「End of Life」 アップグレード通知について 01/14/2016 2 minutes to read こんにちは。Internet Explorer サポートの太田です。 1 月 12 日を持ちまして、IE のサポート ポリシーが変更となりました。 これに伴い、サポートの終了を迎えたバージョンの IE では、IE11 への移行を促すメッセージが表示されます。 日本語(機械翻訳) : Internet Explorer の新しい 「End of Life」 アップグレード通知 https://support.microsoft.com/ja-jp/kb/3123303 英語 : The new "End of Life" upgrade notification for Internet Explorer https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/k
Hi everyone, Welcome to 2016 and a new year full of new builds for Windows Insiders. Today we have a new PC build we’re releasing to Insiders in the Fast ring: Build 11099. As with the previous build, this build does not include big noticeable changes or new features yet. Our focus through the holidays was on structural improvements to OneCore, which is the shared core of Windows across devices. T
In a December 2015 talk at JSConf US, we announced that we would be open-sourcing the key components of the Chakra JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge. Today, we are excited to share with you that we’ve just made the sources for ChakraCore available under the MIT License at the ChakraCore GitHub repository. Going forward, we’ll be developing the key components of Chakra in the open. The C