Training and new things early in 2010 from Damien Walters. Subscribe for more Tumbling Gymnastics Freerunning Stunts "Derby City Gymnastics Club" parkour PK l'art du déplacement traceur traceuse équilibre de chat passe muraille Lâché Franchissement underbar cat balance Roulade roll Saut précision funny Damien Walters is a British gymnast, stuntman and parkour practiti
試作です。 ちょっと試しに作ってみました。 この動画はトレーサー/フリ−ランナーのための動画です。 自分は体操やってないので体操のやり方とはちょっと違うと思いますよ!! 自分もまだまだバク宙勉強中です。奥が深い。 精進します。
They filled a pool with a mix of cornstarch and water made on a concrete mixer truck. It becomes a non-newtonian fluid. When stress is applied to the liquid it exhibits properties of a solid. Wikipedia: Recorded at Barcelona, Spain. TV Show:
スクーターの男性は、リーさん(???)40歳 3回も、スクーターで、突っ込み、 エレベーターのドアを破壊し、転落 パトロール中の駅職員が、ドアの破壊音等を、聞きつけ、 リーさんが、落下するのを目撃、すぐに、救急車を呼んだ
Welcome! foreign Hello!Project Fans 外人ヲタ交流スレ新狼避難所 Part13 Nolife presente SUPERPLAY ULTIMATE 説明: Nolife presenteスーパープレーULTIMATE 日本のモーニング娘。コンサート映像スタッフのカメラスイッチング技術に驚いたNo life-TVのディレクターが、コンサート映像を 使って撮り方や技術について解説する面白い番組です。 No life-TVは、日本のポップカルチャー(音楽、ゲーム、アニメなど)を紹介するフ
On September 23, 2010, Clark Gregg -- the actor known for his recurring role as Agent Phil Coulson in Marvel Studios' Iron Man movies -- visited the Raytheon Sarcos research lab in Salt Lake City, Utah, for the unveiling of the company's wearable XOS 2 robotics suit. More information:
So this was a really sweet project. Ricky and the boys hoisted 5 20K Christies up to the 4th floor balcony overlooking the plaza. The other two were stacked away on the ground and off at a 40 degree angle from the smaller building. We modeled the entire space in 3D and then created media for it in 3DSMax. Very cool. The media we created was designed to work directly with the architecture PAC-MAN was played by real human-beings sitting in a cinema: it's the 5th video performance of the GAME OVER Project from the French-Swiss artist Guillaume Reymond. This stop-motion video was shot and played for the new ProHelvetia's programme GameCulture at the Trafo cinema (Baden, Switzerland) on August 28th 2010. This giant game was played by
這是由台灣藝術大學 多媒體動畫藝術學系 95級的三位畢業生所製作的畢業短片 故事是敘述一位小女孩因為被搶劫而離開原本熟悉的道路,在穿過籬笆後的未知世界,靠著視覺以外的感官展開一場大冒險。 全片採取水彩繪製的背景與手繪動畫搭配的製作方式,以繪本式的用色和簡單的人物造型呈現小女孩想像中的世界。 This is a graduation Production made by three students graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts. The main character of little girl in the story confronts a robbery and strays from the road she is familiar with. After passing a