先日Apple CEOを辞任したジョブズ氏、長いながぁーいApple時代でたくさんの名言を残してますよ。こういう発言がジョブズ氏がジョブズ氏たる所以なのでしょうね。 【Appleに関して】 「素晴らしいアイディアを盗むことに、我々は恥を感じてはこなかった。」1996年:PBS Documentary, Triumph of the Nerds
As we kick off the New Year, leaders, entrepreneurs and business owners are looking for new and innovative ways to grow their brands. Who better to turn to than one of the most innovative leaders of our time—Apple CEO Steve Jobs? Through first-person interviews with Apple employees, experts, and analysts, as well as Steve Jobs’ own words over the past thirty years, I discovered that there are 7 p
When I heard that Steve Jobs has taken a medical leave of absence from Apple, I thought about the role passion has played throughout his life and what passion means to today’s leaders. Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 after a 12-year absence from the company he had founded. Apple was close to bankruptcy at the time. Over the next decade Jobs not only revitalized the company, but turned it into
There are no cashiers at the Apple Store. There are specialists, creatives—even geniuses—but no cashiers. There are no sales people at the Apple Store, either. There are consultants, concierges, experts, and personal shoppers—but no sales people. Interestingly, although Apple’s retail stores have no commissioned sales staff, they generate more revenue per square foot than most other widely rec
【ジョブズ半生記 Vol.7】Appleに復帰! iPodにiPad、iPhoneが登場。病気と戦いながらもジョブズ節を発揮!2011.01.21 15:005,752 1997年「ギルはジョブズにめちゃくちゃやられるだろうね。ギルの鼓膜は破れるよ。」とは、元Apple社員(匿名)がジョブズ復帰について米ニューヨーカー誌にコメントしたもの。このコメント通り、ジョブズはさっさとギル・アメリオを追い出し自身が暫定CEOに就任する。 ジョブズのコメント 「Appleを救うために必要なのはコスト削減ではない。必要なのはこの窮地に立たされた現状を革新することだ。」 ジョブズはDellのコンピューターのことを面白みのないただのベージュの箱と揶揄。マイケル・デルはこれに対して、自分がAppleの経営者なら株主にきちんと配当を渡す事ができるのに、と応戦。 ジョナサン・アイブが入社。 Appleのデザイン新