
ブックマーク / capote.posterous.com (25)

  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/12/10
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/11/26
    もうオーガニック リーチに影響を及ぼすことはできない。良くて10% 位。我々は有料広告がもらたすリターンの大きさや、将来モバイルで何百万もリーチできること を説明している
  • Good night, Posterous

    tinsep19 2012/07/30
    Zuckerbergはまた、Facebook のプラットフォームの構想は、「人々が理解している以上に 大きい」と説明した。彼はFacebookはWebそのものよりも 拡大すると信じており、次のようなことを話した。
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/07/24
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/07/17
    ユーザーが自社の企業のウェブサイ トモバイルアプリを通じてアクセスするFacebookの ような閉鎖的なエコシステムが、大手ブランドの広告主 を惹きつけ有意義な収入を生み出すにはベストであると同社の幹部は考えている
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/06/11
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/05/07
    直接的に言及されている記事と広告を組み合わ せるよりも、自社に関連する傾向記事や調査レポートなど に広告を組み合わせるほうが、押しつけがましくなく、素 直な興味・感心に基づくクリックがより多く生まれそう。
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/02/21
    f-commerceはきっと今選んでいるものについて「似合う」(like)という会話や、今見てる服はこっちで安かったよとか会話だよなとおもう。で、これが行動を促進するから両輪。FB Creditが普及するまでまってはいけない。
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2012/02/13
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/11/14
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/10/31
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/10/26
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/09/27
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/07/26
    Facebookは、複数のニュースサイトに"Facebook editions"を作るように依頼している。これは基本的にはFacebook上で読み、消費できるアプリ版のニュースサイトになる。
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/07/20
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/07/07
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/04/22
    顧客はクリックひとつでFacebookチャットを通じて電話ができるようになります。 これによって簡単にFacebookフレンドに電話をかけられます。ダイヤル不要で、ただ友達の名前をクリックするだけで会話を始められます。
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/04/13
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2011/01/28
  • Good night, Posterous

    Posterous Spaces is no longer available Thanks to all of my @posterous peeps. Y'all made this a crazy ride and it was an honor and pleasure working with all of y'all. Thanks to all of the users. Thanks to the academy. Nobody will read this.

    tinsep19 2010/12/28