気温・湿度・気流などで形が変化する氷の結晶(氷晶)の集合体である「雪の結晶」は、この世界に1つとして同じ形のものはないそうです。氷の結晶が6角形のため、雪の結晶も6角形で構成されているとのこと。 すべて見るならこちら ≫ Really funny stuff – Unique and Beautiful Snowflakes (49 pics) 参考サイト:電子顕微鏡で撮影した雪の結晶の写真まとめ(ちょっと気持ち悪いかも)
アイスランドの噴火関連の画像が「世界の終焉のようだ」と話題に 1 名前: ちくわ(北海道):2010/04/19(月) 04:34:28.85 ID:rwKUwFNQ● ?PLT 海外サイトのソース群↓ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1267018/Iceland-volcano-Amazing-pictures-apocalpyse- like-scene-sky-immersed-black-fog.html http://world.caledonianmercury.com/2010/04/18/wish-you-were-here-that-volcano-from-icelands- perspective/00701 http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/danielhannan/10003489
This summer, Glacier Park Magazine editor Chris Peterson undertook a photographic project to take photos of Montana's Glacier National Park over 100 consecutive days, starting on May 1, 2009, for a traveling photo show in 2010 to commemorate Glacier's Centennial. He used a mix of film and digital cameras, including an 8 by 10 field camera, a Kodak Pocket Vest camera, circa 1909, and a Speed Graphi
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for designers to look at things differently. We all know that a tree doesn't always have green leaves, water is not blue and clouds are certainly not always white and puffy. As designers, we need to know to look beyond the obvious when looking at things. Cloud formations such as mammatus or lenticular among others, are perfect examples of how intricat