This page provides a brief introduction to the Dart language through samples of its main features. To learn more about the Dart language, visit the in-depth, individual topic pages listed under Language in the left side menu. For coverage of Dart's core libraries, check out the core library documentation. You can also check out the Dart cheatsheet, for a more interactive introduction.
Update: ePub and Mobi files are available, and you can read Modern Perl: The Book online now! We've just put letter and A4 sized PDFs of Modern Perl: the Book online. This is the new edition, updated for 5.14 and 2011-2012. As usual, these electronic versions are free to download. Please do. Please share them with friends, family, colleagues, coworkers, and interested people. Of course we're alway
大阪市の市バス問題、その民間の給与水準の話が実は難しい話なのだ 実は、各電鉄会社でバス事業を分社化してきたわけだが その時にがっつり給与水準を切り下げているのである その一例が東武のバス事業分社化な 東武は北関東一円に広大なバス事業のネットワークを作り上げていたが 特に北関東の都市間輸送で大きな利益をあげていた しかし高崎線の増発や両毛線の電化などで収益が悪化した 東武バス - Wikipedia 路線撤退・移管そしてバス事業本部の分社化
In this paper we report on a system, "SpeechJammer", which can be used to disturb people's speech. In general, human speech is jammed by giving back to the speakers their own utterances at a delay of a few hundred milliseconds. This effect can disturb people without any physical discomfort, and disappears immediately by stop speaking. Furthermore, this effect does not involve anyone but the speake