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  • SQL Injection Cheat Sheet | Invicti

    Use our SQL Injection Cheat Sheet to learn about the different variants of the SQL injection vulnerability. In this cheat sheet you can find detailed technical information about SQL injection attacks against MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL SQL servers. What is an SQL injection cheat sheet? An SQL injection cheat sheet is a resource where you can find detailed technical informati

      SQL Injection Cheat Sheet | Invicti
    • Consider SQLite

      If you were creating a web app from scratch today, what database would you use? Probably the most frequent answer I see to this is Postgres, although there are a wide range of common answers: MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, etc. Today I want you to consider: what if SQLite would do just fine? For those who are unfamiliar, SQLite is a implementation of SQL as a library — this means t

      • Congratulations GitHub on the acquisition by Microsoft

        Congratulations GitHub on the acquisition by Microsoft The acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft is validation of the growing influence of software developers in the world. Congratulations to GitHub on their acquisition by Microsoft! This is validation of the growing influence of software developers in the world, and the importance of modern DevOps. The software community owes a lot to GitHub, and th

          Congratulations GitHub on the acquisition by Microsoft
        • The new wave of Javascript web frameworks

          The new wave of Javascript web frameworksMake sense of the proliferation of new Javascript web frameworks. A deep dive into the problems at scale and the recent evolution of innovation. IntroductionStaying current in the Javascript ecosystem is not for the faint of heart. It’s challenging for those entering the industry to follow what’s happening amongst the new libraries, frameworks, concepts, an

            The new wave of Javascript web frameworks
          • PSGI/Plack - Perl Superglue for Web Frameworks and Web Servers

            Superglue interface between perl web application frameworks and web servers, just like Perl is the duct tape of the internet. PSGI is an interface between Perl web applications and web servers, and Plack is a Perl module and toolkit that contains PSGI middleware, helpers and adapters to web servers. PSGI and Plack are inspired by Python's WSGI and Ruby's Rack. Documentation PSGI specification Freq

            • PyPy.js: Now faster than CPython

              OK OK, I couldn't resist that title but it probably goes a bit far. Let me try for a little more nuance: PyPy.js: Now faster than CPython, on a single carefully-tuned benchmark, after JIT warmup. It has been the better part of a year since I first started hacking on PyPy.js, an experiment in bringing a fast and compliant python interpreter to the web. I've been pretty quiet during that time but ha

                PyPy.js: Now faster than CPython
              • PLEAC - Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook

                PLEAC - Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook Summary Following the great Perl Cookbook (by Tom Christiansen & Nathan Torkington, published by O'Reilly; you can freely browse an excerpt of the book here) which presents a suite of common programming problems solved in the Perl language, this project aims to implement the solutions in other programming languages. If successful, this project m

                • Prism

                  Dead simple Include prism.css and prism.js, use proper HTML5 code tags (code.language-xxxx), done! Intuitive Language classes are inherited so you can only define the language once for multiple code snippets. Light as a feather The core is 2KB minified & gzipped. Languages add 0.3-0.5KB each, themes are around 1KB. Blazing fast Supports parallelism with Web Workers, if available. Extensible Define

                  • CircleCI incident report for January 4, 2023 security incident

                    CircleCI incident report for January 4, 2023 security incident On January 4, 2023, we alerted customers to a security incident. Today, we want to share with you what happened, what we’ve learned, and what our plans are to continuously improve our security posture for the future. We would like to thank our customers for your attention to rotating and revoking secrets, and apologize for any disrupti

                      CircleCI incident report for January 4, 2023 security incident
                    • Scaling Twitter: Making Twitter 10000 Percent Faster - High Scalability -

                      Update 6: Some interesting changes from Twitter's Evan Weaver: everything in RAM now, database is a backup; peaks at 300 tweets/second; every tweet followed by average 126 people; vector cache of tweet IDs; row cache; fragment cache; page cache; keep separate caches; GC makes Ruby optimization resistant so went with Scala; Thrift and HTTP are used internally; 100s internal requests for every exter

                      • hosakunasubi

                        To increase your opportunities of successful at Riversweeps on the web casino site, you require to make some adjustments in how you play the slots. By completing so, UFABET will raise your possibilities of successful and lower your hazards of recurring losses. There is no certain means to establish which port gadget will certainly pay back you out, so you should typically developed sensible aspira

                        • Highlights from Git 2.23

                          CommunityOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.23Take a look at some of the new features in the latest Git release. The open source Git project just released Git 2.23 with features and bug fixes from over 77 contributors, 26 of them new. Here’s our look at some of the most exciting features and changes introduced since Git 2.22. Experimental alternatives for git checkout Git 2.23 brings a new pair of e

