Introduction There are many methods and conventions for structuring Python web applications. Although certain frameworks are shipped with tools (for scaffolding) to automate – and ease – the task (and the headaches), almost all solutions rely on packaging / modularizing applications as the codebase gets distributed [logically] across related files and folders. The minimalist web application develo
In this article I'm going to introduce an authentication scheme known as two factor authentication. As the name implies, this method requires the user to provide two forms of identification: a regular password and a one-time token. This greatly increases account security, because a compromised password alone is not enough to gain access, an attacker also needs to have the token, which is different
I'm sure by now you know that I have released a book and a couple of videos on Flask in cooperation with O'Reilly Media. While the coverage of the Flask framework in these is fairly complete, there are a small number of features that for one reason or another did not get mentioned much, so I thought it would be a good idea to write articles about them here. This article is dedicated to streaming,
You are reading the 2024 edition of the Flask Mega-Tutorial. The complete course is also available to order in e-book and paperback formats from Amazon. Thank you for your support! If you are looking for the 2018 edition of this course, you can find it here. For your reference, here is the complete list of articles in this series: Chapter 1: Hello, World! (this article) Chapter 2: Templates Chapte
2012 Pythonアドベントカレンダー(Webフレームワーク) #python_adv の5日目の記事です。 明日は @altnight にお願いします。 Flaskはオモチャじゃないよ PyCharmなどのIDEがFlaskに対応を始めたり、Flask はそろそろ Django に続く Python の Web フレームワーク No.2 と名乗れそうなほど広まってきています。(その割にPython3対応遅いけど) Flaskと言えばマイクロフレームワーク、Hello World が簡単に書けるヤツで有名ですよね。 import flask app = flask.Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return "Hello, World." これを見るとオモチャっぽく見えるんですが、Fla
Web アプリを仕事ではほとんど書いたことが無かったのですが、Flask を仕事で使う事にしたので、書いてて感じた Flask の使いどころを。 追記 コメントに色々な意見を頂いておりますので、是非そちらも。 がっつり使われた方の感想 Flaskを1年仕事で使った感想 - kawaken’s blog 結論 とりあえず箇条書きで ... データベースサーバとの接続が前提なら、 Flask を使うのはやめる Flask-* という Flask の拡張を使う時点で、Flask を使うのはやめる 大規模で Blueprints を使う前提なら、Flask を使うのはやめる 小さなアプリでプラガブルな仕組みを自分で作るには良い パーミッションは Flask-Principal が良さそ
Integrating the flask microframework with the peewee ORM September 27, 2011 10:52 / django flask peewee python / 5 comments I'd like to write a post about a project I've been working on for the past month or so. I've had a great time working on it and am excited to start putting it to use. The project is called flask-peewee -- it is a set of utilities that bridges the python microframework flask a
Flask なんでそこまで大規模ではないですが、 1ファイルでは厳しくなってたので分割しました。 Flask 0.7.2 を使用で、 より大きなアプリケーション ― Flask v0.5.1 documentation に従って、Module で定義すると、起動時に次のような警告。 (起動はするので動きはする DeprecationWarning: Modules are deprecated. Upgrade to using blueprints. Have a look into the documentation for more information. If this module was registered by a Flask-Extensio
I am looking for a comparison of django and flask for a project that will live for a long time, and will need to be maintained, built upon and grow as the months progress. I am considering Flask + SQLAlchemy or django. I do not need batteries, as I usually end up having to modify them, so it is fine if I have to re-implement a couple of wheels to make it do exactly what I need. I prefer the coding
Flask is awesome and can be easily supercharged by pairing it with Paste Deploy: way you get Flask simplicity and elegance, but also you get Rails-like separation of configuration test/development/production environments. Another misconception people seem to have is that Flask means Jinja2. Fortunately that's not the case, swapping Jinja with Mako is also extremel
最近 Flask というWebアプリフレームワークを、いじってて気付いた事をメモとっておく。 セッション管理の仕方が、面白かったというか自分はそういう風に実装した事なかったのでへーと思った。 僕のなかでのセッションデータの管理イメージ 別にこれが普通というわけではないのだろうけど、なんとなくこういうイメージ サーバサイドでセッションデータを発行 セッションキーをCookieとかクライアントサイドに持たせる。 違うページにいったら、セッションキーを元にセッションデータを取得 この場合、クライアントサイドにもつ情報は、セッションデータに紐づくキーであって、セッションデータそのものはサーバサイドのストレージなりなんなりにもってるイメージ。 事の発端 Flaskは MicroFrameworkをうたっているフレームワークなので、フレームワークが備える機能も必要最低限になっていて、足りないところは自 p����U �Qt��U from flask import Flask, request, session, url_for, redirect, \ render_template, abort, g, flash from werkzeug.contrib.sessions import Session, SessionStore from cPickle import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL from random import random from flask import json class MemcachedSessionStore(SessionStore): def __init__(self, servers=None, key_prefix=None, default_timeout=300): SessionStore.__init__
In my opinion, there is one serious omission to Flask at the moment and that is that there is no authoritative method for authorizing users. In a way this goes with the general ethos of micro frameworks - it isn't being forced down your throat unless you want it. However in this case I think that at least some structured 'recipes' are required to provide peer guidance, best practice or whatever yo