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  • YouTube - Bad Apple!! - Stop Motion PV

    sm9519847 - コマ撮り実験アニメ「6566/6566」【Bad Apple!! PV【影絵】アレンジ】.mp4 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9519847 **EDIT2: Ten months later and this video reached 1 million views. Thanks a lot everyone who spent time watching "Bad Apple!!" Extra special shoutout to those who felt inspired after watching this video. I can't take any credit for its creation but if it help bring a smile to y'all then I'm plea

    YouTube - Bad Apple!! - Stop Motion PV
    Labyrinthos 2010/01/30
    >曲名について: 曲名の「Bad Apple」とは日本語に訳すと「ろくでなし」という意味。One bad apple spoils the barrel 「ひとつの腐ったリンゴが樽全体をダメにする」という英語のことわざが語源。「腐ったミカン」とも同義。
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