As 24/7 availability becomes increasingly important for modern applications, database systems are frequently replicated in order to stay up and running in the face of database server failure. It is no longer acceptable for an application to wait for a database to recover from a log on disk --- most mission-critical applications need immediate failover to a replica. There are several important trad
Yesterday my former PhD advisor, Sam Madden, wrote a blog post consisting of a passionate defense for the status quo in the peer review process (though he does say that the review quality needs to be improved). In an effort to draw attention to his blog (Sam is a super-smart guy, and you will get a lot out of reading his blog) I intend to start a flame war with him in this space. At issue: The qua
The problems with ACID, and how to fix them without going NoSQL (This post is coauthored by Alexander Thomson and Daniel Abadi) It is a poorly kept secret that NoSQL is not really about eliminating SQL from database systems (e.g., see these links). Rather, systems such as Bigtable, HBase, Hypertable, Cassandra, Dynamo, SimpleDB (and a host of other key-value stores), PNUTS/Sherpa, etc. are mostly