                            Highlights from Git 2.23
                          • イギリス大手ニュース「あの大地震から3ヶ月でこれかよ。日本凄すぎる」

                            1 :名無しさん@涙目です。(チベット自治区):2011/06/10(金) 23:14:05.18 ID:6HTvQC4Y0● ?PLT(12004) ポイント特典 Back from the dead: Astonishing pictures show how Japan is recovering just three months after tsunami By Emily Allen Last updated at 3:00 PM on 10th June 2011 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2001984/Japan-tsunami-earthquake- Pictures-recovery-3-months-later.html#ixzz1Osln1Ex0 261 :名無しさん@涙目です。(長野県)

                            • fleXcroll: Cross Browser Custom ScrollBar script by Hesido

                              FleXcroll, Flexible and Accessible Custom Scroll Bars A Cross Browser* and Standards Compliant Custom ScrollBar Script by Hesido featuring touch scroll for iPhone Safari updated on 05.06.2016; Switched to FastSpring for payment. updated on 03.02.2013; version 2.1.1, fleXcroll overhaul for click, touchmove and keyboard event handling with many bugfixes and new styling elements for easier customizat

                              • Twitterがスケールに苦しむ理由 - スケールするサイトのアーキテクチャ考

                                Twitterのスケール関係で、面白い記事を発見したのでまとめ。 一時期「スケールしない」とか「動作が不安定」だとか言われ続けていたTwitter。5月ごろにslashdot.jpでも話題になっていた。論調は総じて「Twitterがスケールしないのは、Rubyを使っているから」というもの。 ところが同じ5月、「Why Can't Twitter Scale? Blaine Cook Tries To Explain(なんでTwitterってスケールしないの?)」という、blog紹介記事がSilicon Alley Insiderに掲載される。記事の元になったblogエントリは、Twitterの前チーフアーキテクトだったBlaine Cook氏によるもの。Cook氏によれば、TwitterのスケールとRubyは何の関係もないという。 Why Can't Twitter Scale? Blai

                                • CircleCI security alert: Rotate any secrets stored in CircleCI (Updated Jan 13)

                                  CircleCI News Last Updated Mar 13, 2023 14 min read Security update 01/12/2023 - 00:30 UTC We have partnered with AWS to help notify all CircleCI customers whose AWS tokens may have been impacted as part of this security incident. Today, AWS began alerting customers via email with lists of potentially impacted tokens. The subject line for this email is [Action Required] CircleCI Security Alert to

                                    CircleCI security alert: Rotate any secrets stored in CircleCI (Updated Jan 13)
                                  • ImageAlpha — image minifier (like JPEG with transparency!)

                                    DownloadVersion 1.5.1 Mac OS X 10.8-11 Not using a Mac? Check out Color Quantizer (Windows), pngquant (Unix) and TinyPNG (on-line). Snow Leopard (10.6) versionChangelogBugsDonateSource code This application is no longer supported. It was written in Python 2, and Python 2 has been deprecated and removed from macOS. Alternatives: lossy option in ImageOptim, pngquant, or squoosh.app. ImageAlpha great

                                    • Visualizing Concurrency in Go · divan's blog

                                      If you prefer video over blog posts, here is my talk on this at GopherCon 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyuFeiG3Y60 One of the strongest sides of Go programming language is a built-in concurrency based on Tony Hoare’s CSP paper. Go is designed with concurrency in mind and allows us to build complex concurrent pipelines. But have you ever wondered - how various concurrency patterns look lik

                                      • The Anatomy of a Search Engine

                                        Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at leas

                                        • React-pdf - Announcing react-pdf v2.0

                                          I'm very excited to announce react-pdf 2.0 to the world! This is the culmination of almost an entire year of work and all the lessons learned since this project started all the way back in October 2016. It's crazy, I feel it was just yesterday when I was announcing 1.0 as well. In essence, this new 2.0 version is a full reimplementation of the library. Starting from scratch is always a risky move,

                                            React-pdf - Announcing react-pdf v2.0
                                          • BopWorks Design Co.

