Appears in the Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST’07), February 2007 Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population Eduardo Pinheiro, Wolf-Dietrich Weber and Luiz Andr´e Barroso Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 {edpin,wolf,luiz} Abstract It is estimated that over 90% of all new information produced in the world is
2 Methodology 2.1 What is a disk failure? While it is often assumed that disk failures follow a simple fail-stop model (where disks either work perfectly or fail absolutely and in an easily detectable manner [22,24]), disk failures are much more complex in reality. For example, disk drives can experience latent sector faults or transient performance problems. Often it is hard to correctly attribut
CIEL is a universal execution engine for distributed computation. Developed by researchers at the Cambridge Computer Laboratory, CIEL is designed to achieve high scalability and reliability when run on a commodity cluster or cloud computing platform. CIEL supports the full range of MapReduce-style computations, and the included Skywriting scripting language allows developers to create more sophist
2. はじめに 1. スケーラブルなログ集計を安全に構築するために我々が考慮していることを説明します。 2. 広告集計という特性上、「超高速にかつ高効率に!」というよりはどちらかというと「多少の非効率は目をつぶって安全側に寄せる」という設計方針になっています。 3. 上司から突然「来月から 1 日 10 億越えのアクセスを食うことになるから集計システムはよろしくね♪」という日が来るかもしれないので、来たる日に備えてもらえればと思います。 4. 自己紹介 山崎大輔 Twitter: @yamaz Blog : 最速配信研究会 現在:株式会社スケールアウト 代表 1 日数億~を超えるような配信をカジュアルに行うための 広告配信システム「 ScaleAds 」の開発と販売およびコンサル かれこれオンライン広告業界で 14 年やってます
グーグルは1月6日、Google App EngineのデータストアとしてPaxos algorithmによるデータセンター間のデータ同期を採用し、可用性を大幅に向上させた新データストア「High Replication Datastore」を追加したと、ブログのエントリ「App Engine 1.4.1 をリリースしました - High Replication Datastore の紹介」で明らかにしました。 App Engine 1.4.1 をリリースしました - High Replication Datastore の紹介 - Google Japan Developer Relations Blog 複数のデータセンターにまたがったレプリケーションを行うことで、特定のデータセンターに障害が発生した場合でもほとんどの場合で問題なく動作するとのことです。 可用性は高まるが書き込みは遅く
"Data Management Challenges in the Cloud" We are in the midst of a computing revolution. As the cost of provisioning hardware and software stacks grows, and the cost of securing and administering these complex systems grows even faster, we're seeing a shift towards computing clouds. For cloud service providers, there is efficiency from amortizing costs and averaging usage peaks. Internet portals l
5.5 Graphic representation of the flow of messages in the basic Paxos
This document discusses distributed programming and data consistency. It defines consistency as how systems and observers perceive the state of a system over time. Consistency has a time aspect, where expected and unexpected sequences of states can occur. Distributed systems like caching introduce inconsistencies when data is replicated across servers. The CAP theorem states that a distributed sys
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Brewer’s Conjecture and the Feasibility of Consistent, Available, Partition-Tolerant Web Services Seth Gilbert∗ Nancy Lynch∗ Abstract When designing distributed web services, there are three properties that are commonly desired: consistency, avail- ability, and partition tolerance. It is impossible to achieve all three. In this note, we prove this conjecture in the asyn- chronous network model, a
BrewersCapTheorem - ブリュワーの CAP 定理 目次 この文書について ブリュワーの CAP 定理 - Amazon と eBay のクールエイド ブリュワーの(CAP)定理 一貫性 (Consistency) 可用性 (Availability) 分割耐性(Partition Tolerance) 定理の重要性 図解で証明 CAP と折り合う 1. 分割耐性を諦める 2. 可用性を諦める 3. 一貫性を諦める 4. BASE に跳ぶ 5. 問題をかわして設計する まとめ 参考文献 ブリュワーの CAP 定理 この文書について "Brewer's CAP Theorem - The kool aid Amazon and Ebay have been drinking" の日本語訳です.
The document discusses EpiChord, an enhancement of the Chord distributed hash table. It presents EpiChord's lookup algorithm and its division of the address space to reduce routing table sizes while maintaining low diameter. Bloom filters are also summarized, including how they represent sets using bit vectors and can check for set membership with possible false positives. Techniques like vector c
We argue that objects that interact in a distributed system need to be dealt with in ways that are intrinsically different from objects that interact in a single address space. These differences are required because distributed systems require that the programmer be aware of latency, have a different model of memory access, and take into account issues of concurrency and partial failure. We look a
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