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  • IPad? That’s So 2002, Fujitsu Says - NYTimes.com

    IPad? That’s So 2002, Fujitsu Says Sign In to E-Mail Print By HIROKO TABUCHI Published: January 28, 2010 TOKYO — It’s sleek. It’s mobile. It has a touchscreen. Skip to next paragraph Enlarge This Image The Fujitsu iPAD. It’s Fujitsu’s iPad from 2002.Sold mainly in the United States, the multifunctional device from the Tokyo technology company helps shop clerks verify prices, check real-time inven

    atasinti 2010/01/30
    "It’s Fujitsu’s iPad from 2002. Sold mainly in the United States, the multifunctional device from the Tokyo technology company helps shop clerks verify prices, check real-time inventory data and close sales on the go. Fujitsu, which applied for an iPad trademark in 2003, is claiming first dibs,
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