                                            If you want to know how much money do you need to start a business, then it's probably a good idea to sit down and write out all of your expenses. Once you've figured out how much your expenses are each month, you can get started setting up your business. Make sure that you budget correctly and you will be able to make a profit once you're up and running. Moneybrighter.Com is totally useful to kno

                                            • 12 Factor CLI Apps – Jeff Dickey – Medium

                                              CLIs are a fantastic way to build products. Unlike web applications, they take a small fraction of the time to build and are much more powerful. With the web, you can do whatever the developer programmed. With CLIs, you can easily mash-up multiple tools together yourself to perform advanced tasks. They require more technical expertise to use, but still work well for admin tasks, power-user tasks,

                                                12 Factor CLI Apps – Jeff Dickey – Medium
                                              • Will Go Later -

                                                What Is a Reminder Alert Meaning? There is growing interest in automated alerts and reminders to support healthcare self-management. This review explores evidence on the efficacy of these tools. The interval on custom reminders is based on days. Admins can use a comma or dash to define a range of dates for the reminder. This feature helps to avoid alert fatigue and ensures that stakeholders are re

                                                • Tumblr Architecture - 15 Billion Page Views a Month and Harder to Scale than Twitter - High Scalability -

                                                  « Sponsored Post: Percona Live, AiCache, Next Big Sound, ElasticHosts, Red 5 Studios, Logic Monitor, New Relic, AppDynamics, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7 | Main | Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For February 10, 2012 » With over 15 billion page views a month Tumblr has become an insanely popular blogging platform. Users may like Tumblr for its simplicity, its beauty, its strong focus

                                                  • A jQuery inline form validation, because validation is a mess

                                                    When it comes to form validation, it’s hard to have a versatile solution that works with every form. Figuring out how to display errors is not a simple task. This is something I tried to remedy with this script. When an error needs to be displayed, the script creates a div and positions it in the top right corner of the input. This way you don’t have to worry about your HTML form structure. The ro

                                                      A jQuery inline form validation, because validation is a mess
                                                    • iOS Appstore 審査基準 - サルでもできるiOSアプリ公開手順~App store 登録~

                                                      詳細手順目次・フローへ。ウッキー! iOSアプリの審査基準 iOSアプリの審査基準は以下の通りです。 リジェクトされた際にはAppleから以下のような番号と理由を記載されますので、 開発者は指摘箇所を修正後に再度審査に上げる必要があります。 Functionality - 機能に関するもの 2.1 Apps that crash will be rejected クラッシュするアプリはリジェクト 2.2 Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected 明白なバグを含むアプリはリジェクト 2.3 Apps that do not perform as advertised by the developer will be rejected 開発者の申請と異なる動作のアプリはリジェクト 2.4 Apps that include undocumented or

                                                        iOS Appstore 審査基準 - サルでもできるiOSアプリ公開手順~App store 登録~
                                                      • Amazon's Dynamo - All Things Distributed

                                                        Amazon's DynamoOctober 02, 2007 • 4557 words In two weeks we’ll present a paper on the Dynamo technology at SOSP, the prestigious biannual Operating Systems conference. Dynamo is internal technology developed at Amazon to address the need for an incrementally scalable, highly-available key-value storage system. The technology is designed to give its users the ability to trade-off cost, consistency

                                                          Amazon's Dynamo - All Things Distributed
                                                        • The Node Beginner Book

                                                          The perfect introduction plus its comprehensive follow-up now in one bundle! Leanpub.com currently offers the final version of The Node Beginner Book plus its follow-up The Node Craftsman Book for $9 only! (limited offer - regular price is $29.99) 224 pages in total PDF, ePub & MOBI Free lifetime updates Unconditional 45 days money back guarantee A Node.js tutorial by Manuel Kiessling About The ai

                                                            The Node Beginner Book
                                                          • わたし(たち)はなぜ英語がヘタなのか? | タイム・コンサルタントの日誌から

                                                            小学校4年生の時のこと。ある日、食卓の上に、大きくて重たい箱形の見慣れぬモノがあり、それを前にした父が、「これからはこれで英会話を勉強するように」と、おごそかにわたしに告げた。器械は特殊なマルチトラックのテープレコーダーで、幅広の、今にして思えば1インチ幅の茶色いテープをかけて使うようになっていた。東京エデュケーショナルセンター(TEC)、別名「ラボ」の英会話自習用の装置だった。勤め人にとって決して安い買い物ではない。父は最初のレッスンの冒頭10分くらいをかけ、わたしが使えて、ついて行けるのを確かめた。そして、1レッスン約15分、毎日きくように命じた。 わたしは当時まだ素直な子どもだったし、父もこわかったので、一応命じられたとおりほぼ毎日その器械に向かった。ナレーターが、簡単なストーリーや説明をした上で、短い文章を発音し、聞き手がその後について自分でも声に出してみる。そういう作りだった。後

                                                              わたし(たち)はなぜ英語がヘタなのか? | タイム・コンサルタントの日誌から
                                                            • Ajax in Action

