
ブックマーク / blog.x.com (10)

  • Twitterスケールでの弾力的な広告配信

    今回はTwitter技術面のお話です。Twitterの広告サービスの裏にあるシステムをご紹介します。 人気のイベントやニュース速報、そのほか世界のどこかで事件が起こると、何億もの人々が Twitter を訪れ、大量のトラッフィクが発生します。ほとんどの場合これは予測不可能です。広告主の方々は、それぞれがターゲットとする利用者の方々にリーチするために、このような機会に迅速に反応します。その結果として、Twitter の広告の需要が急増します。このように変動する環境の中で収益を生む Twitter の広告配信システムは、広告のマッチング、スコア付け、そして配信を、巨大な規模で実現しています。私たちの広告配信システムの目標は、負荷が急上昇した時にも Twitter スケールのクエリをスムーズに処理し、すべてのクエリに対して最適な広告を見つけ出し、コンピューティングリソース使用量を常に最適なレベ

    pcod 2016/04/07
  • Introducing Curator, a new way to find and display great Twitter content

    Introducing Curator, a new way to find and display great Twitter content Whether it’s Fashion Week, the Cricket World Cup or a TV show finale, surfacing great Twitter content in key moments is a powerful catalyst for engaging audiences and igniting conversations. Now we’re making it easier than ever to find and display the most relevant Twitter and Vine content with a new tool called Curator. Cura

    Introducing Curator, a new way to find and display great Twitter content
    pcod 2015/04/01
  • Building a complete Tweet index

    Today, we are pleased to announce that Twitter now indexes every public Tweet since 2006. Since that first simple Tweet over eight years ago, hundreds of billions of Tweets have captured everyday human experiences and major historical events. Our search engine excelled at surfacing breaking news and events in real time, and our search index infrastructure reflected this strong emphasis on recency.

    Building a complete Tweet index
    pcod 2014/11/19
  • Twitter #DataGrants selections

    In February, we introduced the Twitter #DataGrants pilot program, with the goal of giving a handful of research institutions access to Twitter’s public and historical data. We are thrilled with the response from the research community — we received more than 1,300 proposals from more than 60 different countries, with more than half of the proposals coming from outside the U.S. After reviewing all

    Twitter #DataGrants selections
    pcod 2014/04/18
  • Photos just got more social

    We’re rolling out two new mobile features that make photos on Twitter more social. One is photo tagging, which lets you tag the people in your photo; the other is the ability to include up to four photos in a Tweet. Tag up to 10 people in a photo Tagging people in a picture makes conversations around photos fun and easy. And tagging doesn’t affect character count in the Tweet — you can tag up to 1

    Photos just got more social
    pcod 2014/03/27
  • New ways to search on Twitter

    We’re updating our iOS and Android apps to make it easier to discover what’s happening on Twitter. New filters in search help you quickly find exactly the Tweets and people you’re looking for. And now you have the option to view all Tweets –– simply toggle between top Tweets and all Tweets at the top of your search results. Use new search filters to find exactly what you’re looking for. If you wan

    New ways to search on Twitter
    pcod 2013/11/21
  • Custom timelines in TweetDeck

    Starting today, we are introducing the ability to create custom timelines in TweetDeck. Custom timelines, which were just announced, are a new type of timeline that you control by selecting the Tweets you want to include. In this post, we’ll describe everything you need to know to create and share custom timelines. Here’s a quick overview: create a new custom timeline column to get started add Twe

    Custom timelines in TweetDeck
    pcod 2013/11/13
    togetterが公式サポートされた in TweetDeck
  • Stay in the know

    We’ve started rolling out a new notification that recommends interesting accounts and Tweets for you. If you’re like me, you occasionally feel like you’re missing out on some of the day’s great Tweets, or that you’re the last to find out when someone awesome joins Twitter. We wanted to tackle that problem. With this new feature, you’ll receive personalized recommendations when multiple people in y

    Stay in the know
    pcod 2013/09/25
    .@MagicRecs 基本機能としてリリースされそう
  • Visualizing Twitter

    Did someone say … cookies? X and its partners use cookies to provide you with a better, safer and faster service and to support our business. Some cookies are necessary to use our services, improve our services, and make sure they work properly. Show more about your choices.

    Visualizing Twitter
  • Twitter Web Traffic Around the World

    Click image to see bigger graph Twitter’s traffic comes from SMS, Instant Message, Mobile Web, and all those wonderful API projects out there. However, we also have good old-fashioned web traffic. 60% of our web traffic comes from outside the United States and this chart shows the top ten non-US sources. Update: Remember this is just web traffic. It doesn’t include any of the other popular ways th

    Twitter Web Traffic Around the World
    pcod 2008/02/22
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