
Opinionに関するbuckeyeのブックマーク (19)

  • A grand stitch-up or an election?

    A grand stitch-up or an election?The prime minister’s opponents want a grand coalition. That’s a terrible idea WHEN Naoto Kan moved into the prime minister's office a year ago, his wife, Nobuko, joked that she had packed only their summer clothes, fearing he would not survive for long. In fact, he has outlasted his four predecessors and, since March 11th, steered Japan through its worst disaster s

    A grand stitch-up or an election?
    buckeye 2011/06/13
    id:entry:46552846の原文。/ こういう海外報道を見ていると、いかに日本国内の政治部脳が健全な批判感覚を失ってるか分かるな。本来責任を負うべき存在を批判せず、偶々現職にあった者だけに帰責させてる。
  • 震災後の日本の政治:大連立か選挙か  JBpress(日本ビジネスプレス)

    (英エコノミスト誌 2011年6月11日号) 菅首相の反対派は大連立を望んでいる。それはとんでもない考えだ。 1年前、菅直人首相が首相官邸に引っ越した時、の伸子さんは、政権が長続きしないかもしれないから夏服しか持ってきていないと冗談を言った。 実際には、菅首相は前任の4人より長く総理の座にとどまり、3月11日の大震災以降は第2次大戦以来最悪の災禍にあって日の舵取りをしてきた。しかし、首相に残された時間は少ない。策士たちは今、菅内閣に代わる政権として「大連立」を模索している。 大連立は、菅首相率いる民主党に実権を奪われた旧支配層にとっては名案かもしれない。旧来勢力は、再び権力を味わうという考えを楽しんでいる。しかし、そうした人々に政権の座を与えることは、日にとって大変な後戻りだ。 現在の政治的な混乱の責任は、菅首相を含むすべての関係者にある。地震と津波、原発事故の最中において、菅首相の

    buckeye 2011/06/13
    自民党が主導する妨害は単に改革を阻んでいるだけ/ 自民党は戦術的優位に立つために国益を犠牲に/ 自民党には政権に返り咲く資格はなく、むしろ晒し者の刑に処され…福島の野菜を投げつけられるのがふさわしい
  • Rebuilding Japan—or ruining it

    OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world t

    Rebuilding Japan—or ruining it
  • 役に立たない日本の政治 日本を復興するのか、破滅させるのか JBpress(日本ビジネスプレス)

    (英エコノミスト誌 2011年4月30日号) 国の未来が見えない中でも、日政治家は自分のことばかり考えている。 3月11日、福島第一原子力発電所が地震と津波に襲われ、原子炉が機能停止に陥った直後、一帯に設置されていた放射性物質の測定装置が1台を除いて全滅した。そこで東京の監督官庁は、放射能漏れの深刻度を測定する計器を積んだ車を送り出した。 福島第一原発を運営する東京電力の監督役に先頃任命された細野豪志首相補佐官の話によると、困ったことに、この車は渋滞に巻き込まれてしまった。さらに津波の影響で全国的な燃料不足が発生する中、車がガス欠に陥った。そのため、政府は測定任務を断念した。 その後、政府は福島第一原発事故の深刻度は25年前に起きたチェルノブイリ原発事故と同じレベルに相当すると宣言したが、細野補佐官によると、放射性物質の放出量に関する確かなデータが得られるまでに7ないし10日を要したと

    buckeye 2011/05/02
  • 尖閣建白書の英語版(仮訳)

    buckeye 2010/09/29
  • Tobias Harris: Hatoyama Frozen in the Headlights

    This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies, please contact Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303950104575185313837353770

    Tobias Harris: Hatoyama Frozen in the Headlights
  • Al Kamen - Among leaders at summit, Hu's first

    After all the chatter about nukes, loose and otherwise, 36 heads of state are heading home from Washington to tout their world leadership chops and their influence with the Obama administration. The winners at this week's nuclear summit were easily identified: They were the ones who got bilats with President Obama -- not a bodybuilding term, it stands for bilateral, or one-on-one, chat -- showing

    buckeye 2010/04/16
  • Subscribe to read

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    Subscribe to read
    buckeye 2010/03/30
    米英人の幻想かもしれないが、政権交代のある政党政治が重要なのであって、2大政党の政策的な凝集性は副次的な問題じゃないのか?/ 自民党はもう耐用年数が切れているのに、それを立て直した2大政党制は幻想だろ。
  • 時事ドットコム:分裂寸前の自民党よ、気を取り直せ=2大政党制実現の出発点−英紙が社説

    分裂寸前の自民党よ、気を取り直せ=2大政党制実現の出発点−英紙が社説 分裂寸前の自民党よ、気を取り直せ=2大政党制実現の出発点−英紙が社説 【ロンドン時事】29日付の英紙フィナンシャル・タイムズは、日自民党の分裂状態を社説で取り上げ、「同党が(野党転落のショックから)気を取り戻して立ち直れば、政権政党の民主党も同様にしっかりした姿勢を余儀なくされるかもしれない」と指摘。2大政党システム実現のためには「まずそれがスタート」と論じた。  同社説はこの中で、2大政党制の実現という目標は達成されていないとし、「直接的な原因は自民党が分裂の危機にあることだ」と指摘。「首尾一貫したイデオロギーに向け合流するどころか、一層ばらばらになっている」とした。そして、民主党に至っては、「権力を掌握したにもかかわらず、その政策上の立場は強固になっておらず、米軍基地再編問題や郵政民営化の逆転といった重要な争点で

    buckeye 2010/03/30
    民主党がイデオロギーのゴミ袋なのはそもそもライバルの自民党がそうだったから。包括政党に対抗するには自らも包括政党になるしかない。/ 2大政党の片翼は自民党に代わる新しい政党が担うことになるだろうな。
  • Joseph Nye - An Alliance Larger Than One Issue - NYTimes.com