                                                              News April 08, 2024 08 Apr'24 Worlds toughest core Java interview question The trickiest Java interview question ever asked? In five words or less, explain the red 'x' the Eclipse IDE displays at the end of the provided Java code snippet. March 04, 2024 04 Mar'24 Best crash course to learn Jenkins from scratch Need to learn Jenkins CI fast? This Jenkins tutorial will quickly get you up to speed on

                                                              • Testing in Swift

                                                                About the content This content has been published here with the express permission of the author. Software tests are great for verifying software behavior and improving the quality of your code. In this talk, we learn from Jeff Hui about tooling, techniques, and writing tested code with the Quick testing framework. He also talked about generative testing, a prevalent functional programming approac

                                                                  Testing in Swift
                                                                • Free Online Radio | RadioTuna

                                                                  LLCBuddy™ offers informative content for educational purposes only, not as a substitute for professional legal or tax advice. We may earn commissions if you use the services we recommend on this site. At LLCBuddy, we don't just offer information; we provide a curated experience backed by extensive research and expertise. Led by Steve Goldstein, a seasoned expert in the LLC formation sector, our pl

                                                                    Free Online Radio | RadioTuna
                                                                  • BenjaminFulford

                                                                    Question from reader: Dear Mr. Fulford, I have been following your weekly updates every Monday for the past three or four months, perhaps even longer. I must confess that at first I was rather skeptical about the White Dragon Society, the Pentagon sources that always seem to be saying something or the other, and the robotic voice. But I am a historian at heart, always on the lookout for the newest

                                                                    • 苦情クレーム博覧会2005:福井商工会議所があなたの苦情を買います。

                                                                      If you want to know how to start an llc in texas, you must first know that this is a very complicated process and there are strict rules regarding it. The first step in filing an LLC in Texas is to select the type of entity that you will be operating as, which is called a "sole proprietorship" or "incorporation". There are other types of entities that may be filed as an LLC, but they will not be t

                                                                      • MongoDBをext3で使ったら死んだ · DQNEO日記

                                                                        Linux File Systems MongoDB uses large files for storing data, and preallocates these. These filesystems seem to work well: ext4 ( kernel version >= 2.6.23 ) xfs ( kernel version >= 2.6.25 ) In addition to the file systems above you might also want to (explicitly) disable file/directory modification times by using these mount options: noatime (also enables nodiratime) We have found ext3 to be very

                                                                          MongoDBをext3で使ったら死んだ · DQNEO日記
                                                                        • The Ultimate Guide to handling JWTs on frontend clients (GraphQL)

                                                                          The Ultimate Guide to handling JWTs on frontend clients (GraphQL) JWTs (JSON Web Token, pronounced 'jot') are becoming a popular way of handling auth. This post aims to demystify what a JWT is, discuss its pros/cons and cover best practices in implementing JWT on the client-side, keeping security in mind. Although, we’ve worked on the examples with a GraphQL clients, but the concepts apply to any

                                                                            The Ultimate Guide to handling JWTs on frontend clients (GraphQL)
                                                                          • How to Fold a Shirt - Stopfornothing.com Funny Stuff

                                                                            What is the meaning of subculture and what is its importance? So subculture means the culture which has differentiated norms and Values from its parent culture. Subculture often maintains the founding principles of the parent culture. Subcultures create their own norms and values regarding political as well as cultural matters. They keep their specialties as well as specific characteristics intact

                                                                            • Ursula K. Le Guin: Gedo Senki, a First Response

                                                                              A First Response to "Gedo Senki," the Earthsea film made by Goro Miyazaki for Studio Ghibli. Written for my fans in Japan who are writing me about the movie, and for fans elsewhere who may be curious about it. Preliminary Note: Very few authors have any control over the use made of their books by a film studio. The general rule is that once the contract is signed, the author of the books is nonexi

                                                                              • James McGibney

                                                                                “I’ve f*cked most of the girls here,” says Moore, extending his heavily tattooed arm towards the pack. “All of these girls are literally 17 years old,” he says, chuckling. “I might go to jail tonight.” Hello Hunter........It’s been nearly 10 years since I took over and shut down your despicable revenge porn site www.isanyoneup.com. Sometimes you need to be a bully to beat a bully and I’m the first

                                                                                  James McGibney
                                                                                • 60fps on the mobile web — Flipboard Engineering

                                                                                  Flipboard launched during the dawn of the smartphone and tablet as a mobile-first experience, allowing us to rethink content layout principles from the web for a more elegant user experience on a variety of touchscreen form factors. Now we’re coming full circle and bringing Flipboard to the web. Much of what we do at Flipboard has value independent of what device it’s consumed on: curating the bes

                                                                                    60fps on the mobile web — Flipboard Engineering