter: "Island nation of #Tonga is completely offline following a #tsunami triggered by a massive volcanic eruption in the… https://t.co/w8QjfMQUbd"

                                                                Island nation of #Tonga is completely offline following a #tsunami triggered by a massive volcanic eruption in the… https://t.co/w8QjfMQUbd

                                                                  Doug Madory on Twitter: "Island nation of #Tonga is completely offline following a #tsunami triggered by a massive volcanic eruption in the… https://t.co/w8QjfMQUbd"
                                                                • Wasm core dumps and debugging Rust in Cloudflare Workers

                                                                  Wasm core dumps and debugging Rust in Cloudflare Workers2023-08-14 A clear sign of maturing for any new programming language or environment is how easy and efficient debugging them is. Programming, like any other complex task, involves various challenges and potential pitfalls. Logic errors, off-by-ones, null pointer dereferences, and memory leaks are some examples of things that can make software

                                                                    Wasm core dumps and debugging Rust in Cloudflare Workers
                                                                  • Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 1

                                                                    I was recently made maintainer of the json gem, and aside from fixing some old bugs, I focused quite a bit on its performance, so that it is now the fastest JSON parser and generator for Ruby on most benchmarks. Contrary to what one might think, there wasn’t any black magic or deep knowledge involved. Most of the performance patches I applied were fairly simple optimizations driven by profiling. A

                                                                    • What a century of earthquakes has taught Japan

                                                                      A powerful earthquake on New Year's Day 2024 toppled houses in central Japan It's been nearly 13 years since the devastating earthquake and tsunami that triggered an accident at a nuclear plant in Fukushima. But memories in Japan are still fresh. And on Monday, all of them will have been brought back in to focus as the shaking began in Ishikawa and the tsunami alarms began sounding.

                                                                        What a century of earthquakes has taught Japan
                                                                      • Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App

                                                                        Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js AppJanuary 12th, 2023 — 15 min read A few months ago, I wrote about my migration from Postgres to SQLite. I ended that with a "to be continued" because I had a number of issues related to memory and CPU spikes that I couldn't really explain. For a while I thought it was bugs in LiteFS (which I'm using to get distributed SQLite for my distributed node ap

                                                                          Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App
                                                                        • The OpenSSL punycode vulnerability (CVE-2022-3602): Overview, detection, exploitation, and remediation | Datadog Security Labs

                                                                          emerging vulnerabilities The OpenSSL punycode vulnerability (CVE-2022-3602): Overview, detection, exploitation, and remediation November 1, 2022 emerging vulnerability On November 1, 2022, the OpenSSL Project released a security advisory detailing a high-severity vulnerability in the OpenSSL library. Deployments of OpenSSL from 3.0.0 to 3.0.6 (included) are vulnerable and are fixed in version 3.0.

                                                                            The OpenSSL punycode vulnerability (CVE-2022-3602): Overview, detection, exploitation, and remediation | Datadog Security Labs
                                                                          • 3K, 60fps, 130ms: achieving it with Rust | tonari blog

                                                                            How we chose the Rust programming language to advance the state-of-the-art in real-time communication This post was written collectively with Ryo Kawaguchi, Andrea Law, Brian Schwind. Our goal for tonari is to build a virtual doorway to another space that allows for truly natural human interactions. Nearly two years in development, tonari is, to the best of our knowledge, the lowest-latency high r

                                                                              3K, 60fps, 130ms: achieving it with Rust | tonari blog
                                                                            • GitHub Actions for Android developers

                                                                              If you are developing Android apps, chances are you have confronted any sort of CI at some point in your career. If you thought Android fragmentation was a thing, the wide availability of CI systems will be familiar to you. GitHub Actions was released around November 2019, and since then it has proved itself to be reliable for a production environment (one of our requirements before committing to

                                                                                GitHub Actions for Android developers
                                                                              • Unlocking eBPF power

                                                                                My first steps with eBPF. In this article I'm describing how I used bluetooth tracing with eBPF to handle locking of my laptop. I heard “eBPF” so many times in recent days that I’ve decided to give it a try. I have very limited knowledge about kernel tracing so I thought it is good opportunity to learn something new. One particular talk (by Brendan Gregg) especially caught my attention and I recom

                                                                                  Unlocking eBPF power
                                                                                • jQuery 3.6.0 Released! | Official jQuery Blog

                                                                                  jQuery 3.6.0 has been released! In jQuery 3.5.0, the major change was a security fix for the html prefilter. This release does not include a security fix, but does have some good bug fixes and improvements. We still have our eyes on a jQuery 4.0 release, but until then we will continue to support the 3.x branch and address important issues. As usual, the release is available on our cdn and the npm