    Cambridge, Mass. SEEN from Tokyo, America’s relationship with Japan faces a crisis. The immediate problem is deadlock over a plan to move an American military base on the island of Okinawa. It sounds simple, but this is an issue with a long back story that could create a serious rift with one of our most crucial allies. When I was in the Pentagon more than a decade ago, we began planning to reduce

    Joseph Nye - An Alliance Larger Than One Issue - NYTimes.com
    buckeye 2010/01/10
    We are allowing a second-order issue to threaten our long-term strategy for East Asia./ The two countries will miss a major opportunity if they let the base controversy lead to bitter feelings or the further reduction of American forces in Japan.
  • Roger Cohen - Obama's Japan Headache - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

    TOKYO � President Obama has a Japan problem. I know, it’s not an issue that keeps him up at night. But when U.S. ties with its most important Asian ally get ugly over security rather than semiconductors, the world must be changing. Certainly Japan is. Having voted out the shoguns of the Liberal Democratic Party who ruled for more than a half-century, and declared war on the bureaucracy that grease

    Roger Cohen - Obama's Japan Headache - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
    buckeye 2009/12/13
    Be flexible on Futenma but unyielding on the strategic imperative binding Am and Jpn./ Reliable Jpn is now restive Jpn. Acquiescence has given way to argument./ オバマと鳩山の政治的共通性/ 長島昭久「日本の政局は変えられない。米側には甘受してもらいたい」
  • Fred Hiatt - Does Japan still matter?

    TOKYO U.S.-Japan relations are in "crisis," Japan's foreign minister told me Thursday -- but I would guess that few Americans have noticed, let alone felt alarm. As China rises, Japan's economy has stalled, and its population is dwindling. The island nation -- feared during the last century first as a military power, then as an economic conqueror -- barely registers in the American imagination. Bu

    buckeye 2009/12/13
  • The curse of defeatism

    OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world t

    The curse of defeatism
    buckeye 2009/12/01
  • Michael Auslin - Creaky Alliance - NYTimes.com

    President Obama lands in Tokyo this week as U.S.-Japan relations hit their lowest point in years. The president will meet with Japan’s new government, representing the first opposition party to take power in over a half-century. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party of Japan is finding little common ground early on with the Democratic president of the United States. President Obama’s ability to smoo

    Michael Auslin - Creaky Alliance - NYTimes.com
    buckeye 2009/11/13
    "The Democratic Party of Japan is finding little common ground early on with the Democratic president of the United States."/ 米側は鳩山政権の姿勢を選挙レトリックに過ぎぬと誤解し、日本側は米側の耳を傾けるという姿勢を再交渉が可能と誤解した。
  • Sheila A. Smith - A new way forward for the U.S. and Japan

    T he historic political transition underway in Tokyo is rattling Washington and has produced a puzzling rigidity in an administration known for its capacity for reaching out to the world. President Obama's visit to Asia offers a much-needed opportunity to calm and energize the U.S.-Japan relationship. In Tokyo, the president should aim at restoring faith in Washington's ability to adjust to Japan'

    buckeye 2009/11/13
    "Old habits of lecturing Tokyo on its responsibilities must end. " "The diplomatic partnership cannot be seen as controlled by one political party and should not reflect only one party's agenda. "
  • Okinawa outcry

    Global news & analysisExpert opinionFT App on Android & iOSFT Edit appFirstFT: the day's biggest stories20+ curated newslettersFollow topics & set alerts with myFTFT Videos & Podcasts20 monthly gift articles to shareLex: FT's flagship investment column15+ Premium newsletters by leading expertsFT Digital Edition: our digitised print editionWeekday Print EditionFT WeekendFT Digital EditionGlobal new

    Okinawa outcry
    buckeye 2009/11/12
    "Old Japan hands in Washington seem to have forgotten that the LDP promised much but delivered little in the way of the support for US military operations that they wanted."
  • It's time

    It's timeAmerica should take a chance and make Barack Obama the next leader of the free world IT IS impossible to forecast how important any presidency will be. Back in 2000 America stood tall as the undisputed superpower, at peace with a generally admiring world. The main argument was over what to do with the federal government's huge budget surplus. Nobody foresaw the seismic events of the next

    It's time
    buckeye 2008/11/06
    オバマ支持論。"A man who started with no money and few supporters has out-thought, out-organised and out-fought the two mightiest machines in American politics—the Clintons and the conservative right.""Mr Obama will make mistakes; but this is a man who listens, learns and manages well. "
  • Wanted: Bank of Japan governor

    Global news & analysisExpert opinionFT App on Android & iOSFT Edit appFirstFT: the day's biggest stories20+ curated newslettersFollow topics & set alerts with myFTFT Videos & Podcasts20 monthly gift articles to shareLex: FT's flagship investment column15+ Premium newsletters by leading expertsFT Digital Edition: our digitised print editionWeekday Print EditionFT WeekendFT Digital EditionGlobal new

    Wanted: Bank of Japan governor
    buckeye 2008/03/30
    原文:"the perfect candidate must be a brilliant macroeconomist, a psychologist of the markets, a sure-footed public speaker, an international diplomat and an able chief executive"
  • Don't furl the flag

    OpinionLeadersLetters to the editorBy InvitationCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceCurrent topicsUS elections 2024War in UkraineIsrael and HamasThe World Ahead 2024Climate changeCoronavirusThe world economyThe Economist explainsArtificial intelligenceWorldThe world t

    buckeye 2007/10/25
    日本の軍事的役割についての英米的視点。"So is this the Japan of old: self-absorbed, unashamed at leaving others to do the hard military tasks?" "Japan's soldiers do increasingly difficult jobs around the world. They deserve better support at home."
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